HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-15 Public Arts PACKET Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda . June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting 4:00pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Introductions New Committee Members Planning Staff, Jennifer Chenoweth II.LAND ACKNOWLEGEMENT “We acknowledge and honor the aboriginal people on whose ancestral homelands we live, —the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, including the original past indigenous inhabitants, as well as the diverse Native communities who make their home here today. We also recognize and acknowledge the Shasta village of K’wakhakha — “Where the Crow lights”—that is now the Ashland City Plaza.” III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) March 17, 2023 regular meeting th IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) V.LIASON REPORTS: Council Liaison Gina DuQuenne; APRC Liaison – Leslie Eldridge; Community Development Liaison – Brandon Goldman VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)Proposed Mural at NW Nature Shop b)ODOT Controller Boxes Project Status: Selection panel appointment Stipend and materials proposed Signal Boxes under consideration c)“Ancestors Future - Crystalizing Our Call” Public Forum task group VII.OTHER BUSINESS a)Medallion Installation update – Railroad Park b) Public Arts Collection Rack Cards update c)Say Their Names Updates Picnic - 6/18 from 11:30 to 2:30 at Ashland Community Park d)John Pugh’s Mural Project update e)Haines and Friends Grant update VIII.ADJOURNMENT: Next Meeting Date: Thursday July 20, 2023 @ 4:00pm Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair Page 1 of 1 ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING TIMES: Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Community Development Building, 51 Winburn Way. TERM LIMITS: Members serve 3-year terms expiring April 30th of each year. STAFF LIAISON: Jennifer Chenoweth, Associate Planner Phone: 541.552.2045 Email: jennifer.chenoweth@ashland.or.us COUNCIL LIAISON Phone: Email: PARKS LIAISON: Leslie Eldridge Phone: Email: Commissioner_Eldridge@external.ashland.or.us MEMBERS Ken Engelund, Chair Cassie Preskenis ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˂ 71 Water St. #304 118 E. Nevada St. Phone: 541-488-0859 Phone: 541-326-8112 Email: kjengelund@gmail.com Email: cassie@ashlandstudioz.com Laura Bloom Stanley Smith ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ 695 Mistletoe Rd Suite C 786 Park Street Phone: 541-944-5533 Phone: 310-418-8013 Email: laura@laurabloomdesign.com Email: stanley@artauthority.net Heather Warden Snow Panneton ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 1467 Siskiyou Blvd #508 125 Sherman Street Phone: W: 541-708-6930 Phone: 602-448-4109 Email: gypsyroadstudio4125@gmail.com Email: snow.p007@gmail.com Tessa Elbattar ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 ʸ˱˴˴̂˵̃̃ʹ Phone: W: 541-531-0398 Email: tessa@jccltrg.org PAAC Committee Minutes (Draft) April 21, 2023 Regular Meeting 8:30 10:00 a.m. Location: Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way, Siskiyou Room I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Ken Engelund called the meeting to order at 8:30am: Commissioners Present:Council Liaison: Ken Engelund Gina DuQuenne Staff Present: Cassie Preskenis Brandon Goldman; Community Laura Bloom Development Director Stanley Smith Kendall Escuin; Admin Support Commissioners/Liaisons Absent: Special Guests: Leslie Eldridge Mike Gardiner; Ashland Parks Foundation Tessa Elbettar II. LAND ACKNOWLEGEMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, including the original past indigenous inhabitants, as well as the diverse Native communities who make their home here today. We also recognize and acknowledge the that is Read byCommittee member Engelund. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Public Arts Commission Regular Meeting, November 18, 2022 Committee members Preskenis /Smith m/s to approve the minutes with no corrections. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. PAAC Committee Minutes (Draft) b) The December 16th, 222 and March 17th, 2023 meetings of the PAAC lacked a quorum thus no actions were taken and no minutes are provided. IV. PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) Peter Finkle would like to help on the ODOT utility box project. V. LIASON REPORTS: Council Liaison Gina DuQuenne; APRC Liaison Leslie Eldridge (absent) DuQuenne shared that the proclamation had been updated and would be read at the Food, Wine and Art event. Goldman introduced himself as the new Community Development Director and shared updates on new hires within the department. VI. ACTION ITEMS a) Butler-Perozzi Fountain: Request for recommendation Presenter - Mike Gardiner, Ashland Parks Foundation. Committee members Engelund/Bloom m/s would like to endorse the concept of the restoration of the butler fountain with the understanding that there will be required maintenance and a funding plan from the Ashland Parks Foundation. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. b) PAAC regular meeting time change: Suggested 4:00-5:30 on the Third Thursday of the month and . allow In Person and Zoom participation Committee members Engelund/Smith m/s Voice VOTE: ALL AYES. Motion passed. c) PAAC endorsement of the May 20- consider a motion to recommend Council endorsement of a proclamation for Art, Food and Wine Week for May 15-21st, 2023. Committee member Engeland m/no second. Voice VOTE: ALL AYES. Motion passed. d) PAAC review and approval of Ashland Art Collection Rack Cards Committee members Engelund/Preskenis m/s to approve the rack card of Calle Guanajuato Way. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. e) Consider a motion to Designate the Downtown Historic district as the next Marking Ashland Places (MAP) district, in agreement with the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. Committee members Engelund/Smith m/s. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. PAAC Committee Minutes (Draft) VII. OTHER BUSINESS a) -save the date 4/27 @7:00pm at 255 Helman Street (John Pugh Studio) Event date pushed out. Target date is 6/15 but not yet confirmed. b) Micah Blacklight sculpture project: Public Event Save the date 6/18 Juneteenth picnic gathering in Ashland Creek Park. c) Exploring the creation of an Ashland Public Art Foundation, as a 501c3 Not For Profit, to enhance private funding of public art. d) Update on Status of Memorandum of Understanding for ODOT and Ashland to paint Traffic Control Boxes on ODOT right of ways. e) Update on the history and status of the Medallions for the railroad park. The goal is for this project to be done by May 2023. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00am Engelund/Smith m/s to adjourn. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Next Meeting Date: May 18, 2023 from 4:00-5:30pm Memo DATE: June 9, 2023 TO: Public Art Advisory Committee FROM: Jennifer Chenoweth, Associate Planner Public Arts Advisory Committee (PAAC) Planning Staff Liaison RE: PAAC Review of Proposed Northwest Nature Shop Mural 154 Oak Street An application was submitted by Marie Caballero Uhtoff for a mural installation on the new fence at the Northwest Nature Shop at 154 Oak Street. During the June 15 PAAC meeting, the application materials will be reviewed subject to the Public Arts Guidelines for Recommendation by the Commission \[Committee\] in AMC 2.29.130. The mural would be designed and executed by Vivi Design Company of Bend, Oregon (https://www.vividesignco.com/murals). It would be painted off-site in acrylic housepaint and installed evenly spaced along the recently constructed fence as three 4-foot by 16-foot ½-inch thick MDO plywood panels. The mural would depict flora, fauna and/or geology of southwestern Oregon. Crater Lake was specifically noted as a potential theme. The design is preliminary. Once the final renderings are complete, they will be presented to the Public Art and Historic Preservation Advisory Committees for final recommendation to the City Council for review and approval. The proposal was presented to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) during the June 7 meeting. HPAC members were supportive of the proposal in concept, subject to final design approval. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 The proposed mural would consist of three 4-foot by 16-foot panels depicting flora, fauna, and geology specific to southwestern Oregon painted in acrylic housepaint on half-inch MDO plywood panels and installed along the natural-finished fence on the right-side of the photo above. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Memo DATE: June 7, 2023 TO: File FROM: Derek Severson, Planning Manager Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) Planning Staff Liaison RE: HPAC Review of Proposed Northwest Nature Shop Mural 154 Oak Street (Historic Contributing “George Coffee House”) At the June 2023 regular meeting of the Ashland Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC), the Committee reviewed a proposal from Marie Caballero Uhtoff of Northwest Nature Shop for a mural to be installed on the new fence at Northwest Nature Shop at 154 Oak Street. The mural would be designed and executed by Vivi Design Company of Bend, Oregon (https://www.vividesignco.com/murals) and would be painted off-site in acrylic housepaint and installed evenly-spaced along the recently constructed fence as three 4-foot by 16-foot ½-inch thick MDO plywood panels. The fence behind would retain its natural finish and be allowed to age. The mural would depict flora, fauna and/or geology of southwestern Oregon; Crater Lake was specifically noted as a potential theme. Vivi has not yet completed a final design; once renderings are complete,they will be presented to the Public Art and Historic Preservation Advisory Committees for final sign-off. After hearing the applicant’s initial proposal and reviewing samples of Vivi Design Company’s work on their website, HPAC members were generally supportive of the proposal in concept (subject to final design approval) and appreciative of the fact that the mural installation was not proposed to be placed directly on the historic building. HPAC found that the installation would add interest to the private alley, and overall would be a benefit to the surrounding area. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Public Art Mural Packet Thank you for your interest in theprocess forexecutingexterior murals on public or private property in within the City of Ashland. The attached documents are intended to assistapplicants through the approvaland installationprocess. Guidelines and Process for executing/installing an exterior mural in the City of Ashland Public Art Mural Application Art Agreement between City of Ashland and Property Owner Updated Nov. 2016 Public Art Murals Guidelines and Process The Ashland Municipal Coderequires that exterior murals must be approved by the Public Art Commission (PAC)whose role is to ensure that each project aesthetically enhances its location and surroundings.The costs associated with developing and executing/installing a muralare the responsibility of the applicantand/or property owner of the wall where the proposed mural will be installed. To simplify this document, the word ‘mural’refers to artwork that is painted onan exterior wall and other works of art affixed to an exterior wall. Overview The approval process for executing/installing murals on public or private property within the City of Ashland is administered by the City of Ashland staff liaison to the Public Art Commission. Applicants without professional mural experience may apply but should partner with a professional muralist. Applicant must provide a budget for the project and if the project is approved funding must be in place before work can begin. Proposed murals are reviewed by the PAC, by the Historic Commission if required, andif recommended by the PAC, approved by the City Council. Murals shall not be considered for installation on buildingfacades with a public entrance in historic districts. Murals may be considered for installation on building with a public entrance outside historic districts. Muralsshall not be proposed for installation on an unpainted façade surface (natural brick, stone) of a historic building. All property owners must sign anArt Agreement to be included with the Public Art Mural application agreeing to transfer ownership of the mural to the City pending approval of the proposed mural by the City Council. All murals approved through this process become part of the City’s public art collection for as long as the Art Agreement remains in effect. Updated Nov. 2016 The number of muralsper block may be limited. Historically significant murals (including historic advertisements) shall not be painted over, even if faded. To the extent practicable, murals shall be applied only to the flat planes of walls. Imitative materials including but not limited to asphalt siding, wood textured aluminum, and artificial stone should be avoided onmurals within historic districts. All applicants are required to meet with the staff liaison at least one month prior to submitting an application. To schedule an appointment,contact Public Arts Commission Staff Liason at 541-488-5305. Murals on Historic Buildings Murals proposed for installation on the exterior of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or to a contributing property within a Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places will be forwarded to the Historic Commission for review. The Historic Commission will review the proposal using criteria standards stated in the Ashland Municipal Code and provide their comments to the City Council and to the Public Art Commission. Criteria for Approval of Wall Murals The mural should be a professionally designed, original work of exceptional qualitywith consideration of the following criteria: Work thatis of enduring value for includingin the City’s public art collection. Visual imagery that enhances the aesthetic experience within the City and the character and nature of the site. Visual imagery that is appropriate for all audiences (not reflecting partisan politics or containing sexual or religious content or expressing a commercial aspect, etc.). Artwork that is appropriatelydesignedfor all view points to the mural (by pedestrians, from moving vehicles, seated audiences, etc.). Artwork that is appropriately sited for directional exposure to minimize fading of colors. Suitability of the wall surface to receive all materials that are to be used to executethe mural including the wall preparation material. Work that is appropriate in scale to the building and to the site. All installation and technical issues. Mural Design Application Applicants(artist, property owner, etc.) intending to execute/installa mural on an exterior wall that is visible from a public-right-of-way and within the boundaries of the City of Ashland must apply for approval through the following process.Applicant shall: Updated Nov. 2016 a.Schedule an appointment and meet with the staff liaison to the PAC for an informational overview of the process and initial review of the proposed project. b.Complete and submit aPublic Art Mural application. c.Submit a signed Art Agreement from the property owner. d.Prepare a mural presentation