HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-02 Historic MIN ASHLANDHISTORIC COMMISSION ELECTRONIC MEETING Meeting Minutes March 2, 2022 Community Development/Engineering Services Building – Electronic Meeting CALL TO ORDER: Von Chamiercalled the electronic meeting to order at6:03pm. CommissionersPresent:Council Liaison: ShostromShaun Moran-Absent WhitfordStaff Present: EmeryBrandon Goldman;PlanningManager SkibbyRegan Trapp; Permit Technician II Swink Von Chamier Commissioners Absent:Hovenkamp APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shostrom/Whitford m/sto approve minutesforJanuary 5, 2022.Voice vote. ALL AYES.Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM: There was no one in the audience wishing to speak. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: Councilor Moran was absent,so no report was given. PLANNING ACTION REVIEW PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2022-00175 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 37 North Main Street APPLICANTS/OWNERS: Victor & Evye Szanto DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review to permit a tenant improvement of the property located at 37 North Main Street to include an interior remodel to create two tenant spaces, associated accessibility improvements, and changes to the façade including alteration to the entry and the addition of new awnings. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Commercial Downtown;ZONING: C-1D; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 09BB; TAX LOTS: 8600 There was no conflict of interest or ex-parte contact indicated by the Commission. Goldman gave the staff report for PA-T1-2022-00175. Von Chamieropened the public hearing to the applicants. Applicants present: Evye Szanto, owner of 37 N. Main. Evye Santo addressed the Commission regarding the project at 37 N. Main. She stated that this is the only building that has not been renovated downtown. They will be making it more elegant and more in order with the rest of the street and historic buildings. The Commission discussed the condition of the exterior and how unique it is. They would like some of the distinct features to stay. Shostrom/Swink m/s to approve PA-T1-2022-00175 with recommendations. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations: Retain windows on either side of the proposed double doors as retrofitted storefront glass which may be reduced in width to allow for the double door installation. Reuse and restore the existing brass window edge details on all storefront windows, including upon replacement windows located on either side of the proposed double doors. Two 42” doors recommended if feasible (with the original door being kept if it can be matched).Alternatively, if the retention of the narrow storefront windows on either side of the doors necessitated 36” wide doors, then those new doors should match the design/style of the existing glass front door specifically including the heavy bottom rail. Revised window and door detailed plans to be provided at1.5” scale Door selection to be presented to Historic Commission prior to purchase. PLANNING ACTION:PA-T1-2022-00176 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 131 Helman Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Peter Cipes for Chappell DESCRIPTION:A request for a Conditional Use Permit to restore and add a small addition to an existing home. Because of the extent of the restoration a demolition permit is also being processed concurrently with the building department. The existing home has a non-conforming front yard setback, and because the structure is being added onto rather than being reconstructed in its existing 3d envelope a CUP is required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-3; MAP: 39 1E 04 CC, TAX LOT: 4800 There was no conflict of interest or ex-parte contact indicated by the Commission. Goldman gave the staff report for PA-T1-2022-00176. There were questions from the Commission regardingsiding, windows, and whetherthis is a full demo of the building. Von Chamieropened the public hearing to the applicants. The applicants were not present. Public Testimonyand Comments: Mark Brouillard, residing at 151 Helman. o Comment placed on recordfrom Mark Brouillard, on behalf of Helman neighbors.(see attachment C) Shostrom/Whitford m/s to approve PA-T1-2022-00176with recommendations. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Recommendations: Retain as much of the original 1x6 Wide-V Groove tongue & groove (T&G) siding as possible.The Commissioner however recognized that this may prove difficult in matching the existing material with new material installed to current codes. New siding should replicate the historic siding with 1x6 Wide-V Groove T&G of a similar profile.Commissioners advised that if this were primed on both sides before installation it would greatly improve long-term durability. Commissioners felt strongly that cementitious siding (e.g. Hardie board or similar products) were inappropriate and would change the historic character of the building. Windows & trim to be retained where possible, or match original.Need to know type of windows, as the materials submitted in application do not show window detail.New windows should be set back by bucking the windows (i.e. framing the window opening in 2x4's set at the back of a 2x6 wall) rather than having them sit flush with the face of the siding.If vinyl replacement windows are ultimately used, the color should be off-white, tan or putty.Sills, trimand other details should match the original, and where windows are moved, the separation typical for double double-hung windows should be retained (i.e. separated by 3-inch studs) to mimic the historic double-double installation. PLANNING ACTION:PA-T2-2022-00037 SUBJECT PROPERTY:165 Water Street, 160 Helman Street and 95 Van Ness (Cornerof Van Ness & Water Streets) APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC,agent forowner OWNERS: Magnolia Investment Group, LLC,and Gil Livni DESCRIPTION:A request for an eight-lot commercial subdivisionto construct a phased mixed-use development for the three properties at the corner of Van Ness and Water Streets including 95 Van Ness Street, 165 Water Street and 160 Helman Street.The applicant’s Phase I requests Site Design Review approval for five mixed-use buildings consisting of two ground floor commercial spaces with two residential units above in each building, as well as associated surface parking, utility infrastructure and street improvements.The remaining three building sites would be developed in a later phase.The application also includes a request for a Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit because the proposal includes development on severe constraints lands with slopes greater than 35 percent and on floodplain corridor lands; a request for an Exception to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands; a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove allof the trees on the property and within adjacent rights of way; a request for an Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards to allow 3,087 square feet of plaza space where the standards require 5,624 square feet; and a request for an Exceptionto Street Standards to allow parking bays with street trees in bump-outs along Van Ness Avenue rather than standard park row planting strips.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Employment;ZONING:E-1;ASSESSOR’S MAP:39 1E 04CC;TAX LOTS #:2000, 2100 & 7100 Von Chamier recused herselfas she is workingwith the applicantsand the project. Severson gave the staff report for PA-T2-2022-00037. There were questions from the Commission regarding where the work will be done, lot splits and financial advantage for the owners,(having one building on each lot)and the fact that the other approvals in the past have been more historically compatible. Neighborhood compatibility is important tothe Commission. Shostromopened the public hearing to the applicants. Applicants present: Amy Gunter, Rogue Planning and Development.Applicants’representative. Sam Bickel, Terrain Landscape Architecture. Gil Livni, Property Owner. Amy Gunterdiscussed the project in detail. Shostrom mentioned that these buildings do not fit into the Historic District, and they are more contemporary and modern than what the Commission likes to see. It is hard to put “downtown buildings” in a residential zone. Emery mentioned that they are beautiful buildings but it’s jarring to see this size of building in the residential area. Swink mentioned that the Commission needs to look at the Historic Design Standards and find things to help improve the overall look of the building. Public Testimonyand Comments: Mark Brouillard, residing at 151 Helman. o Comment placed on record from Mark Brouillard (See attachment A) o Comment placed on record from Mark Brouillard on behalf of Helman neighbors (See attachment B) Set buildings back from the street and limit height to 34’ (Suggestion from Mr. Brouillard) Shostrom/Swink m/s to approve PA-T2-2022-00037 with recommendation. Voice vote. ALL AYES. Motion passed. (Von Chamier not in attendance for vote) Recommendations: The Historic Commission finds that there is no historical precedent in Ashland for three nearly identical, large buildings being constructed together in a historic district. The designs and landscaping here are excellent, and help to mitigate this to a degree, howeverthe "cookie cutter" designs are still too repetitious and seem to emphasize the difference in significant difference height and character relative to the other side of Helman Street. The Historic Commission