HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-07-03 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes July3, 2012 Community Development/Engineering Services Building –51 Winburn Way –Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER –REGULAR MEETING, 6:07pm Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink,Tom Giordano, Ally Phelps,Sam Whitford,Allison Historic Commissioners Present: Renwick,TerrySkibby, Victoria Law, Kerry Kencairn Commission Members Absent: Greg Lemhouse, absent Council Liaison: None Appointed High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: Planner: Amy Gunter;Clerk: Billie Boswell Staff Present: Theminutes of the May 2, 2012 Historic Commission meeting were reviewed APPROVAL OF MINUTES: . Mr. Whitford made a motion to approve them. Mr. Swink seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. No one in the audience wished to speak.(Melanie Smith came into the meeting later and Public PUBLIC FORUM: Forum was reopened after the public hearing concluded). COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: None PUBLIC HEARING: PA-2012-00740 PLANNING ACTION: 160 Lithia Way SUBJECT PROPERTY: DRRAM L.L.C. (Doug & Dionne Irvine) APPLICANT: A request for Site Review and Conditional Use Permit approval to construct a new 13,800 DESCRIPTION: square foot, three-story mixed-use building in the vacant, private parking lot located at 160 Lithia Way. The proposed building will consist of commercial restaurant space on the ground floor, five hotel units on the second floor, and five residential apartments on the third floor. The application also includes requests for a Conditional Use Permit to exceed 40 feet in height in order to provide architectural relief in the façade, an Exception to the Site Design & Use Standards with regard to plaza space requirements, and a Tree Removal Permit to remove ten trees greater than six-inches in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.). Downtown Commercial; C-1-D; 39 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:ZONING:ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 1E 09 BA; 10800 TAX LOT #: Ms.Gunter reviewedthe proposaland the Commission’s concerns from the PreApp meetingincluding defining the pedestrian area.It would be a mixed use building with the same footprint as originally submitted. Mark Knox, planner, and architect, Ray Kistler explainedhow the pedestrian area would be incorporated. They also went over the façade materials and pointed out that the parapet would be 6’ above the max building height. They said the owner preferred brick for the column bases and planned on using wood-clad windows. Kitchens are planned for the residential units but the details weren’t yet done.There being no further questions and no one in the audience to speak, the public hearing was closed. The Commissionersliked the design and felt it would finish off theblock nicely. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 9/11/2012 Mr. Whitford made a motion to recommend approval of the project as presented. Mr. Swink seconded the motion. Chairman Shostrom called for discussion on whether or notto add a condition thatthe applicant be required to return to the full Commission to present a materials board and more specifically call out the details of the brick, fenestrations, colors,mullions, and other specifics of the cornices, bases, etc. to meet the requirements of the Site Design and Use Standardsprior to submitting for the building permit. There was discussion about what level of detail should be required and when it should be submitted. There was consensus that the Staff advisor would make sure the building plans met compliance and they would be reviewedby the Historic Review Board prior to issuance. The motion was restated to recommend approval of the proposed plans with the following recommendations: 1)That the building permit submittals shall demonstrate material and relief compliance with section II-C-2d of the Site Design and Use Standards for the brick, fenestrations and mullion details including the width, depth and size of materials for the cornices, columns, bases, arches etc. for review and approval of the Staff Advisor and the Historic Commission Review Board. 2)That brick shall be used for the column base and not stone or stucco. 3) Exterior lighting details demonstrating compliance with the Site Design and Use Standards and shall be designed in a manner which does not produce direct illumination onto the street. 4)That a material board shall be provided for review and approval by the Staff Advisor and the Historic Commission Review Board. The motion passed unanimously. Melanie Smith of Star Sushi explained to the Commissioners that they are in the process of PUBLIC FORUM: adding a Type 1 kitchen hood in the back of the building at 293East Main. She reviewed with them the various options they had for venting and felt coming out the back wall under the upper deck was their best option. Mr. Skibby was concerned about smoke and fumes blowing back into the windows. Ms. Smith commented that access for cleaning the vent was also necessary. The majority of the Commissioners agreed to the plan. : OLDBUSINESS A.Review Board Schedule July 5Terry, Keith,Kerry th July 12Terry, Allison, Victoria th July 19Terry, Dale,Ally th July 26Terry, Tom,Sam th August 2Terry, Kerry nd August9Terry, Keith, Sam th Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 9/11/2012 B. Project Assignments for Planning Actions BD-2011-00436426 A St (Sidney Brown) Mixed Use Bldg Giordano (permit issued 5-18-11)) BD-2011-01029400 Allison (Robin Biermann) New SFR Whitford/Renwick (Ready to issue) BD-2011-01079134 Terrace (Allman) New SFR Whitford (issued 2-17-12) BD-2011-0062189 Oak St (Amorotico) New façade on building Shostrom (under construction) PL-2012-00434843 B St (Holzshu) ARURenwick PL-2012-0044027 N Main (McKechnie) Comm Site ReviewShostrom Ashland Historic Plaza –Ms. Gunter gave a summary of the public meetings where the 3 design DISCUSSION: options were presented. There was consensus to enlarge the hardscapewith a radial design paving (colored)and create a stage area with curved, low wall seating. The Commissioners liked the designs and supported the changes as long as the Plaza Fountain, “Iron Mike”, Lithia Water fountainand other historic features were retained. Mr. Skibby spoke of multiple redesigns of the plaza over the past 100 years as the uses changed and the facilities were improved to meet the needs of the public.Ms. Law suggested a series of plaques placed along the low wall outlining the history of Ashland. The Commissioners were very supportive of that idea. ADJOURNMENT: It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8:00p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 9/11/2012