HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-23 Planning PACKET Planning CommissionAgenda Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. January 23, 2024 Special Meeting Agenda I.CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II.ANNOUNCEMENTS III.PUBLIC FORUM Note: If you wish to discuss an agenda item, please contact PC-public- testimony@ashland.or.us by January 23, 2024, 10 a.m. to register to participate electronically. To speak to an agenda item in person you must fill out a speaker request form at the meeting and will then be recognized by the Chair to provide your public testimony. Written testimony can be submitted in advance or in person at the meeting. If you are interested in watching the meeting via Zoom, please utilize the following link: https://zoom.us/j/96642069128 IV.TYPE III PUBLIC HEARING A.Recommendation of draft ordinance for Parks, Trails, and Open Space Map Update V.OPEN DISCUSSION VI.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting Date: February 13, 2024 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email planning@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 1 of 1 Total Page Number: 1 Total Page Number: 2 _________________________________ Recommendationofdraft ordinance for Parks, Trails,andOpen Space Map Update Total Page Number: 3 Total Page Number: 4 ASHLANDPLANNINGDIVISION STAFFREPORT January23, 2024 PLANNINGACTION: PA-T3-2023-00007 APPLICANT: Ashland Parks & Recreation ORDINANCEREFERENCES: AMC 18.5.9 Comprehensive Plan, Zoning andLandUse Ordinance Amendments Ashland Comprehensive Plan“Parks,OpenSpace,andAesthetics” Element(ChapterVIII) REQUEST: Theapplicationrequests the adoption of an updated version of the ParksandOpen SpaceMap by ordinance asanofficialmapin support of the Ashland Comprehensive Plan’s ‘Parks,OpenSpace,andAesthetics’element (Chapter VIII).Thismapwouldreplace the current “Parks,TrailsandOpenSpaceProgram 2002-2012” whichwas approved by the City Council in July of 2002. I.OrdinanceAmendments A.ProjectBackground Ashland’s Comprehensive Plan contains a policy within the ‘Parks, Open Space and Aesthetics’ Element (Chapter VIII, policy 8.16.6)) directing the City to adopt an official map that will identify the planned areas for parks, new natural areas, conservation areas and trails. The cityapproved a Parks, Trails and Open Space Map on July 2, 2002, and updated the map in 2012. These maps are now outdated and no longer reflect the existing inventory of parks lands or adequately identify the properties that could be acquired or developed in furtherance of the Comprehensive Plan goal to provide the people of Ashland with a variety, quantity and quality of parks, park facilities, open spaces, trails, and visual resources sufficient for their needs. Since May of 2022, the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Map Update Subcommittee has been working on assessing the current mapand identifying necessary updates. The subcommittee completed its work in October of 2023 and sent its recommendations to the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission (APRC). APRCwill consider adoption of the updated mapasanofficialmapto support the Comprehensive Planatitsnextmeeting on January 16, 2024 andtheir recommendations fromthismeetingwill be provided to the Planning Commission. PlanningAction PA-T3-2023-00007 Parks & OpenSpaceMapAshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: AshlandParks & Recreation Page1 of 5 Total Page Number: 5 The Planning Commission conducted a study sessionto consider the proposed revisions to the existingmap on November 28, 2023, and the map now comesto the Planning Commissionfor a public hearingto consider the proposed recommendations andmake a formal recommendation to the City Council on the map’s adoption. B.SummaryofProposedAmendments In discussing the proposed map update, Parksstaff have noted that the currentsituation with Ashland’s parkland