HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-23 Housing & Human Services MIN , 2023March 23 HHSA Committee Minutes 4:00PM - 6:00PM CALL TO ORDER: Call to order by Reppond at 4:00: Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Echo Fields Bob Kaplan Kathy Kali Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Rich Rohde Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Alan Ackroyd Brittney Bass Linda Reppond Special Guests: Cheyenne Nichols Case Manager with Commissioners Absent: Maslow Project Jason Mendoza Cass Sinclair Executive Director with OHRA Tighe O’Meara Police Chief with APD ANNOUNCEMENTS Chief O’Meara gave an update on the tent community in town. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Parker/Fields m/s approval of the minutes as presented. Minutes approved from February 23, 2023, approved unanimously. PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:15 p.m.) Laundry love is looking for a new location to offer their laundry washing program for unhoused populations. They are looking for an alternative location to continue their service both temporarily and permanently. On February 6, 2023, they had to vacate Henrys Laundry Mat. They are actively looking for another space. If there are any leads, please contact Laundry Love at (707)-499-9146. NEW BUSINESS A. CDBG Applicant Presentations and Public Hearing (4:15-4:45 p.m.). Maslow (Cheyenne Nichols) Spoke to the services offered at Maslow Project. Assisting students dealing with houselessness and keeping kids in school. Ensuring they are getting all basic needs met such as food, supplies and clean clothes. Nichols also provided an overview of the Case Page 1 of 3 HHSA Committee Minutes management services that Maslow provides to students and families enrolled in the Ashland School District. Maslow offers intensive support for kids and their families. Maslow is extremely active in outreach in Ashland and surrounding communities. Maslow is asking for $25,000 to continue to offer case management and support in the Ashland School District. OHRA (Cass Sinclair) Spoke to the services offered at OHRA. Sinclair is happy to report that 145 people have been housed since 2021. Sinclair is asking for funding for two separate activities; a commercial kitchen addition (which will most likely be a self-contained cargo container kitchen) and a separate funding application to support ongoing Navigation services to homeless and households at risk of homelessness. The container kitchen can be moved in the future which is a huge perk to the container design. B. CDBG Award Evaluation Discussion and Award Recommendation (4:45-5:30 p.m.). Reid gave a brief breakdown of the funding process. The City receives a formula allocation from HUD. A total of $179,575 has been allocated to the City of Ashland. 20% ($35,915) is reserved for administration of the CDBG program. HUD only allows the City to allocate a maximum of 15% ($26,936) of the entire allocation for public service activities. There are no allocation limits to the amount of funding which can be utilized for Capital improvement projects. The commercial kitchen OHRA is requesting is a Capital improvement project. Rhode made a motion to allocate $25,000 to Maslow, the full Capital amount for OHRAs commercial kitchen and the rest of the money to OHRAs Navigators. No second. Fields made a motion to allocate $141,235 to OHRA’s capital funding request and to split the $26,936 in available public service funding between the two public service applications. Awarding $13,468 to OHRA Navigation and $13,468 to Maslow for wrap around services for homeless youth. No second. Kali made a motion to allocate $141,235 to OHRA’s capital project and award $26,936 to Maslow. Rhode pointed out that $26,936 is more than Maslow initially asked for. Kali withdrew her initial motion and made a new motion that $143,171 be awarded to OHRA Capitol and $25,000 to Maslow. No second. Bass made a motion to award Maslow $15,000, OHRA navigation services $11,936 and the OHRA commercial kitchen $141,235. Fields seconded Bass’s motion. Escuin restates the motion, “Bass makes a motion to award $15,000 to Maslow Project, $11,936 to OHRA navigation services, and the remaining capital funding of $141,235 for the OHRA commercial kitchen project”. Page 2 of 3 HHSA Committee Minutes Voice Vote: Rhode, Kali, Ackroyd, Bass, Reppond all vote AYES. Fields and Parker abstain. C. Report on the Governor’s E.O. related Housing Bills Tabled until the next Committee meeting on April 23, 2023. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Liaison Reports Kaplan reported that there is enough funding for 10 more days of the emergency weather shelter. The shelter is seeing between 11-34 people at the emergency shelter on any given night. Kaplan also gave a brief overview of the budget meeting process and schedule and went over the Council’s strategic priorities for the budget, which are, wildfire risks, attainable and affordable housing, and progressive utility rates. The housing production strategy is also a priority for the next 2 years. Reid Gave a brief update on the State’s expectations, guidelines, and timelines for the E.O. 23-02 funding to address the homelessness state of emergency. Reid let the Committee members know that more definite information about this funding will be provided once the Continuum of Care learns more from the State. General Announcements Joy Fate has resigned effective immediately. Crystal Munoz will be recommended for appointment th at the April 18 Council Meeting. This will be Reppond’s last meeting. The Committee will appoint new officers at our next regular meeting. AGENDA BUILDING – Future Meetings ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. m/s to adjourn. ALL AYES. Motion passed. Next Meeting Date: April 27, 2023 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3