HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-21 Public Arts PACKET Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda September 21, 2023 Regular Meeting 4:00pm5:30pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way I.CALL TO ORDER: a)Introductions b)Quorum count II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, as well as the diverse and vibrant Native communities who make their home here today. We denounce the egregious acts of the colonizers and government and recognize the horrific impacts that still exist today. We honor the first stewards in the Rogue Valley and the lands we live and depend on: Tribes with ancestral lands in and surrounding the geography of the Ashland Watershed include the original past, present and future indigenous inhabitants of the Shasta, Takelma, and Athabaskan people. We also recognize - - that is now the III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a)August 17, 2023 regular meeting IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne; Community Development Liaison, Brandon Goldman; and APRC Liaison, TBD VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)City Council Annual Committee Update Presentation, October 3 review and discuss items to be included in the report to council b)Public Art Installation Story Map Project: Jamie Blankenship, City of Ashland GIS Technician, to present draft new version of the story map to the committee for discussion and feedback c)Statues for Equity Project: Review and discuss the project and a possible task group to evaluate funding source for public art VII.OTHER BUSINES: MOTIONS AND UPDATES a)ODOTController Boxes 1.Motion to authorize members Preskenis and Elbettar to appoint selection Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 1 of 2 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeAgenda panelmembers for first three boxes 2.Motion to authorize Task Group, Preskenis, Elbettar, Finkle to appoint 5 person selection committee for first 3 boxes in timely manner. b)PAAC MAP II Task Group: Motion to authorize PAAC Task Group to develop a proposal to APRC for a long-term goal of a minimum of one work of Public Art in every park site installed with some public art funds and donated funds, and to include APRC and PAAC criteria for such works c)Update: Haines & Friends Grant was submitted on August 29, 2023; grant awards to be announced early November d)Update: bids for Public Arts Collection rack cards d)Update: bids for prep and seal of ODOT controller boxes e)Update: Golden Connections Medallions Installation f)- Project g)U VIII.ADJOURNMENT - Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 4:00pm Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 2 of 2 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT August 17, 2023 Regular Meeting 4:00pm5:30pm, Siskiyou Conference Room 51 Winburn Way Minutes I.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Engelund called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. a)Introductions The group conducted brief introductions to Associate Planner, Veronica Allen, who was joining to learn about the committee. b)Quorum count: Four committee members present; quorum achieved. Committee Members Present: Liaisons & Staff Present: Chair, Ken Engelund Brandon Goldman; Community Development Director Laura Bloom Jennifer Chenoweth; Associate Planner Tessa Elbettar Heather Warden Committee Members Absent: Liaisons & Staff Absent: Leslie Eldridge Councilor, Gina DuQuenne Stanley Smith Cassie Preskenis Special Guests: Snow Panneton Veronica Allen II.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT we work the Ikirakutsum Band of the Shasta Nation, as well as the diverse and vibrant Native communities who make their home here today. We denounce the egregious acts of the colonizers and government and recognize the horrific impacts that still exist today. We honor the first stewards in the Rogue Valley and the lands we live and depend on: Tribes with ancestral lands in and surrounding the geography of the Ashland Watershed include the original past, present, and future indigenous inhabitants of the Shasta, Takelma, Athabaskan people. We also recognize and - - that is now Read by Chair, Ken Engelund. III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a)July 20, 2023 regular meeting Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 1 of 4 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT Chair Engelund motioned to approve the draft July 20, 2023 meeting minutes with three minor spelling/typo corrections. Motion was seconded by Tessa Elbettar. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Corrections made. IV.PUBLIC FORUM (for items not on the agenda) no attendees V.LIAISON REPORTS Liaisons: City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne; Community Development Liaison, Brandon Goldman; and APRC Liaison, Leslie Eldridge a)City Council Liaison, Gina DuQuenne - No report; not in attendance. b)Community Development Liaison, Brandon Goldman Brandon Goldman provided the following information and updates: 1.Discussed the street crosswalk painting project with Public Works Director Created and shared maps of potential crosswalk locations near SOU with the PAAC. Potential locations are 1. Indiana St. and Siskiyou Blvd.; adjacent to Schnieder Museum and SOU arts classroom and 2. South Mountain Ave. and Henry St.; adjacent to SOU music building. Stated that the PAAC should consult with SOU and ODOT regarding the crosswalk project Next steps to be determined 2.The City Council was scheduled to discuss committee priorities during the Tuesday meeting but did not get to those items on the agenda 3.Committee chairs will have an opportunity to present an annual report to the City Council on October 3. Add item to next agenda to discuss council presentation c)APRC Liaison, Leslie Eldridge - No report; not in attendance . VI.DISCUSSION ITEMS a)Public Arts Collection Rack Cards process for updating new installations 1.Chair Engelund stated that there is a need to order more rack cards for distribution. An order of 1,000 cards should be sufficient through spring 2024. Chair Engelund motioned to approve the request for a bid to order 1,000 rack cards for distribution. Heather Warden seconded the motion. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. Ken will get a bid. 2.Chair Engelund requested a motion that the GIS Story Map be amended to include new public art that was not included when the Story Map was initially created. Heather Warden motioned to approve the request to update the GIS Story Map with new public artworks. Tessa Elbettar seconded the motion. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. b)Neighborhood Public Artworks (ODT Controller Boxes Project) Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 2 of 4 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT 1.Haines and Friends Grant Application (August 30 Deadline) final draft, application process and motion i.Brand Goldman stated that he presented the request to apply for the grant to the City Council meeting and the Council approved the request to apply for the Haines and Friends Grant and approved a $5,000 grant match. ii.The group discussed the draft application and suggested updates iii.Ken proposed a motion to proceed with finalizing the grant application for submission with the inclusion of the following details: Add language to include the $5,000 match from the City Make updates to all RFPs and the grant application to include language that RFP artist submissions are due by November 1, 2023 as collaborator to RFP announcement page and grant application Reach out to Public Works to request bids for prep and sealing of identified ODOT controller boxes 2.ODT Controller Boxes - motion to proceed, selection panel, stipend, designated boxes, etc. Chair Engelund requested to make a motion to proceed with the ODOT controller boxes and creation of a selection panel as detailed in the Haines and Friends grant application with a $500 stipend to the artist selected. Heather Warden motioned to approve the above. The motion was seconded by Tessa Elbettar. Voice vote: ALL AYES. Motion passed. VII.OTHER BUSINESS AND UPDATES a)Update: Marking Ashland Places (MAP) II Project Chair Engelund noted that a subcommittee meeting with PAAC, HPAC and APRC is needed to determine the site location for installation. Brandon commented that PAAC needs only to reach out to the HPAC Chair to request an agenda item to be discussed during their regular meeting. b)Update: Golden Connections Medallions Installation Brandon stated that he will contact Mike Morrison in Public Works for an update. c)Update: Say Their Names, - Crystalizing Our Chair met with key leaders and discussed creation of a steering committee. d) Elks Building Mural 2023-2024 Living & Doing Business Guide featured an article on mural; may be featured in one of the Portland newspapers and Ashland Living magazine. Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 3 of 4 Public Arts Advisory CommitteeMinutes -DRAFT VIII.ADJOURNMENT - Next Meeting Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023 @ 4:00pm Chair Engelund requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Laura Bloom motioned to adjourn the meeting. Tessa Elbettar seconded the motion. All AYES to adjourn. Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Public Arts Advisory Committee meeting is encouraged to do so. After you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and City of residence. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. Page 4 of 4 DRAFT:PAACUPDATEFORASHLANDCITYCOUNCIL10/3/23 GoodeveningMayor,Councilors,CityMangerandStaff,and thoseinthelisteningaudience.Itisalwaysapleasuretopresentthe recentpastandpresentactivitiesoftheAshlandPublicArtAdvisory Committee(PAAC)andreceivecomments,suggestionsandlongterm guidancefromtheCouncil,andtheAdministration. Iwouldliketoexpressthegreatappreciationofthevolunteer CommitteemembersfortheopportunitytopartnerwiththeCouncil ashascontinuedtobethecasewithprojectsthispastyear.The visionandvaluesoftheCouncilfindmeaninginthepublicartinallof itsexpressions.Theongoingstaffingsupportandadviceandwisdom ofDirectorGoldmanandPlannerChenowethhavebeenoutstanding. IthasbeenabusyyearforthevolunteersandstaffofPAAC.The citystaffinghasrequiredweholdnoofficialmeetingsfromJanuaryto Marchof2023.Inspiteofthatworkinggroupscontinuedtomeet.The PAACisorganizedbysub-committeeswithupto3membersona project,withsevenmembersnotaquorum. Projectsare: InstallationbyPublicWorksofthefirstGoldenConnections MedallioninRailroadPark.(picture). SupportoftheCityCouncilapprovedMicahBlacklights&Say TheirNameSculptureFuture-CrystalizingOur withaJanuaryPublicForumattheLibrary,aJunteenthPicnic,and recognitionoftheAshlandParksFoundationasamajordonorand the501c3FiscalSponsor,andPAACsupportoffundraising activities. (picture) SupportoftheCityCouncilapprovedJohnPughElksBuilding MuralProject.WithaJuneintroductorypresentationinthePugh Studio,aboothattheFourthofJulyafternoonfestivities,continuing presentationsfordonationsbyPAACmembers,andastheCouncil hasrequestedconsultationswiththeIndigenousCommunityto includethelocalTakelmaNation. (Picture). CompletionoftheCityPublicArtRackCardswiththe distributionofthefirst1,000atgalleries,theChamberOffices,the CityOffices,andtheOregonWelcomeCenteronI-5.Andarecentre- orderofthenext1,000cards.KudostoArtAuthorityforatcost printingandtolocalartistBruceBayardforthecardsdesign. (Picture) ImplementationoftheODOTCityofAshlandMOUfor painting/wrappingtheControllerBoxeswiththefirst3anticipatedto becompletedthiscalendaryear.Overthenext10yearswehopeto completeall20oftheeligibleboxestoenhancelocalneighborhood artandparticipation. (picture) Inthisconnection,PAAChasobtainedCouncilapprovalto applyfortheHainesandFriendsGrantifawardedtoaddfundsfor another2or3boxestofollowthefirstthree.Thankstovolunteer PeterFinkleandtwoPAACmembersfortheirextensivemultiyear efforts. ThePAAChasendorsedtheAshlandParksFoundationefforts forrestorationofthePedrozi-ButlerFountain,oneoftheearliest worksintheAshlandPublicArtCollection,andapplaudstheefforts oftheAshlandParksFoundation. (Picture) MarkingAshlandPlacesII.PAACandHPAChaveagreedto pursuetheDowntownHistoricDistrictasthenextareaforaworkof publicart.ThetaskgroupincludesrepresentationfromtheParksand RecreationCommission. Forthefirsttimeinsometimewenowhaveafullcomplementof sevencommitteemembersthankstorecruitingefforts. Iwanttospeakbrieflytothefuturedirectionoftheadvisory committee.AsPetermentionedduringthepublicforumcontent, Ashlandhasanestablishedpublicartsupportstructureofmany organizationsandisrichinpublicart.Thecitypublicartcollection includes55worksofpublicart,SOUhasanextensivecollection, ParksandRechasasignificantcollectioninparks,theAshland libraryhasacollection,andthereare30-40worksinthepublic school.Oursisaculturallyrichexpressionofcultureandthesoulof thecity. Importantly,workingatdevelopingthesepartnershipsandthen togetherinpartnershipstocreatepublicartbenefitsthecitizens, visitors,touristsandbusinessesofAshland.Thiscooperativespirit andvalueisanobviousandimportantingredienttothedesired result.Itisawelldocumentedfactthatcitiesgainvaluethrough publicart--cultural,social,andeconomicvalue.Publicartreveals oursociety,addsmeaningtotheuniquenessofourcommunity.The ChamberwithitsAnnualDinnerthemeNatureandCulture ComeTheAshlandGalleryAssociationanditsmany gallerymembers,theSchneiderMuseumofArtandSOU,andthelong rangethinkingandimplementationoftheAshlandParksand Recreationparkssystem,theAshlandCityAdministrationandyour goodselfsaselectedrepresentativesallcontributetothismulti- dimensionalculturalassetwhichbringsenjoyment,educationandtax dollarstoourbeautifulcity. AmericancitiesandtownslikeAshlandaspiretobeplaces wherepeoplewanttoliveandvisit.Havingadistinctcommunity identity,especiallyintermsofwhatourtownslooklike,isbecoming evenmoreimportantinaworldwheretechnologicalchangetendsto makeeveryplacelookthesame.Ourcityculturaliconscreate Ashlandasamemorableplace. AmericansfortheArtsPublicArtNetworkCouncilarticulates theseideasandmore.Significantandmeaningfulpublicartisan essentiallongtermelementwhenamunicipalitywishestoprogress economicallyandbemostvitalandviableforitscurrentand prospectivecitizens.stronglyindicatesthatcitieswithanactive anddynamicculturalscenearemoreattractivetoindividualsand MembersofthePublicArtsAdvisoryCommitteewiththeir academicattainments,publicservicecommitmentandconsidered contributionsoftimeandenergylookforwardtoworkingwiththe leadershipoftheCouncilandAdministration.Itisapleasureto representthemheretonight. Aretherequestionsorobservations? KJE ???PitchtheimportanceoftheTransferOccupancy Contributionsinthebudgettothepublicartaccount-yes-no? 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