HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-22 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes April 22, 2021 Call to Order Commission Chair Rohde called the meeting to order at 4:01pm . Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne ABS Echo Fields Leda Shapiro SOU Liaison Linda Reppond None appointed at this time (Vacant) Tom Gunderson Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Commissioners Not In Attendance: Approval of Minutes Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Echo Fields m/s to approve the minutes of March with amendments. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum - None Code Amendments for Duplexes and Accessory Residential Units Maria Harris, Planning Manager gives presentation for amendments in the Municipal Code and Land Use code. PRESENTATION A few questions from commissioners about parking and distinction between Duplex and ARU (Accessory Residential Units) Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Echo Fields m/s to support recommendations for Duplex and ARU (Accessory Residential Units) code changes and options presented by the Planning Department today. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed New Commissioner Introduction Leda Shapiro Round Robin with all commissioners to introduce Leda Shapiro at Commissioner #3 of the Housing and Human Services Commission. Racial Justice Discussion Rich Rohde, Commission Co-Chair submitted: Racial and Equity resolution for Ashland Housing & Human Services Commission “An equity lens is a process for analyzing or diagnosing the impact of the design and implementation of policies on under-served and marginalized individuals and groups, and to identify and potentially eliminate barriers. using a racial equity lens means paying disciplined attention to race and ethnicity while analyzing problems, looking for solutions, and defining success. An equity lens is a process for analyzing or diagnosing the impact of the design and implementation of policies on under-served and marginalized individuals and groups, and to identify and potentially eliminate barriers.” Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Echo Fields m/s that the Ashland Housing & Human Services Commission adopt the use of a racial equity lens as a process for analyzing or diagnosing the impact of commission decisions by paying attention to race, ethnicity, and underserved/ marginalized individuals and groups to identify and eliminate barriers. A racial equity lens can be used with other lenses. A racial equity lens sheds light on racial dynamics that shape social, economic, and political structures. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Goal Refining Discussion Commission discussed how they want to go about addressing the goals they have outlined below. A work group with Rich Rohde, Heidi Parker, Leda Shapiro and Chris Mahan was formed to gather more information around the goals listed under Alternative Shelter and bring that information back to the commission. 2021 Goals for Housing and Human Services Commission - Alternative Shelter solutions including RV parking support, emergency shelter, pallet shelters and campgrounds - Mental Health including Cahoots Model and Implementation of Measure 110 - Work force Housing: Study expanding the Urban Growth Boundary (pros/cons/political ramifications), Explore collaborations with Phoenix Talent to look at regional coordination around building/development, Ask Brandon to educate the Commission on the UBG expansion process, Explore workforce housing partnerships -Food Resources: Focus on food distribution, rather than food resources. Quarterly report on food support system that serves Ashland, - Work with Energy Action Plan: Focus on energy efficiency measures and climate impact in development project. Focus on economic benefits to low income households -Vocational Programs - Fair Housing Commission Position Appointments and Discussion Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Heidi Parker m/s to recommend Rich Rohde and Linda Reppond to Co-Chair the Housing and Human Service Commission for the next year. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Social Service Grant Program Update and HHSC Mission Discussion Commission will await the results of the City budget process to review and make any recommendations on Social Service Grant Program and outcome of Ashland Housing Trust Fund. Upcoming Meeting for Housing Commission Regular Meeting May 27, 2021 Adjournment: Rich Rohde adjourned the meeting at 6:10p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton