HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-26 Housing & Human Services PACKET Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. October 26, 2023 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. II.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of September 28, 2023, Minutes IV.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A.Public Forum. V.NEW BUSINESS A.December Goal Setting Retreat Planning: Agenda items, Date, and Location (4:10- 4:35 p.m.). Feedback about the Inclusive Communities Guide for Public Officials B. (4:35- 4:55 p.m.). C.Workforce and Affordable Housing Discussion and Next Steps (4:55-5:15 p.m.). D.Final Planning Discussion for the Annual Rent Burden Forum (5:15-5:40 p.m.) VI.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VII.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports B.General Announcements VIII.AGENDA BUILDING Future Meetings IX.ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Next Meeting Date: November 9, 2023 th Page 1 of 2 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 2 of 2 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisory Committee Draft Minutes September 28, 2023 Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Echo Fields Bob Kaplan Brittney Bass Dylan Bloom (Absent) Jason Mendoza Staff Present: Kathy Kali Linda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Rich Rohde Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Crystal Munoz Kelly Burns; Heidi Parker Alan Ackroyd Deb Price I.CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. II.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of August 24, 2023, Minutes Rohde/Bass M/S Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion Passed. IV.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A.Public Forum. Gary Shaff presented the idea of protecting the bike lane on N. Mountain Ave. And asked the Committee to consider supporting the idea. Draft Housing Comm to Sidney Brown, a member of CEPAC (Climate and Environmental Policy Advisory Committee), invited to the CEPAC Electrification Ordinance meeting, which is broken up into 2 sessions. The first session is on Wednesday Oct. 18 from 6-7:30 PM. The second session will be on Oct. 26 from 12:00-1:30 PM at the Council Chambers. V.NEW BUSINESS A.Inclement Weather Shelter Report (4:10-4:35 p.m.). Summer Summary 2023.pdf Kelly Burns gave a report and answered questions on the inclement weather shelter. Page 1 of 3 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisory Committee Draft Minutes B.Workgroup Report-Exploration of Issues and Solutions in Rental Housing (4:35-4:45 p.m.). Crystal Munoz shared that she reached out to the Oregon Community Alliance of Tenants to get an understanding of what the hotline was all about. Mid November it will be up and running again with Spanish speaking options. The hotline also offers a They are also a useful source to help identify government run organizations who can help you in your region, ours would be ACCESS. C.CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report Review and Approval (4:55-5:15 p.m.). 2022 CDBG CAPER-Revised Draft.pdf Linda Reid gave a detailed Mendoza/Munoz M/S Voice Vote: ALL AYES. The motion to approve the CAPER has been approved. D.Planning Discussion for the Annual Rent Burden Forum (5:15-5:40 p.m.) The Committee had a discussion on table assignments, table topics, and flyers. The event date has been scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 9 from 4:30-6:30 PM in the Gresham room at the library. VI.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VII.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports Councilor Bob Kaplan informed the Committee that the City Council walked the neighborhoods surrounding our new emergency shelter at 2200 Ashland St. to answer any questions and to help get the word out. Kaplan also shared updates on the climate friendly area studies report. This report focuses on 4 different areas of town. 1.Transit Triangle 2.Railroad Park 3.Croman Mill 4.Historic District The goal of the report is to create more density, more units for housing, and develop more mixed-use buildings. B.General Announcements Page 2 of 3 Housing And Human ServicesAdvisory Committee Draft Minutes VIII.AGENDA BUILDING Future Meetings IX.ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Next Meeting Date: October 26, 2023 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: October 26, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: December Goal Setting Retreat Planning Last year the Housing and Human Services Commission held their annual goal setting retreat on December 15 2023 at the Ashland Hills Inn and th Suites. At that time, the following goals were established: 2023 Goals for the Housing and Human Services Committee Workforce and Affordable Housing Housing Production Strategy Education Events/Affordable Housing Education Events/ Partner with SERJ on Fair Housing and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion trainings and translation of City of Ashland information and handouts Encourage collaboration and communication for emergency shelter participate in planning and coordination. Construction Excise Tax Explore impacts and opportunities for the development of more Manufactured Home parks (barriers and inducements) and manufactured home park ownership. 