HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-06 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes December 6, 2006 Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room Historic Commissioners Present: Dale Shostrom, Alex Krach,Terry Skibby, Henry Baker, Keith Swink, Jay Leighton, Sam Whitford, Rob Saladoff, Absent Commission Members: Tom Giordano, Molly Owens-Stevenson (Ms. Owens-Stevenson sent an email dated 12-6-06 announcing she is resigning her position with the Historic Commission due to personal obligations) Council Liaison: Alice Hardesty, absent High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Maria Harris, Senior Planner; Billie Boswell, Administration CALL TO ORDER At 7:05 pm, Chairman Dale Shostrom called the Historic Commission meeting to order. Chairman Shostrom announced George Kramer’s report on the Lithia Fountain would be moved to the top of the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Whitford made a motion to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Mr. Swink. The motion passed unanimously by the commissioners present. Ms. Leighton abstained as she was absent from the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM: No speakers OLD BUSINESS C. Lithia Fountain Repair – Final Report by George Kramer and Paula Brown. Ms. Brown gave some of the history and background regarding the research and investigations done to replace the fountains. Mr. Kramer reviewed with the Commission how the proposed system would be constructed and maintained. The fountains would be installed to be able to be shut off at night and individual fountains could be turned off as needed. A fresh water flushing system will help maintain the plumbing system against the corrosiveness of the Lithia water. Mr. Kramer explained that the white porcelain basins are not able to be reproduced in a practical manner. Two alternative materials were selected and the Commission was asked to select which one they thought would be best. One is an aluminum casting of the original basin design that would be powder-coated and installed with chrome-plated brass bubbler fittings. The alternative is cast bronze. This option would not be white but is a material that would hold up well to the corrosiveness of the Lithia water. They would order 10 fountains, installing 8 and holding 2 in reserve for future replacement. Total costs were estimated to be $30-40,000. Signage would be installed to tell the Lithia water story. The Commissioners preferred the historic look of the white fountains. Mr. Whitford suggested that a third option be considered to use the cast bronze because it holds up well to the water, but powder-coat it white to maintain the historical look. The Historic Commissioners chose this third option as the one they would support. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1 4/12/2022 PUBLIC HEARING Planning Action 2006-01959 144 Second Street Conditional Use Permit, Site Review, and Conditional Use Permit to Exceed the Maximum Permitted Floor Area Applicant: Mary E. Nelke Chairman Shostrom read the description of the proposed project. Ms. Harris explained that staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use permits for converting a non-conforming garage into a Traveler’s Accommodations, and exceeding the Maximum Permitted Floor Area by 507 square feet. th Ken McCullough of 267 8 Street, representing the owner, reviewed the changes made to the plans as requested by the Historic Commission during the Pre-App review. Chairman Shostrom was concerned about the roof line design and requested that jog in the roofline be eliminated. He also felt the 2 x 4 top railing on the porch was not historically accurate. Mr. Whitford pointed out that the front window widths were narrower than shown on the plans and requested they be left the original size. There was discussion regarding the use of single or French doors on the east elevation instead of sliders. There was additional discussion of various design elements. There being no one in the audience wishing to speak, Chairman Shostrom closed the public meeting. Chairman Shostrom made a motion to recommend approval with the following conditions:  Continue 2 foot offset of addition from original house along the entire length of the south elevation  Top railing needs more detail design to be compatible historically. (Not just a simple 2x4)  Match existing wood siding for all new construction  On the front elevation (Second Street) and on original window on north side, keep window opening in the same place and same width as original windows.  Raise new window headers to the same level as existing window header height.  Use single doors (with or without sidelights) or French doors instead of sliders on the south elevation for consistency with historical design  Use wood or wood-clad doors  Attach these recommendations to building plans when submitted  Applicant to attend the Historic Hearings Board when building plans are submitted for review of final design. Mr. Whitford seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Planning Action 2006-01999 25 North Main Street Site Review and Conditional Use Permit Ashland Holdings/Alan Sandler Chairman Shostrom read the description of the project. Ms. Harris said the applicant had submitted revised plans showing the project had been significantly redesigned into a 1000 square foot addition for use as a restaurant with a rooftop patio dining area. They are still requesting a Conditional Use permit to exceed the building height limitations. Staff’s review of the plans was difficult because the plans don’t give enough detail of the design and materials used. The also don’t accurately reflect existing details and materials. She said Staff is recommending a continuance to allow the applicant to submit Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 2 4/12/2022 more accurately detailed plans, show how the mechanical equipment is being placed and screened and provide better information about the materials being kept, changed and added. The applicant, Alan Sandler handed out an undated response he said he had written to the Historic Commission and Planning Commission addressing the concerns of the Historic Commission regarding the bulk and scale of the original proposal. Mark McKechnie, the architect for the project, explained