HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-23 Housing & Human Services MIN February 23, 2023 HHSA Committee Minutes 4:00PM - 6:00PM CALL TO ORDER: Call to order by Echo Fields at 4:01: Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Echo Fields Bob Kaplan Kathy Kali Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Brandon Goldman; Acting Community Rich Rohde Development Director Alan Ackroyd Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Brittney Bass Special Guest (via Zoom): Commissioners Absent: Beth Goodman with ECO NW Linda Reppond Joy Fate Jason Mendoza ANNOUNCEMENTS Rohde- Announced that the State legislature package of Housing Bills will move quickly and be enforced in March. He has requested to put a report on that legislation at the next meeting. Parker- Announced that the Governor was granted the power to rezone any areas in Oregon for housing. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Parker/Rohde m/s approval of the minutes as presented. Minutes approved from January 26, 2023 approved unanimously. PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:15 p.m.) Kaplan- Michael Duffy, an active member of our community has been emailing him regarding land leases and community land trusts. Kaplan will forward the emails to Reid so she and Duffy can connect. Crystal- Voices her concern that private rentals continue to increase their rent. Rohde- In response to Crystals concern, “One of the bills in the legislature, that may pass in March, limits the amount a landlord is allowed to raise rent. Will hold rent increases to 3% plus inflation and no greater than 8%. If this passes in that bill it will cover not just housing that’s 15 years or older but all housing. Which will modify the existing limit”. Fields- Acknowledges that Pam Marsh is dealing with a major loss of her Husband and we as a Page 1 of 3 HHSA Committee Minutes committee would love to send her a card. NEW BUSINESS (4:15-4:30 p.m.) New Commissioner Welcome and Introductions Reid- Announced that Council appointed 3 new Commissioners. We had 4 applicants for the 3 open positions. Ackroyd and Bass introduced themselves to the Commission. Mendoza, the third new Commissioner was absent from the meeting. Housing Production Strategy Presentation (4:30-5:00 p.m.) Beth Goodman with ECO NW presented over zoom. Goodman presented in depth information on the following topics: What’s made it into the strategy and what was taken out, explanation of actions and initiatives, funding sources, implementation schedule (over an 8 year period), recommendations and strategies not included in the HPS. Please see link for the entire power point. Ashland HPS HHSAC Meeting 2.pptx Housing Production Strategy Discussion and Recommendations (5:00-5:25 p.m.). Rohde- Recommends the whole document be accepted by the Committee. Rohde made a motion that the Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee accept the Draft Housing Production Strategy document “as is” and recommended that the document move forward in its entirety to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Fields/Parker m/s Rhode’s motion and move onto discussion. Fields- Asked for clarification on the next steps for the Housing Production Strategy document. Goldman- Provided an overview of the next steps for the HPS. “This draft document will go to the Planning Commission at a study session for review and feedback on Tuesday February 28, 2023. Then it will go to the City Council on March 7, 2023. Both of those meetings are work sessions, so no final decision will be made. But the recommendation from the HHSAC was very important and will be relayed to both the Planning Commission and City Council for their consideration in reviewing the draft document. Staff will draft a resolution to adopt the final draft document. The resolution and the final draft of the document will go to public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council where, hopefully, the resolution would then be adopted”. Parker- Asked if a portion of the food and beverage tax could go towards affordable housing. Kaplan- Clarified that at least 25% of the food tax goes to parks capitol, street funds and then paying debt on the sewage treatment plant that has been paid off. Which now gives Parks the opportunity to receive additional funding. Page 2 of 3 HHSA Committee Minutes Fields- “So our recommendation on the table right now would suggest that the city council accept the document as whole”. (vote) role call- ALL AYES. This is an official action that moves this timeline. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Liaison Reports Reid- Gave an update on the warming shelter. Kelly Burns is the new emergency shelter manager. Burns has been monitoring weather and has been in contact with Joe Lessard. Reid will continue to oversee the financials and receives updates from Avram at ORHA. Fields- Would like a debrief with the emergency shelter at the end of its season. Is concerned with plans for a cooling shelter for the summer months. Advises the Council start planning now. Kaplan- Confirmed that our City Manager Joe Lessard looks at the hour-by-hour weather report and if there is any time when it goes below the 32-degree threshold he calls for the shelter to open. Kaplan also mentioned when we get two new councilors there could be the possibility of two council liaisons in one committee if there is interest. The Council approved Senate bill 458. Spoke about Climate friendly areas and updates. General Announcements Kali- There are two affordable housing developments that are about to sell and become gentrified which will no longer make them affordable. Kali would like to “highlight” the two locations and make the committee aware of the situation. One is a boarding house on Siskiyou Blvd. and the other is a 4- unit apartment complex. They are currently workforce housing and with the current market the rental prices would have to be completely inflated which would remove them from the “affordable housing” bracket. AGENDA BUILDING – Future Meetings ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. m/s to adjourn. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Next Meeting Date: March 24, 2023 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3