HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-20 Public Arts PACKET Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda July 20, 2023 Regular Meeting 4:00pm5:30pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Quorum count II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, including the original past indigenous inhabitants, as well as the diverse Native communities who make their home here today. We III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a)June 15, 2023, regular meeting IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne; Community Development Liaison, Brandon Goldman; and APRC Liaison, Leslie Eldridge I.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)ODOT Controller Boxes Project: Neighborhood Public Artworks; draft RFP b)Haines and Friends application vote to make recommendation to City Council to submit an application for a grant award c)Marking Ashland Places (MAP) II discuss location possibilities with guidance from APRC d)Update: Council Advisory Committee Workplan Direction (Council discussion 7/17) e)Update: Micah Blacklight - - Picnic event and funding f)- Presentation and fundraising event II.OTHER BUSINESS III.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting Date: Thursday August 17, 2023 @ 4:00pm Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 1 of 1 ASHLAND PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING TIMES: Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Community Development Building, 51 Winburn Way. TERM LIMITS: Members serve 3-year terms expiring April 30th of each year. STAFF LIAISON: Jennifer Chenoweth, Associate Planner Phone: 541.552.2045 Email: jennifer.chenoweth@ashland.or.us COUNCIL LIAISON: Gina DuQuenne Phone: Email: Gina.DuQuenne@council.ashland.or.us PARKS LIAISON: Leslie Eldridge Phone: Email: Commissioner_Eldridge@external.ashland.or.us MEMBERS Ken Engelund, Chair Cassie Preskenis ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˂ 71 Water St. #304 118 E. Nevada St. Phone: 541-488-0859 Phone: 541-326-8112 Email: kjengelund@gmail.com Email: cassie@ashlandstudioz.com Laura Bloom Stanley Smith ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ ˀ˄ʿ˃ˀʿ˂˄ 695 Mistletoe Rd Suite C 786 Park Street Phone: 541-944-5533 Phone: 