HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-03 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION ELECTRONIC MEETING Meeting Minutes March3, 2021 Community Development/Engineering Services Building – Electronic Meeting CALL TO ORDER: Shostromcalled the electronic meeting to order at 6:05pm. Commissioners Council Liaison: Present: ShostromShaun Moran WhitfordStaff Present: SwinkMaria Harris; Planning Dept. Von ChamierRegan Trapp; Secretary Hovenkamp Emery Commissioners Absent:Skibby APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Whitford/Swink m/sto approve minutesfor February 3, 2021.Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Council Liaison Moran gave the report. Items discussed were: An email received from Ms. Brown regarding a potential award for a property being cleaned up on Church Street. Harris to reach out to Ms. Brown regarding her question. The rate study with a financial consultant to update rate modeling forecasts for the water and wastewater enterprise funds. This will allow Council to fully understand impacts to the fund and provide an avenue to move forward with finalizing an update tothe Food and Beverage Ordinance. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW: PLANNING ACTION:PA-T1-2021-00141 SUBJECT PROPERTY:599 East Main Street APPLICANT/OWNER:Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC for Livni Family Trust (Gil Livni, Trustee) DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to modify the existing building at 599 East Main Street including converting the former church to office use and adding a new entry. The application also includes a request for a Conditional Use Permit as it involves the expansion of an existing non-conforming development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; MAP: 39 1E 09AC;TAX LOT #: 7600 Shostrom met with Harris and Mr. Livni regarding the project, prior to the Historic Commission meeting. Harris gavea detailedstaff report for PA-T1-2021-00141. She announced that there were a couple of details regardingthe plans that need to be confirmed with the applicant. Shostrom opened the public hearing to the applicants. 1 Amy Gunter, applicant’s representative, addressed the Commission regarding this project. The proposal is to make substantial exterior changes to the church to fix many years of damage. Window, door, and siding changes were discussedas well as a change of use to accommodatea larger occupancy rating for tenants. Ms. Gunter went on to say, because of the change of use on this space, the parking will not be an issue. She emphasized that it will be a great addition to Ashland’s office/business inventory. Gil Livni, developer, and owner of 599 E. Main spoke in detail about the project. Mr.Livni stated that the position of the entrance doors (in the corner)works for ADA and exiting for groups of people. Mr. Livni wanted the tower to be more of a feature of the building and wanted to soften the look of the front façade and maybe add a bike rack or planters. He pointed out that the floor plans in the Commission packet were incorrect and needed to be updated. Shostrom closed the public hearing and opened to the Commission for discussion. Ms. Harris read the email comment from Mrs. Levison into the record. (See exhibit A) Commission requests further information and would like to continuePA-T2-2021-00002until April’s meeting. Shostrom re-opened the public hearing to the applicants. Ms. Gunter requested that the record be left openfor further submittals and comments. Shostrom/Hovenkampto continue(with below recommendations)PA-T1-2021-0014,leaving the record open. Applicant will need to submit revised plans for the April meeting. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations for PA-T1-2021-00141: The HistoricCommissionrecommendscontinuingtheapplicationtoallowthefollowingitems tobeaddressed. The HistoricCommissionwasgenerallypositiveaboutthebuildingdesign as shownin thecolorarchitectural renderings. However, theCommissionwasunabletodeterminewhethertheproposalisconsistentwith theapplicabledesignstandards becausethebuilding detailsare notclearintheelevationsor thereisaninconsistencybetweenthefloorplansand architectural renderings(i.e., colordrawingsofbuilding). The siteplanandelevationsare notreadablewithalldrawingscombinedononepage(i.e.,site plan,elevations, floorplans)andarenottoscaleas requiredby18.5.2.040.Pleasesubmitplansandelevations thatare scaled for printingon11” x17”paper.Alsosee crosssectionrequirementsin The floorplanshowsadoor facing E. MainSt.butthearchitecturalrenderings donot.Pleaseclarifythe locationofthemainbuilding entranceandshowtheproposedentrance(s)ontheelevationsandfloorplans. Concernedaboutuseof brickforthebaseofbuilding andhowthebrickwill align with existingwindowanddoor openings. Include detailsonwindowanddoortypeandsize, sidingandtrim typeandsize,andotherspecifics about otherexteriorbuildingmaterials. The eastelevationis alsovisible fromE.MainSt. TheCommissioncommentedthatit wasdifficult tosee wherethewindowsare locatedontheeastelevation. The Commissiondiscussedtheproposed“tower” elementof thefrontentryfeaturein relationtotheeast elevation.Somememberssuggestedthatthetower featureneedstobedifferentiatedontheeastelevation, ratherthanusingdifferent buildingmaterialsonthenorth 2 (stucco) andeast(horizontalsiding)elevations.One suggestionthatwas discussed iswrapping the stuccothatis usedonthenorthelevationofthe“tower”aroundontheeastelevationforthedepth of theentranceorthesamedistanceas the“tower” treatmentonthewest elevation. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Historic Preservation Awards –May 20, 2021 @12PM via Zoom The discussion included how the presentation would run and how long the awards recipients would talk. Shostrom will see what the interest would be for Mayor Akins to be involved in the awards ceremony. A draft of awards ceremony willbe sent to Commissioners in their packet and blurbs will be included. Each Commissioner will read aloud the blurbs that were written by them. Von Chamier to read Giordano’s blurb. Cemetery-Self guided toursto be planned forFriday May 21, 2021so that Shostrom can announce them during the zoom awards ceremony. Commission Vacancies and Membership The Commission is committed to talking to at least 2 people in regards to volunteering for the Historic Commission. Shostrom to speak on behalf of theHistoric Commissionat the City Council meeting in May(this falls in line with Historic Preservation week). ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting is scheduled April 7, 2021at6:00pmvia Zoom. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjournedat8:00pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp 3 EXHIBIT A From:Maria Harris To:Regan Trapp Subject:FW: ADVISORY COMMISSION HEARING TESTIMONY Date:Tuesday, March 02, 2021 2:30:08 PM Regan, Please forward this comment to the Historic Commsision. Maria Harris, AICP Planning Manager City of Ashland, Community Development Department 20 E. Main St., Ashland, OR 97520 541.552.2045 Tel 800.735.2900 TTY 541.552.2050 Fax This email transmission is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon Public Records Law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message in error, please contact me at 541.552.2045. Thank you. From: Diane Levison <dilevison@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:24 PM To: Planning Commission - Public Testimony <PC-public-testimony@ashland.or.us> Subject: ADVISORY COMMISSION HEARING TESTIMONY \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] My husband and I own anAshlander condoon East Main Street where my mother used to live, but we now live in California. Not until today--March 2--did I receive your mailed "Notice of Application" for the proposed church property conversion on the corner of East Main and Fifth Street. Your Notice required any e-mailed comment to be submitted by 10 a.m. on March 1--obviously animpossibility for me in this case. I would hope that my only concern could still be considered, and that is the question of parking. If the property is to be used for office/assembly space that would involve daily use and parking, surely there should be a requirement that the applicant provide parking for the proposed use. The prior church use entailed need for parking only on Sundays, and this proposed use is another matter. Thank you for your consideration. Diane Levison 1268 Drake Circle San Luis Obispo, CA 93405