HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-06 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 Community Development/Engineering Services Building 51 Winburn Way Siskiyou Room CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair, Shostrom called the meeting to order at 6:03pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Skibby Rich Rosenthal Emery Staff Present: Leonard Maria Harris; Planning Dept. Swink Regan Trapp; Secretary Von Chamier Nathan Emerson; Planning Dept. Whitford Shostrom Giordano Commissioners Absent: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leonard motioned to approve minutes from August 2, 2017. Swink seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: Melissa Mitchell-Hooge of the Ashland, Save our Schools and Playground Group and Jim Young of Lithia Arts Guild addressed the Commission regarding saving Briscoe School. Ms.Mitchell-Hooge submitted an informational packet to the Commission for their review. (see attached, exhibit A) Ms. Mitchell-Hooge emphasized, that in order to utilize the building they will need to increase the parking. She went on to say that this building has lots of historic value and there are many different things this building could be utilized for within the City. Ms.Mitchell-Hooge commented that Briscoe School is big enough to accommodate City Hall and other departments under one roof. The Commission was very responsive and supportive of the idea of the City saving this building. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Rosenthal gave the Council Liaison report. Items discussed were: Consent agenda- New PW director, Paula Brown will be taking over for Mike Faught. Public art was approved for the Theater Corridor Project. Installation will be in the Spring of 2018. st Approval of 1 reading of greenhouse gas targets. Senior Center citizen input in regards to the changes being enforced by Parks and Recreation Commission. Shostrom read aloud the procedure for public hearings. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION: PA- 2017-01294 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 128 Central Avenue APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development Services OWNERS: Robert Baldwin DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review for an eight-unit multi-family development for the property located at 128 Central Avenue. The existing house contains two units, and the proposal would add six 475- square foot units at the rear of the property in two triplex structures accessed from the alley. The application also includes requests for a Conditional Use Permit to exceed the Maximum Permitted Floor Area in the Skidmore Academy Historic District by nine percent (395 square feet) and for a Tree Removal Permit to remove seven trees six-inches in diameter-at-breast-height or greater. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: High Density Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-3; : 39 1E 04CC; TAX LOT: 4500. Von Chamier stated that her firm has been assigned the project but she will have no issue in making an unbiased decision. Harris stated that she felt that this would be a conflict of interest and to be on the safer side, Von Chamier should dismiss herself from this presentation. Von Chamier recused herself from planning action review for PA-2017-01294. Harris gave the staff report for PA-2017-01294. Harris spoke about the letters from the neighbors that were submitted before the meeting and asked the Commissioners to review them prior to making a decision. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. Amy Gunter, s representative, Rogue Planning and Development, 1424 S. Ivy St, Medford, addressed the Commission regarding this project. Ms. Gunter stated that there are no storm drain facilities in the neighborhood and the on-site retention would most likely be in the parking area. She went on to say that the alley is required by code to be paved. Ron Davies, owner of 157, 159, & 171 Helman Street addressed the Commission regarding this project. Mr. Davies has concerns about the paving of the alley which is required by code. He is concerned about potential overflow onto his property and wants to know what kind of sidewalk and gutters will be added. Mr. Davies stressed the importance of keeping the lot coverage normal Ms. Gunter addressed the Commission regarding Mr. Davies concerns. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. Giordano motioned to approve PA-2017-01294 with recommendations. Swink seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations of Historic Commission for PA-2017-01294: The Historic Commission believes the scale and massing is similar to buildings along the alley. However, the Commission believes a portion of the development could be two story and designed to meet the Historic District Design Standards in order to preserve trees. Use smooth siding, not textured hardy plank. Add 3 to 4-inch framing between single hung windows. Do not use white windows. Increase size of porch posts to larger than 4 x 4 wrap 4 x 4 or use 6 x 6. Use decorative or flat balustrade on porch railing of new units, do not use proposed 2 x 2. PLANNING ACTION: PA- 2017-01310 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 981 Siskiyou Blvd. OWNERS: MH Smith Inc. APPLICANT: MNM Fund LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review, Conditional Use Permit and Tree Removal Permit approval for a three-unit multi-family residential development for the property located at 981 Siskiyou Blvd. The proposal includes retaining the existing residence and constructing two units at the rear of the property. The Conditional Use Permit request is to exceed the maximum permitted floor area for the historic district by 164 square feet. The Tree Removal Permit request is to remove three trees to the west of the existing home including an Italian cypress, maple and an ash tree. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; : 39 1E 09DA; TAX LOT: 8100. There was no ex-parte contact or conflict of interest indicated by the Commission. Harris gave the staff report for PA-2017-01310. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. Melanie Smith, applicant of MNM Fund and General Contractor, Ashland, addressed the Commission regarding this project. Dominic Smith, neighbor residing at 965 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, addressed the Commission regarding the project. Mr. Smith stated that his property line is 2 feet into the property at 981 Siskiyou and halfway into the tree that is slated for removal. He wants to know if anyone had done any measuring on the lot in order to start this project. Mr. Smith does not want the tree removed as it would have him looking right through the windows of the property being built and is looking into paying a surveyor to see where the property lines actually lie. Ms. Smith stated that her measurements are based on fence lines and where the neighboring property lines lie. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. Shostrom motioned to deny PA-2017-01310. Leonard seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations of Historic Commission for PA-2017-01310: The Historic Commission determined the proposal does not meet the Historic District Design standards and therefore does not meet the approval criteria for a Conditional Use Permit to exceed the allowed maximum permitted floor area (MPFA). The Commission does not recommend approving the application. Height, Scale, Massing, Form (AMC 2, 3, 4, 9) buildings in the vicinity. Specifically, the proposed design is box-like and has very little architectural detail such as variations in massing. Additional items that were identified by the commission follow. The front entrances should be well-defined and would typically have a landscape buffer between the entrance and driveway (Entrances AMC The slider windows are not historically compatible (AMC Needs historically compatible architecturally details such as water table, belly band and double hung windows. Square footage used in MPFA calculations is inconsistent with unit sizes outlined in application and may not be accurate. PLANNING ACTION: PA-2017-01417 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 228 B St OWNER: Hani Hajje APPLICANT: Kerry KenCairn DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review, Conditional Use Permit approval, and Tree Removal Permit for the property located at 228 B Street. The proposal involves the development of a two-story, 1008- square foot detached addition to accommodate two additional Traveler Accommodation units. A Tree accommodation including six guest units and one owners unit. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multifamily Residential; ZONING: R2; 39 1E 16AD; TAX LOT #:6200 Von Chamier recused herself since she works with Kerry KenCairn who is the applicant on this project. Emery stated he has worked with the applicant on several instances but will not affect his decision on this project. Harris gave the staff report for PA-2017-01417. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. Kerry Kencairn, applicant, 147 Central Ave, Ashland, OR, addressed the Commission regarding this project. Ms. Kencairn gave the background on the project and stated that they have tried their best to bring it into compliance with the Historic District Design Standards. Ms. Kencairn expressed that the Historic Commission review board did not like the original placement of the stairs so the applicant moved them to accommodate bike parking and the water heater. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. Shostrom motioned to approve PA-2017-01417 with recommendations. Swink seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations of Historic Commission for PA-2017-01417: Porch on south elevation add beam across the top and wrap post or use 6 x 6 posts. Add belly band at second level to match carriage house. Add water table band or skirt at bottom. Match balustrades and hand rails of main house for staircase. Consider tucking stairs tight to building or covering. PLANNING ACTION: PA-2017-01649 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 84 Dewey St APPLICANT: Taylored Elements Construction OWNER: Kathy Hill DESCRIPTION: A request for a Site Design Review to allow for the conversion and addition to an existing guest house to be a 263 sq.ft. accessory resident unit (ARU) on the subject property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-2; ASSESSO MAP: 39 1E 09AC; TAX LOT: 11300. There was no ex-parte contact or conflict of interest indicated by the Commission. Harris gave the staff report for PA-2017-01649. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. Kathy Hill, 84 Dewey Street, Ashland, addressed the Commission regarding this project and expressed that she would be happy to answer any questions they had. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for comments. Whitford motioned to approve PA-2017-01649 with recommendations. Leonard seconded. Voice vote; All AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations of Historic Commission for PA-2017-01649: Match corner boards and frieze boards on front (street) elevation of house. Match siding on house. Consider steeper roof pitch on new structure. NEW ITEMS: Review board schedule. Project assignments for planning actions DISCUSSION ITEMS: Harris conveyed that onland when Commissioners are doing their site visits they need to be sure to stay in the public right of way. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: There were no items to discuss. OLD BUSINESS: There were no items to discuss. Review Board Schedule th September 7 Terry, Keith, Piper th September 14 Terry, Tom, Bill st September 21 Terry, Bill, Piper th September 28 Terry, Bill, Dale th October 5 Terry, Keith, Sam Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA-2014-00710 143 Nutley Swink & Whitford PA-2014-02206 485 A Street Whitford PA-2015-00878 35 S. Pioneer Leonard PA-2015-01695 399 Beach Skibby PA-2016-00847 252 B Street Whitford PA-2016-01027 276 B Street Shostrom & Leonard PA-2016-02103 133 Alida Swink PA-2016-02095 563 Rock St. Whitford PA-2016-02114 556 B Von Chamier PA-2017-00013 15, 35, 44 & 51 S. Pioneer Street ALL PA-2017-00235 114 Granite Leonard PA-2017-00325 746 C Street Von Chamier PA-2017-00200 165 Water ALL PA-2017-00707 550 E. Main Skibby PA-2017-00838 250 Alta Ave Emery PA- 2017-01054 220 Hargadine Shostrom & Whitford PA-2017-00969 244 Hargadine Shostrom & Whitford PA-2017-01279 692 B Street Leonard PA-2017-01294 128 Central Emery & Swink PA-2017-01417 228 B Street Whitford PA-2017-01310 981 Siskiyou Blvd Shostrom PA-2017-01649 84 Dewey Street Von Chamier ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting is scheduled October 4, 2017 at 6:00 pm There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:28pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp