HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-1008 Tree MINUTES ASHLAND TREE COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, 2009 CALL TO ORDER – Co-Chair Zane Jones called the Ashland Tree Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. on October 8, 2009 in the Siskiyou Room in the Community Development and Engineering Services Building located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR. Commissioners Present Council Liaison  Zane Jones Kate Jackson  Bobby Townsend   Casey Roland Staff Present  Russ Neff Amy Gunter, Assistant Planner  Kerry KenCairn Anne Rich, Parks Department      APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 3, 2009 Tree Commission Minutes – Neff / KenCairn m/s to approve the minutes of September 3, 2009. Voice vote: all AYES, Motion passed. The minutes were approved as submitted. WELCOME GUESTS None TYPE I REVIEW PLANNING ACTION: 2009-00257 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: City of Ashland Municipal Airport property APPLICANT: City of Ashland DESCRIPTION: A request for a Tree Removal Permit approval for the property located at the Ashland Municipal Airport. Four trees are proposed for removal as they encroach into the approach zone for aircraft landing and were addressed as a safety concern by the Oregon Department of Aviation (ODA) report. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 12 C; TAX LOTS: 2001 Site Visits: Neff, Townsend, Jones: No ex parte Amy gave the staff report. Applicant: None RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Recommend retention of root-ball for soil stability and either spot burning or mulching with six (6) inches of chips to prevent re-growth. PLANNING ACTION: 2009-00726 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: 720 Grandview Drive APPLICANT: McDonald, Lynn & Bill DESCRIPTION: A request for a modification of a previously approved Physical and Environmental Constraints Review Permit (PA #2006-01784) for the property located at 720 Grandview Drive. The original approval was for development in the Wrights Creek Floodplain and Riparian Preservation Lands for the improvement of a portion of an existing driveway, re-grading the transition of the driveway to Grandview Drive, the installation a private storm drain and the extension of utilities to serve a new single-family residence. The proposed modification involves alterations to the approval to accommodate changes in vehicular access. A request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove two dead poplar trees as “hazard trees” is also included. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-10; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 05 CD; TAX LOT: 500 Site Visits: Neff, Townsend, Jones: No ex parte Commissioner Jones explained that when he was on site the neighbor that lives to the south asked about the trees on their property and if they would be protected. He felt that the communication would not bias his decision. Commissioner KenCairn recused herself from the discussion as she was the contracted Landscape Architect on the project. Applicant: None Public Comment: Bonnie Broderson: 635 Wrights Creek Drive; Ms. Broderson owns taxlot411. According to Ms. Broderson in the V area where the large Ponderosa pine sits, a tributary of Wright’s Creek daylights. The tree is important to Ms. Broderson for aesthetic reasons and its artistically important to the Grandview Drive neighborhood. That tree is a city owned tree and one of the variability’s for its survival is moisture. How will the tree survive if you pave over its moisture sources? Those trees are habitat for hawk, turkey, eagle and this tree has woodpecker and a family of quail. They all use the riparian area. The construction of this home will destroy the neighborhood. It flooded in 1997, a FEMA representative visited and its important that the system be maintained. If they can’t guarantee the trees survival they must compensate if it dies. Commission Discussion: Commissioner Roland explained that in his professional knowledge and experience Ponderosa pines handle construction and compaction better when the traffic is concentrated closer to the trunk where the stabilizing roots are located and not when the traffic and compaction occurs on the outer roots which are the smaller, feeder roots. Additionally, Commissioner Roland stated that he has never seen a recommendation from the project arborist, Tom Meyers that he did not support. Commissioner Jones expressed confusion over why the applicant was not going to be permitted to utilize the existing driveway surface crossing tax lot 411 and that to use that drive surface would eliminate any need for a driveway under the pine. Amy explained that tax lot 411 was owned by Ms. Broderson and that was not what the application entailed so the commission could only address the proposal before them. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Install Tree Protection fencing along South property line where proposed driveway is adjacent to the trees on the neighboring property directly South. 2) Measures outlines in narrative of Tree Protection and Preservation Plan shall be implemented during excavation and construction of the driveway near south property line at location of neighbor’s shed to where driveway turns back north. 3) That the Ponderosa pine tree within public right-of-way shall be pruned prior to site work to provide adequate vehicular clearance (13’ 6” above drive surface) 4) That a paver system, cold mix asphalt / concrete mix, gravel or similar material shall be used under the dripline of the Ponderosa pine where the driveway encroaches into dripline area. 5) That the driveway shall be installed at surface grade within the dripline of the Ponderosa pine. PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTIONS: 2009-01051 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 514 Granite Street APPLICANT: Ron Rusnak & Lisa Zingarelli-Rusnak DESCRIPTION: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to reconstruct an existing non-conforming structure for the property located at 514 Granite Street. A Conditional Use Permit is required because the existing lot coverage (impervious surfaces of the existing home, driveway and sidewalks) exceed the seven percent coverage allowed in the zoning district. With the proposal, overall lot coverage on the site is to be reduced by 23 square feet. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Woodland Residential; ZONING: WR; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 17 AA; TAX LOT: 1105 Site Visits: Townsend, Neff, Jones, KenCairn: Commissioner Roland recused himself from the discussion as he has worked on the property in the recent past. No ex parte Amy gave the staff report. Applicant: None Commission Discussion: Tree #2 on site is dead. A short discussion on whether tree protection should be provided for tree #1 but based on the slope of the parcel and that it was away from the construction staging area it was agreed that it was not necessary. The commission had no recommendations. DISSICUSSION ITEMS Ashland Municipal Code, Tree Protection and Preservation: 18.61: Commissioner Jones submitted his comments regarding how the City of Ashland can request Tree Protection for projects that have not gone through a planning action for the other commissioner’s to review. Commissioner Jones is suggesting that the applicant signs off on a ‘suggested tree protection’ plan stating that they have read the recommendations before the permit are issued. Following construction potentially, the Tree Commission could meet with some of these owners when construction is complete to assess their approach and the impacts. The plan should include identifying trees to be protected, demarcating their driplines, and posting a sign during the duration of construction. A warning regarding the dangers of root damage from compaction, excavation or trenching should be provided. A the form or handout could request that property owners consult a certified arborist about any concerns they may have concerning their trees. The other Commissioners agreed that the information would be helpful and that it could be provided on a three-fold brochure. Commissioner Roland also wrote language that could be complied into an informative handout or could be used as the language for the flyer / document the City of Ashland has property owners sign when performing construction that includes excavation or trenching. Tree Walk Report: The tree walk went well, the weather was nice. 10 people attended – no one from the public that attended brought the food for the food bank that was requested. That message needs to be more clear so that we get the food for participation. Spring Identification or a pruning clinic are some ideas for the next ‘tree walk’. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Liaison Reports: Council: Kate Jackson, Council Liaison: The first reading of the Riparian Ordinance is on the November 17, 2009 City Council Agenda for first reading. Parks: Anne Rich: Motif, when they poured the concrete it appears like they poured into the tree well leaving about a two-foot space. What happened to the Public Works project regarding installation of tree grates in the downtown? Who maintains the trees downtown? Parks trims but is that what they are supposed to do or is it like sidewalks and it’s the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. The tree in front of EcoNectar Boutique was poisoned – who will replant? Croman Advisory Committee Meeting (CAC): Kerry KenCairn: No September meeting to report. Current Balance - $ 600.00 ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Jones adjourned the meeting at 8:05 PM. Respectfully submitted by Amy Gunter, Assistant Planner