package as described in Mural Design Presentation and Review. e.Schedule an appointment for PACreview of mural packageat a public Commission meeting. f.Submit a complete Mural Presentation package to staff 10 days prior to PAC review. Only packages that are totally complete will be accepted for review. Mural Design Presentation and Review The proposed mural application will be presented to the Public Art Commission at their monthly public meeting. Initial PAC PresentationMeeting Presentation materials for the initial meeting must include: a.Photos of the proposed location of the mural including all wallfeatures and features immediately adjacent to the proposed mural site; complete wall measurements. b.Professional portfolio of the lead artist’s mural work including examples of the artist’s demonstrated ability from prior projects to carry out theproject as designed. c.A colordrawingat½ inchscalethat adequatelyillustratesthe proposed mural includingactual color, finishes and materials samples with their locations designated on the mural drawing, d.Verbal explanation of imagery concept including: how the artwork enhances the existing character of the site through scale, color, material, texture, and content, how the mural considers the social dynamics of the location, and how the artwork considers the historical, geographical and cultural features of the site as well as its relationship to existing architecture and landscaping. e.Statementregarding the durability of the artwork and its potential to require ongoing maintenance. f.Art Agreementsigned by the property owner. Preliminary Design Approval Generally, the PAC review and preliminary approval for the applicant to move forward with the proposed mural concept occurs at the regularly scheduled monthly PAC meeting Updated Nov. 2016 following theapplicant’sinitialpresentation.Staff will notify the applicant ofthe Commission’s decision and if necessary, schedule a date for the second design meeting. NOTE: If the mural is proposed for installation on the exterior of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or to a contributing property within a Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places the proposal will be forwarded to the Historic Murals on Historic Buildings Commission for review. See above. Second PAC PresentationMeeting Following preliminary approval of the mural concept,the applicant may be asked to attend ameeting to presentthe following: a.Acolor elevation drawn and gridded to ½ inch scale to illustrate how the mural concept will be translated to the site wall. b.Any additional information requested by the PAC. Design Approvalby City Council Following final design approval by the PACand review by the Historic Commission,if required, the Commission will forward the mural concept to the City Council for approval. Oncefinal approval is granted by the City Council,the applicant must: a.Provide staff withthe installation schedule. Applicant will be responsible for implementing all safety requirementsper direction from staff (if work is occurring within the public right of way). b.Provide a$500 deposit to the City,if required. This deposit is held in reserve until the completed muralreceives final installation approval by the PAC. c.Enter into a contract between the applicant and the City of Ashland. Review of Project during Installation In order to facilitate timely PAC reviews throughout the mural prep and painting process, the applicant must provide staff a schedule of dates for completion of each mural stage addressed below. The PAC will review the project three separate times during the mural installation. The applicantmust notify staff at the end of each of the following steps: a.After the wall is prepped and ready for application. At this step, the PAC will also reviewpaint colors and medium as well as other materials to be applied to the wall to ensure they are the same colorsand materialsapproved during the review process and the medium is appropriate and durable. b.Halfway through the applicationprocess for review of compliance with the drawings, materials and finishes. c.Within seven days of completion. Updated Nov. 2016 Following the third review, the PAC willdetermine if the completed muralis in compliance with the approved documents, drawings, materials and finishes. Note: If the PAC finds that there are areas of the mural that are not rendered according to the approved design documents, the PAC may request the applicant adjust the mural to comply with the approved design. The PAC also recognizes that an artist may wish to make minor changes during the process that deviate from the approved concept but that enhance the overall project. The PAC and artist will agree on any changes to the approved design drawing. Once the PACand applicant are satisfied that the mural is complete, the mural must be coated with a clear UV protectant paint to protect the mural from graffiti and ultra violet rays. The PAC will vote to accept the mural into the City’spublic art collection and forward their recommendation to the City Council for approval. Other Things to Know The City will contract with the