310-418-8013 Email: laura@laurabloomdesign.com Email: stanley@artauthority.net Heather Warden Snow Panneton ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 1467 Siskiyou Blvd #508 125 Sherman Street Phone: W: 541-708-6930 Phone: 602-448-4109 Email: gypsyroadstudio4125@gmail.com Email: snow.p007@gmail.com Tessa Elbattar ˤ˵̂˽ ˕̈̀˹̂˵̃ˊ 4/30/2026 ʸ˱˴˴̂˵̃̃ʹ Phone: W: 541-531-0398 Email: tessa@jccltrg.org Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes(DRAFT) . June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting 4:00pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way I.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ken Engelund called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. a)Introductions New Committee Members Planning Staff, Jennifer Chenoweth Commissioners Present: Council Liaison: Ken Engelund Gina DuQuenne Cassie Preskenis Staff Present: Brandon Goldman; Community Development Laura Bloom Director Stanley Smith Jennifer Chenoweth; Admin Support Heather Warden Tessa Elbatter Snow Panneton Commissioners/Liaisons Absent: Special Guests: Leslie Eldridge Peter Finkle; Walk Ashland Marie Caballero Uhtoff, NW Nature Shop II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, including the original past indigenous inhabitants, as well as the diverse Native communities who make their home here today. We also recognize and acknowledge the Read byCommittee member Preskensis. III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) March 17, 2023 regular meeting March 17, 2023 is a typo; the last regular meeting minutes to approve are April 21, 2023. Chair Engeland motioned to approve the April 21, 2023 meeting minutes with no corrections. Motion was seconded. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) no attendees from the public V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne; APRC Liaison, Leslie Eldridge; Community Development Liaison, Brandon Goldman Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair Page 1 of 2 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes(DRAFT) a)Nothing to report from Gina DuQuenne. DuQuenne expressed gratitude for the new Public Arts Map Walking Tour rack cards. b)Nothing to report from Brandon Goldman. c)No report from Leslie Eldridge (not in attendance). VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)Proposed Mural at NW Nature Shop The owner of the Northwest Nature Shop presented information on the proposed murals on the shop fence. The committee discussed the proposal and unanimously agreed to move forward with the next steps. The committee discussed that the next step is for the owner to present concept artwork for the committee to review and vote on during the July PAAC meeting. If approved, the concept would then go to City Council for approval during the August 2023 meeting. b)ODOT Controller Boxes Project Status: Selection panel appointment Stipend and materials proposed Signal Boxes under consideration Chair Engelund motioned to approve the formation of a task group for ODOT controller boxes. Motion was seconded. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. c)- Public Forum task group Task group reported that fundraising is underway. VII.OTHER BUSINESS a)Medallion Installation update Railroad Park b)Public Arts Collection Rack Cards update c)Say Their Names Updates Picnic - 6/18 from 11:30 to 2:30 at Ashland Community Park d) e)Haines and Friends Grant update Chair Engelund motioned to approve a task group for working on grant applications to seek funding for painting or vinyl wrapping additional ODOT controller boxes. Motioned seconded. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. VIII.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 @ 4:00pm Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair Page 2 of 2 Public Arts Advisory Committee Current 2023 Priorities The PAAC has not conducted a formal goal setting for 2023, but has been working on and discussing the following projects and initiatives: Support community-driven effort to fund and create a permanent, public art inspired by the Say Their Names Memorial Support community-driven effort to fund and create a public mural installation at Pugh. Review and provide recommendations to the City Council regarding a public mural installation on the new fence at the Northwest Nature Shop at 154 Oak Street designed and executed by Vivi Design Company Establish a program to promote local artist or community designed artwork upon ODOT Traffic Controller Boxes with funding