HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-19 Public Arts MIN B ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 19, 2019 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Friend called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Sandra Friend Fotini Kaufman, Associate Planner Jeff Phillips Aaron Anderson, Assistant Planner Stanley Smith Andy Stallman Absent Members: APRC Liaison: Thomas Fuhrmark Mike Gardiner Richard Newman Allison Renwick Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Public Arts Commission regular meeting of March 15, 2019. Commissioners Smith/Stallman m/s to approve the minutes of March 15, 2019. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM - None NEW PROJECTS PROPOSAL  Terry Doyle - Chiyemi Bronze Lantern Lithia Park Chair Friend explained the Parks Commission asked the Public Arts Commission to review the project and provide them with a recommendation. Terry Doyle introduced John Ktoetzle (sp?) and the artists, Wataru Sugiyama and Jack Langford. The project was in honor of his wife who had passed in 2018. He provided a presentation that included:  Background on the project  The proposed location of the lantern outside the Japanese Garden and why  The three types of Japanese Lanterns – they would use the ‘tower form’ lantern  Lantern materials - bronze versus stone  Background on the artist, Wataru Sugiyama and the bronze caster, Jack Langford  Funding an endowment for maintenance  A possible plaque on the history of the internment camps during World War II Chair Friend did not think the plaque was under the Public Arts Commission’s purview and deferred it to the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Doyle clarified the proposed location. The lantern was public art that he personally considered a memorial. The foundry they would use was located between Talent and Phoenix. Ashland Public Arts Commission April 19, 2019 Page 1 of 3 The lantern would be attached to a concrete base using hidden bolts. Assistant Planner Aaron Anderson explained Public Works Department staff would review the engineering plans. There were no code requirements from the City’s Building Division. Parks Commissioner Mark Gardiner thought the Parks and Recreation Department could help with the installation of the lantern. The Commission discussed the design elements, material and location. They liked the project and supported the lantern being made of bronze. Chair Friend had concern regarding the location of the structure and context. She read the Parks and Recreation Department’s policy on signs, plaques, and memorials. Mr. Doyle thought the location would welcome visitors to the Japanese Garden. The Commission was comfortable having the sculpture sit five feet from the path. Both the Public Arts Commission and the Parks Commission would attend a site visit to view a mock-up when it was ready. The Commission discussed the dedication with Mr. Doyle. Commissioners Stallman/Smith m/s the Public Arts Commission recommend the construction and installation of the sculpture and its location pending the site visit to the Parks Commission. DISCUSSION: Associate Planner Fotini Kaufman explained staff would need a week in advance to Notice the site visit in the paper. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Commissioner Gardiner noted the Parks Commission would hear the proposal at their meeting Monday, May 20, 2019. Staff would forward the recommendation to Commissioner Gardiner. The site visit would occur Tuesday, May 14, 2019 with the notice going out the week before. PROJECT UPDATES  Andy Stallman – MAP Project update Commissioner Stallman explained the Sub Committee may commission Master Works Plaques for the job pending any legal issues. Master Works Plaques forwarded their installation guide. Chair Friend recommended a request for proposal (RFP), costs, and an agreement the City Attorney could use to develop a contract.  Sandra Friend - Velocity Repair update Staff removed two sections from Velocity. The top end was now 13-feet from the ground. The camera was installed but not in use. City Council needed to discuss a policy for surveillance. The plaque needs to be cleaned and reinstalled. Chair Friend summarized a meeting she attended regarding mitigating damage to public art. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Councilor Jensen provided a Council report on a request to amend the City Charter, Community Development Block Grants awards and the budget message from the Finance Director. There were potential issues with the art donation from Sister City, Guanajuato, Mexico, because it depicted religious symbols. Chair Friend noted the Public Arts Commission would be required to fund repairs for public art. Future RFP’s would include language on durability and repairability. She asked Councilor Jensen to bring the use of cameras to City Council. PAC WORK PLAN  Sandy Friend work plan update The template process for the RFP and the request for qualification (RFQ) was moving forward. They would use the “What is Public Art” presentation as an educational component for public relations. DISCUSSION  Velocity Lighting – In October it was decided that we would revisit this topic in 6 months. Ashland Public Arts Commission April 19, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Having the lighting chase for the art piece was not possible and the color cycling was not working properly. The ball was supposed to be full spectrum but the lights only cycled through blue and purple. There was a possibility the Commission would have to hire a lighting designer or an electrical engineer. Mr. Anderson would get the contact information from the Gordon Huether Studio on the LED manufacturer they used for the piece. The Commission agreed to have the lighting on continuously. Commissioner Stallman discussed the Applegate trail markers and the Parks and Recreation Department policy on signs with Commissioner Gardiner. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Next meeting: May 17, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. Submitted by, Aaron Anderson Assistant Planner Ashland Public Arts Commission April 19, 2019 Page 3 of 3