HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-21 Public Arts MIN B ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 21, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Friend called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Sandra Friend Fotini Kaufman, Assistant Planner Richard Newman Allison Renwick Andy Stallman Stanley Smith Absent Members: Council Liaison: Thomas Fuhrmark Stephen Jensen, absent INTRODUCTIONS Jeff Phillips was in attendance. He would be appointed to the Commission at the City Council meeting January 15, 2019. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of November 16, 2018 Page 1, under PROJECT UPDATES, Allison – Historic Markers Project - now Marking Ashland Places (MAP) Project, change paragraph from, “Commissioner Renwick explained the Joint Committee chose five sites to place plaques in the sidewalk. They had started the request for proposal (RFP) process. Commission comment suggested publicizing in the Ashland Gallery and meeting with the Parks Commission regarding the Hub sculpture. Other comments suggested using COR-TEN steel for the plaques and limiting the number of concept designs. Council Liaison comment suggested a press release. The Joint Committee would add time to vet plaque design,” to “Commissioner Renwick explained the Joint Committee chose five sites to place plaques in the sidewalk. They had started the request for proposal (RFP) process. Commission comment suggested publicizing in the Ashland Gallery Guide and meeting with the Parks Commission regarding the Hub sculpture. Other comments suggested an option of using COR-TEN steel for the plaques. The Commission wanted to limit the number of design concepts requested of the artist.” Page 2, under DISCUSSION ITEMS, second sentence, add “Commission” to read “Commission Comment did not…” Page 2, under DISCUSSION ITEMS, add “The Commission discussed the potential for the Velocity Sculpture to sag from people hanging from the sculpture.” Commissioners Stallman/Renwick m/s to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting November 16, 2018 as amended and clarified. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM - None Ashland Public Arts Commission December 21, 2018 Page 1 of 3 COUNCIL LIAISON - None PROJECT UPDATES  Review of Marking Ashland Places (MAP) RFQ The request for qualification (RFQ) was being developed. The Commission would review the final document.  Marking Ashland Places (MAP) – Update There was no longer a deadline. The project would have a minimum of eight phases. It would be budget driven. PAC WORK PLAN  Review and modifications The Commission reviewed the 2019-2021 Public Arts Commission Goals and Strategies and made the following changes: Goal 1 Complete Current Projects The Commission deleted Objective 4. Objective 3 was changed from Begin Phase 3, Marking Ashland Places to Complete all remaining phases of Marking Ashland Places. No changes to Objective 1. Goal 2 Expand the Awareness of Public Art The Commission moved the strategies under Objective 3 to Objective 2 and deleted Objective 3. They added a second strategy to Objective 2:  Objective 2 Create a framework for disseminating public art information o Strategy 1 PAC Council liaison to do informationals at Council meetings o Strategy 2 Define the platforms Goal 3 Strengthen Relationships with other Commissions/Organizations  Objective 1 Identify opportunities to expand communication and work with other Commissions and organizations o Strategy 1 Work with the Ashland Parks Commission to locate Hub sculpture in the Historic Railroad District The Commission would define the project and create the intent for the Hub sculpture. They would make a presentation on the MAP project and the Hub sculpture to the Parks Commission. The Public Arts Commission representatives on the MAP Team would work with Councilor Jensen on the presentation to the Parks Commission. There were no changes to Strategy 2. Goal 4 Review, Update and Expand PAC Processes There were no changes to Objective 1. The Commission made the following changes:  Objective 2 Formalize a Final Project Review Process for all Public Art Installations The Commission would define the fabrication review process to ensure compliance with the accepted design. It would be added to the City’s contract with the artist. Objective 4 and Strategy 1 were changed to include artist identification:  Objective 4 Create new Artist Identification Plaque Design Standards for public art installations o Strategy 1 Identify and fund a designer/fabricator to create the new Artist Identification Plaque Design and Materials Standards o Strategy 1 Develop a plan The Commission changed Goal 4 Review, update and expand PAC Processes to Goal 2. The original Goal 2 Expand the Awareness of Public Art was renumbered to Goal 3. Goal 3 Strengthen Relationships with other Commissions/Organizations was renumbered to Goal 4. Ashland Public Arts Commission December 21, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Goal 5 Identify Locations and Opportunities for Future Public Art Projects – No changes Goal 6 Secure Additional Funding for Public Art Projects  Objective 1 Investigate public/private partnerships Commissioner Renwick suggested contacting the owners by an art site to see if they would contribute the installation cost. The Commission was interested in exploring the matter further. Goal 7 Support public art opportunities for regional public artists  Objective 1 Explore the validity of creating RFQ/RFP workshops o Strategy 1 Utilize a questionnaire to determine artists’ interest in workshop  Objective 2 Support pop-up public art opportunities o Strategy 1 Develop plan including dates, locations, timeline, publicity and funding sources for a pop-up event o Strategy 2 Plan artist talks in conjunction with pop-up event Once he was appointed, Mr. Phillips volunteered to work on the objectives under this goal.  Add dates to begin each Strategy Item postponed until the Strategic Plan was reformatted. Chair Friend would reformat the Strategic Plan and work with the Commission to assign tasks and dates. It would come back in January 2019 for approval by the Commission. DISCUSSION ITEMS  Velocity Update Public Works Superintendent Mike Morrison was in contact with Gordon Huether’s project manager, Jason Scott regarding the sculpture sagging. A welder would inspect the sculpture December 27, 2018. Once that occurred, they would look into solutions.  Dana Bussell The Commission discussed ways of honoring former Commissioner Bussell’s service to the City. Ms. Kaufman would research what the City did for commissioner recognition. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:33 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting: January 18, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. Submitted by, Fotini Kaufman Assistant Planner Ashland Public Arts Commission December 21, 2018 Page 3 of 3