HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-22 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes July 22, 2021 Call to Order Commission Co-Chair Rich Rohde called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:00pm . Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne Echo Fields Jackie Bachman SOU Liaison Linda Reppond None appointed at this time (Vacant) (Vacant) Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Commissioners Not In Attendance: Leda Shapiro Chris Mahan Approval of Minutes Commissioners Echo Fields / Heidi Parker m/s to approve the minutes of June 24, 2021 as amended. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed. Public Forum Elizabeth From Peace house would like the City to provide porta-john units at Mistletoe & Tolman for homeless camping in that area. July 1, Parks & Rec removed the porta-john and sink that were there. Peace House serves approx. 125 4-times per week at this location. Commission agrees to talk about this subject at the end of this meeting tonight Post Legislative Session-Housing and Homeless Related Bills State Representative Pam Marsh gives an update on Legislative Bills that recently passed that are linked to Wildfire relief, housing relief, mental health issues, homeless issue, climate issues, and racial justice issues. Food Resources Community Outreach Event Discussion Heidi Parker, Housing Commissioner brings forth the idea to profile one organizations and businesses that are doing outreach once a week or once a month in the local paper to show the community who is providing services for those that are in need. Commission discusses ideas in how to highlight these organizations and forms a work group with Heidi, Rich, and Linda Reppond. Porta-Toilet Discussion Commission discusses need for Porta-Toilets units and past damages to unit. Commission asks Gina DuQuenne to Convey to City Council that the Housing and Human Services commission has a continued interest in the ongoing COVID situation and Porta-Toilet placement in the city. Commission would like to have a joint discussion about the issue with City Council. Linda Reppond will draft a letter to Ashland Parks commission detailing the need for Porta-Toilets and present it at the next meeting for approval. Liaison Reports Rich Rohde, Co-Chair lets the commission know there has been an invite from OHRA to tour the new shelter center. rd Gina DuQuenne, Council Liaison announces August 3 council meeting will have the first reading of the rd amendment to the City Annexation Ordinance and there will be a combined meeting on August 23 with Ashland Parks and City Council Linda Reid, Staff Liaison let the commission know that AC units have been installed in the (3) pallet houses at the Unitarian Church. At State Wide housing meeting it was discussed that most cities do not have a policy on Cooling Shelters and when they should be opened. Linda puts forth to the commission to ask if this is something they would like to work on and present to the City Council Upcoming Meeting for Housing Commission Regular Meeting Aug 26, 2021 Adjournment: Rich Rohde adjourned the meeting at 6:22p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton