HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-08 Planning PACKET cornerofVanNess& WaterStreets agentfor ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DraftMinutes February 8, 2022 I.CALL TO ORDER:7:00 PM, via Zoom Chair Haywood Norton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners Present:Staff Present: Michael DawkinsBill Molnar, Community Development Director Haywood NortonBrandon Goldman, Planning Manager Roger PearceDerek Severson, Senior Planner Lynn ThompsonAaron Anderson, Associate Planner Lisa VernerApril Lucas, Development Services Coordinator Kerry KenCairnMichael Sullivan, Administrative Assistant Absent Members:Council Liaison: NonePaula Hyatt, not present II.ANNOUNCEMENTS Community Development Director Bill Molnar made the following announcements: Mr. Molnar informed the Commission that an appeal had been filed to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on its decision to approve PA-T1-2021-00158, 351 Walker.It is now incumbent upon the appellant to make their argument to LUBA. Staff met with the TownMakers LLC design team following their January 25presentation to the Commission. th The design team was informed that legislative action was likely necessary before development plans could proceed. On February 1, 2022 the City Council had its first reading on the Housing in C-1 and E-1 Zones that had been recommended by the Commission atthe December 14, 2021 meeting.The City Council decided to postpone a decision until the Chamber of Commerce could examine an economic diversification policy. An appointment of a seventh member to the Planning Commission will be made by the City Council at the February 15 or March 1, 2022 meeting. III.CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes A. December 14, 2021 Regular Meeting 1. Commissioners Dawkins/KenCairn m/s to approve the December 14, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Verner abstained due to her absence from the meeting. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. 5-0. 2. January 25, 2022 Study Session Commissioners Verner/Thompson m/s to approve the January 25, 2022 Study Session Minutes. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. 6-0. IV.PUBLIC FORUM -None V.TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2022-00036 A. SUBJECT PROPERTY: 329 GraniteSt OWNER/APPLICANT: Rogue Planning Services for Clarke Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 1of 6 DESCRIPTION: AnapplicationforaPhysicalandEnvironmentalconstraintsreviewpermit(P&E) fortheconstructionofanewsingle-familyresidentialhomeonhillsidelandswithsevere constraintsforthevacantparcelat329GraniteStreet.TheapplicationfortheP&Eincludesa requestforsixdifferentexceptionstothedevelopmentstandards.Thedevelopmentalsorequiresa limitedactivityandusespermitintheWaterResourceProtectionZone(WRPZ)foradriveway crossinganidentifiedwaterway,twovariancesforanallowanceofthemaximumgradeofa drivewayandanallowancetoexceedthemaximumlotcoverage,andfinallyatreeremovalpermit fortheremovalofnineteensignificanttrees.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Woodland / LDR; ZONING: WR / RR-.5; MAP: 39 1E 08 EE, TAX LOT: 704 Ex parte contact Commissioner KenCairn recused herself due to her presence on the design team. Commissioners Dawkins, Verner, and Norton conducted site visits; no ex parte contact was reported. Staff Report Associate Planner Aaron Anderson presented the Commission with the Staff’s report on the development site plans. Mr. Anderson detailed the three main components of the plan; 1) a Physical and Environmental Constraints(P&E)review; 2) Limited Activity and Uses Permit for the Water Resources Protection Zone (WRPZ); 3) two Type II variances for lot coverage and driveway grade. Mr. Anderson also noted that the published packet listed six exceptions to the Hillside Standard, but that the standard relating to building envelopesin18.3.10.090.E.1.aonly applies to newly created lots, and would therefore not be included in the discussion. Mr. Anderson gave a brief history of the parcel before moving on to the site and plan review. He identified the Twin Creek waterways that run through the propertyand the buffer zone around the creeksthat the P&E and WRPZ maps refer to.He explained that despite the steep slopes of the hillside this site was required to be considered buildable for a single-family building or duplex as the code allows. The Buildable Land Inventory (BLI) designates the property as vacant and buildable for one unit, and in 2004 a Type I Land Use Action approved a P&E exception for the development of a driveway, but was never acted upon. Mr. Anderson then provided the Commission withsite plans detailing the variances requested on the application, including exceptions to the maximum grade of a driveway and hillside building height (see Attachment #1).In addition, the plans call for a Tree Removal Permit for the removal of eighteensignificant trees. Mr. Anderson explained that the development calledfor threeexceptionsto the City’s Grading code: 1)currently the code allows for up to one hundred feet of driveway to be developed on 35% slopes, and this plan would call for nearly the entire drivewayto exceed these standards;2) retention in natural state standard be reduced from 89.57% to 69.3%;and 3)that the maximum cut slope and terracing of retaining wallsbenearly double the fifteen foot maximum standard.There wouldalso betwo building design exceptions requestedfordownhill wall height limitationsand horizontal building plane limitations. Mr. Anderson informed the Commission that this proposal went before the Tree Commission on February 3, 2022 for reviewas it would require the removal of eighteen significant trees from both the driveway and building envelope. The Tree Commission reviewed the application and voted three-to-one to approve it.He concluded by stating that Staff recognizes that the buildable lot has severe constraints and that it would be reasonable to anticipate that exceptions would be necessary to develop the property. Questions ofStaff Commissioners Roger Pearce and Lynn Thompson commended Mr. Anderson on the quality of his presentation. Commissioner Thompson questioned Mr. Andersonaboutthe intent of the grading code with regards to terracing and cut slopestandards.Given that this proposal called for allowingnearly double the standardshe questioned what the implication would be in approving these exceptions. Mr. Anderson stated the applicant’s civil engineer could speak to the exceptions but statedusing smaller terraced sections could result in a much bigger disturbance tothe site. Mr. Molnar added that this site is much steeper than the case studies that were evaluated when the Hillside Development Standards were adopted. Applicant’s Presentation Theproperty owners Katie and Joe Clarke thanked the Commission, Staff, and their design team for the work put into this proposal. Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 2of 6 Applicant Amy Gunter began by stating that despite the steep slope and difficult terrainher teamwould be able todevelopthe property with as little impact on the surrounding area as possible. She detailedthe topographical differences between the map of the area used by Jackson County and the one used by her design team, including a difference of 56ft in the property’s stated height above sea level. She also noted that in examiningthe map there did not appear to be a more developable lot further down the hillside. She added that this area of the site had beenchosen for being theflattest, most buildable location, while the driveway allowed emergency vehicle access to theproperty.Ms. Gunter stated that the structure would utilize step foundations to decrease the downhill wall height and to reduce mass, while also exceeding all required setbacks.Shealsonoted that one of the trees marked for removal by the plan would now be retained. Ms. Gunter outlined theWRPZon the property around the Twin Creek waterwaysand detailed how the plans for the driveway had been structured to largely avoid interfering with the riparian habitat.Due to the nature of the terrain the greatest impact would be around the driveway switchback and turnaround, and the culvert beneath the driveway that wouldallow the creek to continue runningthrough the property.She pointed out that the northern branch of the streamwas considered by her team to have a higher ecological value, and therefore the plans weredesigned to have as littleimpact on that region as possible.Ms. Gunter called attention to the code calling for a “hardship exception” to build structures in riparian habitat, but calls for a lesser review for driveways, indicating that such development would be acceptable in the region. With regards to the driveway she also pointed out that the average slope of the driveway would be around 15% and that the code appears to support exceptions to the maximum grade allowed in order to access more buildable property. Ms. Gunterpresentedthe Commission with written testimony from various experts who gave findings and opinions approving development. These included Geotechnical Engineers Robin Warren and Eric Swanson,Ashland Fire Chief Ralph Sartain,and Fire Code Professional Margueritte Hickman.Ms. Gunter noted the Fire Professional’s Opinionthat development could provide additional fire protection through fuel reduction and by providing greater access to potential wildfires in the area(see Attachment #2). Questions for the Applicant Ms. Gunter addressed Commissioner Thompson’s earlier question. She acknowledged that the property was located on nearly double the maximum slope allowed for a buildable lot,but added that it was her belief that this lot and grade were not conceived when the grade ordinance was adopted.If the team were to adhere to the existing code it would result in significant cuts into the hillside, whereas fewerbuthigherterraceswouldhave a reduced impact on the terrain.She addedthather geotechnical team concluded that thisretaining wall design would be a better solution for the property. Commissioner Pearce expressed hesitancy in approving