HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-17 Public Arts PACKET Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda . March 17, 2023 Regular Meeting 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Location: Community Development Building - 59 Winburn Way, Siskiyou Room I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Introductions New City Council Liaison – Gina DuQuenne New Committee Member – Tessa Elbettar II.LAND ACKNOWLEGEMENT “We acknowledge and honor the aboriginal people on whose ancestral homelands we live, —the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, including the original past indigenous inhabitants, as well as the diverse Native communities who make their home here today. We also recognize and acknowledge the Shasta village of K’wakhakha — “Where the Crow lights”—that is now the Ashland City Plaza.” III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES The December 16, 2022 meeting of the PAAC lacked a quorum – thus th no actions were taken and no minutes are provided. IV.PUBLIC FORUM V.LIASON REPORTS: Council Liaison Gina DuQuenne; APRC Liaison – Leslie Eldridge; Community Development Liaison – Brandon Goldman VI.ACTION ITEMS a)Butler-Perozzi Fountain: Request for recommendation Presenter - Mike Gardiner, Ashland Parks Foundation b)PAAC regular meeting time change: Suggested 4:00-5:30 on the Third Thursday of the month, and allow In Person and Zoom participation c)Review and approval of proposed “Public Arts Collection” Rack Cards VII.OTHER BUSINESS a)Medallion project update – Mike Morrison, Public Works Department b)Nourishing our Communities plaque Installation c)John Pugh’s Mural Project: Council accepted: 2/21/2023 Proposed Public Forum : 4/27 @700pm at 255 Helman Street (John Pugh Studio) d)Proposed Resolution: City Council to proclaim, “Art and Food Week” and endorse the Ashland Gallery Association and local Restaurants for 2023 “Taste of Ashland” VIII.ADJOURNMENT: Next Meeting Date: TBD Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair Page 1 of 1 Public Arts Advisory Committee 3/17/2023 Butler-Perozzi Fountain: Request for recommendation ASHLANDPARKS &RECREATION COMMISSION 340 S PIONEER STREET • ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 COMMISSIONERS: Michael A. Black, AICP Director Rick Landt Jim Bachman 541.488.5340 Leslie Eldridge AshlandParksandRec.org Jim Lewis parksinfo@ashland.or.us Justin Adams Memorandum TO: City of Ashland Planning Department FROM: Michael Black, Director DATE: January 30, 2023 SUBJECT: Butler-Perozzi Fountain SITUATION The Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission (“APRC”) Board of Commissioners (the “Commissioners”) recently received a presentation from the Ashland Parks Foundation (the “Foundation”) on the status of fundraising and project evaluation for the restoration or replacement of the Butler-Perozzi Fountain (the “Fountain”) in Lithia Park. The Foundation has agreed to fund the Fountain project; however, the determination of whether the Fountain should be replaced or preserved has been proffered to the public at-large. BACKGROUND A qualified architectural firm has provided a thorough review of the status of the Fountain and a recommendation for next steps for preservation. The firm – Architectural Resource Group (ARG) – recommended that the Commissioners consider preservation/restoration over replacement. Since this recommendation has not been vetted with the public, Commissioners have requested a public process for public involvement. Additionally, since the Fountain is contributing historic resource for Lithia Park, the City’s Historic Commission should also provide a recommendation on the disposition of the Fountain. ASSESSMENT The Fountain is a significant contributor to the experience of Lithia Park and many people have expressed their concerns for its dilapidated condition. The Fountain is dire need of restoration or replacement, and the Ashland Parks Foundation has taken on the project with a desire to raise the funds needed for the project. The project scope needs to be clearer for the Foundation to continue to raise funds. For that reason, the Commissioners need to decide to follow ARG’s recommendation for preservation or choose a different route. Paramount to this decision will be the information gathered by over 500 responses from the the public on their preference on the project. APRC will be reviewing the public comments on Feb. 8 th in their public meeting. Some effort has been made to identify what “preservation” vs. “replacement” means. The following is from the recommendation of ARG, and can ben found on page 23 of their report (attached). DISCUSSION: REHABILITATION VS. REPLACEMENT The fountain overall is in fair condition, and the terrace is in good to fair condition. A project such as the one outlined in our recommendations followed by regular maintenance, will extend the life of the fountain for another 30-50 years. Maintenance is a key factor in the lifespan of a rehabilitated or new fountain. Even a completely new fountain would require maintenance on a similar timeline. Previous discussions about the fountain have included the possibility of replacement of the marble components in a more durable material such as granite (since the basin and mechanical systems will be replaced in their entirety, the only element that would be considered rehabilitated would be the central tiered element. When considering rehabilitation verses replacement, it is important to understand how each option will extend the life of the fountain intervention included in our recommendations is related to the concrete work of the fountain and terrace, not the marble fountain itself. Replacement of the concrete or marble elements with granite facsimiles would have a major impact on the aesthetic of the fountain, in addition to the upfront cost of the material and workmanship to replicate the existing level of carving detail in the marble. Repair of the marble elements of the fountain are currently priced at $78,894.50 in the cost estimate. Replacement of these pieces in granite and the cost to carve them to match the ti tion. Staff is asking the Historic Commi to review the information that has been provided in the accompanying report by ARG and ultimately make a recommendation on the path the would prefer APRC follows - preservation or replacement. Electronic Attachment Butler Perozzi Fountain Assessment and Recommendations CONDITION ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Architecture Planning Butler-Perozzi Fountain Conservation Lithia Park | July 26, 2022 CLIENT: ARCHITECT: Ashland, OR 97520 Associate, Conservator FOUNTAIN CONSULTANT: COST ESTIMATE: Inc. Table of Contents .........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 ........................................................................................................................................5 2.1 2.2 2.3 ...........................................................................................7 .............................................................................................................................19 .............................................................................................................................................2 C. Uijt!qbhf!joufoujpobmmz!mfgu!cmbol/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gpvoubjo!wjfxfe!gspn!tufqt!up!Hsbojuf!Tusffu/ Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain1 Jouspevdujpo 2Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain Introduction Butler-Perozzi Fountain, circa bowls. Butler-Perrozi Fountain, undated. fountain pool, toward the lower currently visible. Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain3 Uijt!qbhf!joufoujpobmmz!mfgu!cmbol/ ON-SITE ASSESSMENT COST ESTIMATE Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain5 GUIDELINES Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain7 Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot FOUNTAIN CONDITIONS Xbufs!tqmbtift!pvu!pg!uif!fbtu!foe!pg!uif!gpvoubjo-!bu!uif! upq!pg!uif!tubjst/ Xbufs!tqmbtift!pvu!pg!uif!fbtu!foe!pg!uif!gpvoubjo-!bu!uif! upq!pg!uif!tubjst/ 8Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Cspo{f!ejtdpmpsbujpo!bu!uif!gpvoubjo“t!tubuvf/ Dsbdlt!boe!tqbmmt!bu!uif!vqqfs!qfeftubm/ Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain9 Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Tqbmmt!bu!uif!vqqfs!qfeftubm/ Ebnbhfe!hbshpzmft!bu!mpxfs!qfeftubm/!Opuf!uif!qjqf! tujdljoh!pvu!pg!uif!fmfnfou!po!uif!mfgu/ Xfbuifsfe!wfjojoh!jo!mpxfs!qfeftubm/!Opuf!uif! evudinbo!sfqbjs!joejdbufe!xjui!bo!bsspx/ 10Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Dsbdl!)sfe*!boe!evudinbo!sfqbjst!)cmvf*!jo!mpxfs!cpxm/! Opuf!uif!pqfo!kpjou!cfuxffo!uif!qmbtufs!boe!uif!nbscmf/ Qsfwjpvt!sfqbjst!boe!pqfo!kpjout!bu!mpxfs!cpxm/!Opuf!uif! qmbtufs!gbjmvsf!boe!fyqptfe!dpodsfuf!bu!uif!cpuupn!sjhiu/ Dsbdlt!jo!qmbtufs!pwfs!dpodsfuf!cbtf/ Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain11 Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Qmbtufs!mptt!bu!dpodsfuf!cbtf/!Opuf!qmbtufs!mptt!cfmpx!uif! Njttjoh!boe!tpjmfe!qfsjnfufs!ujmft/ Dpodsfuf!mptt!bu!pvufs!sjn!pg!gpvoubjo!qppm/ 12Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!pvufs!sjn!pg! gpvoubjo!qppm/ Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!pvufs!sjn!pg! gpvoubjo!qppm/ Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!pvufs!sjn!pg! gpvoubjo!qppm/ Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain13 Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot TERRACE CONDITIONS Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!ufssbdf!dpmvno/ Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!ufssbdf! dpmvnot/ Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh-!tqbmmt-!boe!tpjmjoh!bu!mjhiu!qptut/ 14Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot Dpodsfuf!dsbdljoh!boe!tqbmmt!bu!mjhiu!qptu/ Dpodsfuf!dsbdlt!)sfe*!boe!xbsqfe!xppe!tusjqt!jo! Architectural Resources Group | Butler-Perozzi Fountain15 Fyjtujoh!Dpoejujpot MAIN STAIRCASE Dsbdlt!jo!diffl!xbmm!boe!gbjmfe!sfqbjst!boe!dsbdlt!jo! uif!tubjst/! 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Sfqbjs!pg!uif!nbscmf!fmfnfout!pg!uif!gpvoubjo!bsf!dvssfoumz!qsjdfe!bu!%89-9:5/61!! jo!uif!dptu!ft€!nbuf/!Sfqmbdfnfou!pg!uiftf!qjfdft!jo!hsbojuf!boe!uif!dptu!up!dbswf! uifn!up!nbudi!uif!ijtupsjd!dpoŽ!hvsb€!po!dpvme!dptu!uif!tbnf-!jg!opu!npsf-!boe!ju! xpvme!cf!wfsz!ej!!dvmu!up!nbudi!uif!fybdu!ijtupsjd!dpoŽ!hvsb€!po/! Bsdijufduvsbm!Sftpvsdft!Hspvq!!}!Cvumfs.Qfsp{{j!Gpvoubjo34 RDP-1 SERIES, DIRECT-BURIAL FIBERGLASS PUMP VAULT (877) 794-1802 BREAKER PANEL W/ PROGRAMMABLE TIME CLOCK (IN LID) 3" INTAKE VENT 7-1/4" PADLOCKABLE RPVC-300 (SOLD HINGED LID 3" EXHAUST VENT SEPARATELY. SEE 3" RPVC-300 (SOLD SEPARATELY. CATALOG SHEET NO. SEE CATALOG SHEET NO. 7.301) 7.301) FINISHED GRADE 2'-7-7/8" WARNING: 2" SUCTION FOR DRY HOLE INSTALLATION ONLY MOLDED FIBERGLASS TIE-DOWN BRACKET (TYP.) 2" DISPLAY DISCHARGE 2" FILTERED DISCHARGE REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB SUMP PUMP & S.S. HARDWARE (BY INSTALLER) SHOWN WITH OPTIONAL LIGHTING CIRCUIT 2" PVC (Socket) FRONT ELEVATION DRAIN CONNECTION 3'-4" SQ. LID HINGES THIS SIDE CARTRIDGE FILTER PUMP SUMP PUMP WARNING: FOR 'DRY HOLE' (OPTIONAL EROSION INSTALLATION ONLY! CHEMICAL FEEDER AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) PLAN VIEW SINGLE SPEED HORSEPOWER PERFORMANCE CURVE @ 3,450 RPM 110 TECHNICAL DATA FEET OF HEAD PRESSURE 100 AVAILABLE PUMP 90 MODEL #HPSYSTEM POWER OPTIONS 80 70 RDP-1-0501/2 120/208-240V,1PH 60 3/4 RDP-1-075120/208-240V,1PH 50 3 RDP-1-100 1120/208-240V,1PH, or 208-240-460V, 3PH 40 2 30 208-240V,1PH, or 208-240-460V, 3PH RDP-1-1501 1/2 1 1/2 1 20 3/4 208-240V,1PH, or 208-240-460V, 3PH RDP-1-2002 1/2 10 3208-240V,1PH, or 208-240-460V, 3PH RDP-1-300 0 102030405060708090100120140160 *NOTE: THREE-PHASE VAULTS REQUIRE AN OPTIONAL 110130150 U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE U.L. 508 LISTED CONTROL PANEL UPGRADE. SPECIFICATION DATA: : Series 1 Direct Burial Pump Vault, consisting of a 3'-4" sq. x 2'-8" deep heavy duty FRP vault with white gel-coat interior and brown gel-coat exterior, furnished with 36" sq. fiberglass reinforced plastic lid with stainless steel piano hinge attachment and lock hardware (LOCK BY INSTALLER), containing a self-priming display pump with integral suction strainer, RCCF-050; 50 sq. ft. cartridge filter unit, 3" vent connections with 105 CFM vent fan, 2" floor drain; RTCP-PCLC; UL listed time clocks and power distribution breakers (Class A GFCI as required). Unit is pre-wired, pre-plumbed (Schedule 80 PVC) and factory tested prior to shipment. See power requirement above. DESIGN/APPLICATION DATA: Roman Fountains RDP-Series 1, direct burial pump stations are designed for small fountains where concrete pump stations are not practical and interior mechanical space is not available. All units are factory assembled and tested prior to shipment to job site, minimizing installation and maintenance costs. Systems can be furnished with optional fill manifold, G.F.C.I. protected lighting circuit and erosion feeder; consult factory. NOTES:1.Information on this sheet represents manufacturers' typical unit. Variations may occur in specified unit to meet fountain design and mechanical requirements. 2.Hatch opening must be located in flood-safe area. 3.Slope finished grade away from pump module. 4.Protect pump module gravity drain from back flow and gas. 5.Top of pump module must be at, or below lowest pool water level.DRAWING NO. 6.Options for Tile-Set Hatch and Diamond Plate Hatch available. Consult factory. 