HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-02 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes May 2, 2012 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER –REGULAR MEETING, 6:00 pm Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink,Tom Giordano, Ally Phelps(arrived late),Sam Historic Commissioners Present: Whitford,Allison Renwick,TerrySkibby, Victoria Law Kerry Kencairn (u), Tom Giordano (e), Commission Members Absent: Greg Lemhouse, absent Council Liaison: None Appointed High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: Planner: Amy Gunter;Clerk: Billie Boswell Staff Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Swinkmoved to approve the April 4, 2012minutes.The motion was seconded by Chairman Shostrom and was approved unanimously. Chairman Shostrom welcomed new Historic Commissioner, Victoria Law. No one in the audience wished to speak. PUBLIC FORUM: COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Ms. Boswell read an email from Mr. Lemhouse regardingupkeep and landscaping of Plaza and future plans for a re-design. PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING ACTION: 2012-00434 A. SUBJECT PROPERTY:843 B Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Chris and Molly Holzshu DESCRIPTION: A request for a Site Review approval to construct a 492 square foot Accessory Residential Unit above a two vehicle garage adjacent to the alley for the property located at 843 B Street. Residential units less than 500 square feet in size are considered Accessory Residential Units according to Ashland Municipal Code 18.24.040 Ms.Gunter explained that residential units had been added without the proper permits. The applicants are requesting to remove the back structure and to add an ARU and a garage. Staff has no concerns. Mark Knox and Charlie Hamilton, representing the applicants, commented on their desire to convert the main house back to a single family residence and replace the non-conforming structure with a garage with an ARU on top. There beingno one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. The Commissioners liked the design but felt the windows should be plain, non-divided light, double hung style to match the main house. Mr. Whitford made a motion to recommend approval of the project with the recommendation that double-hung, single pane windows be used. Mr. Swink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 7/10/2012 PLANNING ACTION: 2012-00440 B. SUBJECT PROPERTY:27 N Main OWNER/APPLICANT: Mark McKechnie DESCRIPTION: A request for a Site Review approval to modify the stairwell damaged by a fire through a relocation of the existing stair landing for the property located at 27 North Main. The Site Review is triggered by the exterior modification to the building resulting from the stair landing relocation, not by the structural repairs of the fire damage. Ms. Gunter explained the trim will be required to match the original building and the handrails will end at the bottom of the stairs without wrapping around to the outside of the building. The awning would also be shortened so that it doesn’t extend over the stairs. There was no owner or representative present and there was no one in the audience wishing to speak. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Skibby made a motion to recommend approval of the project as presented by staff. Mr. Swink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PLANNING ACTION:2012-0265 C. APPLICANT: Ashland Food Cooperative LOCATION: C-1-& C-1-D-zoned portions of the Historic Interest Area REQUEST: A proposal to amend the Ashland Municipal Code as it relates to drive-up uses in Commercial districts. Drive-up uses are currently a special permitted use in the C-1 zoning district, but only in the area east of a line drawn perpendicular to Ashland Street at the intersection of Ashland Street and Siskiyou Boulevard. Drive-up uses are currently explicitly prohibited in the Historic Interest Area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to provide exception language which would apply only to existing drive-up uses within the Historic Interest Area and would allow them to relocate to a new site elsewhere within the Historic Interest Area provided that they are located predominantly underground or otherwise screenedfrom view from the public right- of-way. Chairman Shostrom asked if there were any conflicts of interest or exparte contacts. Ms. Law recused herself. Ms. Gunter explained that the planner, Derek Severson, incorporated