HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-19 Public Arts MIN PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 19, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Andy Stallman called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Andy Stallman Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Laura Bloom Sandra Friend APRC Liaison: Jennifer Longshore Jim Lewis Stanley Smith Council Liaison: Absent Members: Stephen Jensen Members of the Public: Destiny Young Mary Lou LoPreste Peter Finkle II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA a. Commissioner Longshore: using Zoom for the Power of Public Art meetings b. Commissioner Smith: mural concerns III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of February 19, 2021 Commissioner Friend/Smith m/s to approve the minutes as corrected. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. IV. PUBLIC FORUM – none V. LIAISON REPORTS  Council Liaison Councilor Jensen gave an update on council business.  Community Development Liaison Staff Liaison Aaron Anderson explained he began the contract process with Jennifer Corio. They received the invoice from Masterworks. There was one more decision to be finalized. Once it was, Mr. Anderson would get signed proofs from the Community Development Director and send out the next payment. Lastly, Glen Hill was seeking a letter of endorsement from the Commission on a proposed project. It would help him with grant opportunities. The proposal for the project needed work before the Commission could consider endorsing it.  APRC Liaison Commissioner Lewis gave an update on the Parks Commission. VI. OTHER BUSINESS  TOT Allocation 2021–2023 Chair Stallman provided an update on the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). In December, the Public Arts Commission funds were $76,614. This was prior to the payments sent to the artists for the HUB sculpture. The City Council decided to Ashland Public Arts Commission March 19, 2021 Page 1 of 2 maintain the Commission’s allocation at 5%. The allocation estimates for 2021 was expected to be $19,000. The allocation estimates for 2022 would be $23,000.  Recruitment Commissioner Friend thought Destiny Young and Mary Lou LoPreste were potential commissioners. Ms. Young was in the process of receiving a commission appointment possibly at the next City Council meeting. Currently, the mayor received applications and interviewed candidates then requested approval from the City Council. Commissioner Friend preferred having perspective candidates attend a commission meeting then apply with the City Recorder’s office. Her intention was having the candidate meet with the Commission chair and vice chair prior to the meeting with the mayor. It was noted that if the Commission did not have a new appointment by May 1, 2021, they would not have a quorum. VII. PAC WORKPLAN  HUB Artwork Chair Stallman reviewed the selection process. He contacted the artists that did not get selected. He addressed using the appropriate Chinese characters for the HUB sculpture. The simple form was a product of Chinese communism and should not be used. Next steps to move the HUB artwork forward was having the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council review the proposals. There would be a plaque explaining the HUB Sculpture. Mr. Anderson commented the Commission had not discussed having a plaque. Chair Stallman clarified the MAP Subcommittee discussed the matter and it may not have reached the full Commission.  Strategic Goals Commissioner Friend explained the three-year strategic plan initiated 2018 was in its final year. She provided an update on the strategic plans and made recommendations. VIII. PROJECT UPDATES  Masterworks Plaques Chair Stallman discussed final proofs for Masterworks and shared images of the final medallions. The next step was having Community Development Director Bill Molnar sign the final proofs and issue the next payment.  Expanding the Awareness of Public Art Commissioner Longshore discussed using Zoom to celebrate the completed presentation. The Commission generally agreed to a weekday for the meeting at 4:00 p.m. They discussed quorum. Mr. Anderson would contact the Legal Department on whether a presentation by the Commission would violate public meeting law. Peter Finkle shared descriptions he had proposed for the city story map of art. The Commission was in favor of the descriptions. Mr. Anderson raised a concern about linking directly to Mr. Finkle’s webpage.  Commissioner Smith: mural concerns Commissioner Smith shared a concern from a citizen about Sesame Asian Kitchen having their outside dining tables against the mural. The Commission thought the complaint should be sent to the Ashland Parks and Recreation Department. IX. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m. Next Meeting: April 16, 2021 – 10:31 AM Ashland Public Arts Commission March 19, 2021 Page 2 of 2