HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-28 Housing & Human Services MIN Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission Minutes April 28, 2022 Call to Order Commission Co-Chair Rich Rohde called the Zoom meeting to order at 4:03pm . Commissioners Council Liaison Rich Rohde Gina Duquenne Echo Fields #3 Vacant SOU Liaison Linda Reppond Reese Rosenburg Joy Fate Kathy Kali Staff Present: Heidi Parker Absent Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Chris Mahan Liz Hamilton, Permit Technician Jackie Bachman Absent Approval of Minutes Commissioners Echo Fields / Linda Reppond m/s to approve the minutes of March 24, 2022. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum Cindy Dettman from Wingspread. Committee to protect mobile home parks. Provided additional written information regarding writing a plan for citizen involvement in the Housing Production Strategy process as outline in OAR 660.008.0050 Rogue Ridge Update Jennifer Sewitsky / Columbia Care gave brief overview of what Columbia Care offers to the community. Then an update of the Rogue Ridge project at 1675 Ashland Street. Cindy gave overview of how the project came to be. Delicia gave overview of the services that will be offered in the complex. A website has been set up for people to know the progression on this project. www.communitycares.info Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Advisory Committee Update Rich Rohde and Echo Fields gave overview of the meeting they attended. Some concern that there is not enough public input times. Rich stresses strong outreach. Commission involvement in Housing Production Strategy (HPS) community outreach Rich Rohde suggests a work group to plan outreach events to reach the vulnerable communities. Echo Fields leaves meeting Nominations for Commission Positions Commissioners Rich Rohde / Joy Fate nominate Linda Reppond as Chair of the HHS Commission. Hand Vote: All Ayes . Commissioners Linda Reppond / Chris Mahan nominate Echo Fields as Vice-Chair of the HHS Commission. Hand Vote: All Ayes. Social Equity & Racial Justice (SERJ) Commission Request. Asks if a representative from the Housing and Human Services Commission would be available to attend the SERJ commission meeting on Thursday, May 5 at 5:00 pm via Zoom. The topic would be how each commission applies the lens of equity to the work they do. Linda Reppond and Rich Rohde volunteer to attend. Liaison Reports Council (Gina Duquenne) overview of the City Council meeting to allocate the Housing Trust Fund money. SOU Liaison (Reese Rosenburg) prepared rough draft of CapStone subject for the fall, interviewing students on their experiences with housing and food insecurity. Continuing to do research one food desert to provide Commission with short presentatio n. th SOU program report (Chris Mahan) SOU President Rick Bailey May 10 from 3:30-515 press conference about revenue Staff (Linda Reid) severe weather recommendation going to City Council study session first week of June and need members of commission to attend study session to answer questions. Looking at another community connect event in the fall. General Announcements: Kathy Kali – Oregon Housing and Community Service hosting a hearing May 19, 2022, to get feedback on how to spend the 422 million dollars in CDBG funds coming to the Rogue Valley thru the State from HUD. Gina Duquenne – Extra City Council Meetings May 23 & 24 to go over the city budget. Next Housing Commission Regular Meeting May 26, 2022 Adjournment: adjourned the meeting at 5:52p.m. Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton