HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-26 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes March 26, 2020 Audio Call to Order Commission was called to order by Brandon Goldman via Zoom Video meeting at 4:00 pm Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Rich Rohde Dennis Slattery - ABS Echo Fields Gina DuQuenne SOU Liaison Linda Reppond None appointed at this time Erin Crowley Tom Gunderson Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Approval of Minutes Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Heidi Parker m/s to approve the minutes of February 27, 2020 as amended. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum None Utility Bill Work Group Report The Commission discusses the items in Memo for recommendation Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Echo Fields m/s to approve all the items identified/recommended in the memo from the Utility Bill Work Group. And that the recommendations be sent to the City Council with the notion that they be implemented with the City’s discretion of priority after the COVID-19 crisis has passed. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Grant Application Review Discussion Discussion of conflict of interest. - Chris Mahan advises he has no conflict of interest - Jackie Bachman advises she has no conflict of Interest. Is a volunteer and serves on the Board for OHRA. However, there is no potential for financial gain from any association with OHRA and she believes she can act in the best interest of Ashland and will be fair in her decisions today. - Heidi Parker believes she can vote fairly on all matters today as there is no potential for financial gain for her. - Linda Reppond advises that she currently does have a financial gain as she currently has a contract with OHRA to house homeless shelter residents in her hotel that are “at risk” for the COVID-19 virus. She will abstain from voting on these applications today. - Rich Rohde advises that he is a volunteer with the Shower/Laundry trailer but feels that is not a conflict of interest. - Echo Fields has no conflict of interest. Echo Fields has question about timelines and the new COVID-19 pandemic. How much flexibility will applicants have with target dates? Linda Reid responded, CDBG grants can have adjustments made to timelines. Regarding Affordable Housing Trust Fund, there is no hard rule on timelines. Heide Parker has question about Food Angels. If we only partial fund Food Angels on their building project, will it in fact be a completed project? Linda Reid clarifies that some of the items requested do not qualify for CDBG grants, the actual roof and sink projects would be funded. Commission discusses the 2 memos added to agenda today by City Administrator CDBG Applicant Presentations - Pamela Joy / Food Angels gives short presentation for application. - No presentation from Maslow Via this zoom meeting. - Michelle Arellano and Diane DeRyss / OHRA gives presentation for application. - OHRA give presentation for meal delivery during COVID-19 crisis on a separate application. CDBG Application Review and Recommendation Commission hears from Linda Reid about Staff recommendations: Food Angels: $ 5,525.00 Maslow: $13,392.00 OHRA: $13,392.00 OHRA/ Meal $ 4,487.00 Commissioners Tom Gunderson / Erin Crowley m/s to accept the above recommendations of staff for the distribution of CDBG funds. Rich Rohde – Yes Echo Fields - Yes Gina DuQuenne - Yes Linda Reppond - Abstain Erin Crowley – Yes Tom Gunderson- Yes Heidi Parker - Yes Chris Mahan – Yes Jackie Bachman - Yes Affordable Housing Trust Fund Applicant Presentations Linda Reid makes announcement that all applicants have been notified that at this time we are unsure whether the Affordable Housing Trust Fund allocations will be made. Sean Darrell gives presentation for a Cottage project. Rich Rohde, Echo Fields, Jackie Bachman, and Heidi Parker all give thanks to Sean for his presentation. No questions from Commissioners Brian, Neighbor Works Umpqua gives presentation for Community Land Trust (CLT) ownership project. Heidi Parker askes: Please explain the Grounded Solutions Model Land Lease (Homeowners Assoc) versus current model Brian responds, existing 3 projects in Ashland were developed with no Homeowners Assoc. Over the years they have learned an HOA is beneficial the organize homeowners to make decision about common areas. Echo Fields askes: Have you identified sources for your budget lines of Technical Assistance, Consulting, Legal & Professional fees? Brian responds: Yes, a firm in Portland handles the Technical Assistance and a Lawyer they have used before that is versed in Land Trust matters Michelle Arellano, OHRA give presentation for application to fund resource center and winter shelter. No questions from commission. Linda Reid reads Memo for City Administrator Kelly Madding regarding Housing Trust Fund and the commission discusses how to maintain funding for the Winter Shelter come November. Affordable Housing Trust Fund Review and Recommendation Staff recommends award of the 2020 AHTF funds as follows:  $0 to Darrell Cottage Housing Proposal  $43,500 to Neighbor-works Umpqua  $110,000 to OHRA Commissioners Echo Fields / Jackie Bachman m/s to recommend funding immediately OHRA, the above proposed amount with flexibility to direct those funds to match the emerging needs during this pandemic. Commission also recommends funding Neighbor-works Umpqua the above proposed amount. Rich Rohde – Yes Echo Fields - Yes Gina DuQuenne - Yes Linda Reppond - Abstain Erin Crowley – Yes Tom Gunderson- Yes Heidi Parker - Yes Chris Mahan – Yes Jackie Bachman – Yes Secondary note: This commission stands ready to meet during the month to help address additional emergent plans for Ashland Housing Trust Fund that come forward during this pandemic. Echo Fields also requests that staff keep the commission informed about any emergency funds the City applies for from CDBG, the Emergency Solutions Grant, and any other provisions under the new legislation. Consolidated Plan Recommendation Staff is looking to the Commission to make a recommendation to the Council regarding the 2020-2024 CDBG Consolidated Plan. The final plan no includes the revisions of the comment regarding lifelong housing, and OHRA as a service provided on page 65. Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Chris Mahan m/s to accept the recommendations of Staff for the Final CDBG Consolidated Plan with revisions. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed April Agenda Items Cancelled Adjournment: Rich Rohde adjourned the meeting at 6:40p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton