HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-28 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes February 28, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Commission Chair Rohde called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon, 97520. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Tom Gunderson Dennis Slattery Rich Rohde Heide Parker SOU Liaison Erin Crowley None appointed at this time Linda Reppond Sue Crader Staff Present: Jackie Bachman Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Commissioners Not In Attendance: Gina DuQuenne Erica Franks APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioners Heide Parker / Erin Crowley m/s to approve the minutes of January 24, 2019. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 7-0. PUBLIC FORUM Stephanie Reed, an owner at Terrell Terrace Condominiums on Chestnut, spoke on a matter involving a letter sent to the Ashland City council regarding the removal of Deed restriction in their complex. Linda Reid gave background information on how the complex became Deed restricted to the commission. Discussion between Rich Rohde and Linda Reid regarding how many units in this complex are low income housing and where the city was in the process of this matter. Due to time restraint Rohde asked if there was a way to hear this specific case again in the future with more clarity. Rohde thanked Stephanie Reed and stated the commission will be hearing more on this subject at a later date. PROPOSAL FOR GRAND TERRACCE Linda Reid introduces Amy Gunter and Robert Kendrick to talk about the proposed Grand Terrace complex a 224-unit development, with some units being low income. Amy Gunter, Rogue Planning and Development services 33 Central Ave Suite 213 Medford 97501, presented site plan. Robert Kendrick, 153 Will Dodge Way, Owner and Developer of Grand Terrace project on Hwy 99. Kendrick submitted an information sheet on himself and his back ground with past and current project information (see attachment A, 7 pages). Kendrick gave information on how the units are proposed to be built and asked for Housing Commission support on his application to City Council for deferred SDC fees. Linda Reid and Brandon Goldman both gave clarification to the Commission on what can qualify for deferred or waived fees by Building dept. and the process therein. Dennis Slattery stated it is a process that would go thru Public Work and/or Planning before City council. Brandon Goldman confirmed how the process would go and also gave info that City Council meeting on 3/5 will be talking about such subject. Linda Reppond asked about annexation for project. Amy Gunter gave information on some infostructure for proposed project. More discussion between Rohde and Kendrick regarding how proposed units can be combined for larger units. Discussion between Gunter, Kendrick and Jackie Bachman regarding time line and procedures. Discussion between Tom Gunderson, Sue Crowder and Kendrick regarding SDC fees, deferment payback and getting project off the ground. Discussion between Heide Parker, Erin Crowley, Kendrick about if this project will truly provide affordable housing rents. Rohde wants a commission vote to support city council proposal to provide SDC deferrals. Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Tom Gunderson m/s to support what the City Council has proposed for SDC waivers and deferrals. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 7-0. Rohde advised Kendrick that commission cannot give definitive support for this project until more specific information is presented in regards to rent amount. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL WITH AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMPONENT See above CDBG GRANT REVIEW PROCESS DISCUSSION Discussion amongst commissioners in regards to conflict of interest surrounding organizations submitting Grant Applications, several commissioners have conflicts. More discussion regarding excusing selves from voting on conflicted organizations. Slattery adds that is a sensitive subject but that not truly a conflict of interest and the Housing Commission is not making the decisions, they are merely making recommendations, the city council will make the final decisions. Rohde wants all recommendations to feel valid without conflict and wants City Council Liaison to back Commission with recommendations. Slattery wants the Commission to disclose to Dave Loman with any conflict of interest to avoid an issue. Discussion involving Bachman, Parker, Rohde, Crader, Reppond, Rohde, Slattery and Reid regarding a past decision made by City Council and an issue with conflict of interest and making sure conflicts are declared and recorded in the minutes of meetings. Reppond feels if the person with conflict abstains from voting in that organizations grant and it is noted, that is sufficient and make sure it is recorded in the minutes. Bachman feels it should be noted that everyone on the Housing and Human Service Commission is involved with organizations that offers social services, and that knowledge is needed on this Commission. To some degree there will always seem a conflict of interest, yet this Commission works together to layer organizations to fit together. Commissioners Linda Reppond / Erin Crowley m/s pending review by City Attorney, we adopt a process where by anyone who has active board involvement with applicant, would refrain from voting on that application. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 7-0. Discussion about how to evaluate applications at next meeting, what type of questions to ask, are they applying for multiple grants, what is the total funding being requested, and what are they currently receiving in grants. Linda Reid to provide information once all applications are in, on the amount of each application request. Discussion about how to go about the next meeting and making sure the Commission has time to go thru all the th applications, after deliberation of dates, it was decided to have a special Work Study meeting on March 14 from 4-6 for discussion and understanding grant proposals for both SS and CDBG, no voting. HOUSING STRATEGIES WORKGROUP UPDATE Rohde read summary from Heidi Parker (see attachment B, single page). Gunderson advised he condensed the Summary of ECONorthwest Report (see attachment C, 3 pages) Reid advises strategies will start going on the agenda in May. SS STRATEGIC PLAN WORKGROUP UPDATE AND GRANT REVIEW SCHEDULE DISCUSSION Erin Crowley had not finished final editing of SS Strategic Plan as of this meeting, but will email final to Linda (not available at time of final minutes). Gunderson compressed awards for plan with narrative of what was awarded to use for future template of awarding monies. AMENDMENT TO CDBG ACTION PLAN Reid presented information on HUD Timely Ratio time line, due to fact that it would be 2 years in a row not meeting time line, monies would need to be returned to HUD if not spent. Discussion about who was granted money last year and who still needs to draw down on that money. Also talked about Public Works project for audible cross walks. Commission going before City Council to present this amendment to plan for permission. Discussion with Parker, Bachman and Reid about a list of quick projects to draw from in the future if this time line issue happens again. Discussion to put Priority List on agenda in May. Verbal Commission Expression of interest to use money to purchase audible crosswalks for Public Works, all ayes. LIAISON REPORTS AND GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS City Council – Dennis Slattery, new council Liaison, happy to be with Commission, Focal point on council is for affordable housing. Progress has been made, want to make more. Discussion regarding what Commission and Liaison need from each other. Staff – Discussion of Winter Shelter and County permit to issue permit for next season. Rohde presented handout of the Winter Shelter (attachment D, 7 pages). Discussion of Churches and Volunteers needed to help out in existing Temp Shelters. Rohde talked about Oregon Senate Bill 608 signed by Oregon Governor. Discussion with Reid, Rohde, and Bachman regarding Oregon Fair Housing Council and having a panel like this to educate landlords and tenants in May, discussed name of panel and who might be on panel. Linda Reid advised that Sub-Committee meetings now need to be noticed as a quorum, they now need to be called work groups since no decisions shall be made during those meetings. Linda Reid advised that CDBG item is going to regular council meeting on 3/5 , Housing element is going to study session of City council on 3/18. Then scheduled for public hearing and Ordinance adoption, Newer version will be posted on line. Discussion of HB2001 and what is in it. UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Work group meeting March 14, 2019. Housing and Human Services Commission Regular Meeting – 4:30-6:30 PM; March 28, 2019 at 51 Winburn Way. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton