HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-24 Housing & Human Services PACKET Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. August 24, 2023 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. II.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of July 27, 2023, Minutes IV.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A.Public Forum. V.NEW BUSINESS A.Inclement Weather Shelter Efforts Update and Discussion (4:10-4:35 p.m.). B.Workgroup Report-Exploration of Issues and Solutions in Rental Housing (4:35-4:55 p.m.). C.Overview of the Consolidated Plan for the Use of CDBG funding (5:55-5:15 p.m.). D.Planning Discussion for the Annual Rent Burden Forum (5:15-5:40 p.m.) VI.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VII.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports B.General Announcements VIII.AGENDA BUILDING Future Meetings IX.ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Next Meeting Date: September 28, 2023 Page 1 of 2 1 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 2 of 2 2 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisoryCommittee Draft Minutes July 27, 2023 Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Echo Fields Bob Kaplan (via Zoom) Brittney Bass Dylan Bloom Deb Price Staff Present: Kathy Kali Linda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Rich Rohde Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Crystal Munoz Derek Diamond; Planning Manager SOU Liaison: Heidi Parker Reese Rosenburg (Absent) Alan Ackroyd Jason Mendoza I.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA II.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of June 22, 2023, Minutes Bass/Rohde m/s. Voice Vote: All AYES. The minutes from June 22, 2023, are approved. III.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A.Public Forum. N/A IV.NEW BUSINESS A.Overview from Derek Severson, Planning Manager, on Middle Housing, Cottage Housing, Affordable Housing Policies related to annexation and Zone changes and Vacation Rental rules. (4:10-4:40 p.m.). The Committee discussed the Kestrel parkway project, the Coffee Lane subdivision, climate friendly and equitable land use, City parking regulations, and various zoning allowances and differences in Ashland. B.Workgroup Report-Exploration of Issues and Solutions in Rental Housing (4:40-5:00 p.m.). The workgroup, which is made up of Rohde, Bass and Munoz is in research mode right now. one meeting so far. C.Discussion about Planning the Annual Rent Burden Forum (5:00-5:25 p.m.) The Committee had a robust conversation on what they would like included at this forum. Ideas included: Page 1 of 3 3 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisoryCommittee Draft Minutes A strong emphasis on education for local renters. reative housing opportunitiesinviting prominent people in the development community, along with manufactured home suppliers to present. The location was discussed with the majority leaning towards using the Gresham room at the Ashland library. Creating a flyer to use as a tool for street outreach. The budget is $300. Reach out to Liz Adkisson, coordinator of SOU Sustainability Council, to get them involved. D.Housing Related 2023 Legislative Updates (5:25-5:45 p.m.) 2023-0725 Legistlative Update-Revised.pptx Reid reviewed a slide show on the 2023 Legislative Housing Bills that passed. She gave a description of what the bills do, and why they matter for our community. o o o o o o o V.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VI.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports Council Liaison Reports Bloom gave a brief report of the Council retreat. Touching on the following topics: The University district and revitalizing the businesses in that area of town. o The South Ashland district and housing opportunities. The possibilities of o housing over the I-5 freeway. Croman mill district. o Bloom gave feedback on the first Housing issues were a dominant topic of conversation. This will be a monthly meeting where 2 council members will be present to answer any questions or concerns the public may have. Kaplan reported that the City is working with Southern Oregon University because Page 2 of 3 4 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisoryCommittee Draft Minutes they have land that could possibly be developed into mixed use properties. The space in consideration is a piece of land off Walker Ave. Staff liaison: Reid reported that we will be applying for a grant to help with the manufactured home ordinance. In September we will know if we were awarded the grant. B.General Announcements Rohde reports we may have a new ally in the Innovation committee. This committee is within the Ashland school district. VII.AGENDA BUILDING Future Meetings VIII.ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Next Meeting Date: August 24, 2023 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3 5 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: August 24, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Inclement Weather Shelter Efforts Update and Discussion Emergency Manager, Kelly Burns, will provide an update on the Inclement Weather Shelter Efforts and discuss some of the challenges to shelter activations. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 6 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: August 24, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Workgroup Report-Exploration of Issues and Solutions in Rental Housing Workgroup members will provide a brief update. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 7 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: August 24, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: CDBG Consolidated Plan Overview The City of Ashland is an entitlement jurisdiction, receiving an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As a recipient of CDBG funds, the City is required to prepare a five-year strategic plan that identifies housing and community needs, prioritizes these needs, identifies resources to address needs, and establishes annual goals and objectives to meet the identified needs. The City of Ashland 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan is a five-year strategic plan to provide an outline of action for the community as it works toward meeting the housing and community development needs of its low- and moderate-income households. The assessment of the housing, community development and public service needs of its residents, and sets out long-range strategies to meet those needs. The consolidated plan serves the following functions: A planning document for the jurisdiction, which builds on a participatory process among citizens, organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders. A submission for federal funds under HUD's formula grant programs for jurisdictions. A strategy to be followed in carrying out HUD programs; and A management tool for assessing performance and tracking results. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has set guidelines regarding the be compiled in accordance with federal regulations and will contain tables required by HUD. The stated goals and objectives for the use of CDBG funds must be in accordance with proscribed HUD performance and outcome reporting guidelines. The City is required to update the Consolidated Plan every five years in order to continue receiving CDBG funds and to modify the plan according to changing conditions if -1999, and was Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 8 ˝˵˽˿ adopted in June 1995. The current plan, the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, was drafted in 2019, and expires on June 30, 2025. The plan generally takes 6-8 months to complete the process consultation, community outreach, research, drafting the narrative and taking the completed document through the public hearing process. A final plan is required to be sent to HUD by May 15 2025. th portions of the Plan over the next several months in order to meet the requirements for public input on the plan. An outline of those consultation and public input requirements is detailed below. Staff would like to begin the planning process for the community engagement and consultation portion of the planning process and determine a timeline and list of tasks. 1.Consultation a.CoC: regarding the jurisdiction's homeless strategy and the resources available to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness. b.Public and private agencies that address housing, health, social service, victim services, employment, or education needs of low-income individuals and families; homeless individuals and families, including homeless veterans; youth; and/or other persons with special needs; c.Publicly funded institutions and systems of care that may discharge persons into homelessness (such as health-care facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections programs and institutions); and d.Business and civic leaders. e.State or local health and child welfare agencies and examine existing data related to lead-based paint hazards and poisonings, including health department data on the addresses of housing units in which children have been identified as lead poisoned. f.The jurisdiction also should consult with adjacent units of general local government, including local government agencies with metropolitan- wide planning responsibilities, particularly for problems and solutions that go beyond a single jurisdiction. Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 9 ˝˵˽˿ g.Housing Authority Certification of Consistency with Con Pla. (we have this already). h.Describe the Citizen Participation Plan, the opportunities for Citizens to provide input on the use of CDBG Funds and the needs of the community. Describe how the City encourages participation by minorities and peoples with disabilities. i.Residents of Public and Assisted Housing ˤ˸˵ ˺̅̂˹̃˴˹˳̄˹˿˾ ̃˸˿̅˼˴ ˵̈̀˼˿̂˵ ˱˼̄˵̂˾˱̄˹̆˵ ̀̅˲˼˹˳ ˹˾̆˿˼̆˵˽˵˾̄ ̄˵˳˸˾˹́̅˵̃ ˱˾˴ ́̅˱˾̄˹̄˱̄˹̆˵ ̇˱̉̃ ̄˿ ˽˵˱̃̅̂˵ ˵˶˶˿̂̄̃ ̄˸˱̄ ˵˾˳˿̅̂˱˷˵ ˳˹̄˹̊˵˾ ̀˱̂̄˹˳˹̀˱̄˹˿˾ ˹˾ ˱ ̃˸˱̂˵˴ ̆˹̃˹˿˾ ˶˿̂ ˳˸˱˾˷˵ ˹˾ ˳˿˽˽̅˾˹̄˹˵̃ ˱˾˴ ˾˵˹˷˸˲˿̂˸˿˿˴̃ʼ ˱˾˴ ̄˸˵ ̂˵̆˹˵̇ ˿˶ ̀̂˿˷̂˱˽ ̀˵̂˶˿̂˽˱˾˳˵ˋ ˵ʾ˷ʾʼ ̅̃˵ ˿˶ ˶˿˳̅̃ ˷̂˿̅̀̃ ˱˾˴ ̄˸˵ ˙˾̄˵̂˾˵̄ʾ 2.The plan shall also include a concise summary of the citizen participation process, public comments, and efforts made to broaden public