HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-07 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes May 5, 2010 Community Development/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way – Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING, 5:00 pm Historic Commissioners Present: Terry Skibby, Alex Krach, Keith Swink, Sam Whitford, Allison Renwick, Henry Baker Commission Members Absent: Dale Shostrom, Tom Giordano Council Liaison: Russ Sibilger High School Liaison: None Appointed SOU Liaison: None Appointed Staff Present: Planner: Derek Severson; Clerk: Billie Boswell APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Whitford moved to approve the April 7, 2010 minutes as presented and the motion was seconded by Mr. Baker. Mr. Swink abstained due to being absent. The minutes were approved unanimously by the remaining Commissioners. PUBLIC FORUM: There being no one wishing to speak, Chairman Shostrom closed the Public Forum. NEW BUSINESS: A. Housing Type Assessment Update – Pat Acklin, SOU. Ms. Acklin provided an update to the Housing Type Assessment study being done by her class. The students identified 15 study areas throughout the City by era developed and divided them up between themselves. The students cataloged each study area by the predominate architectural styles and did a Powerpoint presentation with graphs and pictures to the Historic Commissioners. Ms. Acklin shared that after the results were finalized by Tom Hubka, they would be compiled into a book and would also show examples of “good” and “bad” remodels. The Commissioners were very impressed by the presentation and asked if they could receive a copy when the book is completed. PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING ACTIONS: 2010-00218 SUBJECT PROPERTIES: 635 Siskiyou Blvd. APPLICANT: Helen Larson Trust / Steven Larson DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Review and Conditional Use Permit approval to operate a two-unit Traveler’s Accommodation (including an owner’s unit plus one guest unit) for the property located at 635 Siskiyou Blvd. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSOR’S MAP #: 39 1E 09 DB; TAX LOT: 14600 Chairman Shostrom revealed he had worked for the owners to design a previous remodel but felt he could fairly review this project. There were no objections from the other Commissions nor from the applicants or the audience. Chairman Shostrom confirmed there were no ex parte contacts or any conflicts of interest among the remaining Commissioners. Mr. Severson said the home had previously been a Traveler’s Accommodation until 2002 when it was converted back to a single family residence. Mr. Skibby asked about changes and there will be no changes to the exterior, landscape or driveway. The owner, Steve Larson, explained that they were trying to defray costs in order to keep the home in the family. Mr. Watkins asked the owner about signage and was told it would probably be mounted on the railing in the front of the house and would be designed to match. Mr. Skibby related that there originally was a bay window that was removed when the house was moved to its current location. There being no further questions and no one in the audience to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Whitford made a motion to recommend approval of the project as presented. Mr. Baker seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 1 4/12/2022 th A. Historic Preservation Week (“Old is the New Green” May 9-15) – Ms. Boswell updated the Commissioners on the Open House. Adam Hanks is working with the Chamber of Commerce to coordinate their plan for open houses with ours. We are hoping to get a list from them soon to create a brochure. The Award ceremony is confirmed to be held at the Community Center on Tuesday, May th 11 at noon. We have the room from 11:30 – 2:00 pm. Ms. Boswell reminded the Commissioners to get their “blurbs” in by the end of the week. Ms. Boswell agreed to write up the blurbs for the 3 authors. Terry agreed to get pictures submitted by April 26, 2010. Ms. Boswell agreed to write up the blurbs for the 3 authors. B. Review Board Schedule th April 8 Terry, Keith, Alex th April 15 Terry, Jim, Henry nd April 22 Terry, Sam, Tom th April 29 Terry, Allison, Dale th May 6 Terry, Keith, Alex C. Project Assignments for Planning Actions – No project assignments were made. BD-2007-01764 160 Helman (Batzer-Comm Bldgs) {Expires 5/26/10} Shostrom/Giordano PA-2007-01939 175 Lithia Wy (formerly 165 Lithia) Archerd & Dresner-Mixed Use Bldg – (Expires 7/25/10) Renwick BD-2009-01288 165 W Fork – New SFR on hillside (Ashley Jensen) (Permit ready to issue) Swink/Shostrom BD-2009-00711 568 E Main St (McKechnie) Cucina Biazzi enclosed dining area (Permit approved-not Skibby issued; expires 8/10/10. ) PA-2009-00551 426 A St (Sidney Brown) Mixed Use Bldg (No permit yet; expires 8/28/10) Giordano BD-2009-01226 155-157 Sixth St (Renwick) Addition (under construction) Whitford PA-2009-00785 255 E Main (Ashland Elks) Balcony on rear (No permit yet; expires 8/27/10.) Swink PA-2009-01520 163 N Pioneer (Intatto Coffee) Coffee shop & roaster (under construction) Shostrom PA-2010-00069 175 N Pioneer (Deli) Terrell Shostrom DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. CLG Grant Update – Mr. Severson said the request for the grant to update the Historic Design Standards for $15,360 will go to City Council on April 20, 2010. B. Mr. Watkins informed the Commissioners that he is not renewing his position on the Historic Commission and that this was th his last full Commission meeting. He would do the Review Board on April 15. Several Commissioners thanked Jim for his participation and contributions. Ms. Renwick said she was aware of a neighbor who may be interested in joining the Commission and would let her know of the opening. C. Gun Club Lease – Mr. Whitford asked about the 1-year lease extension granted to the Ashland Gun Club by the City Council. Mr. Severson said it allowed further environmental studies for contamination. He also said that Public Works had contacted the Gun Club about the debris burning issue and they won’t do it again. It was recommended that George Kramer help to design information signs to be put up. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes 2 4/12/2022