assistance from the City of Ashland (similar to the Utility Box art project). Designation of the Downtown Historic district as the next Marking Ashland Places (MAP II) district, in agreement with the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. Establish a location for a hub sculpture within the district, establish a o budget for a public artwork, and request proposals for the design and installation of the selected sculpture. Create and locate medallions relating to areas of historic interest. o Street Crossing Art installation potentially in association with University District tƩĻƦğƩĻķ WǒƌǤ ЋЉЋЌ CALL FOR ENTRIES Neighborhood Public Artworks: ODOT Traffic Signal Box Beautification Project (Phase 2) OVERVIEW/ VISION 4§¤ #¨³¸ ®¥ !²§« ­£² 0´¡«¨¢ !±³² !£µ¨²®±¸ #®¬¬¨³³¤¤ Ȩ0!!#ȩ ¨­µ¨³¤² Ȭ¨­²¤±³ ²¯¤¢¨¥¨¢ ¦±®´¯ ®± ®±¦ ­¨¹ ³¨®­ȭ ³® ²´¡¬¨³ ¯« ­²  ­£ £± ¶¨­¦² ³® ¡¤ ¢®­²¨£¤±¤£ ¨­ Phase 2 ®¥ ³§¤ Neighborhood Public Artworks: ODOT Traffic Signal Box Beautification Project. Neighborhood Public Artworks: ODOT Traffic Signal Box Beautification Project ¨² ®­¤ ³§ ³ ³§¤ 0!!# ¨­¨³¨ ««¸ ¤­µ¨²¨®­¤£ ¨­ ΑΏΑΑȁ 0§ ²¤ Α ¶¨«« ¡¤   ¢®­³¨­´ ³¨®­ ®¥ ³§¤ ¶®±ª ¢®¬¯«¤³¤£ ¨­ 0§ ²¤ ΐǾ ³§¤ ¡¤ ´³¨¥¨¢ ³¨®­ ®¥ ­¨­¤³¤¤­ ´³¨«¨³¸ ¡®·¤² ³§±®´¦§®´³ !²§« ­£ȁ !² ²¤¤­ ¨­ ¬ ­¸ ¢´«³´± ««¸ ±®¡´²³ ¢¨³¨¤²  ¢±®²² ³§¤ 53Ǿ « ±¦¤ ´³¨«¨³¸ ¡®·¤²Ǿ ¶§¨«¤   ­¤¢¤²²¨³¸ ¥®± ®´± ¢¨³¨¤²Ǿ  «²® ¯±®µ¨£¤  ­ ®¯¯®±³´­¨³¸ ¥®± ¯´¡«¨¢  ±³  ­£ ¤­¦ ¦¤¬¤­³ ¨­ ³§¤ ¥®±¬ ®¥  ­ ´±¡ ­ ¢ ­µ ²ȁ Phase 1 ®¥ ³§¤ ¯±®©¤¢³ Ȩ ¯¯±®µ¤£  ­£ ¢®¬¯«¤³¤£ ¡¤³¶¤¤­ ΑΏΏΘ  ­£ ΑΏΐΔȩ ±¤²´«³¤£ ¨­ ³§¤ ³± ­²¥®±¬ ³¨®­ ®¥ ³§¤ ­¤¢¤²² ±¸ ´³¨«¨³ ±¨ ­ ®¡©¤¢³² ¨­³® ¶®±ª² ®¥  ±³ ³§ ³ ¤­§ ­¢¤ ®´± ¢¨³¸² µ¨²´ « « ­£²¢ ¯¤ȁ )­ Phase 2,  ±³¨²³² ¶¨«« ¯ ¨­³ ³§±¤¤ ®¥ ³§¤ /±¤¦®­ $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ /¥ 4± ­²¯®±³ ³¨®­ ³± ¥¥¨¢ ²¨¦­ « ¡®·¤²Ǿ Ȭ «²® ±¤¥¤±±¤£ ³®  ² /$/4 ¡®·¤²ȭȁ 4§¤ ³§¤¬¤ ®¥ ¯§ ²¤ Α ¨² .¤¨¦§¡®±§®®£ 0´¡«¨¢ !±³¶®±ª²ȁ 4§¤ '® « ®¥ ³§¤ ¯±®©¤¢³ ¨² ³® ¨­¢±¤ ²¤ ¨­³¤±¤²³ ¨­ ¯´¡«¨¢  ±³  ­£ ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³¨®­ ¥±®¬ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ¬¤¬¡¤±² ³§±®´¦§ ³§¤ ¯±®¢¤²² ®¥ ¯ ¨­³¨­¦ ³§¤  ±³¨²³² £¤²¨¦­² ®­³® ³§¤ /$/4 ¡®·¤²ȁ )­ ³§¨² ¯§ ²¤Ǿ ³§¤ 0!!# ¨­µ¨³¤²  ±³¨²³² ³® ²´¡¬¨³   £¤²¨¦­ ¯±®¯®² « ³§ ³ ¨­¢®±¯®± ³¤² ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³¨®­ ¨­ ¯ ¨­³¨­¦ ³§¤ /$/4 ¡®·¤²ȁ PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4§¤ 0!!#Ǿ ¨­ ¢®®¯¤± ³¨®­ ¶¨³§ ³§¤ #¨³¸ ®¥ !²§« ­£² 0´¡«¨¢ 7®±ª² $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ § ² ¨£¤­³¨¥¨¤£ /$/4 ¡®·¤² ³® ¡¤ ¯ ¨­³¤£ ¥®± Phase 2  ³ ³§¤ ¥®««®¶¨­¦ «®¢ ³¨®­²Ȁ #®±­¤± ®¥ 3¨²ª¨¸®´ "«µ£  ­£ "¤ ¢§ 3³±¤¤³Ǿ #®±­¤± ®¥ 3¨²ª¨¸®´ "«µ£  ­£ 7¨¦§³¬ ­ 3³±¤¤³Ǿ #®±­¤± ®¥ 3¨²ª¨¸®´ "«µ£  ­£ 7 «ª¤± !µ¤­´¤ȁ Ȩ0«¤ ²¤ ²¤¤ !¯¯¤­£¨· ΐ ¥®±   ¬ ¯ ®¥ ¡®· «®¢ ³¨®­²  ­£ ¯§®³®¦± ¯§² ®¥ ¤ ¢§ /$/4 ¡®·ȁȩ 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­² ²§®´«£ ¨­¢®±¯®± ³¤ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³¨®­ ¨­ ¯ ¨­³¨­¦ ³§¤ /$/4 ¡®·¤²ȁ 3®¬¤ ¤· ¬¯«¤² ¨­¢«´£¤   ¯ ¨­³ ¡¸ ­´¬¡¤±² ³¤¬¯« ³¤ ³§ ³ ³§¤ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ¢ ­ ¥¨«« ¨­Ǿ § ­£¯±¨­³² ´²¤£  ² ¤«¤¬¤­³² ®¥ ³§¤ ¶®±ªǾ ¤³¢ȁ 7¤  ­³¨¢¨¯ ³¤ ³§ ³ ³§¤  ±³¨²³ ¶®´«£ £® ²®¬¤ ®¥ ³§¤ ¯ ¨­³¨­¦Ǿ  ­£ ²´¯¤±µ¨²¤ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ¬¤¬¡¤±² ¨­ ³§¤¨± ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³¨®­ȁ 0±¨®±¨³¸ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ¦¨µ¤­ ³®  ±³¨²³² ®±   ³¤ ¬ ¶§®  ±¤ ¢ ¯ ¡«¤ ®¥ «¤ £¨­¦ ¢®«« ¡®± ³¨µ¤ ®± ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³®±¸  ±³ ¶®±ª²Ǿ  ­£  ±³¨²³² ¶§® § µ¤ !²§« ­£ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ­¤³¶®±ª²ȁ !«« £¤²¨¦­² ¬´²³ ¡¤ ²´¡¬¨³³¤£ ®­ ³§¤ $¤²¨¦­ 4¤¬¯« ³¤ Ȩ!¯¯¤­£¨· Αȩȁ Ȭ# ­ ¶¤ ¦¨µ¤  ±³¨²³² ³§¤ ®¯³¨®­ ®¥ ²´¡¬¨³³¨­¦   Βȃ£¨¬¤­²¨®­ « £¤²¨¦­Ȉȭ !¯¯±®µ «² ±¤°´¨±¤£Ȁ .®³¤ ³§ ³ £¤²¨¦­  ¯¯±®µ « ¶¨«« ¡¤ ±¤°´¨±¤£ ¡¸ ³§¤ 3¤«¤¢³¨®­ #®¬¬¨³³¤¤Ǿ 0´¡«¨¢ !±³² !£µ¨²®±¸ #®¬¬¨³³¤¤ ȬȈȈȭǾ /$/4 ²³ ¥¥  ­£ !²§« ­£ #¨³¸ #®´­¢¨«ȁ 4§¤ 0!!# ¶¨«« §¨±¤   ¯±®¥¤²²¨®­ « ³® ¯±¤¯  «« ¡®·¤² ¯±¨®± ³® ¯ ¨­³¨­¦Ǿ  ­£ ³®  ¯¯«¸ ¯±®³¤¢³¨µ¤ ¢® ³¨­¦  ¥³¤± ¯ ¨­³¨­¦ȁ AWARD !±³¨²³² ¶§®²¤ ¶®±ª ¨² ²¤«¤¢³¤£ ¶¨«« ±¤¢¤¨µ¤  ­ §®­®± ±¨´¬ ®¥ ͡ΔΏΏ ¯¤± ¡®·ȁ /³§¤± !±³¨²³ "¤­¤¥¨³²Ȁ !±³¨²³ ±¤¢®¦­¨³¨®­ µ¨  ¸®´± ²¨¦­ ³´±¤ ®­ ³§¤ ´³¨«¨³¸ ¡®· Ȩ­® « ±¦¤± ³§ ­ Β·Δȩ !±³¨²³ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ¬¤­³¨®­¤£ ¨­ ³§¤ !²§« ­£ #¨³¸ .¤¶²«¤³³¤±ȁ !±³¨²³ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ±¤¢®¦­¨¹¤£ ¨­ #¨³¸ ®¥ !²§« ­£ 0´¡«¨¢ !±³ #®««¤¢³¨®­ ¶¤¡²¨³¤Ǿ  ­£ ¢®±±¤²¯®­£¨­¦ ¯´¡«¨¢ ³¨®­² !±³¨²³ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ¬¤­³¨®­¤£ ¨­ ³§¤ ¯±¤²² ¬ ³¤±¨ «² ±¤¦ ±£¨­¦ ³§¨² ¯±®©¤¢³ȁ !±³¨²³ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ¥¤ ³´±¤£ ¨­  ­ ¯§®³® ¤²² ¸  ³ ¶ «ª ²§« ­£ȁ¢®¬ PROJECT TIMELINE 4§¤ 4¨¬¤«¨­¤ ¶¨«« ¡¤ £¤³¤±¬¨­¤£ ¡¸ ³§¤ 0!!#  ­£ ³§¤ ²¤«¤¢³¤£  ±³¨²³² ´¯®­ ²¤«¤¢³¨®­ȁ ELIGIBILITY 4§¤ #®¬¬¨³³¤¤ ¨² ²¤¤ª¨­¦ ¤­³±¨¤² ¥±®¬  ±³¨²³² «®¢ « ³® !²§« ­£Ǿ ®± ¶§® § µ¤ ¤·¯¤±¨¤­¢¤£ «¨¥¤ ¨­ !²§« ­£ȁ !±³¨²³² ®¥  ««  ¦¤²  ±¤ ¤­¢®´± ¦¤£ ³®  ¯¯«¸ȁ SUBMISSIONS !«« ¬ ³¤±¨ «² ¬´²³ ¡¤ ±¤¢¤¨µ¤£ ¨­ ³§¤ #¨³¸ ®¥ !²§« ­£ 0´¡«¨¢ !±³² #®¬¬¨³³¤¤ ®¥¥¨¢¤ ȨȈȩ ¡¸ Ȭ$!4% 4"$ȭȁ 3¤­£ ²´¡¬¨²²¨®­² ³® 0 ¯¤± ¢®¯¸Ȁ #¨³¸ ®¥ !²§« ­£Ǿ !³³­Ȁ !­­ 3¤«³¹¤± 0!# 5³¨«¨³¸ "®·¤² ȨȈȈȩ ΑΏ % ²³ - ¨­ 3³±¤¤³ !²§« ­£Ǿ /2 ΘΖΔΑΏ /± £¨¦¨³ «Ȁ Ȭ!££ ¤¬ ¨«  ££±¤²²ȭ 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­² ²§®´«£ ¨­¢«´£¤ ³§¤ ¥®««®¶¨­¦ ¬ ³¤±¨ «Ȁ ΐȁ#®­³ ¢³ ¨­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ ¨­¢«´£¨­¦ . ¬¤Ǿ !££±¤²²Ǿ 4¤«¤¯§®­¤  ­£ ¤¬ ¨« Αȁ$¤²¢±¨¯³¨®­ ®¥  ±³¨²³¨¢ ¤·¯¤±¨¤­¢¤ Βȁ0§®³®¦± ¯§² ®¥   ²¬ «« ¢®««¤¢³¨®­ ®¥ ¯ ²³ ¶®±ª² Γȁ9®´± £¤²¨¦­Ȩ²ȩȴ ¨­ ¥´«« ¢®«®± ®­ ³§¤ ¯±®µ¨£¤£ $¤²¨¦­ 4¤¬¯« ³¤ Ȩ²¤¤ !¯¯¤­£¨· Αȩ *Each artist may submit up to three designs for review 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­² ²§®´«£  £§¤±¤ ³® ³§¤ ¥®««®¶¨­¦ ¦´¨£¤«¨­¤²Ȁ ΐȁ1´ «¨³¸Ȁ4§¤ ±³¶®±ª²§®´«£¡¤®¥¤·¢¤¯³¨®­ «°´ «¨³¸ ­£¤­£´±¨­¦µ «´¤ Αȁ3¨³¤Ȁ 4§¤  ±³¶®±ª ²§®´«£ ¤­§ ­¢¤ ³§¤ ¤·¨²³¨­¦ ¢§ ± ¢³¤± ®¥ ³§¤ ²¨³¤ ¡¸ ³ ª¨­¦ ¨­³®  ¢¢®´­³ ²¢ «¤Ǿ ¢®«®±Ǿ ¬ ³¤±¨ «Ǿ ³¤·³´±¤Ǿ ¢®­³¤­³Ǿ  ­£ ³§¤ ²®¢¨ « £¸­ ¬¨¢² ®¥ ³§¤ «®¢ ³¨®­ȁ Ȭ$® ¶¤ ­¤¤£ ³§¤ 3¨³¤ ²¤¢³¨®­Ȉȭ Βȁ#®¬¬¤±¢¨ « !²¯¤¢³Ȁ 4§¤  ±³¶®±ª ²§ «« ­®³ ¯±®¬®³¤ ¦®®£² ®± ²¤±µ¨¢¤² ®¥  £© ¢¤­³ ®± ­¤ ±¡¸ ¡´²¨­¤²²¤²ȁ Γȁ#®¬¯«¨ ­¢¤Ȁ !±³¶®±ª² ²§ «« ­®³ µ¨®« ³¤  ­¸ ¥¤£¤± «Ǿ ²³ ³¤ ®± «®¢ « « ¶²Ǿ ¨­¢«´£¨­¦ ²¯¤¢¨¥¨¢ ««¸ !#- #§ ¯³¤± ΐΗȁΘΕȁ ȨȈȩ Δȁ!££¨³¨®­ ««¸Ǿ ³§¤  ±³¶®±ª ²§ «« ­®³ ±¤¥«¤¢³ ¯ ±³¨² ­ ¯®«¨³¨¢²Ǿ ­¤¦ ³¨µ¤ ¨¬ ¦¤±¸Ǿ ±¤«¨¦¨®­  ­£ ²¤·´ « ¢®­³¤­³ȁ SELECTION COMMITTEE 4§¤ ¶¨­­¨­¦ ¤­³±¨¤² ¶¨«« ¡¤ ²¤«¤¢³¤£ ¡¸   3¤«¤¢³¨®­ #®¬¬¨³³¤¤ ¢®­²¨²³¨­¦ ®¥ ¥¨µ¤ ¯¤®¯«¤Ǿ ¨­¢«´£¨­¦   ±¤¯±¤²¤­³ ³¨µ¤ ¥±®¬ ³§¤ 0´¡«¨¢ 7®±ª² $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ ®¥ !²§« ­£ ȬȈȭǾ ³¶®  ±³ ¯±®¥¤²²¨®­ «² Ȩ ±³¨²³Ǿ  ±³ ¤£´¢ ³®±Ǿ ¦ ««¤±¸ ®¶­¤±Ǿ ¤³¢ȁȩǾ   ²³´£¤­³ ®¥ !²§« ­£ (¨¦§ 3¢§®®« ®± 3®´³§¤±­ /±¤¦®­ 5­¨µ¤±²¨³¸Ǿ  ­£ ®­¤ ¬¤¬¡¤± ®¥ ³§¤ ¢®¬¬´­¨³¸ ³« ±¦¤ȁ ! 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