participation in the development of the consolidated plan. The citizen participation plan must include the following minimum requirements for the development of the consolidated plan. a.before the jurisdiction adopts a consolidated plan, the jurisdiction will information that includes i.the amount of assistance the jurisdiction expects to receive (including grant funds and program income) and ii.the range of activities that may be undertaken, including the estimated amount that will benefit persons of low- and moderate- income. iii.The citizen participation plan also must set forth the jurisdiction's plans to minimize displacement of persons and to assist any persons displaced, specifying the types and levels of assistance the jurisdiction will make available (or require others to make available) to persons displaced, even if the jurisdiction expects no displacement to occur. iv.The citizen participation plan must state when and how the jurisdiction will make this information available. v.The citizen participation plan must require the jurisdiction to publish the proposed consolidated plan in a manner that affords citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties a reasonable opportunity to examine its contents and to submit comments. The citizen participation plan must set forth how the jurisdiction will Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 10 ˝˵˽˿ publish the proposed consolidated plan and give reasonable opportunity to examine the contents of the proposed consolidated plan. The requirement for publishing may be met by publishing a summary of the proposed consolidated plan in one or more newspapers of general circulation, and by making copies of the proposed consolidated plan available at libraries, government offices, and public places. The summary must describe the contents and purpose of the consolidated plan, and must include a list of the locations where copies of the entire proposed consolidated plan may be examined. In addition, the jurisdiction must provide a reasonable number of free copies of the plan to citizens and groups that request it. vi.The citizen participation plan must provide for at least one public hearing during the development of the consolidated plan. See paragraph (e) of this section for public hearing requirements, generally. vii. The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than 30 days, to receive comments from citizens on the consolidated plan. viii. The citizen participation plan shall require the jurisdiction to consider any comments or views of citizens received in writing, or orally at the public hearings, in preparing the final consolidated plan. A summary of these comments or views, and a summary of any comments or views not accepted and the reasons therefor, shall be attached to the final consolidated plan. ix. Amendments(1) Criteria for amendment to consolidated plan. The citizen participation plan must specify the criteria the jurisdiction will use for determining what changes in the jurisdiction's planned or actual activities constitute a substantial amendment to the consolidated plan. (See § 91.505.) It must include among the criteria for a substantial amendment changes in the use of CDBG funds from one eligible activity to another. x. The citizen participation plan must provide citizens with reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment on substantial amendments. The citizen participation plan must state how reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment will be given. The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 11 ˝˵˽˿ 30 days, to receive comments on the substantial amendment before the amendment is implemented. xi. The citizen participation plan shall require the jurisdiction to consider any comments or views of citizens received in writing, or orally at public hearings, if any, in preparing the substantial amendment 3. Housing and Homeless Needs Assessment: The consolidated plan must provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction's estimated housing needs projected for the ensuing five-year period. Housing data included in this portion of the plan shall be based on U.S. Census data, as provided by HUD, as updated by any properly conducted local study, or any other reliable source that the jurisdiction clearly identifies, and should reflect the consultation with social service agencies and other entities. The plan shall estimate the number and type of families in need of housing assistance for: a.Extremely low-income, low-income, moderate-income, and middle- income families; b.Renters and owners; c.Elderly persons; d.Single persons; e.Large families; f.Public housing residents; g. Families on the public housing and Section 8 tenant-based waiting list; h.Persons with HIV/AIDS and their families; i.Victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; j. Persons with disabilities; and k. Formerly homeless families and individuals who are receiving rapid re- housing assistance and are nearing the termination of that assistance. Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 12 ˝˵˽˿ Below are examples of a past outreach schedules and tasks: 2020 Outreach Effort timeline for citizen participation and consultation August H&HSC plan and implement outreach plan and materials. September - Housing Developers (surveys/key informant interviews/forum?) October Agencies (surveys/key informant interviews/forum?) November - Public (potentially combine with annual rent burden public meeting) Draft Plan-Establish goals. August - December Research, Draft, Review, and finalize plan narrative (staff) January - Housing and Human Services Commission Review Public Hearings February - Housing and Human Services Commission Public Hearing on Draft Plan (review and recommendations) March Final revisions based on H&HSC feedback and public testimony. April - City Council Public Hearing on draft Plan-Adoption Submit to HUD for review and approval. Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 13 ˝˵˽˿ May 15, 2020 - Must be submitted 45 days before the start of the new grant Cycle (July 1). st Planning Department 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 14 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: August 24, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Discussion and Planning for the Annual Rent Burden Meeting Part 2 At the last regular meeting the Committee discussed ideas for the annual rent burden meeting. Ideas included: An Open House Format to be held from 4:30-6:30. The Meeting would take place in November and would take the place of the regular Committee meeting. Committee members requested that Reid see when the Gresham Room was available in November. The Forum should have a strong emphasis on education for local renters. The format could be a world café style event with different tables representing different topics and led by a subject matter expert at each table. A reative housing opportunitiesinviting prominent people in the development community, along with manufactured home suppliers to present/be a table host. Creating a flyer to use as a tool for street outreach. Outreach to potential table hosts to include Liz Adkisson, coordinator of SOU Sustainability Council, CASA of Oregon, The Fair Housing Council of Oregon (Jamie Greenwood), Coalition Fortaleza, are a few organizations mentions. Attached to this memo are some examples of from previous that might be helpful in planning for the 2023 event. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 15 The City of Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission in collaboration with Oregon Action and the Interfaith Social Justice Coalition will be hosting a forum on Affordable Housing on Wednesday August 10 th from 6-9 PM in the Gresham Room of the Ashland Public Library. The focus of the forum will be current and emerging housing issues and new tools for local affordable housing solutions. Included in the forum will be a presentation on preliminary findings from a local survey completed by Oregon Action with a grant from Meyer Memorial Trust. Come and join the discussion. For more information please contact Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist for the City of Ashland. 541-552-2043 or reidl@ashland.or.us. 16 17 th Notes sent on July 9 Recap: Dates: available at Ashland Hills Hotel Monday, October 22 nd 2019 (please confirm the date with me, no cost for the room). Time 6:30pm – 8:00pm Name of event: Rent Burden / Rent Control … the Solution Sarah, suggested Pam Phan as our presenter (Sarah will check in with Pam to see if she is interested) The meeting will be a combination of 608 and rent burden We will have the amazing video that Rich brought to the table on “608” . Sarah if you can share that with the commissioners at our next meeting? Having information that the audience can take with them. On this sheet or rack card there will be resources for our rent burden tenants and the Landlords. We want the community to bring their questions and ideas with them to share on the evening of the event. This ask can be on the invitation - information. How do we get the word out? Social media We have some suggested information which we will share with Linda Reid. Pulling verbiage from the video “Rent Burden Community Discussion” and adding some catchy pictures. The City will create the event page and we will run with it. Through Facebook, city site and collaborations with others. We want something that will draw your eye to this very important information. Audience: To be discussed more The Flow: Intro Pam speak Video presentation Ask the audience about their questions they brought Q&A Guest break up into 3-4 different groups with 2 commissioners in each group Discuss the solutions, and moving forward. Goals as the commission “Moving Forward”. Notes from July 22, 2019 What we discussed: Pam said yes (thank you Sarah) Three people on the panel Ask Linda to get us the legal person to sit on the panel 18 I will reach out to Southern Oregon Rental Owner Association. 541-842-7676 info.soroa@gmail to get a landlords voice Flow of the event: Welcome Why we are here and what we want people to take away from tonight Video Panel (Pam, Landlord, Law) CDBG positive Break out into groups with 2 commissioners per group Come back to the forum Q&A Conclusion What do you think? 19 20