the project due to its insistence in developing on the highest and most difficult to reach portion of the lot, and suggestedthat the project would potentiallyrequire fewer variances and exceptions if it was developed closer to the driveway opening. Engineer Todd Powell responded by pointingout that the slopes near the site entrance were between 40-60% grade andcautionedthat this madedeveloping on that portionextremely difficult.He furtheremphasized that the top of the site wasthebest location for building construction. Commissioner Thompson remarked that theproposal’s Wildfire Fuels Reduction Planmade reference towood mulch andstraw wattlesset around the property during developmentand queried whattheir purpose,duration, and potential dangeron the site would be.Mr. Powell responded that,while many materials were listed in the proposal,no mulch would be used on site due to fire danger, and that straw wattles wouldbe placed to halt erosion on the developed slopes and terraces.They would remain on site until the contractor could reseed the ground andstabilizethe soil, typically a matter of months after development.The wattles would then be removed at the discretion ofan Erosion Control Inspector, in this case the geotechnical expert on the project. Public Testimony Jasmin Holley/Ms. Holley’spropertyneighborsthe development site and shehad previously met with the design teamto bring severalconcerns to their attention.After meetingwiththedesignteamshe compiled a list ofConditions of Approval that she requested be made part of theCommission’sdecision.(see Attachment #3).In addition to her written testimony she also raised a concernover the flood risk of a heavily developed site, but commended the design team for keeping the riparian habitat almost entirely intact. Applicant’sRebuttal Ms. Gunter addressed the concerns raised duringMs. Holley’s testimony.She statedthat sporadicroad accessinterruptions Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 3of 6 would be unavoidable, but they would be brief or have prior notice given, and there should be nolimitations on roadside parking by residences. When discussing construction hours Ms. Guntercitedthe current city ordinance that allowed for activity between the hours of 7:00a.m.to 7:00p.m. for weekdaysand 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. on the weekends, andstated they do not support Ms. Holley’s request to expand on those limitations. Ms. Gunter then stated that she had no objections to Ms. Holley’s other requests. Chair Norton closed the public hearing and record at 8:23 p.m. Deliberation and Discussion Commissioner Dawkins statedthat due to the steepness of the slopes onthe lot he agreed with the developers that they chose the best buildable spot to locate the house. Commissioner Pearce concurred with Commissioner Dawkins’ assessment but lamented that the proposal did not examine other possible areas on the sitefor the building or explainwhy the requested minimum exceptions and variances were the best possible avenue for development.He further remarkedthat treating this areaas the only buildable space on the lot was disappointing without exploring other potential areas in the proposal. He conceded that the engineering of the plan was well thought-out but that the legal arguments were lacking,andconcluded that this likely was the most promising location on the lotfor development. Commissioners Verner and Dawkins echoed theconcerns raised by Commissioner Pearceand remarked that at first glancethe number of variances and exceptions necessary for development were troubling. After further discussion Commissioner Dawkins pointed outthat this is a legal lot of land, and that declaring it unsuitable for development would not be fair to the owners. Commissioner Dawkins arguedthat changing the proposal to locate the house elsewherewould also be unlikely to reduce the number of variances and exceptions necessary for development. Commissioner Thompson voiced support for the minimal impact the proposal would have on the surrounding area. She called attention to the potential for wildfire mitigation that development could provide, as well as increased access to emergency response servicesto the area.Based on theapplicant’s designto accommodate emergency vehiclesand restore the vegetation after development Commissioner Thompson declared that she was inclined to grant approval. Commissioners Dawkins/Pearce m/s to approve PA-T2-2022-00036 with staff’s recommendations. DISCUSSION: The Commission clarified Ms. Holley’s recommended Conditions of Approval are not included in the motion to approve. Roll Call Vote: Dawkins, Pearce, Thompson, Verner, and Norton, YES. Motion passed 5-0. B. PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2021-00031 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 375 & 475 East Nevada Street APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC for OWNERS: Peter & Laura Schultz (owners, 375 E. Nevada St.-Tax Lot 1000),David Young(owner, 475 E. Nevada St.-Tax Lots 1100,1200 & 1300) DESCRIPTION: A request for a Minor Comprehensive Plan Map Correction to clarify the City of Ashland’s Urban Growth Boundary for four properties located at 375 & 475 East Nevada Street. Theapplication asserts that there are differences in the UGB’s location between the official paper maps and the current GIS maps in use by both the County and the City, and that the original maps’ scales were such that the line width could significantly alter the boundary location. The application asks to make clear that the portions of the four properties in question are within the City of Ashland’s Urban Growth Boundary as Residential Reserve (1.37 acres of Tax Lot 1000) and North Mountain Neighborhood Plan(2.08 acres of Tax Lots 1100, 1200 & 1300). PLEASE NOTE: The “1982 Ashland/Jackson County Urban Growth Boundary Agreement” also requires review and approval of applications to correct errors in the Comprehensive Plan Map by both the Ashland City Council and Jackson County Board of Commissioners.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential Reserve & North Mountain; ZONING: RR-.5 & NM-MF; MAP: 39 1E 04A; TAX LOT #: 1000, 1100, 1200 & 1300. Ex Parte Contact Commissioners Dawkins, Verner, and Norton conducted site visits. No ex parte contact was reported. Staff Report Senior Planner Derek Seversonremindedthe Commission thatType II map amendments are typically processed at the city level, Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 4of 6 but thatthis decision would ultimately need approval from both the City Council and the County Board of Commissionersand would thereforebeprocessed as a Type IIIprocedure. Mr. Severson relatedthat whenthe applicantsdiscussed platting the Katherine Mae Subdivision with Jackson County it foundthat there was an issue with leaving County RR-5 zoned remnant properties outside the Urban Growth Boundary(UGB)oflessthan the minimum required five-acre lot area.Recording the Katherine Mae Subdivisionwould require an exception to Goal 14 of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use-Planning goals. The County informed the applicant that such an action would be costly and unlikely to be approved(see Attachment #4). Mr. Severson detailed how in examining this case staff looked through various official and unofficial maps to determine if an error occurred in splitting the parcels along the UGB.These maps included “The Tarp,” an unofficial reference map from 1984, a map detailing the Urban Growth Boundary Agreement between the city and county from 1982, as well as the adopted zoning map from thatsameagreement. Another map was provided to staff from the applicant potentially from the 1989 Urban Growth Boundary Agreement. The boundary lines on this map partially obscure the parcellines, but staff was unable to confirm if this map was officially adopted.Finally the Adopted Comprehensive Plan Map was adopted in 2008 and appearsto be consistent with the 1982 Urban Growth Boundary Agreement.Mr. Severson concluded that Staff was as equally frustrated with the divisions created by the UGB, but could not find any indications that theboundarieswere made erroneously. Questions ofStaff Commissioner Thompson commented that the narrative of the Urban Growth Boundary Agreement would be the most important aspect of this decision and pointed out that the 1982 Urban Growth Boundary Agreement map showed the City limits as being the same as the UGB line. She then inquired if there was any questionover the city limits. Mr. Severson responded there was no dispute, and that if one line was found to have been made in error then both lines would likely be relocated.He then pointed to a location on the map where the lines did diverge but then reconnectedbeforereachingthe boundary ofthe disputed line.He stated thatto staffthis indicated a deliberate decisionregardingboundary placementand not a cartographic error. Commissioner KenCairnquestioned if such a division of the parcelscould be considereda taking and if a potentialdevaluation of property could be met with legal action.Commissioner Pearce responded that it would not constitute a taking and that the UGB only constitutes a jurisdictional lineand does not affect the use of the parcelexcept in terms of development.Commissioner KenCairn responded thatbecause of this protracted legal disputeit had alreadyaffected the property’spotentialdevelopment. Commissioner Pearce commented thatper Ordinance 2951, which wasadopted in 2008,the city limitswere seenas being conterminous with the zoning map and therefore there wasno basis to address the location of the city limitsduring this meeting. Commissioners Thompson/Verner m/s to approve extendingthe meeting to10:00 p.m. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 5-0. Applicant’s Presentation Attorney Garrett West stated the reason for this planning actionwasbecause his team believesthereisadiscrepancy and mapping conflictbetween the county and the cityover the location of the UGB line.Mr. Westclarified his team is not suggesting any change to the city limits at this time. Hestated that the county maps show the city’s UGBlineas encompassing the disputed property, while the city’s maps show them bisecting the property. Mr. West asserted that this discrepancy likelyoccurredwhenthe city transitioned from physical to digital GIS mapsand that the large lines drawn to demarcate the boundary lines obfuscatedthe border.The result was the unintended divisions ofthe Nevada Streetpropertiesalong the UGB line.In a letter to the Commission Mr. West cited several properties in the city where the current GIS mapshows the UGB toconformto the lot linesrather than divide them into smaller parcels(see Attachment #5).His team believesthatthis consistency elsewhere in the cityshows a clear oversight with regards to the Nevada Street parcel divisions.Mr. West stated that procedurally it madelegal sense to seek ratification of a decision from both thecityand the County Board of Commissioners.This would provide clarity for future applicants and also make the code consistent between the city and county.Mr. West did not recommendrequesting an exception to Goal 14 because he did not believe it would be approved. Attorney Brent Hall concluded the presentation byreiterating the saliant arguments made by the applicants, and elaboratedthat there is a areaof interpretation over where the UGB line was originally intended to belocated. He arguedthat there is precedent for moving the UGB line without adjusting the city limits as seen elsewhere, and that the reasons for those departures could Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 5of 6 readily apply to this correction. Mr. Hall itemized the past decisions as;1)there waspotential to increase level, buildable land with access to the city services;2)anincrease to potential density for the city byapproximately twenty units;3)increasing affordable housing adjacent to a future public street that would be extended for development.Mr. Hall concluded by assuring the Commissionthat this case could not result in urban sprawling because of adjacent properties and the I5 freeway.For these reasons hecontended that there is good reason for a Type II minor amendmentand that it would notbenecessary to bring this issue back to the county given that it had alreadyagreedwith the applicant’s team where the boundary line is located. Questions of the Applicant Commissioner Thompson pointed out thatthere weretwoGISmapspromulgated by the Jackson County development services that appear to be dissimilar in where they place the UGB; one is consistent with thecity’s division of the parcel, while the other followsthe lot lines, and questioned the applicants why this might be.Ms. Gunter explainedthat the purpose of including two incompatible GIS maps was to illustrate the changes made to the UGB lineon the county level over the past two years. When Jackson County deferred judgement to the city it changed its map to match the city’s. However, it recently changed once again andnowfollows the propertylinesandfurthermuddlesan already unclear situation.Commissioner Thompson responded that these GIS maps are all unofficial and thusthenarrative is the most important aspect of this item, and that when examining the 1982 mapit seems to clearly intend for the UGB to follow the city limits in this area.Because of this Commissioner Thompson questionedwhythis case could notbe processed as a minor correctionper the 1982 Urban Growth Boundary Agreementandnot be subject to Ashland municipal codes.Ms. Gunter argued that if the UGB did divide the parcels that the remnant lot pieces would be below the minimum requirement to constitute parcels on their own, and would thenrequire an exception to Goal 14. Commissioner Thompson asserted thata map correction is anincorrect legal avenue to process this request, and that the correction should be a change to the UGB.She voiced agreement that the outlying parcels should be incorporated into the city but questionedif theapplicant’s request wasthe best way to achieve that. Chair Norton closed the public hearing at 9:33 p.m.but left the public record open as this is a Type III action. Deliberation and Discussion Commissioner Pearce agreed with Commissioner Thompson on her assessment, and stressedthat there appeared to be no discrepancy between the 1982 Urban Growth Boundary Agreement map and the map description that accompanied the ordinance.In fact the description made specific mention of divergences between the UGB and city limit lines, andthe properties of EastNevada Street were not listed.Commissioner Pearce concluded byrecommending to the City Council that the UGB line is correctas shown on the current maps and not a result of any cartographic mistake.He added that he would encourage the city and county to cooperate to amend the UGB line tomake it follow parcel boundary lines. Commissioners Pearce/Dawkins m/s to recommend to the City Council that based on Ordinance 2227 and the 1982 Urban Growth Boundary Agreement, the UGB boundary in this location is correct and there is no cartographic error that needs correction. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Verner inquired if it would be proper to include in the motion a recommendation for the City Council to work with Jackson County to change the UGB to match property lines. Commissioners Thompson stated there is a process for this under the original agreement.Commissioner Pearce added the Commission can state their preference for the UGB to follow property lines and recommend the City Council follow that procedure in the future, but they cannot recommend a specific process for the Council to follow.Commissioner Verner expressed concern that this leaves the applicants in limbo and the motion does not provide direction to the applicants on where to go from here. Commissioners Thompson and KenCairn stated the applicants still have options; and noted they can advocate to the City Council to work with the County to change the UGBboundary. Roll CallVote: Dawkins, Pearce, Thompson, Verner, and Norton, YES. Commissioner KenCairn, abstained. Motion passed 5-0. Commissioner Pearce thanked the applicants for sticking with this process and stated the Commission is frustrated as well; but stated it would be inappropriate for them to state it was a cartographic error when that does not appear to be the case. VI.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:46p.m. Submitted by, Michael Sullivan, Administrative Assistant Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2022 Page 6of 6 o o o o o o o REQUEST FOR PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS REVIEW PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENTIAL HOME ZONING OVERLAY CITY OF ASHLAND SLOPE MAP Please extend credit to Jackson County GIS in any subsequent works derived from its data, such as maps. SLOPE ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY BASED ON TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS A.2.1 Sheet L.1.2.A Revised TREE REMOVAL DATA Landscape Planting Plan L 1.8A Landscape Planting Plan L 1.8B Includes riparian mitigation trees Civil Plan Sheet C4.0 DRIVEWAY GRADE PROFILES C4.1 Lot Coverage Exhibit Sheet L 1.6 GEOTECHNICAL EXPERT FINDINGS ÑIn our opinion, the proposed building site is suitable for development with the proposed single-family homeÈIf the geotechnical recommendations for the development are followed, in our opinion, there are no significant risks of slope instability on the lotÒ Applied Geotechnical Engineering and Geologic Consulting LLC Robin L. Warren, G.E., P.E. Further, Eric Swanson, G.E. ,P.E has reviewed the previous geotechnical report, and the1979 and 1999 geologic mapping of the area and found that there are no active faults, i.e. faults displaying movement during the last 10,000 to 15,000 years, known to exist within Jackson County. The (Ashland) area is in relative hazard Zone D, reflecting low amplification, no liquefaction, and low landslide hazard Neither of the geologic maps of the area show the existence of landslides near the property. FIRE CHIEF FINDING ÑWith you providing a sprinklered residence, a wide turning radius on your approach, Ñturn-outÒ locations allowing vehicles to pass, and the fact you are creating a fire break and defensible space surrounding this property I do not have issue with the application submitted.Ò Ralph Sartain, Fire Chief, Ashland Fire & Rescue FIRE PROFESSIONAL OPINION Fuels reduction requirements of the OFC, Ashland amendments and the AMC either meet or exceed the requirements of the WUIC. "The intent of limiting the grade for fire apparatus access is as much about the ability to respond to an incident quickly and efficiently as it is about the capabilities of the apparatus performance both uphill and downhill. By limiting the section ofthe grade to no more than 200 feet, it limits the power needed for the engine or ambulance to climb the grade and it limits the brake usage to descend the grade.Ò ÑIt is my opinion that the intent of this section of the code from a fire apparatus perspective is that there could be multiple sections of up to 18% grade up to 200 feet length on a driveway depending on the total length of the driveway and the distance between the segments. Ñ ÑThe development of this lot provides added safety to this neighborhood. Through the development of this lot, fuels reduction will be required to be implemented and maintained. This will help to improve the potential to slow a fire if it moves through and reduce the potential for a crowning fire to occur. This also provides a greater potential for firefighters to make an impact on a wildfire and reduce the potential negative impacts of fire to the neighborhood.