HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-22 Housing & Human Services MIN June 22 Housing And Human Services Advisory Committee Minutes Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Echo Fields Bob Kaplan (Absent) Brittney Bass Dylan Bloom Deborah Price Staff Present: Heidi Parker Linda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Rich Rohde Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Commissioner’s Absent: SOU Liaison: Kathy Kali Reese Rosenburg (Absent) Alan Ackroyd Jason Mendoza I. CALL TO ORDER: 4:05 p.m. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS N/A III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of May 25, 2023, Minutes Fields recommends that we add a sentence under the SOU Liaisons presentation to include that we had a robust conversation about the rent-well renter’s education program offered by ACCESS. Rhode/Price m/s Voice vote: ALL AYES. The minutes will be adopted as amended. IV. PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A. Public Forum.  Sidney Brown, Committee Member of CEPAC came to share that the electrification resolution language is being worked on currently and actively by the World Climate Action Team. They are working with the City Manager and City Attorney to evolve the language that will withstand the Berkley ruling. The city has voted to move with a resolution that will mandate all new housing to not include natural gas. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Topics related to SOU Student Liaison’s Presentation on Housing Insecurity (4:15-4:35 p.m.). a. Engaging younger people in City Government. Page 1 of 3 Housing And Human Services Advisory Committee Minutes  Bloom gave the Committee some insight into the City’s plan for the University District. Bloom also went into the plans for construction of the Cascade building on SOU’s campus. b. Possible Solutions to address rental application fees.  The Committee had an in-depth conversation on Ors.90.295. https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_90.295 . The Committee also discussed the Rent well program classes offered through ACCESS and OHRA https://rentwell.org/ and reviewed the Oregon Real Estate Agency’s website. https://www.oregon.gov/rea/pages/index.aspx  Rohde would like to establish a workgroup that would be part of addressing property management issues in Ashland.  Munoz would like to research what is already working and functioning in Portland, OR. regarding property management issues and present ideas of how to recreate that system in Ashland to the City Council at an upcoming meeting.  Reid recommends to the Committee that we hone down our goals to 5 items we can work on in this fiscal year and present those to the City Council.  Fields initiated a voice vote to create a workgroup focused on property management issues in Ashland. VOICE VOTE: ALL AYES. The workgroup will be made up of Committee Member Rohde and Vice Chair Munoz. B. Housing Program Webpage Review and Suggestions for Updates and Changes (4:35-5:05 p.m.).  Reid gave a presentation on the Housing section of the City of Ashland page and what documents are available.  The Committee discussed ways to make the Housing section more appealing and user friendly. Perhaps hire a web designer. Fields recommends creating a workgroup in the future to discuss ways to improve the Housing section of the City’s website. C. Multi-Agency Coordination Group Update (5:05-5:25 p.m.)  Fields wanted to touch on 3 topics for this meeting. The Committee had discussions on the following topics. 1. Budget/ funding stream related information. 2. ACCESS article about the various funding streams. 3. The status for certain social service groups.  Reid gives a detailed recap for projects funded with E.O. 2023-02 funding. D. HPS Timeline Review (5:25-5:45 p.m.)  Fields gave a review of the DLCD timeline and recommended we submit comments. https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/pages/index.aspx Page 2 of 3 Housing And Human Services Advisory Committee Minutes  Price would like Reid to get in contact with someone in the DLCD offices to let us know what their struggles and successes are. Recommends that we all comment on the DLCD website. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. None VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Liaison Reports  Reid reminds the group that at the July 18, 2023, Council Meeting, the City Council will be reviewing each Committee’s 5 priority goals for the next fiscal year. B. General Announcements th  Rohde shared that Peace House was celebrating their 40 anniversary on 6/22/2022 from 4-7pm. There is also a Pride event on Saturday June 24 at the Medford Commons. VIII. AGENDA BUILDING – Future Meetings IX. ADJOURNMENT: 6:05 p.m. Next Meeting Date: July 27, 2023 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3