HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-16 Public Arts MIN ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 16, 2020 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Andy Stallman called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Sandra Friend Aaron Anderson, Assistant Planner Thomas Fuhrmark Jennifer Longshore APRC Liaison: Jeff Phillips Joel Heller (absent) Stanley Smith Andy Stallman Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen Absent Members: II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of September 18, 2020 Commissioner Friend/Fuhrmark m/s to approve the minutes of September 18, 2020. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. III. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA IV. PUBLIC FORUM Laura Bloom/Ashland/Was interested in joining the Public Arts Commission. She shared her background in art. V. LIAISON REPORTS  Council Liaison  Parks & Recreation Liaison - none  Community Development Liaison Staff Liaison Aaron Anderson had an email address set up, public_art@ashland.or.us, for the Hub Sculpture RFQ. A webpage had also been created for the RFQ. VI. PROJECT UPDATES  Power of Art o Voice-Over - Fuhrmark / Jensen Commissioner Fuhrmark explained they made two edits to the presentation. Councilor Jensen would meet with Tony Heald regarding the voice over. They discussed the possibility of having both a female and male voice over. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival had a sound studio they could use at no or low cost. Councilor Jensen thought the cost for the voice over and finish would be approximately $400.  MAP Phase 1 update– Stallman o Medallion designs Chair Stallman explained they had sent revisions to Mr. Anderson who had forwarded it to Masterworks. There would be a final set of revisions at a date uncertain due to the pandemic. Ashland Public Arts Commission October 16, 2020 Page 1 of 2  MAP Phase 2 o Plan for release of RFQ – Friend/ Fuhrmark Commissioner Smith had compiled all the addresses into a spreadsheet. He would forward the spreadsheet to Mr. Anderson who would send it to the group. Commissioner Friend was working on different invitations for various groups. They discussed available analytics. The system, Sendinblue, was free if less than 300 e-mails were sent. VII. PAC WORKPLAN A. Goal 3: expand the awareness of public art o Collaboration with Peter Finkle Peter Finkle spoke to his interest in collaborating with the Commission using his webpage Walk Ashland. He wanted to integrate local activity groups and publications. Chair Stallman wanted a commissioner to work with Mr. Finkle and make recommendations to the Commission on how to proceed. Commissioner Smith offered to provide photography resources. Commissioner Longshore volunteered to partner with Mr. Finkle. B. Selection Panel Criteria The selection panel would convene mid-February 2021, so notification would be sent early to mid-January 2021. Chair Stallman asked the Commission to think about who should be on the panel. C. Strategic Planning Review Chair Stallman suggested the Commission review and update the strategic plan to reflect timeline changes due to the pandemic. The Commission agreed to the review during their meeting on November 20, 2020. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Brochure Reprinting Chair Stallman checked on brochures with the Chamber of Commerce. They had three cases and expected them to last through the summer of 2021. The brochure did not have the MAP project, the Velocity sculpture or the Threshold sculpture in it. The Commission discussed a possible redesign and agreed to address the matter in spring. Commissioner Vacancy Chair Stallman announced that Commissioner Fuhrmark was resigning from the Commission but would continue to work through the RFQ launch on November 9, 2020. Commissioner Smith would take on the Sendinblue tasks that Commissioner Fuhrmark had been working on. IX. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: November 20, 2020 Ashland Public Arts Commission October 16, 2020 Page 2 of 2