isverydifferentthanitwasin 1991, when the Comprehensive Planwasfirst developed and approved by the City Council.Atthattime, Ashland hadless parklandpercapitathan Roseburg, Medford, or KlamathFalls.Now,after 30-plus years of effort, Ashland’s percapitaparkland ranks it among the State’sleaders.One of the goals of the City’s Comprehensive Planisto have a neighborhood parklocatedwithin a ¼-mile of everyresidentliving inside the currentcitylimits,andwith the exception of the Mistletoe/Cromanarea,APRChasdeterminedthatsufficient property hasbeen obtained tomeetthis goal. The proposed updated mappresentedrepresents a shiftinprioritiesfromseekingtoacquire parklandwithin ¼-mile of everyresidencetofocusmuchmore on seeking toconserve sensitiveareas along riparian corridors while improving the connectivity of Ashland’s trail system.Aspresented, the updated mapreflects the removalfrom the map of approximately 277acresof property that hadformerlybeenidentifiedfor purchase including: (A)Billings Property southern portion – only northern portion of property has potential for sports fields (B & C) Helman Street Property – within ¼ mile of Ashland Creek Park (D)Helman to Oak partial corridor – no longer available as corridor (E) Cottle Phillips tiny portion to the West – park within ¼ mile (F) Upper Elkader/Roca Canyon - developed (G) Willow Wind school site - Ashland School District owned (H) Property on lower Clay Street – developed (I) Property on lower Clay Street- park within ¼ mile (J) Snowberry Brook - developed (K) Middle Clay - park within a 1/4 mile (L) Chitwood Property on Upper Clay Street – developed (M) Crowson Road Extension – no longer needed no plans to expand (N) Normal Street extension- park within ¼ mile (O) Upper Paradise Creek – developed (P) Ashland Loop Road – acquired trail easements, no longer needed Parksstaff have indicatedthat the majority of properties left on the mapfor future purchase provide protection of significantnaturalareaslikestreamsandriparianareas and/or are landandeasementsthat provide trail connectivity. The connectivity goal istosecure land, PlanningAction PA-T3-2023-00007 Parks & OpenSpaceMapAshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: AshlandParks & Recreation Page2 of 5 Total Page Number: 6 through outright purchase, donation, grants, or easements, on whichto develop a trail systemthat would provide connecting links to neighborhoods and additional trails throughout the cityand surrounding areafor non-motorized, recreationaluse.Effortsto accomplishthis goal will be advanced through collaboration with other organizations such as the Ashland Woodland andTrails Association, Rogue Valley Mountain Bike Associationand Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. The following properties are proposed tobedesignatedforpurchase or easement acquisition, along withtheirprojecteduse: (#1) Billings Property. North part of property for possible sports fields and protection for riparian zone (#2) Wright’s Creek Parcel. Trail corridor and protection for riparian zone. (#3) Grizzly Peak. Conservation easements on the south slopes of Grizzly visible from Ashland would not only protect iconic view visible from most of Ashland, but would also reduce development pressure on rare and sensitive flora and on large mammals. (#4 & #5) Ashland Creek Corridor – Year-round stream, significant wildlife habitat and potential pedestrian/bicycle connection (#6) Nevada St to North Mountain Ave. (Bear Creek Corridor) Riparian area. (#7) Property across from Riverwalk. Riparian area. (#8) Willows area – potential trail connection and riparian area. (#9) Bear Creek riparian/floodplain corridor from east of North Mountain Park. Significant wildlife habitat, natural area that is potentially a part of the Greenway extension. (#10) Walker Ave. East Main Street. Possible sports fields (#11) Talent Irrigation Ditch Segment (#12 & #13) West side watershed (Hitt Road) Trail connectivity. (#14) 440 Granite Street. Surrounded on three sides by Lithia Park. Only private property on the east side of Granite above Nutley not part Lithia Park. Lithia Park Master Plan recommends purchase of property. (#15) Lincoln School. Critical to goal of neighborhood park within ¼ mile of all residents. Many low-income residents in the area. (#16 & #17) Upper Liberty St/Ivy Ln Forest/Urban Interface. Connects southern residential neighborhoods with trail network. (#18) Tolman Creek/Mistletoe Road Area – potential neighborhood park site. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Map Update Subcommitteerecommended adding approximately 98 acresto the map including properties numbered 12,13,14,16 and 17 in the list above. PlanningAction PA-T3-2023-00007 Parks & OpenSpaceMapAshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: AshlandParks & Recreation Page3 of 5 Total Page Number: 7 II.Procedural Applications for Type III (i.e., Legislative)Plan Amendments and Zone Changes aredescribedin the Ashland LandUse Ordinance section as follows: B.TypeIII. Itmaybenecessaryfromtimetotimetomakelegislativeamendmentsin ordertoconformwiththeComprehensivePlanortomeetotherchangesin circumstancesorconditions.TheTypeIIIprocedureappliestothecreation, revision,orlarge-scale implementationofpublicpolicyrequiringCityCouncil approvalandenactmentofanordinance;thisincludesadoptionofregulations, zonechangesforlargeareas,zonechangesrequiringcomprehensiveplan amendment,comprehensiveplanmaportextamendment,annexations(see chapter18.5.8forannexationinformation),andurbangrowthboundary amendments.ThefollowingplanningactionsshallbesubjecttotheTypeIII procedure. 1.ZonechangesoramendmentstotheZoningMaporotherofficialmaps, exceptwhereminoramendmentsorcorrectionsmaybeprocessedthrough theTypeIIprocedurepursuanttosubsection18.5.9.020.A,above. 2.ComprehensivePlanchanges,includingtextandmapchangesorchanges tootherofficialmaps. 3.LandUseOrdinanceamendments. 4.UrbanGrowthBoundaryamendments. Inthisinstance, the build-out of a parks systemthat previously lagged behind many other citiesin the region interms of parklandpercapitaandthathas now, 30 yearslater,become a leaderinthe stateand the associatedshifttoseekingtoconservesensitivestreamsandripariancorridorswhile also expanding trailsystem connectivity are the changesincircumstancesthatnecessitatethismap update.Staffbelievesthat the proposed map update isclearlyinlinewiththe standards described foran update of anofficialmap supporting the Comprehensive Plan. III.ConclusionsandRecommendations Staffrecommendsthat the Planning Commissionrecommend approval of the attacheddraft ordinance and adoption of the Parks, Trails & OpenSpaceMapas an officialmap supporting the Ashland Comprehensive Plan’s ChapterVIII‘Parks,OpenSpace & Aesthetics’. If the Planning Commissionrecommends approval of the attachedordinanceand adoption of the updated Parks & OpenSpaceMap,staffwillpreparewritten findings for adoption at the Commission’sFebruary 20, 2024, meeting. The Planning Commission’srecommendations regarding the attached ordinance and updated Parks & OpenSpaceMapwill be forwardedto the City Council for consideration at the public hearingandFirstReading of the draftOrdinancein early 2024. Attachments January 10 TechnicalMemofromInterimParksDirectorLeslie Eldridge January 23 MemofromInterimParksDirectorLeslie Eldridge PlanningAction PA-T3-2023-00007 Parks & OpenSpaceMapAshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: AshlandParks & Recreation Page4 of 5 Total Page Number: 8 Adopted Parks & OpenSpaceMap 2002-2012 forreference Comparison Map(Changesfrom 2002 to 2023) forreference Draft Ordinance #3232 for Council Adoption Draft‘Parks & OpenSpaceMap’for Council Adoption (Ord. #3232, Exhibit A) Public CommentsReceived Amy Gunter o GarySchaff(2) o Streetsfor Everyone o PlanningAction PA-T3-2023-00007 Parks & OpenSpaceMapAshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: AshlandParks & Recreation Page5 of 5 Total Page Number: 9 Total Page Number: 10 Total Page Number: 11 Total Page Number: 12 Total Page Number: 13 Total Page Number: 14 Total Page Number: 15 Properties Identified 19 Short Term PlanLong Term Plan k G E Grizzly Peak A - (10) Ashland Creek Corridor L e E M D I L HL R I e G Neighborhood Parks (Hersey St to Eagle Mill Rd) H (off map extent) r A Y 9- (11) Hamilton Creek Corridor C 9G D - (1) Jaquelyn St and Grizzly Dr Property EALE MIL L R D R- (12) Walker site, East Main St k- (2) Upper Clay St Properties y N N O YEU SM T WAT TEEA R TRP WKO L V k- (13) Billing's Property A N CV T RA E AO e R AD J C NN r DTI 13 Active Athletic Fields EA - (14) Crowson Rd Extension TCT T QR e R AU SY S N I HN PE e L E AML N NT A D TWE TI N MOI r IN NS T Parks, Trails, and T O- (15) Helman St property E M - (3) Property on Clay St RST X RDR D T S OGN X a OOIE FK FN TOAA NNT T C STRE TE U DR (adjacent to YMCA City Park) (Barn, farm area) DS S5 L S OT T( GLV n RA Mob T A r S G Et K S 10 h T - (4) Helman St Property S 5 TIo n - (16) Property across from N Mountain Park E( Du) s S Rn o N YORd u Open Space Program SCMVOt ALM EA DRh D e H AIb (adjacent to Helman School) AV O I o Y N Ru) T T SAn- (17) Tolman Creek/Mistletoe Rd area IEL U I FEN BRd h D STT D O TA KENT W R T C L R ASA DLDE LNK c S R D A Y N W T E NEVA R M R W CU H D AW - (18) Waldorf School site O t OA E KYL O C SV Open Space & Trails N E EOIP D N O R A E M HA L O VE M A ST SM D TW NEVAT LN DA ST TLE A ESTE EEI RN NED S C K VA VR EE 2002-2012 R EDL GROA L V K II- (19) Grizzly Peak NWY SA O I DGS P E NVA AKW NEA ST L DAD ST CY OATE NVA SDLN TA WTA STD TONER N IG Y SNCN ET LTAMBRID TON GE ST H CR C AKN LIAPRESS ANNT- (5) East Main along Bear Creek AN DT ER VAT OW IC YSA S ATL HERIDN STABT L V SP YSA K A UR S R LAM AI SEADOWS JF N PN ZF OS N AK I O AV APL I- (6) Wrights Creek Corridor TLE K N A LY IL A E R V RV K L AFAP GR AL NT S IR O TUCKM AG ER ST O RA PKL Y ST SD A L N ON Approved by the City Council July 2, 2002 FAIRE- (7) Upper Liberty St Property L E N N NE D ST E Y H NMAA I SE Y POL P UU S ONY SATS L CH Q A INT WPLOTL - (8) Nevada St to N Mountain Av IS ST COLE- W 4 ST GREENB RIAR BB D N AIN T WR OUNT E M O WILE ONE CT YSTS OT SCR E DOW YU ANDINABOU D LDERME K A PRIM ST H (Bear Creek Corridor) L MARIPOSA OO CTR LN T P L RY W WUK TE ATN A D 8 U SN SO E NO IV M E TTI LE MA- (9) Willows area trail connection PLE SS MR T ONLE O Urban Growth Boundary AINC YCS G MT ANWMOUOUN INTAEN VIEW DRLRR R TN RT EO 15 O E WD WNLYS A RI WT T GL T OM E AL K LS E TK A S (Railroad property) I A N C R GBSLLEE STK D P WK OY OSKW O AB HOLLD STUOW DR Y R LN W D RY RTUR CAW R- T AU R ENCOOK LIDGE O STDS SE City Limits- (20) Talent Irrigation Ditch Segments P UOC H R RVV AA I TEN ONE OWN AAD V NAR I APL WEEA N H ONN ASKONE RDVAPETH T LGI R O A PER POI 16 M A A V HL RT CATAL EA CY IN LUNA VISTA STN Water Features I R S TN S L DWY Lands Identified in Adopted T NAL ICIA AV E RS YL ST DNU RSO Undeveloped Park TEM TS ET S ON RC EO N H TAN II DI OO Parks and Open Space Plan AAA L SSL S N TMO R TC O TWJ LE DI Acquired by City but not identified AOR S I ST H SL AIBE E WIME S KNR WO RIL W OTS S PC RSO NEO not yet aquired by city. These PIL HPNST YN S T P Updated April 1, 2005 D TSA H FS ERGGP T RSUSANCT ILN KR in original Open Space Plan. A N DH U V 6 I EE LA properties remain on the E LRO P W L R N DT C PATTR SSN ST H RS Y NS E SUIYT GRANN DSVIEW DRS N TC AV WEST ST proposed plan. TA School Parks - Existing I S NT RNS O N MT SES EL GE RT T H TLER ISEY TSN S SSSE AS N Z E NAN RWTL VH AEHC NN MY ERL DC Identified in the Adopted Parks WIP UALR L AU V RE PARK RIDGP Lands Aquired by the City BLT ENJAMIN C T S A E STK R TR DS A CL D N R K EC HG ROR NP S SNR CHTTO and Open Space Plan. AU R RE DV BWIRLLIAMSO UAN WY B E as Parks and Open Space L O O SHAK S S G I ODT R GNH RA AR TE CR NHNL EFM D RA AP T L S L DVDSM which were identified in the LO