HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-26 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes August 26, 2021 Call to Order Commission Co-Chair Linda Reppond called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:00pm. Commissioners Present: Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne Echo Fields Leda Shapiro SOU Liaison Linda Reppond None appointed at this time (Vacant) (Vacant) Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Commissioners Not In Attendance: Approval of Minutes Commissioners Heidi Parker / Jackie Bachman m/s to approve the minutes as amended of July 22, 2021. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum - None Social Service Grant Presentations 1.) Community works – Kim Caplan Dunn House presentation – No questions from Commissioners Sexual Assault Victim Services presentation Questions from Commissioners: Heidi Parker, is there overlap with Jackson County SART? Kim, no we provide advocacy and supplies after exam. Rich Rohde, have you noticed an increase since COVID and Fires? Kim, yes the severity of violence has increased, not allowed in hospitals to comfort survivors, and housing options for victims 2.) Ashland Food Angels – Pamela Joy gives basic presentation Questions from Commissioners: Linda Reppond, what are the requested fund for? Pamela, basic upkeep for vehicles and building. Chris Mahan, have you utilized SOU Students for volunteers? Pamela, have tried but find older people more reliable. Echo Fields, will this grant be your total budget? Pamela, yes basically. 3.) Community Volunteer Network (RSVP Call A Ride) – Kristin Milligan presentation Questions from Commissioners: Heidi Parker, can you clarify negative income in financial statement under Net Asset Deficit without donor restrictions? Kristin, not enough donations last year. Chris Mahan, have you utilized SOU students? Kristin, we have a few internships but the program is designed for Senior Volunteers helping Seniors in need. 4.) Center Non-Profit Legal Services – Debra Lee presentation. Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman, Are there retired Attorneys volunteering? Debra, work with State and Jackson County Bar Associations for additional Pro Bono services. Echo, where services shut off after fire? Debra, no office was closed to the public due to COVID but still providing services. 5.) Jackson County SART, Nurse Examiner Program – Susan Moen presentation Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman, If you are not fully funded by Ashland how will you fund this program? Susan, this program is our core program and other programs will be cut before this program. Chris Mahan, have you noticed an increase in cases since COVID? Susan, yes there has been an increase. Heidi Parker, past financials were larger with school prevention programs, are those programs still happening? Susan, yes they are being offered by Zoom now. 6.) La Clinica Mobile Health Clinic – Ed Smith-Burns presentation Questions from Commissioners: Jackie Bachman, what percentage of clients are Spanish speaking and need translation? Ed, about 20% and we have bi-lingual staff. Jackie, how many were served in Ashland last year? Ed, last years’ breakdown not very accurate but typically it is about 500 people. Rich Rohde, with COVID is it a guarantee for Mobile unit at the new OHRA shelter? Ed, yes they currently have a 1-year agreement with option for longer. Echo Fields, do you provide dental on Mobile Unit? Ed, the unit has the capacity but with COVID they cannot offer Dental at this time. Chris Mahan, if Ashland was to fund your full request would you stay in Ashland? Ed, yes we would try to expand number of days. 7.) OHRA – Dave Stoebel presentation Questions from Commissioners: Chris Mahan, are degrees or licenses required for navigators and do you have SOU internships? Dave, degrees and licenses not required, accept all people with skills however since COVID no non-staff members. Gina Duquenne, you have 4 navigators now, will you be able to increase navigators if fully funded? Dave, our request is to cover current budget, no expansion planned. Echo Fields, are you paying a living wage with benefits to staff? Dave, yes. 8.) Peace House – Elizabeth Hallett presentation. Questions from Commissioners: Chris Mahan, what will you do if Ashland cannot fully fund you? Elizabeth, find other donors or cut back services. Jackie Bachman, when you leave the Methodist Church where will you be located? Elizabeth, information not being released as of yet. 9.) St Vincent de Paul – John Engelhardt presentation Rich Rohde wanted to make a statement that he appreciated the flexibility in their allocations for whatever need is out there. 10.) Food & Friends Meals on Wheels – Kristi Welburn presentation No questions from Commissioners Discussion and Allocation Recommendation Conflict of interest statements: Jackie Bachman – Serves on OHRA board and has no financial gain from any grant given to OHRA and can be fair and impartial for allocation of grant money. Linda Reid – Serves on La Clinica board and has no financial gain from any grant given to La Clinica and has no vote in the allocation of grant money. Linda Reppond – has a contract with Community Works but not in the area where any grant money would be allocated and can be fair and impartial for allocation of grant money Commission discusses how to allocate monies to the applicants. Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Chris Mahan m/s to recommend the following allocation of funds agreed upon by the Housing and Human Services Commission. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Ashland Food Angels $12,083.00 Community Works Inc. (Dunn House) $11,333.00 Community Works Inc. (Sexual Assault Victim Services) $ 2,333.00 Community Volunteer Network RSVP of Jackson County $ 2,000.00 Center for Nonprofit Legal Services, Inc. $ 5,000.00 Jackson County SART $ 6,000.00 La Clinica $ 7,750.00 Options For Helping Residents of Ashland $30,000.00 Peace House $26,000.00 St. Vincent Du Paul $24,500.00 Rogue Valley Council of Governments (Meals on Wheels) $ 8,000.00 Liaison Reports Council – Gina Duquenne. Will be presenting this allocation of funds to the City Council on September 21, 2021 SOU – Chris Mahan. Has scheduled a meeting with SOU staff and Habitat for Humanity to talk about excess SOU properties and the possibility of developing those properties Staff – Linda Reid. Update on Urban pallet housing. Rogue Retreat is looking for people to staff property 24/7. See their website for details. General Announcement – Echo Fields. Acting as liaison to Jackson County Long Term Recovery Group for Housing and Human Services Commission. Agenda Item for September – Linda Reppond City Council has tasked the Housing and Human Services Commission with making policy for inclement weather emergency shelters. Rich and Echo agree to work on policy and bring to commission in September. Upcoming Meeting for Housing Commission Regular Meeting September 23, 2021 Adjournment: adjourned the meeting at 6:15p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton