HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-15 Public Arts MIN B ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES June 15, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Sandra Friend called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. in the Lithia Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Dana Bussell Fotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Sandra Friend Thomas Fuhrmark Richard Newman Andy Stallman Stanley Smith Absent Members: Council Liaison: INTRODUCTIONS Allison Renwick introduced herself and shared her background as an Art Historian and teacher. She served on the Historic Commission for nine years. She participated on selection committee for the Gateway Island project. She also initiated the historic markers program. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioners Bussell/Fuhrmark m/s to approve the minutes from April 20, 2018. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM - None COUNCIL LIASON REPORT - None PROJECT UPDATES A. Update on the design for Velocity Chair Friend updated the Commission on the plaque and the status of Velocity’s fabrication. Commissioner Newman added the piece would have LED lighting on the underside of the arch. Chair Friend explained the artist had not made a final decision on the color of the ball. The artist initially discussed having an orange ball. Presently, he was considering a white translucent ball with LED lighting inside. She described the fabrication process. The Commission compiled questions for the artist that included the final color of the ball and material, lighting, day time appearance, structural integrity and scale. Ms. Kaufman explained the City Engineer Division had been involved with ensuring the art installation was structurally sound. She retrieved the structural permits for the Commission to review. The sculpture would be completed late August. They discussed the possibility of having the artist, Gordon Huether, design something to cover the electrical boxes on the wall in the Theater Corridor. B. Update on Watershed Piece th Commissioner Bussell updated the Commission on the dedication for the last Watershed Piece on July 6 at 4 p.m. at the Reservoir. Chair Friend explained that a combination of a grant and non-public funds were used to purchase “Elevation.” Ashland Public Arts Commission June 15, 2018 Page 1 of 3 C. Review of the PAC three-year plan The Commission reviewed the goals. Goal 1 Complete Current and Ongoing Projects 1. Theatre corridor a. Finish defining the process to bring to point of CC review for approval b. Manage fabrication and installation processes 2. Gateway a. Develop public education strategy for use when sculpture installed 3. Rycheck/Watershed art project a. Review completed installation b. Accept sculpture into City public art inventory Goal 2 Expand awareness of the value of Public Art 1. Develop visual presentation (What is public art? Why public art?) a. Develop plan to do presentations 2. Seek information from the Visitor and Convention Bureau on their public promotion that the PAC might connect with to promote existing and future pieces of public art a. Invite VCB to meet with PAC 3. Develop visual presentation to highlight our current and future public art projects a. Ask Gateway artist to video/photograph her fabrication process for Threshold b. Find photos from the Calle GTO process c. Add this component as requirement for artists in future PAC projects A rough of the Why Public Art? presentation was targeted for the end of August. The Rotary and Lions Clubs was interested in the Commission giving a presentation to each of their groups. This could happen in August or September. Commissioner Newman mentioned the library’s series of “salon” events on various artists. Chair Friend thought it would be useful to know the audience attending those events and potentially have the Commission participate. Goal 3 Strengthen Relationships with Other Commissions & Organizations 1. Identify opportunities to work with other commissions a. Seek specific projects in which to foster communication with other commissions/organizations 2. Seek opportunities to give mini-presentations to other Commissions/organizations a. Develop presentations b. Request several minutes at other commission meeting for presentation 3. Communicate with other Commission Chairs regarding current/upcoming projects This was an ongoing goal to look for opportunities to work with other commissions. There had been some contention earlier with the Historic Commission regarding the public art process that had since been resolved. There was also some criticism of the Commission for not choosing local artists. Many local artists did not have experience with fabrication and public art. Goal 4 Review, Update and Expand PAC Processes 1. Improve RFQ verbiage/terminology for clearer responses from applicants a. Using Corridor RFQ, identify ‘misunderstandings’ that impacted our ability to easily calibrate responses b. Develop glossary for use in RFQs c. Research format for RFQs from other cities d. Consider developing an online RFQ format 2. Develop guideline for donated art a. Use mural guidelines as basis for format b. Reference existing ordnances 3. Review 2.29 and 2.17 for possible modification a. PAC to review and determine if proposed changes are critical to move forward on proposing a request for changes There was a need for a process to review privately funded projects as well as identify project sites throughout the city. Ashland Public Arts Commission June 15, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Goal 5 Identify future public art locations and opportunities 1. Identify sites for public art downtown 2. Identify sites for public art out of downtown 3. Develop site map and vision for public art for these location Goal 6 Secure additional funding for public art projects 1. Seek grant writer a. Explore community for pro bono grant writer 2. Seek donor opportunities a. Use site map developed in Goal 5 as approach to donors b. Develop plan to approach prospective donors 3. Advocate for continued TOT allocation The Commission kept Goals 1-3 and 6 the same and switched Goal 5 with Goal 4. COMMISSION ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Ms. Kaufman explained the Ashland Transit Triangle was a plan involving Ashland Street, Tolman Creek Road, and Siskiyou Boulevard. The plan would up zone the area to encourage multi-story, multifamily housing and commercial buildings. It was a code amendment that would allow more flexible zoning. Storied buildings would have step backs to offset height. The draft ordinance would go before City Council at their August 7, 2018 meeting. A part of the Design Standards was allowances for plaza space and landscaping along the street. Developers could reduce plaza space by incorporating public art. The Commission discussed identifying sites within Historic Districts. Ms. Kaufman would email a copy of the Local Historic District map to the Commission as well as the Historic Markers Master Plan. Ms. Renwick could lead teams throughout the districts. She suggested including Dale Shostrom from the Historic Commission. Chair Friend would participate in the initial conversation with Commissioner Shostrom. Ms. Kaufman would forward the Public Arts Master Plan to the new commissioners. The Commission talked about the upcoming local election and the role they could play in promoting the benefits of public art to the candidates and the general public. They went on to discuss their role in navigating the public reception of an art piece once it was installed. The purpose of public art was providing an opportunity for a variety of dialogues. Artistic design brought up the question what level of influence did the Commission have over the final design? It was important not to dictate design to the artist. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Dropbox Account Ms. Kaufman transfer the files on Dropbox to Google Drive. She would send the link out to the Commission once the files were transferred. ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting: July 20, 2018, at 8:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:49 a.m. Submitted by, Fotini Kaufman Assistant Planner Ashland Public Arts Commission June 15, 2018 Page 3 of 3