HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 15 2021 SERJAC Minutes ASHLAND SOCIAL EQUITY AND RACIAL JUSTICE COMMISSION July 15, 2021; Held Electronically 1. Call to Order The Social Equity and Racial Justice Commission (SERJ) Meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM. Commissioners’ present were Cheri Elson, Julie Gills, Irene Kai, Precious Yamaguchi, Emily Simon, Amit Choudhary, Anyania Muse, Tamara Williams, Keith Jenkins, Nataki Garrett and Council Liaison Gina DuQuenne. Interim City Attorney Katrina Brown (arrived at 3:20 PM) and City Recorder Melissa Huhtala were also present. 2. Election of Commissioner Chairperson and Vice Chairperson The Commissioners gave consensus to move this item to the next agenda so they can get to know each other better and know the rules. The Commission discussed the rules regarding serial communications. Brown explained that the Commission can look at: ORS 192.610 – 192-690 which covers Public Meeting law. Brown explained that there are 11 members on this Commission and 6 members would be considered a quorum. Brown explained email meeting rules. Simon/Muse moved requested that the Staff Liaison be somebody different than the Chief of Police or a person who is associated with law enforcement at the City of Ashland. Discussion: Williams spoke in support of the motion and spoke that she will not continue to be part of the Commission if the Chief of Police is the Staff Liaison. Hand Raised Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 10-0. Muse spoke that she does not have an issue working with Police Tighe O’Meara or that he is a part of the Commission; just does not thinking the Liaison position is the best for this Commission. Simon/Muse moved to have each Commission member clarify reasons for their participation in this Commission prior to naming a Chair and Vice Chair and add this to the next Meeting Agenda. Discussion: None. Voice Vote - All Ayes. Motion passed unanimously. (Choudhary left at 3:45 PM) 3. Consent Agenda None. 4. Announcements 4.1. Next Regular Meeting: To Be Determined 4.2. Other Announcements from Commissioners 5. Public Forum must be submitted via the contact form in writing by 10 a.m. the day before the meeting to be included in the minutes. (10 min maximum) None. 6. Reports & Presentations 6.1. City Legal Staff Presentation 6.2. City Recorder Presentation Brown and Huhtala presented SERJ with a PowerPoint presentation regarding Oregon Public Meetings, Public Records and Ethics Law (see attached). Items discussed were:  Oregon Public Meeting Law ORS Chapter 192.  Who needs to follow Public Meeting Law.  What is the law: o ORS 192.620  Quorum rules.  What constitutes a Meeting.  Procedural requirements for Public Meetings.  Practical tips for Public Officials.  Definition of a Public Record.  Preparing for Meetings.  Oregon Government Ethics Law.  Who is considered a Public Official.  Prohibited use of office.  Ethic law regarding gifts ORS 244.020 (a).  Conflicts of Interest ORS 244.020(1).  Types of Conflicts: o Actual Conflict o Potential Conflict  How to deal with an actual conflict & potential conflict.  Sanctions. The Commission discussed having City email address and a drop box for the Commission. The Commission and directed Staff to look into this with the IT Department. • Additional reference materials relating to presentation ashland.or.us/advisorybodyhandbook 7. Old Business None 8. New Business 8.1. Discussion of Commission request for staff liaison assignment (See above) 8.2. Discussion of Council approved Commission workplan guidance 9. Wrap Up 9.1. Items to be added to future agendas 10. Adjourn The Social Equity and Racial Justice Committee was adjourned at 4:58 PM Respectfully submitted by: ______________________________________ City Recorder Melissa Huhtala Attest: ______________________________________ Commission Chair