DSEO MSIA IRT E M TA U SOU Ball Fields A WCE W CIW S NYLA LNO NK DAE HR N U NR DASSRL a OS LE LNM RLEL RITT DL Adopted Open Space Plan. TR 5 H IEN B BT DG JU U BTS S A T OS N T N H HOIMBLEBE WRRY LN O A IA C AO L T S 9 TORSRN U LPS U C N NO D G IR HE N T D R CN DK E H E N D VILLAGR IGE r T L A WEAAN RSEENA I A ET L WGREEN D US Forest Service Lands RL City Parks P AI e C W P DLD YL I PLACER RN TUE E V TTT QL SGLH OT TUW LNROME e O 18 SSA D TR BTAOD PO NS ET S S L R T SO O S F F VL AIC DYO LLE I E T ST UN Y P Aquired by City but not AV k N Identified in the Adopted Parks ER L B N YI LA OI NBANI WD 20 FN IATI E U C TTMM E PM TR TMWA KTO SNST SWNU AI SNH SLTELR RLA RIS S IL identified in original Open Space Plan VHB and Open Space Plan. ND TSN FD GTHN O KIRA SRSTK LNL ONTE REL STIBN EFD 12 C SA WACEI S EHR TL Y TESLM W I L WTUK N N M TE D NH S O O Y S YTN TT NR TBF SRWN W AER NRYE HST ILF D LRIH NSN E O IB L ITS PD T K EY T I RGAEFFR ORCHID LTE STCHR P T TSHX IL S S AE I TE TYS TRI S NA N S GMVR E S TCOEVERG GE SH IALNUA D US TES A W L NDAREK BA ST CUT LE O SS HIH YN IY G GE SM SE STIL TVNN CM ISVI EA SET T BO D T RR ER AA ATT SA TCVS VAE MR NSIN S OEG NIR S TH ON D KE MIN M WSW SO GLEI MN W VIEY WROE R DOS O ME N DU L ATTM T U V TBA P LINI P L AV TS IEW E MIN S STNT LDH SN RL E RTL TS VISTA SI CALIFORN TS IA I AT R ANESA CT DSO D RYTS CNC OH GR TIC T AER EA ES WST SN TSTU RESSR A D WBY LN L ERRSUI E EO N FTELA V RE TTLI OR AO YDA PEARL SD DTN SS RR C S AM SS T WN L K EIDK F A L AIO L IBLAA SINE SO MI RR NA TN HOE TV IOC SUMMM TRIT TIM ENR F SR SUWO S O NR BC IQU SINCY FHY ETK T NMLAI D I TA TSG ALE IA IM MGA UL S RE OTL WBA NHUOTMN T IIA STWCDN RAD O CI ASNIN H RN TSIS S T ETNE R ATT EYT NVT RL GD E IOWA SY RTIOE TA IOWAR G S N TR DT TA MBS B P OSS IOWA SOT ITKRD TT E AV RT E A PNA IR HKEAO R TAT L R CREE D T KTE SSG SALASSE KA IS IS N TSS5 V S E AEY5 W HOLLRSI Y STMD( Y E n ( ROL LEso NR THUGDOLLRHID W AY A I Ao T N Er NT TBIE TDbt SYu RDPMAh SHIWR S R LARK FVt LE VAUDR SS Ih D TR GAo ER LN b YHOLL MRERRIMERRMEDO LLEH D GBu ITCRo CIBA ED OI n LGu ECT) TS RARLLYGId TNNn L S V AC S RTCHYd S YW I V LE ) TA RRR EAPENNY O LANIA B NUT ER UDR E RI RT DTELT G 3 R ELOR A HENRY 11 FSC S TSE TTN IAM CDU UI NG HEATHERIY TEUE ANEA OMN V LST VH NRK C MD MR TRA TAS ELEB EE STETRE HO ES AK JK R S NY ALTAOW ON SK RII SWE STR S TA K E DAV YN L I RYO TA T OL IE C L RYO NURL A L EBN COC LLEGE WY MPHC ARKNACOO WYHR SD R RST TN V LS FRIENDSHIP ST DME ELE MN W N W D BIRHW IPRACTS H STMVSY E I COL LEGE WYTTR LRU AA WI NSIOM DRO6M NCD EK YLLNL ERL DNR L UO T A W AOII OLH HN ATOS T TT L R ET S RU SW N ASHO LND S TT W T R O6 AOM TYN SS TAR T PLD OE LR SNL SHRC ASHGIG LNDA STK DHLM D S ENIL Y EGF ORET OI STKH TTKN TASHLNDK N S HE G WAE SAA T RWL TOI SP T AI CLARENCE NO ENP NSAD AA C RN LN L DT HBNN G SCIN IGA LRW LO TAKELTI DJ LOYT LME WYN A CASC T ADE CRMARW OE ST AAA PLEASAVID DNTAY A N ST AEY VC RN TRRWA T OWYFERNVL NOW EAD E KP DS E SMAE OON BA T R IRS SN AOY D ALNKEAL G CSE M SSRIHFROWD ILEMT S HRL SYA HLNE R A NEIO RS MICKELS NL NL ON SO EEAT C EDA AUM L E W ODRL OP R RROEN Y ENDTBH L ESAHE KN CLAY CREN DDEEK VO DRORMT GD RLUOW UODI TRGO SFD RL SY MA RR ST NN OPSA OM S AVL RNKF OD O FT T C C NV AYCC ROSPECLTAKELE DT STOKYRMA OR LRR ESA ENP WYJ AAF EWA C SR N RVCE IR LA PE WSPRE SPCT OAA L ETOR T I T RCH RMMAA N LS INKYH I NLA OG D EW DAW AY 1 PAR VR NNI YA I NRTA PWYR OTIEA T CR S RE NTF VENTURA ALRP V T A SOLN M K CWR INE SCBA TEARLY ELLMS S WIND 6 OR SNGEEN U CEN WS DR JEFFERSOI EILDRBLY6 WLI OO TZ DAO WRA Y D Z TLESWA NCR I C NMRFIE DER STKOO LILC ERCTC ECT TNOVA DR N RR G ADYDAN T ANY EMA STN ALWA S K 7 T NL R EREN HR DOAW RWAL RK INC SE LM LN GG YU APL NWOL DLNS DD DE SO E RQ S IVY LNSO SIP PELL INWY WBACA IVY LEK WYTN SUNSL T AV ER JSARATOGA LN RT O M R D T E KR RDIANE ST S D CG A YI IA D TH AE H RHOLD MILL WYN ATWN IDL KRCW N L SBLACKB W LTESHE RAS AI PTE IY EDAVV INEIEC AVATDP EV CNE A I B H LRR PA R