HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-07 Historic MIN HPACCommitteeMinutes June 7, 2023 6:00PM–8:00PM CommunityDevelopment/Engineering Services Building – 51 Winburn Way 6:00PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Hovenkamp called the meeting to order at 6:05 Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Shostrom Jeff Dahle- Absent Hovenkamp Staff Present: Emery Derek Severson; Planning Manager Repp - Zoom Regan Trapp; Admin Support Scharen Whitford Bonetti - Zoom Commissioners Absent: Skibby READING OF LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Land Acknowledgement was read by Chair Hovenkamp. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners agreed to shift the discussion of the mural installation at Northwest Nature Shop to the beginning of the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Shostrom/Whitfordm/stoapprovetheminutesoftheHistoricCommissionmeetingof May3,2023.Voicevote.AllAYES.Motionpassedunanimously. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one in the audience wishing to speak. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison Dahle was not in attendance, so no report was given. Severson gave the staff report. Items discussed including mailing of homeowner letters, council adoption of the budget and fee resolution, and Von Chamier’s resignation. Members questioned the process for appointment of new members. HPACCommitteeMinutes DISCUSSION ITEMS A.Mural at NW Nature Shop Seeattachedmemosummarizingthisdiscussion. B.HPW Debrief Members discussed potential changes next year suggesting that a better public address system would be welcome, that the event might start at 11:30 a.m., and that the Committee should consider reincorporating a slide show/presentation to draw members of the public. The general feeling was that the outdoor venue worked well, and having the walking tour immediately after was also beneficial. Hovenkamp indicated she would draft letters of appreciation to the Mayor, Peter Finkle and Dale Shostrom for their support of the event. C.HPACPrioritiesDiscussion o Meeting times and discussion After discussion, it was agreed that the regular meeting should start at 4:00 p.m. and that the Review Board should begin at 3:00 p.m. If there are land use items for review at the regular meeting, they should be scheduled after 5:00 p.m. th Members also agreed that if there are no land use items in July, the July 5 th meeting should be canceled given the proximity to the 4of July holiday. o Preservation Plan working group HPAC members discussed review of the preservation plan, and of identifying simple, easily implemented projects the commission could carry out such as working with Travel Ashland and Peter Finkle to identify and feature a write- up on a weekly selected historic home on the Travel Ashland webpage as outreach/education. D.Review Board sign ups (7:27) ADJOURNMENT Iftherearelanduseactions,thenextmeetingwillbescheduledforJuly5,2023,at4:00pmat, 51WinburnWay.Otherwise,thenextregularmeetingwillbeonAugust2,2023,at4:00p.m. There beingnootheritems todiscuss,the meetingadjournedat7::27pm. RespectfullysubmittedbyRegan Trapp Memo DATE: June 7, 2023 TO: File FROM: Derek Severson, PlanningManager Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) Planning Staff Liaison RE: HPAC Review of Proposed Northwest NatureShopMural 154 Oak Street (Historic Contributing “George Coffee House”) At theJune 2023 regular meeting of theAshland Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC),the Committeereviewed a proposal from Marie CaballeroUhtoff of Northwest Nature Shopfor a muralto beinstalled onthe new fence atNorthwest Nature Shop at 154 Oak Street. The mural would be designed and executed by ViviDesign Company ofBend, Oregon (https://www.vividesignco.com/murals) and would be painted off-site in acrylic housepaint andinstalledevenly-spaced along the recently constructedfenceas three 4-foot by 16-foot ½-inch thick MDO plywood panels.The fence behind would retainits natural finishandbe allowed to age.The mural would depict flora,fauna and/or geology of southwestern Oregon; Crate Lakewasspecificallynoted as a potential theme. Vivi has not yet completeda final design; oncerenderingsare complete, they will be presented to the PublicArt and Historic Preservation Advisory Committees for final sign-off. After hearing the applicant’s initial proposal and reviewing samples of Vivi Design Company’s work on their website, HPAC members were generally supportive of the proposal in concept (subject to final design approval) and appreciative of the fact that the mural installation was not proposed to be placed directly on the historic building. HPAC found that the installation would add interest to the private alley, and overall would be a benefit to the surrounding area. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Theproposedmuralwouldconsistofthree4-footby16-footpanelsdepictingflora,fauna,andgeology specifictosouthwesternOregonpaintedinacrylichousepaintonhalf-inchMDOplywoodpanelsand installedalongthenatural-finishedfenceontheright-sideofthephotoabove. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900