2022 Goals for Housing and Human Services Commission ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 ˝˵˽˿ Emergency Shelter, Move the Severe Weather Shelter o recommendations/resolution forward to adoption. Establish a location for emergency shelter. o Establish a coordinator for the shelter-dedicated funding. o Build Cooperation and systems of communication at both the o executive and operational levels. Workforce Housing: Ask Brandon to educate the Commission on the UBG o expansion process. Promote capacity building and encourage new workforce o housing partnerships. Work with SOU on potential housing opportunities on o identified surplus properties Increase capacity for more mobile home parks o ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 ˝˵˽˿ Barrier Removal/to promote infill housing and group housing o options Food Resources: (lower priority) Address the need for a commercial kitchen in Ashland o 2023 Goals for the Housing and Human Services Committee Workforce and Affordable Housing Housing Production Strategy Education Events/Affordable Housing Education Events/ Partner with SERJ on Fair Housing and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion trainings and translation of City of Ashland information and handouts Encourage collaboration and communication for emergency shelter participate in planning and coordination. Construction Excise Tax Explore impacts and opportunities for the development of more Manufactured Home parks (barriers and inducements) and manufactured home park ownership ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: October 26, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Feedback about the Inclusive Communities Guide for Public Officials As part of a grant with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Fair Housing Council of Oregon is updating their guide, Finding Common Ground - Inclusive Communities Toolkit: Guide for Elected Officials, and is looking for feedback on how it could be better. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 "#$ "#$ JOUSPEVDUJPO ! ! 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BOE!\[POJOH!DIFDLMJTU!! GPS!PSFHPO ! !0 DPNNVOJUZ.CBTFE!EJTQVUF! SFTPMVUJPO!DFOUFST!! JO!PSFHPO %&'(&') ! JOGP!GPS!FMFDUFE!PGGJDJBMT SFTPVSDFT!BCPVU!SFBTPOBCMF! BDDPNNPEBUJPOT !! !!0 %&'(&') ! 5/! SFTPVSDFT ! ! %&'(&') ! SFTPVSDFT ! ! %&'(&') ! 5/! SFTPVSDFT !! !! %&'(&')%&'(&') !! ˝˵˽˿ DATE: October 26, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Workforce and Affordable Housing Discussion and Next Steps At the last regular meeting the Committee discussed the desire to move forward with more workforce and affordable housing focused work. There were a number of goals and ideas identified in the annual goal setting retreat (see memo in packet materials) that the Committee could explore, and there may be others that the Committee might like to consider such as: Barriers to development - specifically define development, builder, investor, funding and management challenges. Identify and engage organizations with capacity to bring projects to fruition from initial concept to leasing and/or sale. Identify the need for and programs that provide rehab of existing structures with the aim of improving livability and/or energy efficiency. Retrofit of existing properties for purposes of conversion or addition of residential space. Programs that provide for upgrade and preservation of existing manufactured housing for the purpose of extending useful life while providing safe, desirable living space and slowing deterioration. Programs for affordable replacement of failing or inefficient MFH. Identify specific potential resources - financial, technical, professional, etc. to facilitate increased livable spaces within existing neighborhoods. Identify in-fill and rehab opportunities that provide livable spaces - stick built or permanent. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 ˝˵˽˿ Identify ways to upgrade properties that need exterior/interior clean-up, fix-up and repairs that owners cannot address - either for a tenant or for themselves. Provide windows, adequate heat sources, debris removal, roof repairs, fire wise landscaping, handicap or aging in place adaptation, etc. Generally ensure that rentals and lower income owned properties are habitable and desirable. ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 ˝˵˽˿ DATE: October 26, 2023 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Discussion and Planning for the Annual Rent Burden Meeting Part 4 At the last three regular meetings the Committee discussed ideas for the annual rent burden meeting. Ideas included: An Open House Format to be held from 4:30-6:30. The Meeting is scheduled to take place on November 9 in the th Gresham Room of the Ashland Public Library. This meeting will take the place of the regular Committee meeting in November. The format will be a world café style event with different tables representing different topics and led by a subject matter expert at each table and a committee member. Table Topics: ˓˿˽˽̅˾˹̄̉ ˠ̂˹˿̂˹̄˹˵̃ ˶˿̂ ˓˔˒˗ ˖̅˾˴˹˾˷ -Linda o ˘˿˽˵˿̇˾˵̂̃˸˹̀ʿ˘˿˽˵˲̅̉˵̂ ˢ˵̃˿̅̂˳˵̃ʿ ˖˹˾˱˾˳˹˱˼ o ˜˹̄˵̂˱˳̉ʽ Access Staff/Crystal ˖˱˹̂ ˘˿̅̃˹˾˷ʿ˜˱˾˴˼˿̂˴ʽˤ˵˾˱˾̄ʿˢ˵˾̄˵̂ ˢ˵̃˿̅̂˳˵̃ - o Deltra Ferguson/CNPLS/Jason ˕˾˵̂˷̉ ˕˶˶˹˳˹˵˾˳̉ ˟̀̀˿̂̄̅˾˹̄˹˵̃ʿ˥̄˹˼˹̄̉ o ˹̃̃̅˵̃ʿ˱̃̃˹̃̄˱˾˳˵ -Electrify Now and Chad from Conservation ˝˱˾̅˶˱˳̄̅̂˵˴ ˘˿̅̃˹˾˷ʿ˪˿˾˵ ˓˱̀̄˱˹˾̃-Kathi/Alan o ˠ˼˱˾˾˹˾˷ ˔˵̀˱̂̄˽˵˾̄ 20 East Main Street Tel: 541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900