HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-18 Public Arts MIN PUBLIC ART COMMISSION - REGULAR MEETING March 18, 2022 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jennifer Longshore called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. via Zoom. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Ken Engelund Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Cassie Preskenis Johanna Tuthill, Associate Planner Stanley Smith Laura Bloom APRC Liaison: Joel Frank Jim Lewis (absent) Destiny Young Council Liaison: Stefani Seffinger Absent Members: Members of the Public: Jennifer Longshore Andy Stallman Peter Finkle John Pugh II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA  “How to fund public art” – (Ken)  General discussion: How does the PAC apply the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion into the work they do? (Cassie)  John Pugh PUBLIC FORUM John Pugh gave a brief presentation with examples of his work showing his architectural illusions, and walked the PAC through the initial concept that he has created for the Elks lodge wall. The concept ties in the original Chautauqua domes breaking apart like an egg, and setting the stage for a Lithia Park scene with subtle evocations of Shakespeare. III. Commissioner Smith asked about funding. Mr. Pugh responded that the Elks Lodge indicated that they are willing to fundraise for the project. Commissioner Bloom asked what the total cost of the project would be, and Mr. Pugh approximated around $150,000. Commissioner Preskenis asked about the duration of the project, Mr. Pugh replied that it would take around 5-6 months with most of it not on location. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Arts Commission regular meeting of February 18, 2022 Commissioners Engelund/Smith m/s to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioners Bloom and Young were delayed in joining the meeting and abstained from the vote. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed 4-0. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). V. LIAISON REPORTS  Council Liaison – Stefani Seffinger – Councilor Seffinger introduced herself and gave a brief background on her interests in the arts. She also gave an update on the City survey that is being prepared to understand what the public values most regarding any potential cuts needed for the City budget.  Community Development Liaison – Aaron Anderson reported that many remote workers would be returning to the office, and that the City of Ashland is reopening city buildings to the public on a limited basis starting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. VI. OTHER BUSINESS  Resolution of Appreciation – Chair Longshore read the following resolution: “The Public Arts Commissioners express our great appreciation for the dedication and support of Councilor Stephen Jensen for his informative and thoughtful counsel and advice as the liaison to the City Council. We especially appreciate his continuing support for the importance of Public Art for the City of Ashland.” Commissioners Engelund/Smith m/s to forward the resolution to City Council. Commissioners Young and Bloom were delayed in joining the meeting and were not present for the vote. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Bloom joined the meeting at 8:48 a.m.  Rio Amistad – Chair Longshore gave a brief update on the repair of the Rio Amistad mosaic. Sue Springer, the original artist behind the mosaic, noticed additional damage that ought to be addressed. Staff Liaison Aaron Anderson discussed getting an estimate so that the repairs could be funded through the Ashland Public Works Department.  Ashland High School Land Acknowledgement Project – Otterlifter Canoe Installation Shane Abrams, Bryanna Trevino, Anna Gutrich and Dan Wahpepah gave a presentation regarding the installation of a new artwork along Siskiyou Boulevard. It would take the form of a traditional canoe that would be displayed as a land acknowledgement to Indigenous communities. The presentation included background on the purpose and meaning of the canoe and its place in acknowledging the land back movement. Several statements of support were read. Following the presentation the Commission asked a few question regarding the interpretive signs and stated how impressed they were with the complete presentation. The final project would cost approximately $3,100 and could be completed by September, 2022. Commissioners Engelund/Smith m/s to recommend approval of the project to City Council. Commissioner Young was delayed in joining the meeting and was not present for the vote. Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed 5-0. VII. PAC WORKPLAN  Golden Connections by Jennifer Corrio and David Frei  Status of sculpture – Chair Longshore informed the Commission that the foundation will be installed shortly, and added that the post card invitations are ready to be printed and that the digital rendering is also ready for distribution. The Celebration is planning for April 23, 2022.  Andy Stallman suggested to the Commission that the Masterworks Medallions be presented at the installation celebration as well. Because of their relative fragility it was decided that the medallions be presented in a raised fashion. Mr. Anderson pointed out that he would need to discuss the labor involved in moving the medallions with Public Works before they decide on placement. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1).  Plaque – a. Design – There was discussion around the appropriate design size, font size, and general readability of the plaque. b. Commissioner Frank told the Commission that he had been in contact with the shop contracted to make the plaques. He explained that they are ready to begin production but cannot until the map locations on the plaque for the Medallions are finalized. Commissioned Frank also explained that a 20”x 30” plaque would cost approximately $800, but that the uncertainty over the map design could also cause this to change. c. The type of material used for the pedestal was discussed. d. Mr. Anderson pointed out that regardless of material type the cost should be decided before he can bring a memo to the City Manager requestion funds for the project. Commissioner Engelund suggested that an approval of additional funds for the plaque be made now rather than holding up production waiting for a definitive quote for the pedestal. e. Chair Longshore voiced the opinion that the Commission could either remove the map completely from the plaque design, or create a final map design before delegating funding. She pointed out that the map details would be hard to read as it is currently designed. f. Commissioner Young joined the meeting at 9:57 a.m. g. Andy Stallman requested permission to make a Public Comment. He reminded the Commission that the goal was to have up to twelve spoke sites in the Railroad District. There was discussion about the sign referring to the number of plagues. h. Commissioner Smith suggested that a QR code be placed on the plague instead of an engraved map, and detailed how it could refer to an electronic GIS map. i. There was concern that a QR code would not function on a cut metal plaque. Commissioner Smith believed it would work, and Commission Frank stated that he would request a prototype from the designers to ensure its functionality before commissioning the final product. Andy Stallman advised the Commission that there is warning against using a laser cut QR code on the plaque manufacturer’s website. Commissioner Bloom requested that a prototype be provided to ensure the QR code’s functionality before moving forward with the final product. Commissioners Engelund/Smith m/s to approve up to $1,250 for the sign, exclusive of a base but including a QR code in lieu of a map provided a prototype be made before production. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Engelund, Frank, Bloom, AYE. Commissioner Young, NAY. Chair Longshore abstained from the vote. Motion passed 4-1. Mr. Anderson reminded the Commission that, regardless of the vote, the funds would not be available until he could handle the administrative side of the process and obtain a Purchase Order. Chair Longshore pointed out that the verbiage on the plaque would now necessitate a change due to the removal of the map. VIII. PROJECT UPDATES  Masterworks Medallions – Mr. Anderson briefly updated the Commission on the progress of the medallions. There was a concern from the Public Works Engineer assigned to this project about the medallions being in the public right-of-way. These concerns were alleviated throughout several meetings with the Public Works staff, but issues remained with the reconstruction of A Street and certain locations where there would be conflicts with regulations by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). nd It was decided to move the Medallion from A Street up to 2 Street on a raised platform. This change then made the placement of this particular medallion inconsistent with the remaining medallions. Mr. Anderson advised that the Commission discuss this continuity issue and to request advice from Andy Stallman and the Historic Commission. Commissioner Smith expressed concern over this inconsistency. Commissioner nd Engelund questioned why the medallion could not simply be moved up 2 Street but remain inset into the sidewalk for continuity. Mr. Anderson explained that Commissioner Dale Shostrom from the Historic Commission raised concerns over this and that additional information should come from him. IX. ADJOURNMENT - 10:29 AM Next Meeting: April 15, 2022 The following items were not discussed before adjournment. They will be discussed at the April 15, 2022 Public Arts Commission Meeting. GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS  Partnerships with Community Arts Organizations  Survey  Community Engagement – First Fridays  Tentative Plan for May, July, September of 2022  Select artwork, make general plan, and create PR X. ATTACHMENTS Minutes from February, 2022 meeting In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1).