T C LN NSA L AR RAARBARBRA SW OIE B SPRIN LPGHILL DR EVERD H SYE PN ODERO ISNE S BTB L L 17 B S AE ED N MANP RIP IOS L HN TLT O IPE TREWMA LNT IIYWOOD LG WY S LEHNN P GIEACY R HDN WRE IT SET OR ESVI O R R AAT DL CTGS O ERDP TAR R P S DA AT S EA EE ZK NR R T IVK EN C ATS RAK AEW REEK LNS PI DLSO IEA ET CHW PR J5 POOC IE TAUGUSTACO Y L O ( YSOL L 5n UDT N RD A T oRBARRINGTON D V( YB S Psr T A btCR AVo N Lh EZL SA ND LTLu M N V HOEL S t Co h 2 I u BR ISTO Sb nH o) ABd uA V E e HnN KT R) A Nd EC S MO AW ST i W R O C E ONS I l W DCRE STVIEWE DRW R L D D N CANYON PARKL A ET DR S C B KE TAM AR A C BLAC OAK Y DRAGONF LY LN BLAC K OAKWWY Y W P r O A LR S V 14 K WO E BELO LIEWA V e D D R R A N C E S N M W RA e R M C L EM OAD LN O T N GREE k L Y R P A NW P HA M SASL P U LI EVAN P D N E DR R K G RE E ENM EADOW S WY E R 00.250.5 C N A Miles M L O T Scale: 1:31,680 ING ALSR S ERV OIR RD Total Page Number: 16 Total Page Number: 17 Total Page Number: 18 ORDINANCE NO. 3232 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ASHLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ADOPT THE PARKS, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAP AS AN OFFICIAL MAP IN SUPPORT OF THE PARKS, OPEN SPACE, AND AESTHETICS ELEMENT OF THE ASHLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Annotated to show deletions and additionsto the Ashland Municipal Code sections being bold lined throughbold underlined. modified. Deletions are , and additions are WHEREAS , Article 2. Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common Powers of the City law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. WHEREAS, the above referenced grant of power has been interpreted as affording all legislative powers home rule constitutional provisions reserved to Oregon cities. City of Beaverton v. International Associationof Firefighters, Local 1660, Beaverton Shop20 Or. App. 293; 531 P 2d 730, 734 (1975); and WHEREAS, the Ashland Comprehensive Plan contains a policy within the Parks, Open Space and Aesthetics Element (Chapter VIII, policy 8.16.6)) directing the City to adopt an official map that will identify the planned areas for parks, new natural areas, conservation areas and trails. nd WHEREAS, the City approved a Parks, Trailsand Open Space Map on July 2, 2002, and updated the map in 2012, which are now outdated and no longer reflect the existing inventory of parks lands or adequately identify those properties that could be acquired or developed in furtherance of the Comprehensive Plan goal to provide the people of Ashland with a variety, quantity and quality of parks, park facilities, open spaces, trails, and visual resources sufficient for their needs. WHEREAS, the City of Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission considered the above- referenced amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to adopt of the Parks, Trails and Open Space Map as an official map on ____________, and____________, and following deliberations, recommended approval of the amendment by a vote of _ -_;and WHEREAS, the City of Ashland Planning Commission considered the above-referenced amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to adopt of the Parks, Trailsand Open Space Map as an official map at a duly advertised public hearing on January 23, 2024, and following deliberations, recommended ______ of the amendments by a vote of _ -_;and 13 ORDINANCE NO.3232 Page of Total Page Number: 19 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland conducted a duly advertised public hearing on the above-referenced amendments on ____________; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland, following the close of the public hearing and record, deliberated and conducted first and second readings approving adoption of the Ordinance in accordance with Article 10 of the Ashland City Charter; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland has determined that in order to protect and benefit the health, safety and welfare of existing and future residents of the City, it is necessary to amend the Ashland Comprehensive Plan in manner proposed, that an adequate factual base exists for the amendments, the amendments are consistent with the comprehensive plan and that such amendments are fully supported by the record of this proceeding. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. The City of Ashland Comprehensive Plan, Chapter VIII, \[PARKS, OPEN SPACE, AND AESTHETICS\]is hereby amended to replace the 2002Parks, Trails and Open Space Map,with the Parks, Trails and Open Space Map, attached hereto as Exhibit A, as an official City map and made a part hereof by this reference. SECTION 3.Severability. Each section of this ordinance, and any part thereof, is severable, and if any part of this ordinance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. The foregoing ordinance was first ready by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the _______day of____________________, 2024, and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this _______day of____________________, 2024 . PASSED by the City Council this ________ day of _______________________, 2024. ATTEST: __________________________________ Alissa Kolodzinski, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this ________ day of __________________________, 2024. 23 ORDINANCE NO.3232 Page of Total Page Number: 20 __________________________________ Tonya Graham, Mayor Reviewed as to form: ___________________________________ Douglas M. McGeary, Acting City Attorney 33 ORDINANCE NO.3232 Page of Total Page Number: 21 Total Page Number: 22 _________________________________ Total Page Number: 23 Total Page Number: 24 Total Page Number: 25 Total Page Number: 26 From:gshaff@gmail.com To:Parks Information Cc:Brandon Goldman;Derek Severson;Paula Hyatt Subject:11/28 Planning Commission Study Session Date:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:50:28 AM \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] Hi Leslie, I have a few comments and a question about the materials that were reviewed at last night’s Planning Commission study session. Foremost, I believe that there is an error on the Parks, Open Space and Trails map (p. 26 in the PC packet). More particularly, the Cottle Phillips property fronting on Terrace (labeled as property E on the map) is not developed. It is however, assessed as open space which limits its development, absent paying back taxes, and because of that, may make it an attractive acquisition for APRC. It also bears noting the the city holds a pedestrian access easement on my property (516 Herbert Street) and my neighbor’s to the east. That easement is not shown on the map but serves to provide access to the Cottle Phillips open space. I would encourage you to include easements on the map using a distinctive pattern and distinguish it from outright ownership. I believe easements are currently used in other locations to provide trail connectivity and, I expect, APRC will find easements a useful tool, in the future, to protect stream side habitats. My question relates to the use and approval of the map on page 26, showing future APRC acquisition priorities. Will the acquisition priorities be approved by Council as a part of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and, if not, when? Thank you, Gary Shaff 516 Herbert Total Page Number: 27 Total Page Number: 28 Total Page Number: 29 Total Page Number: 30 Total Page Number: 31 Total Page Number: 32 Total Page Number: 33 Total Page Number: 34 Total Page Number: 35 Total Page Number: 36 Total Page Number: 37 Total Page Number: 38 Total Page Number: 39 Total Page Number: 40 Total Page Number: 41 Total Page Number: 42 Total Page Number: 43 Total Page Number: 44 Total Page Number: 45 Total Page Number: 46 Total Page Number: 47 Total Page Number: 48 Total Page Number: 49 Total Page Number: 50 Total Page Number: 51