has concerns that the height, scale and massingof the three buildings proposed along Helman Street (Buildings #1, #3 and #4) are out of scale with the one- to one-and-a-half-story historic residential buildings across Helman Street (AMC Commission asks that the designs be revisited to look at changing the height of the individual stories (11-foot ceilings seem excessive when height is an issue), and potentially reducing the number of stories on at least the two end buildings (#1 and #4). In the Commission's view, if the buildings on Helman were lower, the remaining buildings could "cascade" around the Van Ness corner as taller buildings there would be mitigated by the grade change and the fact that there is not a single-story, historic residential streetscape across Van Ness. The Commission believes that the designs would benefit from a greater variety of material treatment and finishes, and greater variations in height and/or number of stories to relieve the monotony as they present to the historic Helman Street streetscape. DISCUSSION ITEMS Memo – Ordinance Change for Historic Commission Membership & quorum number Goldman stated that this is in process. Historic Preservation Week – PastForward th o Historic Preservation Awards scheduled for Tues, May 17@12:30 2022 nominations –Commissioners to review list o Commissioners to break offinto groups and will be assigned 4 properties to review. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting is scheduled forApril 6,2022,at 6:00pmvia Zoom. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjournedat9:35pm Respectfully submitted by Regan Trapp Attachment A Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2022 2:10 PM To: Beverly Hovenkamp <revbev549@gmail.com>; Dale Shostrom <shobro@jeffnet.org>; Bill Emery <bill@ashlandhome.net>; Kieth Swink <kswink@mind.net>; Piper Von Chamier <piper@terrainarch.com>; Terry Skibby <terryskibby@gmail.com>; Sam Whitford <skwhippet@charter.net> Cc: Regan Trapp <Regan.Trapp@ashland.or.us>; Shaun Moran <Shaun.Moran@council.ashland.or.us>; Derek Severson <derek.severson@ashland.or.us> Subject: Historic Commission: 165 Water St - Public Comment Good afternoon, Commissioners, The public comment below was submitted after packets for the 3/2/2022 Historic Commission meeting were prepared. The comment relates to the proposed development at 165 Water Street (PA-T2-2022-00037) at the intersections of Helman St, Van Ness Ave, and Water St. I wanted to provide the email comment to you all for your consideration in advance of tomorrow night’s meeting. See you tomorrow evening, Brandon From: Mark Brouillard <MTBrouillard@msn.com > Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 2:59 PM To: Shaun Moran <Shaun.Moran@council.ashland.or.us>; Stephen Jensen <stephen@council.ashland.or.us>; Paula Hyatt <Paula.Hyatt@council.ashland.or.us> Cc: Bill Molnar <bill.molnar@ashland.or.us>; Julie Akins <julie@council.ashland.or.us> Subject: PA-T2-2022-00237 - May we have impartial meetings \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] To Council Liaisons, Planning Department, and Mayor, I am asking that we have impartial meetings with regards to PA-T2-2022-00237. There are very specific reasons for this. During the last go around with what is being proposed (it was for 95 Van Ness Street - PA-T1-2018-0033) a proclamation was made by a presenter (Rogue Planning) and laughed at and mocked by the historic commission members. That proclamation was "now that there aren't any pesky home owners here we might get something accomplished." I was present at the meeting as a homeowner and made an objection to it (being labeled as a pesky homeowner). But, the attending historic commission members laughed at it and I guess they thought it was entertaining. To me and others it showed bias. Again, we are having another new PA with regards to the subject properties at 95 Van Ness, 160 Helman, and 165 Water. We as neighbors thought we had gotten past the prior two approvals (much to the objections of the neighborhood) for 95 Van Ness and 160 Helman. We had all gotten used to the idea of having (2) 40 foot tall buildings across the street from us to Attachment A now trying for 5 massive buildings that offer no affordable housing, unless you call a million dollars per condo affordable (8 buildings in total with 3 being on 165 Water). Those of us who have been around long enough on Helman have seen the City not be totally truthful with the neighborhood. Look into the notes and building plans for The Plaza Inns & Suites (on Helman Street and Central Avenue). One building we never saw the plans for and when the open house happened, Mayor DeBoer asked what we thought about the buildings; he was asked where it was on the plans. They were not there. Bill Molnar's predecessor told us that the City wouldn't let