7.201 7.Due to our continuing product improvement program, Roman Fountains reserves the right to change the specifications w/o notice. © ITEM #_____QTY._____ COPYRIGHT 2019 ROMAN FOUNTAINS www.romanfountains.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED R1_07-21-19 SAN FRANCISCOLOS ANGELESPORTLAND Pier 9, The Embarcadero 360 E. 2nd Street 720 SW Washington Street Suite 107 Suite 225 Suite 605 San Francisco, California 94111 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Portland, OR 97205 T: 415.421.1680 T: 626.583.1401 T: 971.256.5324 F: 415.421.0127 BSHdsfbuf/dpn ASHLANDHISTORICCOMMISSION Background Historic Commission Motion/Recommendation Commissioners Hovenkamp/Repp m/s for the Historic Commission to endorse the concept from the consultant for preservation/restoration of the Butler-Perozzi Fountain and its foundation, with the understanding that there will be areas that require replacement. ALL AYES. Motion Passed. 1 Public Arts Advisory Committee 3/17/2023 Public Arts Collection Rack Cards DJUZ!PG!BTIMBOE Qvcmjd!Bsut!Nbq B!XBMLJOH!UPVS Z pv!bsf!jowjufe!up!wjtju!63!bsuxpslt!jo!uif!Qvcmjd!Bsu! Dpmmfdujpo!pg!pvs!cfbvujgvm!djuz!pg!Btimboe/!Uiftf!bsuxpslt! jodmvef!tdvmquvsft!pg!xppe-!tupof!boe!tuffm-!dfsbnjd! ujmf!nptbjdt-!dpmpsgvm!nvsbmt!boe!qbjoufe!vujmjuz!cpyft!uibu! csjhiufo!cvtz!tusffut/ Btimboe!djuj{fot!ibwf!cffo!efejdbufe!up!dvmuvsf-!bsu!boe! fevdbujpo!tjodf!uif!mbuf!2911t/!Uif!pmeftu!dpnnvojuz!pxofe! bsuxpsl!ebuft!gspn!2:21/ QVCMJD!BSU –! Bddfttjcmf!up!bmm-!mjlf!b!gsff nvtfvn –! Beet!cfbvuz!up!ebjmz!mjgf –! Qmbzgvm-!fevdbujpobm!ps dibmmfohjoh –! Tifet!mjhiu!po!pvs!upxo ijtupsz –! Jouspevdft!vt!up!qfpqmft!xip mjwfe!ifsf!cfgpsf!vt –! Tusfohuifot!pvs!mpdbm dpnnvojuz Jo!beejujpo!up!uif!Qvcmjd!Bsu!dpm. pg!puifs!bsuxpslt!uispvhipvu! Btimboe/!Tff!bsu!jo!Btimboe! tdippmt-!Btimboe!Mjcsbsz-!djuz! qbslt!boe!jo!ofjhicpsippet! bspvoe!upxo/!Uif!Tpvuifso! Psfhpo!Vojwfstjuz!dbnqvt!ibt! pwfs!211!bsuxpslt/ SFW.3134.14 Tdbo!uif!RS!dpef!ps!wjtju; hjt/btimboe/ps/vt0qvcmjdbsu B!mjtu!pg!Btimboe!bsu!hbmmfsjft;! btimboehbmmfsjft/dpn ;!-!Tvtbo!\[pdpmb<!-!Tvf!Tqsjohfs<!;!-! UisftipmeSjp!BnjtubeHpmefo!Dpoofdujpot GspouCbdl Kfoojgfs!Dpsjp-!Ebwje!Gsfz<!Pvumjgufs!Dbopf-!Ebo!Xbiqfqbi<! Uif!CJQPD!pg!uif!Sphvf!Wbmmfz! !Jtb!Nbsujof{!Nppsf Dfmfcsbujpo- DJUZ!PG!BTIMBOE Qvcmjd!Bsut!Nbq B!XBMLJOH!UPVS Z pv!bsf!jowjufe!up!wjtju!63!bsuxpslt!jo!uif!Qvcmjd!Bsu! Dpmmfdujpo!pg!pvs!cfbvujgvm!djuz!pg!Btimboe/!Uiftf!bsuxpslt! jodmvef!tdvmquvsft!pg!xppe-!tupof!boe!tuffm-!dfsbnjd! ujmf!nptbjdt-!dpmpsgvm!nvsbmt!boe!qbjoufe!vujmjuz!cpyft!uibu! csjhiufo!cvtz!tusffut/ Btimboe!djuj{fot!ibwf!cffo!efejdbufe!up!dvmuvsf-!bsu!boe! fevdbujpo!tjodf!uif!mbuf!2911t/!Uif!pmeftu!dpnnvojuz!pxofe! bsuxpsl!ebuft!gspn!2:21/ QVCMJD!BSU –! Bddfttjcmf!up!bmm-!mjlf!b!gsff nvtfvn –! Beet!cfbvuz!up!ebjmz!mjgf –! Qmbzgvm-!fevdbujpobm!ps dibmmfohjoh –! Tifet!mjhiu!po!pvs!upxo ijtupsz –! 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DraftResolutionforconsideration:PublicArtsAdvisory Committee “ThemissionofthePublicArtsAdvisory Committee istoassistarts organizationsinAshland.ThePublicArtsAdvisory Committee endorsestheAshlandGalleryAssociationMay20,21‘Tasteof Ashland’eventfor2023andencouragestheAshlandCityCouncil to proclaimtheweekas“ATasteofAshland - Art,FoodandWine Week.”Further,tocontributefromthePublicArtaccount$300.00for the AshlandGalleryAssociation’spreparationandinstallationof a banner to behungonMain Street.”