applicant forthe execution/installation of the mural. The contract will require the applicant to submit proof of liability insurance. The Art Agreement will be in place for a period of five years. At the expiration of the five years, theArtAgreement may be terminated or extended byeither party upon 30-day written notice. The City retains the right to remove the mural if the mural is not executed according to the approved concept documents. The City is responsible for the maintenance of the mural during the existence of the Art Agreement. Updated Nov. 2016 Public Art Commission Mural Application Applicant(City contracts with) Applicant Name: Marie Caballero Uhtoff marieuhtoff@gmail.com Applicant phone and email: 541-908-1013 Applicant Address Line 1: 154 Oak St City:State:Zip: 97520 OR Ashland Lead Artist Artist Name: Vivi Design Co Artist phone and email: 503-928-1930 Artist’s Address Line 1: 1030 SE 3rd St #3 Artist’s Mailing Address (if different): City: State: Zip: OR 97702 Bend Artist website: www.vividesignco.com Proposed Mural Building Name of Property Owner of proposed mural building (if different from applicant): Owner phone and email: Marie Caballero Uhtoff shop: 541-482-3241 Proposed Mural Building Street Address: 154 Oak St Property Owner mailing address: 154 Oak St City:State:Zip: Nvsbm!BqqmjdbujpoQbhf!2! Dimensions of proposed mural wall: Has the owner given permission for a mural to be painted on the proposed wall and is the owner willing to enter into an Agreement with the City? The wall is: brick cinderblock stucco wood other X Questions 1.Please describe the project, the specific location of the mural and why a mural will enhance the area. We have a solid cedar fence 5 ft 10 inches tall and approx 96 feet long that runs alongside an alley in front of our retail shop in Ashland. We are looking for 1-3 murals to attach to the fence that depict wildlife, plants, or geography of southwest Oregon. 2.Can the wall be seen from the public right of way (e.g. sidewalk, alley, street etc.)? YES 3.Describe the process you used to select a professional mural artist? We saw a mural painted by this muralist in the Old Mill District in Bend, OR The mural was of local Bend wildlife and we would like a mural of local Ashland area wildlife and geography 4.Describe the theme/image you envision for this mural if known at this time. Local wildlife and unique geography 5.Why do you want a mural at this location? How will the mural benefit the neighborhood? Community? We are working to improve the aesthetics of the area around our business. We want to provide a visually attractive and inviting area to encourage pedestrians in our alley. 6.Please attached a detailed budget for the project. What funding do you have for the DESIGN: $1200. project? PAINTWORK: $3000-4000. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: $1000-1200. TIME AND MATERIALS FEE: $200. TRAVEL AND INSTALL: $279. APPROX ESTIMATE: $5679-6879. 7.Describe the ground in front of the wall (condition, debris etc.) and surrounding features. mix of cement, asphalt, pavers Nvsbm!BqqmjdbujpoQbhf!3! Public Art Mural Agreement Kathy Uhtoff The Agreement is between _____________________ (Property Owner) and the City of Ashland (City). RECITALS 1.The City has adopted a process for the placement of public art murals (Mural) on public and private buildings throughout Ashland. 154 Oak St 2.The Property Owner owns the real property situated at __________________________ (physical address) and is willing to make an exterior wall (Wall) available for a public art mural. 3.After final approval by the PAC of the installed mural,it becomes the property of the City of Ashland and may be removed by either party after a period of five years. The parties agree as follows: This agreement is in effect for at least five years. After the five year minimum, the agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. Upon termination, the Wall will be restored to its prior condition at the expense of the party who initiated the termination. The City is responsible for the maintenance and if necessary repair of the Mural during the life of the agreement. The City shall have the right to access the Mural and the Wall for maintenance purposes. The City may remove the Mural, if in the sole judgement of the City, the Mural cannot be maintained. In the event of any dispute in any manner relating to this agreement, the parties shall submit the dispute to be resolved by binding arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the parties on the parties in the same manner as the final judgment of a court. City of Ashland, OR Name and Title: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Property Owner Kathy Uhtoff154 Oak St Name: ________________________________Mailing Address: _______________________________ 541-482-3241northwestnatureshop@gmail.com Phone: _______________________________ Email Address: __________________________________ April 20, 2023 Date: ________________________________ Public Art Mural Agreement ˟̄˸˵̂ ˙̄˵˽̃ ̄˿ ˲˵ ˴˹̃˳̅̃̃˵˴ʾ ˤ˸˵ ˶˹̂̃̄ ˽˵˴˱˼˼˹˿˾ ˸˱̃ ˲˵˵˾ ˹˾̃̄˱˼˼˵˴ ˱̄ ˢ˱˹˼̂˿˱˴ ˠ˱̂˻ ˹˾ ̄˸˵ ˘˹̃̄˿̂˹˳ ˢ˱˹˼̂˿˱˴ ˔˹̃̄̂˹˳̄ʼ ˝˱̉ ˂ˀ˂˃ʾ