HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-16 Public Arts MIN PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 16, 2019 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Friend called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. in the Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Sandra Friend Aaron Anderson, Assistant Planner Thomas Fuhrmark Richard Newman APRC Liaison: Jeff Phillips Joel Heller, absent Allison Renwick Andy Stallman Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen, absent Absent Members: Stanley Smith Chair Friend added an agenda item to review the RFP and RFQ templates under VII. PAC WORKPLAN. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of June 21, 2019 Corrections and Clarifications to the minutes:  Page 2 Velocity Repair first paragraph fourth line change “They were hoping to order the replacement ball the following week,” to “They were hoping to order the replacement ball the following week if a less expensive option could not be purchased elsewhere.”  Page 2 first paragraph fifth sentence, ‘’Staff mechanics removed the flange that held the ball and would send it to the artist to fabricate the replacement,” to “Public Works Department staff removed the flange that held the ball and would send it to the artist to fabricate the replacement.”  Page 2 COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT change second sentence from, “The City Council passed the ordinance on Failure to Provide Name and Date of Birth to a Peace Officer,” to “The City Council passed First Reading of the ordinance on Failure to Provide Name and Date of Birth to a Peace Officer,”  Page 2 PROJECT UPDATES Map project update change second sentence “The Sub Committee voted four to one to use a short URL cast into the bronze instead of using QR code,” to “The Sub Committee voted three to one to use a short URL cast into the bronze.”  Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS Lantern Discussion first sentence change “Mr. Anderson explained they made a recommendation to the Parks Commission,” to “Mr. Anderson explained that the PAC approved the sculpture to the Parks Commission.”  Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS Lantern Discussion second sentence change Mark Gardiner to Mike Gardiner. Commissioners Friend/Fuhrmark m/s to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2019 regular meeting as amended. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. III. PUBLIC FORUM - None IV. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison - Councilor Liaison Jensen - None Ashland Public Arts Commission August 16, 2019 Page 1 of 2 Staff Liaison - Staff Liaison Anderson Staff Liaison Aaron Anderson provided a report on the following:  Lloyd Haines donated funding to replace the lighting for the art piece “Street Scene.”  The replacement ball for “Velocity” arrived and would be installed soon. Mr. Anderson would follow up with the Commission on the cost for the replacement ball.  The PAC annual report to the City Council was rescheduled to October 1, 2019. The Commission was encouraged to attend the meeting. Chair Friend would give the annual report. Parks Liaison - Parks Liaison Heller - None Mr. Anderson will contact Commissioner Heller regarding the ongoing Parks Liaison Report item on the agenda. V. NEW PROJECTS PROPOSAL  The Commission will discuss the Hub Sculpture next month.  Mr. Anderson will confirm available funds for the Hub Sculpture and report back to the Commission.  Commissioner Renwick will research costs related to the Hub Sculpture project. VI. PROJECT UPDATES Velocity repair update  City officials along with former and current members of PAC would meet with the individual who damaged the sculpture. The meeting would be facilitated by a mediator from Resolve.  The City Council would consider using a security camera on the sculpture at their meeting September 3, 2019. MAP Project / Medallion update - Commissioner Stallman  The RFP went out to Masterworks around July 2, 2019, with a response expected by August 26, 2019. VII. PAC WORKPLAN - Chair Friend Goal 3: expand the awareness of public art/Council Objective 2: create a framework for disseminating public art information  Commissioner Stallman volunteered to work on Objective 2.  Mr. Anderson would look through the previous files of the former staff liaison for information on press releases and public relations resources. He would email the information to Commissioner Stallman. RFQ & RFP REVIEW The Commission discussed various suggestions and changes to both documents. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS IX. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:57 a.m. Calendar next meeting – September 20th Ashland Public Arts Commission August 16, 2019 Page 2 of 2