another 3 story building happen on Helman Street after the Plaza fiasco. Our original suggestion for the now 95 Van Ness Avenue building would be to make it the height limit of the historic district, which is 30 feet. It should have a setback as well. The type of building that they are wanting to build is one that is better suited for the Clear Creek Drive area. Here are our other concerns (again) with the project: In our opinion the buildings do not meet the basic requirements of AMC First, the buildings will be considerable taller than the “historic buildings in the vicinity” pursuant to The buildings, in our opinion, also does not meet the criteria for the following sections: B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, B.7, B.8, B.9, and B.10. We also believe that according to AMC 18-2.3.130.A which states that “Dwellings in the E-1 zone are limited to the R-overlay zone. See chapter 18-3.13 Residential Overlay.” This property is not in the residential overlay (figure and should be held to R-2 standards. If this holds true, and with the Historic District overlay, the maximum height is to be 30 feet not the 39.5 feet that is planned. It would also need the proper setbacks as well. Having a building directly at the edge of the sidewalk also does not fit with AMC Again, the main topic is to have impartial meetings with regards to PA-T2-2022-00237, and yes I do understand that the public is allowed their opinion. But when the commissions find it funny then we have unintended bias. Respectfully, Mark and Donna Brouillard 159 Helman Street Ashland, OR 97520 Attachment A 206-661-7085 Brandon Goldman, AICP Planning Manager Pronouns: he, him, his City of Ashland, Planning Division 20 East Main Street, Ashland OR 97520 (541) 552-2076, TTY: 1-800-735-2900 FAX: (541) 552-2050 brandon.goldman@ashland.or.us This email transmission is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon Public Records law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message in error, please contact me at (541)552-2076. Thank you. Attachment B From:City of Ashland, Oregon To:planning;Regan Trapp Subject:Historic Commission Contact Form Submitted Date:Wednesday, March 02, 2022 12:08:22 PM \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] *** FORM FIELD DATA*** Full Name: Mark Brouillard Phone:2066617085 Email:mtbrouillard@msn.com Subject:Tonight's meeting - PA-T2-2022-00037 or 00237 depending on paperwork Message:Re.: 160 Helman Street and 95 Van Ness Avenue Construction Dear Historical Commission, I would appreciate it if we could add a note on record of the opposition for the current building plans for 160 Helman Street/95 Van Ness Avenue, specifically the planned residences. There are several reasons for this and they are as follows: 1. In or around 2003, the then City Administrator, Gino Ggrimaldi, told the residents and property owners that the City of Ashland would not allow for any 3 story buildings on Helman Street between Central Avenue and Van Ness Avenue. This was due to the Plaza Inn?s and Suites Building being built as a ?2? story building. 2. The proposed height of the residence on the corner of Van Ness Avenue and Helman Street is to be 40 feet and 3 stories. That is not reasonable in the Skidmore Historic District and also not next to some of Ashland?s oldest homes (Don and Terri Wilson?s home at 152 Helman Street is from 1860, ours at 159 Helman Street is 1889, Sophia and Felipe?s at 171 Helman Street is 1895, Sheldon and Jordan?s at 173 Helman Street is 1888). 3. The height they are wanting for the first residence is going to be 15 feet higher than anyone else?s. It will be taller than your average utility pole by about 10 feet. Again not reasonable in the Skidmore Historic District. There are six out of the nine home owners on the street that are in favor of what I have asked to be put on record for us. I have not been able to get a hold of two home owners due to work hours and the other home is a vacation rental. Respectfully, Mark Brouillard 159 Helman Street Ashland, Oregon 97520-1719 mtbrouillard@msn.com Attachment 1 file: Attachment 2 file: Attachment 3 file: *** USER INFORMATION *** SubscriberID:-1 SubscriberUserName: SubscriberEmail: RemoteAddress: RemoteHost: RemoteUser: Attachment C From:City of Ashland, Oregon To:planning;Regan Trapp Subject:Historic Commission Contact Form Submitted Date:Wednesday, March 02, 2022 12:11:49 PM \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] *** FORM FIELD DATA*** Full Name: Mark Brouillard Phone:2066617085 Email:mtbrouillard@msn.com Subject:Tonight's Meeting - PA-T1-2022-00176 Message:We have no objections to this, Helman neighbors. Attachment 1 file: Attachment 2 file: Attachment 3 file: *** USER INFORMATION *** SubscriberID:-1 SubscriberUserName: SubscriberEmail: RemoteAddress: RemoteHost: RemoteUser: