HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-24 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes March 24, 2022 Call to Order Commission Co-Chair Linda Reppond called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:00pm . Commissioners Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne - Absent Echo Fields #3 Vacant SOU Liaison Linda Reppond Reese Rosenburg - Absent Joy Fate Kathy Kali Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan – Absent Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Approval of Minutes Commissioners Jackie Bachman / Echo Fields m/s to approve the minutes of February 24, 2022 . Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum None CDBG and CDBG-CARES Act Presentations Cass Sinclair / OHRA: CDBG presentation for $162,419.00 for ADA Elevator at OHRA center. RR – do you have statistics on permanent housing after shelter. Do you have permanent supportive housing? Cass - Navigators are now tracking those numbers. EF – are you still helping fire victims? Cass yes, we are. HP – is there a Timing-out at the shelter, do you have numbers of people that do not find housing? Cass – yes HUD requires us to keep people housed 6 months or less. There have been people that have timed out. KK – are you going to apply for the State money for wildfire relief for people with the marginal status after the Almeda Fire? Cass - OHRA has been looking into the grant. Cass Sinclair / OHRA: CARES presentation for $81,347.00 to operate Emergency Shelter and the Shower / Laundry trailer. No questions from Commissioners. Phil Johncock, Matthew Vorderstrasse, Chad McComas / Rogue Retreat: presentation for $81,347.00 in CARES grant for the Ashland Shelter Community and keep it open thru October 2022. JF – is there any room to eliminate the referral from APD? Matthew – referral is based on history with City of Medford Model. Chad - Referrals from Non-profit organizations is already being done. LP – what are the differences of community served at OHRA or the Shelter. Chad – it depends on the individual people and navigation tries to prioritize what is needed. RR – what level of partnership is there with Mental Health providers? Matthew – forming a steering community to get more partners. EF – what are the procedures for clients with pets? Chad – we do not separate client with pet. EF – when people have personal property, is there storage for it? Chad – we try the best we can to store what they have. Corrie Sommerfeld / Maslow: presentation for CDBG funding of $25,000.00 to help their at risk and homeless youth program. CDBG Application Review and Recommendation Linda Reid advises the commission that the Staff recommendation is that the CARES grant be spilt equally, but the Commission is free to recommend any division. Commissioners discuss how they want to vote. Jackie Bachman makes a statement that she is a member of the board for OHRA and she had no financial gain in these grants and can vote in a fair and just means for these decisions. Commissioners Rich Rohde / Echo Fields m/s to accept staff recommendation for allocation of CDBG monies as: $128,266 to Options for Helping Residents of Ashland $ 25,000 to Maslow Project School Based Services and CDBG CARES monies as: $40,673 to Options for Helping Residents of Ashland $40,674 to Rogue Retreat Ashland Community Shelter Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed AHTF Presentation Denise James / Habitat for Humanity: presentation for AHTF of $ 60,000.00 for additional costs expected for first (2) homes of (8) in the Beach Creek Subdivision. HP - are the costs and estimate or hard numbers? Denise – these are estimates currently. Cass Sinclair / ORHA: presentation for AHTF of $ 179,000.00 for program costs at the OHRA Center. No Commissioner questions Phil Johncock & Matthew Vorderstrasse / Rogue Retreat: presentation for AHTF of $170,000.00 for the Ashland Shelter Community. No Commissioner questions. AHTF Application Review and Recommendation There is a Staff recommendation on how to allocate the funds. Commissioners discuss how they want to vote. Jackie Bachman makes a statement that she is a member of the board for OHRA and she had no financial gain in these grants and can vote in a fair and just means for these decisions. Commissioners Echo Fields / Rich Rohde m/s to accept staff recommendation for the allocation of AHTF monies as: $ 60,000.00 Habitat for Humanity $ 55,000.00 OHRA $ 55,000.00 Rogue Retreat Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed. General Announcements / Updates Election of officers at April meeting. Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting April 28, 2022 Adjournment: adjourned the meeting at 6:00p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton