HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-02 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July 2, 2003 CALL TO ORDER At 7:05 p.m., Chairperson Dale Shostrom called the meeting to order in the Siskiyou Room, located in the Community Development/Engineering Services Building at 51 Winburn Way. In addition to Shostrom, members present were Terry Skibby, Alex Krach, Jay Leighton, Tom Giordano, Joanne Krippaehne, Rob Saladoff and Sam Whitford. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox, Council Liaison John Morrison and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Keith Chambers was unable to attend. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the May 7, 2003 were approved as submitted by general consensus. (The June 4, 2003 meeting was cancelled.) PUBLIC HEARING Planning Action 2003-074 Conditional Use Permit 253 Almond Street Judy Patterson Knox reported this application is being requested to allow for the expansion of an existing non-conforming garage. Because the proposed expansion is in the area of non-conformance, it is subject to a planning action. The garage will be increased by 2½ feet toward Almond Street and 2 feet toward the house. Medinger Construction, representing the applicant, has been to the Review Board for comments. Staff sees no effect on the historic integrity of the property so approval is recommended. Shostrom opened the public hearing. Leighton asked if the rock wall would have to be moved and owner Judy Patterson responded it would. A short section of the wall will need to be removed in order to maintain the new line of the garage. After discussing this, the Commission agreed it would like to see the rock portion rebuilt. Giordano moved to recommend approval of this proposal with a strong suggestion that the rock portion of the retaining wall be relocated adjacent to where it is currently situated. Leighton amended the motion to include the new concrete wall portion match the existing concrete portion in texture and color. Krippaehne seconded the motion and amendment. The motion, as amended, was unanimously approved. Planning Action 2003-068 Conditional Use Permit “Skating Rink” parking lot on Winburn Way Janet Boucher This application, Knox explained, is being requested in order for the Lithia Farmers Market to operate 40 booths in the Winburn Way/Nutley Street parking lot on Tuesday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (which includes set up and break down times). In addition to the 26 spaces in the lot, he stated the applicant also requests that the vendors be permitted to use 20 parking spaces on Winburn Way during this time. The Market plans to operate on Tuesday mornings from April to October. Staff does not feel there is a parking impact relating to the rink in the winter, however, the area is much busier in the summer. Staff also thinks there will be a positive impact in bringing Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1 July 2, 2003 the Market back to the Downtown area. Knox stated that while there are issues that need to be resolved, they relate more to the Planning Commission than the Historic Commission. Since most of the concerns being voiced are in regard to the loss of parking, Staff is looking at moving the vendor parking towards the Upper Duck Pond area. Knox noted the Parks Commission approved this application pending Planning Commission approval. Shostrom opened the public hearing. Whitford asked if the reserved 20 parking spaces on Winburn Way would be for the vendors or the customers. Applicant Janet Boucher explained half of the vendors would be able to sell out of their vehicles in the parking lot; the rest would need a place to park. Whitford moved to recommend the Planning Commission approve this application and Leighton seconded the motion, which passed with a unanimous vote. The Commission agreed it would be good to have the Market back Downtown. OLD BUSINESS Review Board – Following is the July schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: rd July 3 Skibby, Krippaehne and Giordano th July 10 Skibby, Giordano and Whitford th July 17 Skibby and Saladoff th July 24 Skibby, Krach and Shostrom st July 31 Skibby, Leighton and Whitford Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA #2000-120 485 “A” Street (Steve Hoxmeier) Shostrom PA #2002-075 SE Corner of “A” & Pioneer Streets (Alan Sandler) Saladoff PA #2002-094 340 Oak Street (“A” Street Marketplace) Saladoff PA #2002-100 142 East Main Street (Earthly Goods) Leighton PA #2002-125 44 North Second Street (Trinity Episcopal Church) Skibby PA #2002-127 NW Corner North Main & Maple Streets Intersection (ACHF) Krippaehne PA #2003-005 35 S. Second Street (Winchester Inn) Krippaehne PA #2003-035 665 East Main Street (Kirk McAllister) Shostrom PA #2003-045 230/232 VanNess Avenue (Serin Eggling/Sherri Morgan) Leighton PA #2003-074 253 Almond Street (Judy Patterson) Whitford National Historic Preservation Week (May 5-12) – In discussing the events, the Commission felt that overall, they were successful. There was a good response to all the tours and there was a good turnout for the award ceremony. It wouldn’t hurt, however, to get an earlier start on the preparation for next year’s events. Carnegie Library Restoration – Skibby stated that although it was not officially announced, he heard Mayor DeBoer would like to formally close the library project, then proceed with finishing the fascia and cornice work under a different contract. Morrison will talk with DeBoer about this. House Size Limitation in the Historic Districts – Knox discussed the Study Session the Historic Commission had with the Planning Commission on June 24. He noted that of all the letters coming in, at least 60% of the people are writing in support of the limitation. It is difficult to say what the remaining 40% are opposing – some people don’t like change and some are just against any type of regulation. Since staff recognizes the need to have a mechanism to allow for some expansion, it is felt a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) would encompass the need. Knox said he Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 2 July 2, 2003 anticipates there will be a public hearing before the Historic and Planning Commissions in August, so it should go to the City Council in September. Saladoff stated more specifics should accompany the information about the limitation. People will also want to know on what basis they can apply for a CUP so new and future owners will not be penalized. Knox related the ordinance does not affect zoning unless the size goes over the mass and scale. He also stressed it is not a preservation ordinance. It will control mass and scale to a certain extent, but it is very flexible. There seems to be quite a bit of misunderstanding right now about the ordinance. In general, Knox said it will do what it is designed to do. Saladoff added it should also be clear what counts for square footage. He then noted the opponents to the ordinance talked about trends over time, with the belief that what is built now would be significant in 50 years. Knox declared, however, that we could run out of historic resources. Morrison informed the Commission that he is on record of supporting the ordinance and that of all the mail/e-mail he has received on this, 75% is running in favor of adoption. There are two factors to note – the philosophical aspect and the fear of the unknown. He explained that in order to make people understand the ordinance, they will need to see concrete examples. The ordinance will provide a pathway to follow in the future. Morrison feels the City is moving in the right direction with this. NEW BUSINESS: Pathways in Historic Cemeteries – E-mail received from Marlene Pean concerning pathways worn across the graves was discussed. While some of the members do not feel these pathways are disrespectful, Leighton said Southern Oregon Historical Society (SOHS) has a publication regarding etiquette in cemeteries – basically, there are five rules. She will bring copies next month. She explained each gravesite is private property and when you walk on a grave, in effect, you are trespassing. Leighton acknowledged there is a need for more cemetery tours (not just during National Historic Preservation Week) as opportunities to get to know who is buried in them and to honor those who have passed. Knox also stated that in 2001, Kay Atwood completed the Ashland Historic Cemeteries Preservation Plan and it is now being used for cemetery maintenance. ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: Krach handed out a list of educational opportunities the National Trust for Historic Preservation provides for commission and community members. He said he hopes Historic Commission members will take advantage of some of the conferences, workshops and training. He informed the Commission that he had been to the last three conferences and found them very worthwhile and inspiring. In 2005, the National Preservation Conference will be in Portland, Oregon and Knox encouraged all members to attend. He explained that Krach has applied for financial support to attend this year’s conference in Denver. He also related the Commission has a budget that is supplemented through the State Historic Preservation Office for education and travel of Commission members. After discussing available money, Giordano moved and Krippaehne seconded to allocate $300 to Krach to help pay for the Denver conference. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Skibby asked for a progress report on attaining National Register status for the Lithia Springs property. Knox responded the SOU intern was not able to work on it. He would, however, like to use some of this year’s budget to hire someone to do the research. Skibby asked that it remain on the agenda. Knox declared it is time to set a date for the annual goal setting/orientation meeting. In discussing this, it was decided to separate the two and have an orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 17 beginning at 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 18 from 9:00 a.m. to noon, the Commission will meet to talk about goals and tour project sites within the Historic Districts. Shostrom is hopeful there will be time for in depth discussions on subjects such as design. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 3 July 2, 2003 ANNOUNCEMENTS th Election of officers will be on the August 6 agenda. Officers include Chair, Vice Chair, Planning Commission Liaison and City Council Liaison. rd Topics for potential goals will be on the September 3 agenda. thth Project sites to visit on October 18 will be on the October 8 agenda. st A reminder – Chambers will be taking the sabbatical he had scheduled for last year starting September 1. He will be out of the country for ten months. Mayor DeBoer approved his leave of absence (which was delayed for one year) from the Historic Commission in 2002. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4 July 2, 2003