the existing brick on the building needs to be replaced because it is unsound. He also described where the mechanical equipment would be sited and said it would not be seen from the Calle Guanajuato and Granite Street. Mr. Sandler asked if the Historic Commission could approve the project subject to the details and materials being brought to the Commission later with the building permit. Carl Tobey, Alex’s Restaurant, expressed concern about the height and the affect of the sun angle on his restaurant’s back deck. There being no further questions of applicant and no one else in the audience wishing to speak, the public meeting was closed. Mr. Whitford felt the revised plan was a big improvement on the bulk and scale issues. Mr. Skibby agreed. Chairman Shostrom felt the stepped back design of the addition was a good improvement. Mr. Saladoff said a lot more design detail was needed to make a decision about compatibility. There were also concerns about how all of the mechanical equipment would be placed and screened. Chairman Shostrom concurred and also requested the applicant use ¼” scaled drawings. Ms. Harris said the applicant needs to address details as outlined in the Downtown Design Standards. With a motion by Chairman Shostrom and a second by Ms. Leighton, the Historic Commission unanimously recommended a continuance of the planning action for Site Review and a Conditional Use Permit for the following reasons and recommendations: 1. Provide ¼” scaled drawings reflecting the all the design details discussed to allow the Historic Commission to accurately assess whether the building will meet architectural compatibility and bulk and scale. 2. Show accurate dimensions of existing and proposed building elements including the varying heights, parapet heights, mechanical equipment & screening, windows, doors, patio roof, fireplace, awnings, etc. 3. Show sides of building with shadow of each adjacent building in correct scale including parapets, decks,fireplace and patio covers and calling out all existing and proposed materials. 4. Provide railing detail and materials showing compatibility with the historic design of the existing building. 5. Show window and door detail and trim and call out materials to be used. 6. Identify roof and patio materials-both existing and proposed. 7. Show transition from existing concrete to new brick proposed. 8. Show stair-stepping of existing parapet on north and south elevations. 9. Show fenestration behind the rail. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 3 4/12/2022 OLD BUSINESS A. Review Board – An Email from Mollie Owens-Stevenson stating she was resigning her position with the Historic Commission due to personal obligations was shared with the Commissioners. The following is the month’s schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: th December 7 Terry, Keith, Henry th December 14 Terry, Tom, Dale st December 21 Terry, Alex, Henry th December 28 Terry, Rob, Sam th January 4 Terry, Keith, Tom B. PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PLANNING ACTIONS Alex Krach agreed to take over all of Ms. Leighton’s projects. PA #2000-120 485 “A” Street (Steve Hoxmeier) Shostrom PA #2004-102 832 “A” Street (Ilene Rubenstein) Saladoff PA #2004-110 150 Church St (Robert M. Saladoff) Whitford PA #2004-138 234 Vista St (Sid & Karen DeBoer) Saladoff PA #2004-154 180 Lithia Way (Archerd & Dresner) Krach PA-#2004-160 685 A Street (William Reeves) Swink PL#2005-01226 820 “C” Street (Randy & Helen Ellison) Shostrom PL#2005-01674 11 First Street (Ron Yamaoka) Skibby PL#2005-02105 145 East Main St (Urban Development Services/SERA Arch) Giordano/Baker PL#2005-01307 125 Sherman Street (Russ Dale) Shostrom PL#2006-00057 247 Third Street (Marc Valens & Anne Golden) Saladoff PA#2006-00441 160 Nob Hill (ARU-Dan Heller & Don Sever) Whitford PA#2006-00453 175 North Main (First Methodist Church Remodel) Swink PA#2006-00875 520 Fairview Street (Stewart Ward-Porch) Swink thth PA#2006-00877 A Street between 5 & 6 Streets (Tax Lot 6507 – Jerry Kenefick) Krach PA#2006-00612 160 Helman (Siskiyou LLC & James Batzer-Commercial Buidlings) Shostrom/Giordano PA#2006-01959 144 Second Street (Mary Nelke – Addition for Travelers Accom) Whitford C. Lithia Fountain Repair – See above D. Historic Reconnaissance Survey – No report E. Lithia Springs National Register Nomination – No report F. Single Family Residential Design Standards – No report G. Co-Sponsorship with Conservation Commission for Fall Workshop – No report DISCUSSION ITEMS - None NEW BUSINESS – None COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 4 4/12/2022 1. Chairman Shostrom talked about Historic Commissioner criteria for new candidates. Ms. Harris had tried to contact SHPO to confirm what criteria are required as a Certified Local Government but was unable to get a call back. She said she would contact them again. Chairman Shostrom said the Commission needs more opportunity to communicate with the candidates about the Commission responsibilities and processes. He said he would contact Mayor Morrison to discuss. 2. Mr. Krach said he had heard that the Ashland School District was discussing tearing down the original Bellview School and rebuilding it. Mr. Swink said he had attended the meetings and that the community indicated they want the façade of the building kept intact to preserve the historic nature. Mr. Krach stated he would draft a letter to the school district to be reviewed by the Commission at the next meeting. If approved, the Commission wanted the letter to go out on City of Ashland letterhead. 3. Ms. Leighton was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation signed by Mayor Morrison for her valued work with the Historic Commission. The Commissioners also presented her a historic picture of Ashland’s plaza and thanked Ms. Leighton for her insight, dedication and hard work. 4. Ms. Leighton presented the Historic Commission with the book “Field Guide to American Houses” to be added to the Historic Commission library. ANNOUNCEMENTS The next Historic Commission meeting will be on January 3, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the Siskiyou Room. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Ms. Leighton and a second by Chairman Shostrom, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 5 4/12/2022