Ò MargueritteHickman, Fire Code Professional Sage Fire Solutions ENTRANCE TO PROPERTY At proposed switchback South branch of Twin Creek PHOTOS OF PROPERTY IN SW CORNER OF BUILDING ENVELOPE (NOTICE EVIDENCE OF CAMPFIRES) CONCLUSION ‘The Tarp’, unofficial reference map (mid-1980’s) Officially-Adopted Comprehensive Plan Map (2008) ( Northerly 2.08 acres of Tax Lots 1100, 1200 & 1300) County/RR-5 Current: City UGB/North Mountain Neighborhood Proposed: Anexpansionofan urbangrowthboundary. i.e.PlanningCommissiondecisioninkeeping withORS227.188 50acres) Acorrectionwouldnotbeconsideredanexpansion. Inlightoftheabove–staffaretreatingtheactionasaTypeIIIwithahearingbeforethe PlanningCommissiontoyieldarecommendationtoCouncil,aCouncilhearinganddecision whichwouldthenbeforwardedtotheBoardofCommissionersforahearingpriortothe adoptionofanordinance. ‘The Tarp’, unofficial (mid-1980’s) Officially-Adopted Comprehensive Plan Map (2008) DRAFT FINDINGS BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION March08, 2022 IN THE MATTER OF PLANNING ACTION #PA-T2-2022-00036,A) PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS REVIEW PERMIT ) (P&E) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY ) RESIDENTIAL HOME ON A VACANT PARCEL AT 329 GRANITE ) STREET.IN ADDITION TO THE P&E THE DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES) DRAFT A LIMITED ACTIVITY AND USES PERMIT IN THE WATER ) RESOURCE PROTECTIONZONE(WRPZ), A VARIANCE TO THE ) FINDINGS, MAXIMUM GRADE OF A DRIVEWAY, A VARIANCE TO LOT ) CONCLUSIONS, COVERAGE,ANDA TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR THE REMOVAL ) AND ORDERS. OF EIGHTEEN SIGNIFIGANTTREES.) ) DRAFT OWNER: JOSEPH AND KATHERINE CLARKE) APPLICANT: ROGUE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) _______________________________________________________________) RECITALS: 1)The subject property is tax lot#704of Assessor’s Map 39-1E-08-DDand has a SITUS address of329 GraniteStreet. 2)The property is split zoned Rural Residential (RR-.5) and Woodland Residential (WR)and is 3.22acres in size. 3)The subject property was created prior to the current Physical & Environmental Constraints Ordinance (AMC 18.3.10) and has an average slope of 64.57 percent. As provided at AMC, “Existing parcels without adequate buildable area less than or equal to 35- percent shall be considered buildable for one single-family dwelling and an accessory residential unit or a duplex…” 4)The subject property has a Water Resource and Protection Zone (WRPZ) which is identified as an ephemeral & intermittent watercourse named ‘Twin Creek.’ 5)The application proposes the construction of a new single-family residential home which requires a Physical & Environmental (P&E) constraints review permit due to the topography. The application also requires a limited activity anduses permit in the Water Resource ProtectionZone(WRPZ), a variance to the maximum grade of a driveway, a variance to lot coverage, and a tree removal permit for eighteensignificant trees. st 6)On January 31, 2022theapplicationwas deemed complete, and in accordance with AMC of Complete applicationand public meetingwas posted at the subject propertyin clear view from the public right-of-wayand mailed to all property owners of record within 200 feet of the parcel. PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 1 DRAFT FINDINGS 7)Ashland Municipal Code Chapter 2.62 “Emergency Powers” specifically delegates the authority to declare a state of emergency to the City Manager, subject to subsequent ratification by the City Council. On March 17, 2020, the City Council ratified the City Administrator’s March 15, 2020 Declaration of Emergency resulting from the Coronavirus contagion, and the Council has subsequently approved extension of this Declaration of Emergency through present. Among other things, this Declaration of Emergency provides for public meetings to be conducted by electronic means for the various City commissions and boards, including the Planning Commission. 8)The Planning Commission, following proper public notice, held apublic hearing on February 8, 2022. The meeting wasconducted electronically byZoom. Public testimony was received, and exhibits were presented.Following the closing of the public hearing, the Planning Commission approved the application subject to conditions pertaining to the appropriate development of the site. 9)The criteria of approval for a Physical& Environmental (P&E)Constraints Review Permit are described inAshland Municipal Code (AMC) require that all of the following criteria are met: A.Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. B.That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. C.That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum development permitted by this ordinance. 10)The criteria of approval for an Exception to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands are described in Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) which require that all of the following criteria are met: 1.There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. 2.The exception will result in equal or greater protection of the resources protected under this chapter. 3.The exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. 4.The exception is consistent with the stated Purpose and Intent of chapter18.3.10, Physical and Environmental Constraints Overlay, and section18.3.10.090, Development Standards for Hillside Lands. 11)The criteria of approval for a Limited Activities and Uses Permit in the WRPZ are described in Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) which require that all of the following criteria are met: 1.All activities shall be located as far away from streams and wetlands as practicable, designed to minimize intrusion into the Water Resource Protection Zone and disturb as little of the surface area of the Water Resource Protection Zone as practicable. 2.The proposed activity shall be designed, located and constructed to minimize excavation, grading, area of impervious surfaces, loss of native vegetation, erosion, and other adverse impacts on water resources. PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 2 DRAFT FINDINGS 3.On stream beds or banks within the bank-full stage, in wetlands, and on slopes of 25 percent or greater in a Water Resource Protection Zone, excavation, grading, installation of impervious surfaces, andremovalof native vegetation shall be avoided except where no practicable alternative exists, or where necessary to construct public facilities or to ensure slope stability. 4.Water, storm drain, and sewer systems shall be designed, located and constructed to avoid exposure to floodwaters, and to avoid accidental discharges to streams and wetlands. 5.Stream channel repair and enhancement, riparian habitat restoration and enhancement, and wetland restoration and enhancement will be restored through the implementation of a mitigation plan prepared in accordance with the standards and requirements in section18.3.11.110, Mitigation Requirements. 6.Long-term conservation, management and maintenance of the Water Resource Protection Zone shall be ensured through preparation and recordation of a management plan as described in subsection18.3.11.110.C, except a management plan is not required for residentially zoned lots occupied only by a single-family dwelling and accessory structures 12)The criteria of approval for a Variance are described in Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) which require that all of the following criteria are met 1.The variance is necessary because the subject code provision does not account for special or unique physical circumstances of the subject site, such as topography, natural features, adjacent development, or similar circumstances. A legal lot determination may be sufficient evidence of a hardship for purposes of approving a variance. 2.The variance is the minimum necessary to address the special or unique physical circumstances related to the subject site. 3.The proposal’s benefits will be greater than any negative impacts on the development of the adjacent uses and will further the purpose and intent of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan of the City. 4.The need for the variance is not self-imposed by the applicant or property owner. For example, the variance request does not arise as result of a property line adjustment or land division approval previously granted to the applicant. 13)The criteria of approval for a Tree Removal are described in Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) which require that all of the following criteria are met: a.Thetreeis proposed forremovalin order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part18.4and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.3.10. b.Removalof thetreewill not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacenttrees, or existing windbreaks. c.Removalof thetreewill not have a significant negative impact on thetreedensities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to thetree removalhave been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. d.Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact ontrees, so long as the alternativescontinue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. e.The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for theremovalof eachtreegranted approval pursuant to section18.5.7.050. Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approvalof the permit. PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 3 DRAFT FINDINGS SECTION 1. EXHIBITS For the purposes of reference to these Findings, the attached index of exhibits, data, and testimony will be used. Staff Exhibits lettered with an "S" Proponent's Exhibits, lettered with a "P" Opponent's Exhibits, lettered with an "O" Hearing Minutes, Notices, and MiscellaneousExhibits lettered with an "M" SECTION 2. CONCLUSORY FINDINGS Now, therefore, the Planning Commission of the City of Ashland finds, concludes,and recommends as follows: 2.1The Planning Commission finds that it has received all information necessary to rendera decision based on thecompleteApplicationMaterials,Staff Report, public hearing testimony; and by theirreference each of these are incorporated hereinas if set out in full. 2.2.1The Planning Commission findsthatAMC Title 18 Land Use regulates the development of land envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and to encourage efficient use of land resources among other goals. The Planning Commission finds that there is substantial evidence in the record to make findings that each of the request actions have been shown to meet the relevant approval criteria or meet those approval criteria through the imposition of certain binding conditions of approval. 