HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-18 Public Arts PACKET Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda April 18, 2024 Regular Meeting 4:00pm5:30pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way Agenda I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Welcome & Introductions b)Quorum count II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, as well as the diverse and vibrant Native communities who make their home here today. We denounce the egregious acts of the colonizers and government and recognize the horrific impacts that still exist today. We honor the first stewards in the Rogue Valley and the lands we live and depend on: Tribes with ancestral lands in and surrounding the geography of the Ashland Watershed include the original past, present and future indigenous inhabitants of the Shasta, Takelma, and Athabaskan people. We also recognize kha - - that is now the III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a)March 21, 2024, regular meeting IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda; up to 3 minutes per speaker) V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: a)City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne b)APRC Liaison, Stef Seffinger c)Community Development Liaison, Jennifer Chenoweth VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS and MOTIONS (up to 10 minutes per topic) a)Velocity (bouncing ball sculpture) Repairs Update & Discussion: Mike Morrison will provide update to group b)Appointments and Reappointments for PAAC Committee Members: four members terms are expiring c)Marking Ashland Places II: Community Development report on APRC consultation for a systematic process/framework for identifying and approving locations for public art installations within Ashlands parks (such as identifying the location for a Hub site Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 1 of 2 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda in Lithia Park). PAAC motion (March meeting) to proceed with community involvement committee planning on hold d)Cross Walk Project: Community Development update on PAAC motion (March meeting) to install art in the crosswalk at the entrance to Lithia Park e)ODOT Controller Boxes: Status of ODOT approval of selected box projects. Sub- Committee recommendations and actions for selecting next set of boxes. (Action items from March meeting) f)Golden Connections: May 18 Celebration planning g)Round Table: Member open discussion of project ideas or opportunities (2 minutes each) VII.OTHER BUSINESS and UPDATES (up to 5 minutes per Item) a)Playwright Walk Concept: Update on presentation to Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, April 3, 2024 b)Community Development support for PAAC: ~ 2 hours per week. c)Study Session - Task Groups Proposals Update (Action item from Feb. meeting): Task groups to form a proposal or project to present to the group d)Placemaking Motion (Action item from Feb. meeting): Ken and Gina to provide update to group regarding the wording of the February 15 Placemaking Motion that was put on hold VIII.ADJOURNMENT - Next Meeting Date: Thursday, May 16 @ 4:00 pm Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 2 of 2 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT March 21, 2024 Regular Meeting 4:00pm5:30pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way Minutes I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Introductions PAAC member introductions to Barry and Kathryn Thalden who joined via Zoom. The Thaldens are instrumental players of the Playwright Walk Concept that will be discussed as an agenda item. Peter Finkle of Walk Ashland is also joining. b)Quorum count quorum achieved. Committee Members Present: Liaisons & Staff Present: Chair, Ken Engelund Jennifer Chenoweth, Associate Planner Beca Blake Stef Seffinger, Parks and Rec Commissioner (via Zoom) Laura Bloom Tessa Elbettar Liaisons & Staff Absent: Paige Gerhard Councilor Gina DuQuenne Cassie Preskenis Heather Warden Special Guests: Peter Finkle Committee Members Absent: Barry and Kathryn Thalden Susan Jain Stanley Smith II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, as well as the diverse and vibrant Native communities who make their home here today. We denounce the egregious acts of the colonizers and government and recognize the horrific impacts that still exist today. We honor the first stewards in the Rogue Valley and the lands we live and depend on: Tribes with ancestral lands in and surrounding the geography of the Ashland Watershed include the original past, present, and future indigenous inhabitants of the Shasta, Takelma, Athabaskan kha - - Read by Laura Bloom III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 18, 2024 regular meeting - Cassie motioned to approve the minutes with no corrections; Laura seconded the motion. All approved. Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 1 of 3 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda; up to 3 minutes per speaker) - none V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: a)City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne; absent b)Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission Liaison, Stef Seffinger; no update c)Community Development Liaison, Jennifer Chenoweth; upcoming orientation for new PAAC members next week. City Manager held an initial meeting for City staff liaisons to commissions and committees to provide feedback and share experiences of working as a staff liaison. Formal city training for new volunteer commission/committee members and chairs is forthcoming. VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)Playwright Walk Plaques presentation on concept plan and motion the endorse project to City Council The concept plan was presented as well as examples and updates on the work that has been achieved so far in preparation for this idea to be presented to the City Council. Oregon State and National sidewalk design standards will be followed. This is not a City initiated project, but a donation of work that could be incorporated into the Public Art Collection. A motion was made by the Chair that stated, gift to the City from philanthropists, Barry and Kathryn Thalden, according to AMC 2.29.110 and as outlined in the attached Concept Plan. PAAC recommends approval \[of to the City Council and to include that the final plaques be The motion passed unanimously. accepted into the Public Art Collection b)ODOT Controller Boxes Update from the task committee on behalf of the selection committee (Tessa, Cassie, Peter) All responses from the selection committee on the final vote have been received with revised designs and clear directions for how the project will be implemented. Next steps are to seek approval from ODOT and City Council. During the next meeting the group will craft a motion to go to City Council. Task group to work on identifying the next set of boxes. c)Crosswalk Project entrance to Lithia Park; Ashland Parks and Recreation Committee (APRC) actions, next steps, motion recommendation to City Council and Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Ken presented the concept to Ashland Parks and Recreation during their February meeting. Parks would like a commission member and Parks staff member to be included on the selection panel. A motion was made to seek approval from the Council for PAAC to develop and issue a Call for Artist. Arts Advisory Committee requests permission from the Council to issue a Call for Artist Request for Qualifications for a site-specific historic district image for public art installation. The installation is for a crosswalk on Winburn Way at the entrance to Lithia Park. The purpose of the crosswalk is to enhance the cityscape, attract tourists, and residents with a historic image and strive for traffic calming. An independent Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 2 of 3 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT selection panel will be created to review and select the final design. The committee will present the \[final\] selection of the artwork and seek approval from the City Council prior to awarding the artist. The proposal will include parameters for torch- The selected artist(s) or artist led team will consult with the Public Works Department and receive an $850 award at the time of selection. An additional consultation fee of $15 After some discussion and changes to the original language (changes above), the motion was seconded and then unanimously approved. d)Marking Ashland Places (MAP) II Update on APRC motions, discuss next steps, and PAAC response motion for committee A motion to create a sub-committee for a community engagement and involvement plan was put forward and approved. The Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission has requested that the Public Arts sub-committee to develop a Advisory Committee convene a Marking Ashland Places II robust community involvement plan that allows for consideration and feedback to committees, commissions, and respective staff. The proposed Marking Ashland Places II District near the entrance to Lithia Park. A clear description, specification, and depiction of the final artwork will be developed through a Request for Qualifications and vetted through a community involvement process. The sub-committee will consist of 1). a member of the Public Arts Advisory Committee, and staff, 2). a member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee and staff, a member of the 3). Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission and staff. e)Golden Connections Update on celebration event on May 18, 2024 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm; HPAC awards and recognition, ribbon cutting for medallions, walking tour f)Pulse Check open discussion of ideas (5-10 minutes total). No open discussion requested. VII.OTHER BUSINESS AND UPDATES a)PAAC Strategic Planning Project update Susan and Ken working on updating plan b)Velocity (bouncing ball sculpture) repairs update Public Works is continuing to work on repairs; some issues with welding and timing c)- update - Cassie made video of Say Their Names to share at upcoming educational event. Fundraising for donations underway d)update Fundraising for donations underway. VIII.ADJOURNMENT - Next Meeting Date: Thursday, April 18 @ 4:00 pm thank you for your service to our community Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 3 of 3