HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-0709 Tree MINUTES ASHLAND TREE COMMISSION MINUTES July 9, 2009 CALL TO ORDER –Chair John Rinaldi called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on July 9, 2009 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR. Commissioners Present Council Liaison  John Rinaldi Jr. Kate Jackson  Zane Jones   Casey Roland Staff Present   Amy Gunter, Assistant Planner   Anne Rich, Parks Department      APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 4, 2009 Tree Commission Minutes – Jones / Rinaldi m/s to approve the minutes of June 4, 2009. Voice vote: all AYES, Motion passed. The minutes were approved as submitted. WELCOME GUESTS None TYPE I REVIEW PLANNING ACTIONS: 2009-00662 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: 155-157 Sixth Street APPLICANT: Allison Renwick DESCRIPTION: A request for Conditional Use Permit approval to exceed the Maximum Permitted Floor Area within the Railroad Addition Historic District and a modification of a previous Site Review approval (PA #2005-968) to construct a 279 square foot addition to an existing residence, constructed in 2006, at 155-157 Sixth Street. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09 AC; TAX LOT: 3300 Site Visits: Jones / Rinaldi / no ex parte Amy gave the staff report. The Tree Commission discussed the need for Tree Protection fencing for the Maple tree nearest the main house. Since a staging area for construction was not identified, the commission assumed that it would be in the parking spaces off of the alley. Recommendation: That the maple tree near the parking space for the primary residence shall be protected throughout the duration of the project. PLANNING ACTION: 2009-00819 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: 332 Patterson APPLICANT: Jeannette Robertson DESCRIPTI ON: A request for Tree Removal Permit approval to remove two large Poplar Trees on a vacant lot located at 332 Patterson St. An Arborist has determined that the trees are hazardous. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-5; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 04 DC; TAX LOT: 1500 Site Visits: All / no exparte Amy gave the Staff Report. The commission had a short discussion about the tree with the large cavity and whether they concurred with the Arborist assessment that the tree is hazardous. They all agreed it met the definition of a hazard tree. RECOMMENDATION: That the two trees removed shall be mitigated for with two deciduous trees which will achieve similar stature at maturity as those removed. That the mitigation shall occur on-site as street trees or on another property owned by the applicant within 180 days of this approval. The mitigation tree selection and location shall be approved by the Staff Advisor prior to planting. PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTIONS: 2009-00551 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 426 A Street APPLICANT: Louis Plummer & Sidney Brown DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review approval to construct a 3,992 square foot two-story mixed use building for the property located at 426 A Street. Also included are requests for a Mixed Use Parking Credit, a Variance to the parking requirements, an Exception to Street Standards, and a Tree Removal Permit to remove five trees. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09 AB; TAX LOT: 6507 Site Visits: Rinaldi / Jones: No ex parte Amy gave the staff report. Applicant: Chris Brown, Architect; Louis Plummer and Sydney Brown, Property Owners; and Greg Covey, Covey Pardee, Landscape Architecture we on-hand to discuss the proposal. The project goals are to be LEED Gold certified and that the entire project design and concept centered around the preservation of the two large conifer trees near the northwest corner of the site. Greg Covey stated that though they are taking all possible steps to protect the trees they cannot ensure they will survive. The project Arborist will be on-call during all excavation, utility installation and re-routing and during the installation of the plaza. Commissioner Jones asked about the demolition and how they will protect the trees at that time since the existing structure is so close to the trees. The applicants felt they have contracted with a very conscientious contractor and they will work on the site during the demolition from front to back. The applicant further explained that the Tree Protection fencing around the dripline of the trees will not be possible so they plan to install around the park row for the full length of the park row. RECOMMENDATIONS: That all underground utility installation / removal shall be implemented using the least invasive measures, e.g. air space, directional boring, or hand digging within the Tree Protection zones. That the project arborist shall be retained throughout the duration of the project. That the recommendations of the project arborist shall be implemented throughout the duration of the project. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Liaison Reports: Council: Council Vision Values and Goals: City Councilor, Kate Jackson, present the Tree Commission with the slide show pertaining to the City Councils vision statement, values and goals for the upcoming year. Each commission has been asked to provide the Council with feedback on the goals, values and vision and rank them in order of importance. Parks: Concerns were brought to Anne Rich that the trees on the old city parking lot on Lithia Way between 150 & 180 are not being maintained and are beginning to show signs of stress. Anne was wondering if someone could contact the new property owner to turn the irrigation back on. Additionally, Anne was concerned about the choice of a street tree on Lithia Way. There is an oak in the street tree well at 180 Lithia Way and it is already large and will soon be much too large for the space. Amy will look at the approved landscaping plans to verify they planted what was approved and contact the property owner to discuss the irrigation issue to the trees. Tree Commission: Since this is Commissioner Rinaldi’s last meeting the Tree Commission will need to discuss changes to the chairperson position as well as to the Croman Advisory Committee Meeting. Since some of the Commissioners were not at the meeting it was decided that Zane would be Chair, he and Bobby will discuss options for Co-Chairing. Zane also agreed to attend the Croman Advisory Committee. He is not looking to take on too many more meetings for the long term, but this committee is not projected to be longer than end of the year. Tree Commission Brochure: The Commission thought the brochure was great and that outreach language should be added at the end of the document. Dave Wood: Electric Division came and spoke to the Commission about the challenges and the rewards of his job. He also spoke about a reoccurring issue the Electric Division encounters, landscaping too close to the transformers and vault boxes. Dave said that most property owners he encounters are thankful he is doing the work he is and not many get upset. Mostly its educational for the property owners as Dave has an opportunity to discuss ‘right tree, right place’. Current Balance - $ 750.00 ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Rinaldi adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM. Respectfully submitted by Amy Gunter, Assistant Planner