HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-26 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes June 26, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Chair Joshua Boettiger called the meeting to order at 4:34 in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520. . Commissioners Present:Council Liaison Joshua BoettigerPam Marsh, arrived at 5 pm Heidi Parker SOU Liaison Sue Crader Michael GutmanAndrew Ensslin Regina Ayars Rich RohdeStaff Present: Coriann MatthewsBrandon Goldman, Housing Specialist Gina DuQuenne, left at 5:30Carolyn Schwendener, Admin Clerk CommissionersAbsent Connie Saldana Approval of Minutes Rohde/Parker m/s to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2014 Housing and Human Services Commission with a meeting date correction. Voice Vote: All Ayes, minutes were approved with correction. PUBLIC FORUM Judy Kerstetter/1354 Quincy Streetspoke regarding the dangers of using Roundup as a weed killer. Ms. Kerstetter told the Commission about three weeks ago she realized that her property owner was spraying glyphosate, which in her opinion is extremely toxic. Ms Kerstetter is an artist who paints with her door open and has become sick due to the frequent spraying within twelve feet of her door. The Commissioners encouraged Ms Kerstetter to attend the Conservation Commission meeting as well as speak with the property owners and neighbors. Ms. Kerstetter had the idea to start a program offering meals to the homeless in exchange for them whacking down weeds. She would like to see the use of glyphosates banned within the City. She will give an update to the Commission at a future meeting. Keith Haxtonand Christy Wrightfrom SOU Student Fair Housing campaign were present for the Student Fair Housing agenda topic. Paul Shoemaker, communications and government affairs liaison with theRogue Valley Association of Realtorswas present to observe the meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS Commissioner Saldana and Reid presented the Strategic Plan to the City Council at their June 3, 2014 meeting. The Council was very receptive and gave them the go ahead to move forward and draft the Strategic Plan. Reid conveyed the next step in the time line is to do a Community OutreachEvent. It was determinedthat sub-committees would be in order. The following topics were suggested for the sub committees. Brief history background Public outreach to stakeholders Outline of the goals Quantificationof the goals and methodology for that. At this time with Commissioners agreedto start with one sub-committee and then see what comes out of that meeting. The Commissioners who volunteered for the sub-committee are Parker, Rohde, Matthews and Boettiger. The deadline goal for the Strategic Plan is November of 2014 in order be completed before the RFP is issuedfor the social service grant money in January or February of 2015. DISCUSSION: COMMUNITY OUTREACH MEETING FOR THE STRATEGIC PLAN th The Community outreach event is scheduled for July 24from 4:30pm to 6:30pm in the Community Center located at 59 Winburn Way. Refreshments will be served. Reid created apostcard mailerinvitation. With the help of the Commissioners compiling names and addresses Reid will takeresponsibilityto complete the mailing. Those invited will be grantees from past awards, community volunteer members, faith based communities, budget members;agencies whoapplied but have notreceived awards, etc. After the mailing Commissioner DuQuenne will follow up with a phone call. Brandon Goldman will participate in the outreach event because Reid will be out of town during that time. It was determined that each Commissioner would be responsible for a round table in which the participants would have a list of specific questions in order to gather information. There will be two Commissioners at each table and focus will be on gaps and goal settings. Once the tables have completed their discussions then there willbe a common presentation reviewing the information gathered. Somesuggested questions were; What was the application process like for you? What improvements would you make in the application process? How as the public presentation process? Fairness of the process? What are our community needs, where are the gaps? Where is thereexcess? Ayars and Gina along with Reid will work together creating the lists of questions for the tables. STUDENT FAIR HOUSING –NEXT STEPS SOU Liaison Ensslin explained that at the last Commission meeting they discussed ways in which to get feedback from landlords as was requested by City Council. It was proposed that an alternative to hosting a public forum was to put together questions to bring forward to the landlords. When the questions are compiled they will take the survey to the SouthernOregon Rental Association as well asother groups. The Commissioners reviewed and discussed Ensslin’s questions he and Christy Wright had prepared. Some of the recommendations to Ensslin were; Make the survey anonymous Change the title, don’t use Fair Housing it impliesthey aren’t providing fair housing Make the survey as short as possible so the applicant will complete it Don’t use fill in the blank questionsbut check boxes which is easier to fill out Makethe questions simple and specific Include more of an introduction to explain why they are taking the survey Ensslin and Wright will complete the survey using the suggestions that the Commissioners made and bring it to the th . Housing and Human Services Goal Setting meeting on August 28 RENTAL REGISTRY UPDATE Reid explained that itwas recommended ina 2007 Rental Needs Analysis that the City have a rental registry in order to better track the rentalstockin Ashland.Two years ago theCitybusiness licenseregistry ordinance was updated to change the language around rentals. Previously landlords were only required to get a business license if they had six or more units. That ordinance has changed to read two or more units giving the City the opportunity to collect the information they were interested in gathering through a rental registry. Information regarding, how many bedrooms were available, were utilities included in the rent, vacancy rates, emergency contact informationetc. Reid acknowledged that at this time the City isnot collecting any information but staff is working on making this happen. It would be beneficialto track that information year after year. It was recognized that most landlords don’t even realize they need to register or purchase a business license. Staff is looking at ways to notify the public. The Commissioners discussed ways in which to incentivize the landlords to purchase their business licenseand fill out the registry. A monetary discount was suggested. LIAISON REPORTS DISCUSSION Council –Marsh announced that at the next Council meeting they will be looking at Traveler’s Accommodations in R-1 zones. General Announcements –La Clinica mobile health van is now offering morning hours from 9:00 amto 12:00 pm and then 1:00 pmto 5:00pmon Tuesdays. They are really looking for more places for the summertime. Commissioner Matthews announced she is no longer working at Community Works and will be starting employment with Southern Oregon Goodwill as a program specialist;she has a new email contact. JULY 24, 2014 AGENDA ITEMS th The Community outreach event is scheduled for July 24from 4:30pm to 6:30pm in the Community Outreach Event – Center located at 59 Winburn Way. Refreshments will be served. Quorum Check –All Commissioners confirmed they will be present at the next meeting. UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Housing and Human Services Commission Goal Settingmeeting –August 28, 2014,from 4:00pmto 7:00pmin the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building located at 51 Winburn Way. Pizza and salad will be served. ADJOURNMENT -The meeting was adjourned at 6:35p.m. Respectfullysubmitted by Carolyn Schwendener