previous concerns and recommendations of the Historic Commission such as a definition of underground, ventilation, ingress & egress to streets or alleys, visibility and safety, and special permitted use. Planner, Mark Knox and Richard Katz, general manager of Ashland Co-op discussed why they are asking for this Code Change which is to allow better use of the Bank properties, such as Wells Fargo and Chase, in the historic downtown area. The original restrictions on drive ups were based on air quality and vehicle centric use. But with thedesign of the buildings as done in the late 50’s through the 70’s, they are incompatible with the historic downtown architecture and usage is limited. They are asking that those buildings with existing drive-upsbe able to re-locate or re-build creating a drive-up that is underground and screened from view from the public right-of-way. Mr. Knox pointed out an omission in the packet document on section 18.32.025 E.2.a. It should have “redevelop onsite or” relocate to another site in the verbiage. Mr. Knox pointed out there were only 4 drive-ups in the Historic District. There was discussion regarding “predominately screened”. There being no further questions of the applicants and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Ms. Renwick made a motion to recommend supporting the proposed amendment with the addition of more detailed performance standards which would be considered as part of the Site Review process including the proposed language which allowed for relocation and redevelopment when compliant with the new standards. Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 7/10/2012 DISCUSSION ITEMS: A.Unified Land Use Code Kick-off Presentation–Maria Harris, Ashland Long Range Planner. The original Land Use Code was adopted in 1964 and has been amended many times, plus additional documents have been added such as the Site Design Standards, Street Standards, Trees, etc.City Council made it a goal that the document be consistent, concise and user-friendly. Ms. Harris is seeking recommendations and input from the advisory commissions of those things that need to be clarified and reorganized. She said the rewrite would be done on a 12-month timeline using the State code as a framework. Public involvement would include public meetings, a newsletter, Open City Hall (web), and a Project website. The Planning Commission suggested targeted meeting instead of general open houses. : OLDBUSINESS A.Review Board Schedule May 3Terry, Keith,Allison rd May 10Terry, Ally, Sam th May 17Terry, Tom,Ally th May 24Terry, Dale, Kerry th May 31Terry, Allison, Victoria st June 7Terry, Keith, Ally th B. Project Assignments for Planning Actions BD-2007-01764160 Helman (Batzer-Comm Bldgs) {Shostrom/Giordano Recession Extension approved)} PA-2007-01939175 Lithia Wy (formerly 165 Lithia) Renwick Archerd & Dresner-Mixed Use Bldg – (Expired 7/25/10) BD-2011-00855165 W Fork –New SFR ) Swink/Shostrom on hillside (new owner-Suncrest Hms (under construction) BD-2011-00436426 A St (Sidney Brown) Mixed Use Bldg Giordano (permit issued 5-18-11)) PA-2009-00785255 E Main (Ashland Elks) Balcony on rear ( Swink No permit yet; expired 8/27/10.) PA-2010-00069175 N Pioneer (Deli) Shostrom Terrell (Previous owner taking back ownership & fixing) BD-2011-01029400 Allison (Robin Biermann) New SFR Whitford/Renwick (Ready to issue) BD-2011-00820156 Seventh (Annie McIntyre) Renwick (Issued 7-12-11) BD-2011-00368928 C St (92 Eighth St)(Charter) ARU Swink (issued7-11-11)) BD-2011-01059260 First St (Syken) house to retail sales Phelps (appealed-bldg permit issued 8-25-11) PA-2011-00244485 A St (Hoxmeier) enclosed porch & food truck Giordano (no permit) BD-2011-01079134 Terrace (Allman) New SFR Whitford (issued 2-17-12) BD-2011-0062189 Oak St (Amorotico) New façade on buildingShostrom (under construction) BD-2011-0080266 Scenic (Forsyth) Solar Variance Phelps (issued 7-15-11) PL-2011-01781191 Oak St (Cycle Sport) Site Design for enlarging garageKencairn (issued 1-31-12) PL-2011-01656181 Morse (Malms) CUP to exceed MPFA for ARUFisher PL-2012-00434843 B St (Holzshu) ARURenwick PL-2012-0044027 N Main (McKechnie) Comm Site ReviewShostrom C.Attendance Report –Ms. Gunter discussed the issues that were coming up in regards to absences and Commissioners losing their positions. Management is still discussing. D.Historic Preservation Week –begins May 12. All events are organized and ready. th ADJOURNMENT: It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 7/10/2012