HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-08 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 8, 2006 Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Keith Swink, Terry Skibby, Jay Leighton, Allen Crutcher, and Henry Baker, Rob Saladoff, Sam Whitford, Tom Giordano Absent Members: None Council Liaison: Jack Hardesty High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Maria Harris, Senior Planner, Billie Boswell, Administration CALL TO ORDER – SPECIAL MEETING At 6:25, Chairman Dale Shostrom called the special meeting to order. The Commissioners discussed the Historic Awards Nomination list and divided the potential projects evenly among themselves to research and review. Each Commissioner would narrow their list to those they would recommend for an award, take pictures and return them to the April special meeting for final selection. st The Commissioners also discussed the events to be scheduled for the Historic Preservation Week of May 21 th through May 27. Mr. Skibby said he would do walking tours of the Ashland Cemetery on Sunday and the Skidmore District and Granite Street on Tuesday. Mr. Swink will arrange for a screening of the documentary “Blue Vinyl” for Thursday evening. The award ceremony will be at noon on Thursday. The location would not be determined until the next meeting after the final nominations are selected. Mr. Saladoff will do a tour of Paddington Station immediately following the award ceremony. Mr. Baker will look into the results of the archeological dig done in the area of the new staircase off Guanajuato Way to see if there are artifacts that could be displayed. th It was decided to meet at 5:30, prior to the regular meeting on April 5, for another special meeting to finalize the award winners. CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING At 7:08, Chairman Dale Shostrom called the regular meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Shostrom asked that a correction be made to the fifth paragraph of page 5 to change the verbiage from “existing gables” to “existing porch”. Ms. Leighton made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and it was seconded by Mr. Baker. The motion passed unanimously with Mr. Whitford and Mr. Giordano sustaining since they were absent from the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM: No speakers PUBLIC HEARING Planning Action 2006-00275 451 North Main Street Modification of a Conditional Use Permit Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1 4/12/2022 Lorraine Peterson Chairman Shostrom read the description of the project and verified there were no conflict of interest issues. Most of the Commissioners had visited the site. There were no ex parte contacts. Ms. Harris reviewed the staff report pointing out that the applicant was requesting a modification to the original conditional use permit to increase the guest units from five to six rentable units. The only exterior changes would be to convert one exterior window to French doors and adding two steps to the outside common area. The applicant, Lorraine Peterson, 451 North Main Street, explained they had revised the remodel application to change the door design from French doors to a single door that would match the existing back entry door in the alcove on that side of the house. There being no further questions of the applicant and no one in the audience wishing to speak, the public meeting was closed. Mr. Giordano noted that the door would not be very visible. Chairman Shostrom confirmed with the applicant that the existing window would be removed. He felt it important that the siding used to fill in the window space match with the existing siding on the house and blend in to the corner. Mr. Giordano asked the applicant why they chose not to use French doors. Ms. Peterson explained they did not want guests to think it was a main entry into the bed and breakfast. Chairman Shostrom moved to recommend approval of the application with the following items addressed:  Replace siding from edge of new door to corner of house  Match new siding to existing siding in scale and exposure (without splices) The motion was seconded by Mr. Giordano and approved unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS Planning Action 2006-00057 247 Third Street Variance, Conditional Use Permit & Solar Variance Marc Valens and Anne golden Chairman Shostrom explained that this planning action was heard at the February meeting and that the Historic Commissioners recommended a continuance to the Planning Commission Hearings Board in order for the applicant to return with more accurate drawings and details. Ms. Harris stated the Planning Hearings Board had not agreed and had approved the application with all of the conditions requested of the Historic Commission except for the elimination of the balcony and the requirement of a hip roof on the rear instead of a gable roof. Chairman Shostrom stated he stills feels strongly that the applicant should use a hip roof to prevent the addition from looking so obvious. Mr. Valens pointed out the roof would only be visible from the rear yard. Mr. Crutcher and Chairman Shostrom also felt the balcony is awkward and un-balanced and not historical in design. Chairman Shostrom questioned the overhang on the west elevation was so much larger than the rest of the overhangs and what the post detail would be to support it. Mr. Valens said it was to designed to match the rest of the roof and provide protection for storing bicycles. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 2 4/12/2022 Mr. Valens asked for advice on how to make the trim board narrower as requested since the rafters in that section are 2x10 instead of 2x4. Chairman Shostrom discussed several options. Mr. Valens also asked about the frieze board on the South elevation. Chairman Shostrom advised him to make it match the East elevation. Mr. Crutcher questioned if there was a way to communicate to the Planning Commission Hearings Board the Historic Commission’s concerns about their elimination of specific historic design recommendations without further consultation with the Historic Commission. Since there were no further questions of the applicant and no one in the audience wishing to speak, Chairman Shostrom closed the public meeting. Chairman Shostrom moved to approve the design features of Planning Action #2006-00057 with the following details submitted with the building permit for approval by the Historic Review Board:  On the south elevation, second story, match frieze board to gables on east elevation  Provide section detail on the balcony and porch roof interface  Provide section detail on soffitts  Provide detail of 2x10 rafters on single story addition Mr. Crutcher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Discussion followed regarding objections over the Planning Commission Hearings Board’s decision to overturn two historic design recommendations on the 247 Third Street planning action. It was agreed that a memo would be drafted by Chairman Shostrom to inform the Hearings Board of the criteria used by the Historic Commission to deny approval of the balcony and gabled roof designs as not historically compatible. 175 North Main Street First United Methodist Church Pre-Application Review of Proposed Site Review Jac Nichols, Architectural Design Works Mr. Nichols described the demolition, addition, and remodel project proposed for the First United Methodist Church. The existing main Church building will not be disturbed. A new entry is to be built but the old one will remain. Phase I includes a new narthex, administrative offices and an education building. Mr. Crutcher and Mr. Saladoff were concerned about how the project would look if Phase II was not done. The applicant agreed to draw the two phases separately and Phase I would be designed to stand alone if Phase II is not completed. Other suggestions included:  Transom windows be deleted on the south elevation of the Education Wing.  Need west elevation of Wesley Hall  Use of 5” exposure shingles  Possible removal of Wesley Hall shingles  Simplify details on the new building and courtyard colonnades and railings The Commissioners asked that the revised drawings be brought back to the full Historic Commission for further evaluation prior to review by the Planning Commission. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 3 4/12/2022 OLD BUSINESS A. Review Board – Following is the month’s schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: th March 9 Terry, Rob, Keith th March 16 Terry, Henry, Dale rd March 23 Terry, Rob, Dale th March 30 Terry, Sam, Tom, Jay th April 6 Terry, Allen, Keith B. Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA #2000-120 485 “A” Street (Steve Hoxmeier) Shostrom PA #2004-026 81 Central Avenue (Wes & Lucinda Vail) Giordano PA #2004-102 832 “A” Street (Ilene Rubenstein) Saladoff PA #2004-110 150 Church St (Robert M. Saladoff) Whitford PA #2004-138 234 Vista St (Sid & Karen DeBoer) Saladoff PA #2004-154 180 Lithia Way (Archerd & Dresner) Leighton PA-#2004-160 685 A Street (William Reeves) Swink PL#2005-00869 249 Hillcrest Drive (Russell & JoAnn Manzone) Swink PL#2005-01043 70 Water Street (Ashland Creek Holdings, LLC) Leighton PL#2005-01226 820 “C” Street (Randy & Helen Ellison) Shostrom PL#2005-01674 11 First Street (Ron Yamaoka) Skibby PL#2005-02105 145 East Main St (Urban Development Services/SERA Arch) Crutcher PL#2005-01307 125 Sherman Street (Russ Dale) Shostrom PL#2006-00057 247 Third Street (Marc Valens & Anne Golden) Saladoff C. National Historic Preservation Week – May 21-27, 2006 – Nominations – The nomination spreadsheet was reviewed for eligible projects. Those projects were divided among the Commissioners who will research those projects they think are award worthy, take pictures, and review the details with the full Commission at the next meeting. It was agreed that the April 5, 2006 Historic Commission meeting would begin at 5:30 PM to allow time to choose the winners. Mr. Swink recommended inviting the Conservation Commission to the “Blue Vinyl” screening. He also suggested having handouts available for the attendees. D. City Design Review Process Memo to City Council – Mr. Hardesty, Council Liaison, commented that the Council would probably voice concerns over the required staffing needed to set up and support another commission, as well as funding issues. Mr. Saladoff and Mr. Giordano agreed to meet with Mr. Hardesty to review memo content. E. Lithia Springs National Register Nomination – No Report F. Multiple Properties Submission for National Register of Historic Places – Ms. Harris reported that an RFP had been mailed to over 100 professionals. Seven bids were received. A committee made up of Ms. Harris, Chairman Shostrom and the Planning Director would make the final selection. Work on project must be completed by the end of August to meet the grant requirements. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4 4/12/2022 G. Single Family Residential Design Standards – Mr. Saladoff suggested each Commissioner start gathering issues that should be considered for the Design Standards. A suggestion for a topic was “Lead Abatement vs. Vinyl Siding”. Mr. Saladoff will follow up with Joanne Krippaehane about setting up a meeting with the Conservation Commission H. Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop – See above item G. I. Brown Bag Meeting – The decision was made to remove this topic from Old Business. NEW BUSINESS – A. Annual Election of Historic Commission Officers – Mr. Giordano/Mr. Swink moved and seconded to elect Mr. Shostrom as Chairman; Mr. Skibby as Vice-Chairman and Mr. Saladoff as Secretary. They were approved unanimously. B. Planning Application Review Forms – Commission approved use of form. C. Lithia Fountain – Nancy Slocum, Public Works Department, is researching for a grant to repair damage. ANNOUNCEMENTS The next Historic Commission meeting will be on April 5, 2006 at 5:30 pm in the Siskiyou Room. This meeting is 1 ½ HOURS earlier than regularly scheduled. Dinner will be provided. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Mr. Giordano and a second by Mr. Saladoff, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 5 4/12/2022