HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-16 Public Arts MIN PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 16, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jennifer Longshore called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Laura Bloom Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Jennifer Longshore Cassie Preskenis APRC Liaison: Stanley Smith Jim Lewis, absent Destiny Young Council Liaison: Absent Members: Stephen Jensen Members of the Public: Shane Abrams Isa Martinez-Moore Zia Brandstetter Isadora Millay Mirandah Davis-Powell Anya Moore Max Malcomb II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA - None III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of May 21, 2021 Chair Longshore noted page 2, IX. Project Updates, The Power of Public Art Presentation. The Commission voted for June 17, 2021 as the date for the special meeting, but changed it to June 15, 2021, after the meeting. She thought the change should be noted in the minutes. Commissioners Smith/Preskenis m/s to approve the minutes as amended. Motion passed. IV. PUBLIC FORUM - None V. LIAISON REPORTS  Council Liaison Councilor Jensen provided a brief update about council items including the commission appointment process.  Community Development Liaison Associate Planner Aaron Anderson gave a brief update on city buildings reopening in a limited manner. At this time, there was no date when in person meetings would resume.  APRC Liaison – None VI. NEW BUSINESS Truth to Power Mural presentation Ashland Public Arts Commission July 16, 2021 Page 1 of 3 Anya Moore, Max Malcomb, Shane Abrams, Isadora Millay, Isa Martinez-Moore, Zia Brandstetter, and Mirandah Davis- Powell introduced themselves and provided a presentation (see packet materials) on the Aidan Ellison Memorial and Celebration of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Leaders mural project:  Vision and Mission for the Mural  Artists’ Portfolio – Isa Martinez Moore  Projected BIPOC Celebration Mural  Artists’ Portfolio – Max Malcomb  Proposed Location – map  Artists’ Portfolio – Christie Boyd  Proposed Location – photo  Anticipated Maintenance Issues  Scale Drawing  Budget  Statements of Support from our Community  Timeline The Commission asked why the team was not going to paint the portraits on panels. It would allow them to replace the panel and preserve the portraits. The project team explained why they thought using the surface of the wall was appropriate. They went on to explain plaque placement and the criteria used to choose the individuals selected for the portraits. Chair Longshore discussed impacts to the timeline due to the Public Art Commission and City Council approval process. Commissioner Preskenis/Young m/s to approve the mural as presented. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. OTHER BUSINESS Say Their Names Coalition – update Chair Longshore provided an update on the project. The Say Their Names Coalition were in the selection process and would bring the final art piece to the Commission this fall. They were also determining a location as well. VII. PAC WORKPLAN a. Hub Artwork – Contract has been completed VIII. PROJECT UPDATES a. Masterworks Plaques – Status Update IX. GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS b. Descriptions of 9 Public Art Works – These descriptions are to add to the Story Map (see attachment by Peter Finkle) Mr. Anderson explained the story map online would have a space for text. The links to the Walk Ashland site would not be included online due to city policy. Commissioner Longshore/Smith m/s to approve the addition of these descriptions to the story map as presented. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Commissioner Young left the meeting. c. Public Art List – (creation of a new platform) – Status Update Commissioner Smith described the meeting he had with Peter Finkle. They discussed using a variety of versions that included a PDF and a map. The had also discussed the city policy on links as well. a. The Power of Public Art Presentation Complete! Mr. Anderson would investigate adding a link to the presentation from the Public Arts Commission webpage. d. Brainstorm: Promoting Art in Ashland and Connecting with Community i. What Are Ways to Bring Public Art into a Community Dialogue? Ashland Public Arts Commission July 16, 2021 Page 2 of 3 ii. How do we: Get People Excited About Art, Connect with Communities, and Promote and Educate? The Commission discussed ways to promote public art. Commissioner Preskenis suggested having artists who had created pieces in the City’s art collection host a talk during First Friday at the installation. Also suggested, was bringing the video to the Ashland Middle School and High School. Commissioner Preskenis would contact Peter Finkle. X. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 10:11 a.m. Next Meeting: August 20, 2021 Ashland Public Arts Commission July 16, 2021 Page 3 of 3