2.2.2The PlanningCommission finds that the purpose of the Hillside Ordinance is to: “Provide for safe, orderly, and beneficial development of districts characterized by diversity of physiographic conditions and significant natural features; to limit alteration of topography and reduce encroachment upon, or alteration of, any natural environment and to provide for sensitive development in areas that are constrained by various natural features.” 2.2.3The Planning commission notes the complexity of developing the property a due to the physical constraints present, and further recognizes that the limitations regarding driveway grades poses added difficulty in developing the subject property due to the confluence of steep slopes, riparian protection zones, and tree preservationobjectives. 2.2.4The Planning Commission finds that the standards at AMC which provides for the standards to the ‘building envelope’ only relate to ‘newly created lots’and as such thosestandards at et. seq. arenot relevant to the application. 2.3The Planning Commission finds that allthe individual components, and their approval criteria, of the planning action are relatedto the same underlying issue which is the physical constraints of the property (steep slopes and water courses). The Planning Commission notes that the Land Use Ordinance considers land steeper than 35-percent to be unbuildable. The Planning Commission further notes that the average slope of the subject lot is more than60-percent. The Planning Commission finds thatthe Land Use Ordinance did not contemplate, and the standards PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 4 DRAFT FINDINGS within do not support, the development of such a property. 2.3.1The Planning Commission finds that the proposal meets all applicable criteria for a Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit as provided at AMC 18.3.10.The Planning Commission notes that the least steep portion of the lot is near the top of the property and the application has made everyeffort to minimize the impacts while at the same time site the home in the area of least steep slopes. The Planning Commission finds that the application includes detailed erosion and sediment control plans as well as a geotechnical report and that by following the recommendations in both that the potential hazards will have been mitigated. The Planning Commission finds that the landscaping plan and erosion control plan will minimize any adverse impacts and that the single-family home is well within the maximum development allowed 2.3.2The Planning Commission notes thatthe application requestsfive exceptions to the Hillside Design standards as detailed below: a.General Requirements –New Streets and Driveways: b.Retention in Natural State: 18.3.10.B.3. c.Grading –Maximum Cut Slope Retaining Wall Height: d.Downhill Wall HeightLimitation: E.2.c e.Horizontal Building Plane Limitation: E.2.d The Planning Commission finds that the physical constraints of the property, and the incompatibility of the hillside standards for a property of this steepness create a demonstrable difficulty in meeting the hillside standards. Additionally, while the cut faces are significant and terraced sections exceed the amount permitted, without an exception for the taller cuts ultimately more of the hillside would need to be disturbed. The Planning commission finds that based on thestatement of the engineer these exceptions are the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. 2.3.3The Planning Commission finds that the driveway design, based on the topography, has no alternative but to cross Twin Creek. The application states that the design specifically minimizes the impact on the WRPZ while also providing the required grade and access standards for Fire Department access. Given that the crossing was inevitable in the design phase the applicant has made efforts to ensure that thedisturbance has been minimized and that no practicable alternative exists. The Planning Commission finds that the storm drain system has been designed by an engineer to ensure that it can pass the base flood, and that the application includes an extensivereplanting plan of native species. The Planning Commission further finds that a management plan is not required as the property isresidentially zoned and proposed to be occupied only by a single-family dwelling. 2.3.4The application requires two variances: One for maximum grade to a driveway,and a second for amount of allowed lot coverage. The application is requesting a variance to driveway grade to allow one segment of driveway to exceed the 15-percent maximum grade, but remain less than 18-percent, for a distance of 200 feet. Ashland’s Land Use Ordinance at AMC requires that: “Flag drive grades shall not exceed a maximum grade of 15 percent. Variances may be granted for flag drives for grades in excess of 15 percent but no greater than 18percent for not more than 200 feet. Such variances PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 5 DRAFT FINDINGS shall be required to meet all of the criteria for approval in chapter 18.5.5 Variances.” The proposed driveway is 814-feet in total length with a vertical climb of 124-feet for an average slope of 15.23-percent with a range between 8-18 percent. The applicants have designed the driveway so that one section that is 200-feet in length has an 18-percent grade. The second variance is for maximum allowed lot coverage. The code specifies that there are maximum allowed lot coverages for different zones. Shown at right is the subject property with the two separate zoning districts delineated by the dashed line bisecting the property. The western part is 1.51 acres and is zoned Woodland Reserve (WR), and the easternpart is 1.71 acres and is zoned Rural Residential (RR-.5). The WR zone allows for 7-percent lot coverage and the RR-.5 zone allows for 20-percent lot coverage. The application request to increase the amount of lot coverage on the WR zoned part from the allowed maximum of 7-percent to a total of 11.7-percent. This is an increase of 66-percent over the standard (3,052 sq ft over the allowed 4,611 sq. ft. for a total of 7,663). The RR-.5 part of the property is proposed to have a total of 13.7-percent lot coverage, which is 6.3-percent below the allowed maximum coverage of 20- percent. That said, when considering the property as a whole, the overall proposal has less lot coverage than would be allowed in total. The Planning Commission finds that the property has a unique set of physical constraints in the significant slopes are throughout the property and intermittent stream channels bisect the access point from the building area. The positive benefits of allowing the 18% grade is that the height of the cuts from stations 2+80 to 4+80 are less than if the grade of the drive was at 15%. The Planning Commission further finds that the physical characteristics of the site which warrant the complex driveway construction, and increased lot coverage have not been self-imposed by the applicant. The Planning Commission concludes that the approval criteria for both variances has been met. 2.3.5The application states that there are over 330 trees larger than six inches DBH (Diameter at Breast Height), and that the design ofthe project has taken efforts to minimize required tree removals. The application states that those trees identified for removal are because they are “in the path of the proposed driveway, are in the building envelope, or within the required 30-foot buffer from the residence, are in poor condition, or the impacts of construction will irreparably harm the trees.” The application asserts that, “There are no specimen trees or trees of stellar quality that would necessitate preservation or redesign of the driveway, building envelope area, and proposed residence.”With that said, the application includes a request a Tree Removal permit for eighteen significant trees, as well as Tree Removal permits for those regulated trees in the Riparian protection zone/floodplain of Twin Creek, and many smaller stature trees that are part of the wildfire fuel reduction plan.The Planning Commission finds that the regulated trees that are requested for removal meet the criteria of approval for trees that are not a hazard asthey are located in the building envelope and driveway area. 2.4During the public comment period Jasmin Holley suppliedwritten comment expressing concerns about the development. Jasmin Holley also appeared during the hearing and provided testimony. Jasmin Holley supplieda set of proposed conditions of approval that she felt would mitigate her concerns. Except forrestrictions on hours of construction (which is already regulated in the AMC) the applicant’s representative indicated that there were no concerns in principle, as such they have been included as conditions of approval. PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 6 DRAFT FINDINGS 2.5.1In Summary, the applicant has submitted a substantial set of findings addressing all of the relevant approval criteria for the planning action, the requested exceptions andvariances. The application addresses the unique factor requiring the need for the requested variances is the fact that the areas of the property with the slopes of less than 35-percent, which were identified for the building envelope, are located considerably upslope from the access and thus require significant encroachment into the steep slopes and riparian protection zones so that the driveway could achieve the required grade. Additionally, the application asserts that the location of the two identified watercourses preclude development of the lower portion of the property. And finally, in discussing the exceptions in general the application states that the code did not anticipate a property with such steep slopes and that that these site conditions constitute “a unique aspect because a parcel with this degree of slope cannot be created under present zoning ordinances.” 2.5.2The Commission finds that with the conditions below attached, the proposal satisfies the applicable approval criteria. The Planning Commission finds that the proposal meets all applicable criteria for a Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit as provided at AMC 18.3.10 with five exceptions to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands, a Limited Activities and Uses Permit in the WRPZ as provided at AMC 18.3.11, two Variances as provided at AMC 18.5.5, and the removal of eighteen trees that are not a hazard as provided at AMC 18.5.7. SECTION 3. DECISION 3.1Based on therecord of the Public Hearings on this matter, andall materials submitted by the applicant the Planning Commission concludes that the applicant’s site planning, building design, engineering and landscape planning adequately address the criteria and standards for the Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit with five associated design exceptions, two Variances, Limited Activities and Uses permit for the WRPZ, and tree removal permits.Therefore,the Planning Commission approves the Application, with the attached conditions of approval, notingthat this decision is supported by evidence contained within the whole record. 1.Thatallproposalsoftheapplicantshallbeconditionsofapprovalunlessotherwise modifiedherein.Towit,Duringthehearingtheapplicantindicatedconsentwiththe suggestedconditionssubmittedbyMs.Holley,theyfollow: a.TheSharedDriveway/accessroadfor295,303,309-11,313,315-17,321,329 GraniteStreettobeprofessionallyassessedpriortopriortoconstructionbeginning. b.Duringtheconstructionoftheprojecttemporaryrepairstobemadeasnecessaryto maintaintheroad. c.Theroadwillreasonablypassableandfunctionalatalltimes d.Attheconclusionoftheprojecttheroadshallbereconstructedtoastandardequalto orgreaterthantheassessedcondition. e.Thattreeprotectionmeasuresasdesignedremaininplaceduringconstruction. f.Thatalleasementsbephysicallymarkedonsitepriortoconstruction. PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 7 DRAFT FINDINGS 2.Thattheplanssubmittedforthebuildingpermitshallbeinsubstantialconformancewith thoseapprovedaspartofthisapplication.Iftheplanssubmittedforthebuildingpermit arenotinsubstantialconformancewiththoseapprovedaspartofthisapplication,an applicationtomodifythislanduseapprovalshallbesubmittedandapprovedpriorto issuanceofabuildingpermit. 3.Thatthepropertyownershallsigninfavoroflocalimprovementdistrictsforthefuture streetimprovements,includingbutnotlimitedtosidewalks,parkrow,curb,gutterand stormdrainage,forGraniteStreetpriortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit. 4.ThatarevisedTreeProtectionPlanconsistentwiththestandardsdescribedinAMC 18.4.5besubmittedforreviewandapprovaloftheStaffAdvisorpriortotheissuanceof abuildingpermit.TheplanshallincorporatetherecommendationsoftheTree Commissionandidentifythelocationandplacementoffencingaroundthedriplinesof treesidentifiedforpreservation.Thetreeprotectionfencingshallbeinstalledaccording totheapprovedplanpriortoanysitework.Noconstructionshalloccurwithinthetree protectionzoneincludingdumpingorstorageofmaterialssuchasbuildingsupplies,soil, waste,equipment,orparkedvehicles.Theamountoffillandgradingwithinthedrip linesshallbeminimized.Cutswithinthedriplineshallbenotedonthetreeprotection plan,andshallbeexecutedbyhandsawandkepttoaminimum.Nofillshallbeplaced aroundthetrunk/crownroot. 5.ThataTreeVerificationPermitshallbeappliedforandapprovedbytheStaffAdvisor priortopermitissuance,treeremoval,oranysiteworkincludingdemolition,staging, storageofmaterials,orexcavation.TheTreeVerificationPermitistoinspectthe identificationofthetreetoberemovedandtheinstallationoftreeprotectionfencingfor thetreestobeprotectedonandadjacenttothesite.Thetreeprotectionshallbechainlink fencingsixfeettallandinstalledinaccordancewithAMC18.4.5.030. 6.Thatanytemporaryerosioncontrolmeasures(i.e.siltfenceandbalebarriers)andsilt fencingtoprotecttheTwinCreeksWaterResourceProtectionZoneshallbeinstalled accordingtotheapprovedplan,inspectedandapprovedbytheStaffAdvisorpriortoany sitework,staging,storageofmaterials,excavationorpermitissuance. 7.Thatapre-constructionconferencetoreviewtherequirementsoftheHillside DevelopmentPermitshallbeheldon-sitepriortositework,theissuanceofanexcavation permitortheissuanceofabuildingpermit,whicheveractionoccursfirst.Theconference shallincludetheAshlandPlanningDepartment,AshlandBuildingDepartment,any relevantPublicWorksorUtilitiesstaff,andtheapplicant’sprojectteamincludingthe projectengineer,projectgeotechnicalexperts,landscapeprofessional,arborist,the generalcontractorandexcavationandutilitysubcontractors.Theapplicantorapplicants’ representativeshallcontacttheAshlandPlanningDepartmenttoschedulethe preconstructionconference. 8.Thatallmeasuresinstalledforthepurposesoflong-termerosioncontrol,includingbut notlimitedtovegetativecover,rockwalls,retainingwallsandlandscapingshallbe maintainedinperpetuityonallareasinaccordancewithAMC18.3.10.090.B.7. 9.Thatafinal‘GeneralFuelModificationArea’fuelreductionplanaddressingthe requirementsinAMC18.3.10.100.Bshallbeprovidedforthereviewandapprovalofthe PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 8 DRAFT FINDINGS FireDepartmentpriortobringingcombustiblematerialsontotheproperty,andanynew landscapingproposedshallcomplywiththewildfireoverlayzonestandardsandshallnot includeplantslistedontheProhibitedFlammablePlantListperResolution2018-028. 10.Thatthebuildingpermitsubmittalsshallincludethefollowing: a.Identificationofalleasements,includingbutnotlimitedtoanypublicandprivate utilityeasements,mutualaccesseasements,,andfireapparatusaccesseasements. b.Solarsetbackcalculationsdemonstratingthatallnewconstructioncomplieswith SolarSetbackStandardAintheformula\[(Height–6)/(0.445+Slope)=Required SolarSetback\]andelevationsorcrosssectiondrawingsclearlyidentifyingthehighest shadowproducingpoint(s)andtheheight(s)fromnaturalgrade. c.Lotcoveragecalculationsincludingallbuildingfootprints,driveways,parking,and circulationareas.Lotcoverageshallbelimitedtonomorethanthatdescribedinthe currentVariancerequest. d.Thatstormwaterfromallnewimpervioussurfacesandrun-offassociatedwithpeak rainfallsmustbecollectedonsiteandchanneledtotheCitystormwatercollection system(i.e.,curbgutteratpublicstreet,publicstormpipeorpublicdrainageway)or throughanapprovedalternativeinaccordancewithAshlandBuildingDivisionpolicy BD-PP-0029.On-sitecollectionsystemsshallbedetailedonthebuildingpermit submittals. e.Thatwrittenverificationfromtheprojectgeotechnicalexpertaddressingthe consistencyofthebuildingpermitsubmittalswiththegeotechnicalreport recommendations(e.g.gradingplan,stormdrainageplan,foundationplan,etc.)shall beprovidedwiththebuildingpermit. f.Thatthebuildingfoundationshallbedesignedbyanengineerorarchitectwith demonstrablegeotechnicaldesignexperienceinaccordancewithAMC 11.Thatpriortofinalinspectionapprovalortheissuanceofacertificateofoccupancy: a.Replacementtreestomitigatethetreesremovedshallbeplantedandirrigated accordingtotheapprovedplan,oralternativemitigationaddressedasprovidedin AMC18.5.7.050. b.Thattheflagdriveshallbepavedtoa12-footwidth,withaverticalclearanceof13- feet,6-inchesandbeabletowithstand44,000lbs.priortofinalinspectionapproval ortheissuanceofacertificateofoccupancy.Theflagdriveshallbeconstructedso astopreventsurfacedrainagefromflowingovertheprivatepropertylinesand/or publicwayinaccordancewith18.5.3.060.Theapplicantshallprovidecertification thatthedrivewaygradeisconsistentwiththatpermittedhereinpreparedbya licensedlandsurveyor. c.Thattheprojectgeo-technicalexpertshallinspectthesiteaccordingtotheinspection scheduleoftheengineeringgeologyreportincludedintheapplicationpriortothe issuanceofthecertificateofoccupancy,theprojectgeo-technicalexpertshall provideafinalreportindicatingthattheapprovedgrading,drainageanderosion PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 9 DRAFT FINDINGS controlmeasureswereinstalledaspertheapprovedplans,andthatallscheduled inspectionswereconductedbytheprojectgeotechnicalexpertperiodically throughouttheproject. d.Thelandscapingandirrigationforre-vegetationofcut/fillslopesanderosioncontrol shallbeinstalledinaccordancewiththeapprovedplanpriortoissuanceofthe certificateofoccupancy.Vegetationshallbeinstalledinsuchamannerastobe substantiallyestablishedwithinoneyearofinstallation. Planning Commission ApprovalDate PA-T2-2022-00036 March8,2022 Page 10 Memo Department of Community Development Tel: 541-488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2022-00037 () corner of Van Ness & Water Streets SUBJECT PROPERTY:165 Water Street, 160 Helman Street and 95 Van Ness APPLICANT/OWNER: Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC, agent for DESCRIPTION: A request for an eight-lot commercial subdivision to construct a phased mixed-use development for the three properties at 95 Van Ness Street, 165 Water Street and 160 Helman Street. The applicant’s Phase I requests Site Design Review approval for five mixed-use buildings consisting of two ground floor commercial spaces with two residential units above in each building, as well as associated surface parking, utility infrastructure and street improvements. The remaining three building sites would be developed in a later phase. The application also includes a request for a Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit because the proposal includes development on severe constraints lands with slopes greater than 35 percent and on floodplain corridor lands; a request for an Exception to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands; a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove 20 trees on the three properties and within the adjacent rights-of-way; a request for an Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards to allow 3,087 square feet of plaza space where the standards require 5,624 square feet; and a request for an Exception to Street Standards to allow parking bays with street trees in bump-outs along Van Ness Avenue rather than standard park row planting strips. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Employment; ZONING: E-1; ASSESSORÔS MAP: 39 1E 04CC; TAX LOTS #: 2000, 2100 & 7100 The Ashland Historic Commission will review this Planning Action at an electronic public hearing on NOTE:Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:00 . See page 2 of this notice for information about participating in the electronic public hearing. PM The Ashland Tree Commission will review this Planning Action at an electronic public hearing on . NOTE:Thursday, March 3, 2022at 6:00 PM See page 2 of this notice for information about participating in the electronic public hearing. ELECTRONIC ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: March 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Historic and Tree Commission Meetings Notice is hereby given that the will hold an electronic public hearing on the above described planning action on the meeting Historic and Tree Commission date and time shown on Page 1. If you would like to watch and listen to the meetings virtually, but not participate in any Historic and Tree Commission discussion, you can use the Zoom link posted on the City of Ashland calendar website https://www.ashland.or.us/calendar.asp . Anyone wishing to submit written comments can do so by sending an e-mail to PC-public-testimony@ashland.or.us with the subject line ÑAdvisory Commission Hearing TestimonyÒ by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Oral testimony will be taken during the electronic public hearing. If you wish to provide oral testimony during the electronic meeting, send an email to PC- In order to provide testimony at the public hearing, please provide the public-testimony@ashland.or.us by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. following information: 1) make the subject line of the email “Advisory Commission Testimony Request”, 2) include your name, 3) specify the date and commission meeting you wish to testify at, 4) specify the agenda item you wish to speak to, 5) specify if you will be participating by computer or telephone, and 6) the name you will use if participating by computer or the telephone number you will use if participating by telephone. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator’s office at 541-488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. (28 CFR 35.102.-35.104 ADA Title I). SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A. The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and Underlying Zone: yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). Overlay Zones: C. The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as Site Development and Design Standards: provided by subsection E, below. D. The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, City Facilities: sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards:The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards E. of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Preliminary Subdivision Plat Criteria The approval authority, pursuant to subsection, may approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary A. Approval Criteria. subdivision plat on findings of compliance with all of the following approval criteria. 1. The subdivision plan conforms to applicable City-adopted neighborhood or district plans, if any, and any previous land use approvals for the subject area. 2. Proposed lots conform to the requirements of the underlying zone, per part 18.2, any applicable overlay zone requirements, per part 18.3, and any applicable development standards, per part 18.4(e.g., parking and access, tree preservation, solar access and orientation). 3. Access to individual lots necessary to serve the development shall conform to the standards contained in section Vehicle Area Design. 4. The proposed streets, utilities, and surface water drainage facilities conform to the standards in chapter 18.4.6, and allow for transitions to existing and potential future development on adjacent lands. The preliminary plat shall identify all proposed public improvements and dedications. 5. All proposed private common areas and improvements, if any, are identified on the preliminary plat and maintenance of such areas(e.g., landscaping, tree preservation, common areas, access, parking, etc.) is ensured through appropriate legal instrument (e.g., Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s). 6. Required State and Federal permits, as applicable, have been obtained or can reasonably be obtained prior to development. The approval authority may attach such conditions as are necessary to carry out provisions of this ordinance, and other B. Conditions of Approval. applicable ordinances and regulations. EXCEPTION TO STREET STANDARDS Exception to the Street Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the standards section in Street Design Standards if all of the following circumstances are found to exist. a. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. b. The exception will result in equal or superior transportation facilities and connectivity considering the following factors where applicable. i. For transit facilities and related improvements, access, wait time, and ride experience. ii. For bicycle facilities, feeling of safety, quality of experience (i.e., comfort level of bicycling along the roadway), and frequency of conflicts with vehicle cross traffic. iii. For pedestrian facilities, feeling of safety, quality of experience (i.e., comfort level of walking along roadway), and ability to safety and efficiency crossing roadway. c. The exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. d. The exception is consistent with the Purpose and Intent of the Street Standards in subsection PHYSICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS An application for a Physical Constraints Review Permit is subject to the Type I procedure in section and shall be approved if the proposal meets all of the following criteria. A.Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. B.That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. C.That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum development permitted by this ordinance. EXCEPTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR HILLSIDE LANDS An exception under this section is not subject to the variance requirements of chapter 18.5.5 Variances. An application for an exception is subject to the Type I procedure in section and may be granted with respect to the development standards for Hillside Lands if the proposal meets all of the following criteria. 1. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. 2. The exception will result in equal or greater protection of the resources protected under this chapter. 3. The exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. 4. The exception is consistent with the stated Purpose and Intent of chapter Physical and Environmental Constraints Overlay chapter and section 18.3.10 Development Standards for Hillside Lands. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (AMC 1. A Hazard Tree Removal Permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or Hazard Tree. can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a. The applicant must demonstrate that the condition or location of the tree presents a clear public safety hazard (i.e., likely to fall and injure persons or property) or a foreseeable danger of property damage to an existing structure or facility, and such hazard or danger cannot reasonably be alleviated by treatment, relocation, or pruning. See definition of hazard tree in part 18.6. b. The City may require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each hazard tree pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 2. A Tree Removal Permit for a tree that is not a hazard shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application Tree That is Not a Hazard. meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a. The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.10. b. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. c. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. d. Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. e. The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 165 Water Street 95 Van Ness Avenue 160 Helman Street 165 Water Street 95 Van Ness Avenue 160 Helman Street Subdivision Access & Minimum Street Frontage Site Design Review Off-Street Parking Requirements & On-Street Parking Credits Ground Floor Commercial/Residential Split Adequate Transportation (AMC - Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property Historic District Development Standards and Historic Commission Review Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards Plaza Space In the Detail Site Review overlay, developments that are greater than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area or contain more than 100 feet of building frontage shall, in addition to complying with the standards for Basic (AMC and Detail (AMC Site Review, above, conform to the following standards. See conceptual elevation of large scale development in Figure conceptual site plan of large scale development in Figure All improvements on a site, including alterations to land and new or remodeled structures, parking and loading areas, landscaping, paved or graveled areas, and areas devoted to exterior display, storage, or activities. * the result of the exception to the public pedestrian plaza area is that the proposed areas are well designed, incorporating all of the features sought in the plaza area standards and equally achieve the stated purpose which is to create a safe and comfortable environment and to encourage walking and cycling while maintaining high quality development. The proposed uses and smaller than required pedestrian plaza area is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Employment zone which allows for more industrial types of uses than the Commercial zone and higher intensity development than residential zones. Physical & Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit ( and Exception to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands (AMC unclear and unobjectiveÈ seemingly residential standards \[As the applicant notes, the standards in AMC are not applicable to the historic districts and as such would not require an exception here in the Skidmore Academy Historic District.\] Development of Severe Constraints Lands relatively unique in being E-1 zoned, outside of the Hillside Lands overlay, with a limited area of Severe Constraints Lands near the rear of the property, and with developable E-1 land both above and below the slope which are to be protected from slope failure with structural retaining to enable development typical of E-1 lands and their associated development and design standards. Tree Removal Permit Ð The site is proposed to be fully redeveloped with commercial structures and required parking areas. The amount of site work required to achieve the level of development required in the commercial zone, often necessitates the removal trees that are within the buildable areas of the property. The trees are proposed for removal to permit the applicant to be consistent with other applicable ordinance requirements and standards applicable to the Site Design Standards and the Physical and Environmental Constraints ordinance.Ñ Exception to Street Standards (AMC Exception to the Street Design Standards ÐÈ. may be provided in 7 ft bays rather than as a continuous on-street lane Solar Setback Exception (AMC habitable Solar Access Exception provide protection of a reasonable amount of sunlight from shade from structures and vegetation whenever feasible to all parcels in the City to preserve the economic value of solar radiation falling on structures, investments in solar energy systems, and the options for future uses of solar energy A. Approval Criteria. The approval authority, pursuant to subsection, may approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary subdivision plat on findings of compliance with all of the following approval criteria. 1. The subdivision plan conforms to applicable City-adopted neighborhood or district plans, if any, and any previous land use approvals for the subject area. 2. Proposed lots conform to the requirements of the underlying zone, per part 18.2, any applicable overlay zone requirements, per part 18.3, and any applicable development standards, per part 18.4 (e.g., parking and access, tree preservation, solar access and orientation). 3. Access to individual lots necessary to serve the development shall conform to the standards contained in section Vehicle Area Design. 4. The proposed streets, utilities, and surface water drainage facilities conform to the standards in chapter 18.4.6, and allow for transitions to existing and potential future development on adjacent lands. The preliminary plat shall identify all proposed public improvements and dedications. 5. All proposed private common areas and improvements, if any, are identified on the preliminary plat and maintenance of such areas (e.g., landscaping, tree preservation, common areas, access, parking, etc.) is ensured through appropriate legal instrument (e.g., Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&RÓs). 6. Required State and Federal permits, as applicable, have been obtained or can reasonably be obtained prior to development. B. Conditions of Approval. The approval authority may attach such conditions as are necessary to carry out provisions of this ordinance, and other applicable ordinances and regulations. A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards: The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. a. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. b. The exception will result in equal or superior transportation facilities and connectivity considering the following factors where applicable. i. For transit facilities and related improvements, access, wait time, and ride experience. ii. For bicycle facilities, feeling of safety, quality of experience (i.e., comfort level of bicycling along the roadway), and frequency of conflicts with vehicle cross traffic. iii. For pedestrian facilities, feeling of safety, quality of experience (i.e., comfort level of walking along roadway), and ability to safety and efficiency crossing roadway. c. The exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. d. The exception is consistent with the Purpose and Intent of the Street Standards in subsection A. Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. B. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. C. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum development permitted by this ordinance. There is demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements of this chapter due to a unique or unusual aspect of the site or proposed use of the site. 2. The exception will result in equal or greater protection of the resources protected under this chapter. 3. The exception is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty. 4. The exception is consistent with the stated Purpose and Intent of chapter 18.3.10, Physical and Environmental Constraints Overlay, and section, Development Standards for Hillside Lands. i. The exception does not preclude the reasonable use of solar energy (i.e., passive and active solar energy systems) on the site by future habitable buildings. ii. The exception does not diminish any substantial solar access which benefits a passive or active solar energy system used by a habitable structure on an adjacent lot. iii. There are unique or unusual circumstances that apply to this site which do not typically apply elsewhere. (Ord. 3147 § 8, amended, 11/21/2017). The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.3.10. b. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. c. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. d. Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. e. The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. i.e., curb gutter at public street, public storm pipe or public drainage way San Diego Buff San Diego Buff San Diego Buff _________________________________ FW: PA-T2-2022-00237 - May we have impartial meetings Bill Molnar <bill.molnar@ashland.or.us> Thu 2022-02-24 03:15 PM To: Derek Severson <derek.severson@ashland.or.us> Cc: Brandon Goldman <brandon.goldman@ashland.or.us> L͸ƌƌ Ɠƚfy the enre Council of the need to refrain from discussing or reviewing informaon related to this quasi- judicial acon before the PC, as it would be subject to rules regarding ex parte communicaons outside the public hearing process. CƩƚƒʹ Mark Brouillard <MTBrouillard@msn.com> {ĻƓƷʹ Thursday, February 24, 2022 2:59 PM ƚʹ Shaun Moran <Shaun.Moran@council.ashland.or.us>; Stephen Jensen <stephen@council.ashland.or.us>; Paula Hya <Paula.Hya@council.ashland.or.us> /ĭʹ Bill Molnar <bill.molnar@ashland.or.us>; Julie Akins <julie@council.ashland.or.us> {ǒĬƆĻĭƷʹ PA-T2-2022-00237 - May we have imparal meengs \[EXTERNAL SENDER\] To Council Liaisons, Planning Department, and Mayor, I am asking that we have imparal meengs with regards to PA-T2-2022-00237. There are very specic reasons for this. During the last go around with what is being proposed (it was for 95 Van Ness Street - PA-T1-2018-0033) a proclamaon was made by a presenter (Rogue Planning) and laughed at and mocked by the historic commission members. That proclamaon was "now that there aren't any pesky home owners here we might get something accomplished." I was present at the meeng as a homeowner and made an objecon to it (being labeled as a pesky homeowner). But, the aending historic commission members laughed at it and I guess they thought it was entertaining. To me and others it showed bias. Again, we are having another new PA with regards to the subject properes at 95 Van Ness, 160 Helman, and 165 Water. We as neighbors thought we had goen past the prior two approvals (much to the objecons of the neighborhood) for 95 Van Ness and 160 Helman. We had all goen used to the idea of having (2) 40 foot tall buildings across the street from us to now trying for 5 massive buildings that oer no aordable housing, unless you call a million dollars per condo aordable (8 buildings in total with 3 being on 165 Water). Those of us who have been around long enough on Helman have seen the City not be totally truthful with the neighborhood. Look into the notes and building plans for The Plaza Inns & Suites (on Helman Street and Central Avenue). One building we never saw the plans for and when the open house happened, Mayor DeBoer asked what we thought about the buildings; he was asked where it was on the plans. They were not there. Bill Molnar's predecessor told us that the City wouldn't let another 3 story building happen on Helman Street aer the Plaza asco. Our original suggeson for the now 95 Van Ness Avenue building would be to make it the height limit of the historic district, which is 30 feet. It should have a setback as well. The type of building that they are wanng to build is one that is beer suited for the Clear Creek Drive area. Here are our other concerns (again) with the project: In our opinion the buildings do not meet the basic requirements of AMC First, the buildings Ǟźƌƌ ĬĻ ĭƚƓƭźķĻƩğĬƌĻ ƷğƌƌĻƩ ƷŷğƓ ƷŷĻ ͻŷźƭƷƚƩźĭ ĬǒźƌķźƓŭƭ źƓ ƷŷĻ ǝźĭźƓźƷǤͼ ƦǒƩƭǒğƓƷ Ʒƚ ЊБ͵Ѝ͵Ћ͵ЉЎЉ͵.͵Ћ͵ ŷĻ buildings, in our opinion, also does not meet the criteria for the following secons: B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, B.7, B.8, B.9, and B.10. ‘Ļ ğƌƭƚ ĬĻƌźĻǝĻ ƷŷğƷ ğĭĭƚƩķźƓŭ Ʒƚ !a/ ЊБΏЋ͵Ќ͵ЊЌЉ͵! Ǟŷźĭŷ ƭƷğƷĻƭ ƷŷğƷ ͻ5ǞĻƌƌźƓŭƭ źƓ ƷŷĻ 9ΏЊ ǩƚƓĻ ğƩĻ limited to the R-overlay zone. See chapter 18-3.13 Residenğƌ hǝĻƩƌğǤ͵ͼ ŷźƭ ƦƩƚƦĻƩƷǤ źƭ ƓƚƷ źƓ ƷŷĻ residenal overlay (gure and should be held to R-2 standards. If this holds true, and with the Historic District overlay, the maximum height is to be 30 feet not the 39.5 feet that is planned. It would also need the proper setbacks as well. Having a building directly at the edge of the sidewalk also does not t with AMC Again, the main topic is to have imparal meengs with regards to PA-T2-2022-00237, and yes I do understand that the public is allowed their opinion. But when the commissions nd it funny then we have unintended bias. Respecully, Mark and Donna Brouillard 159 Helman Street Ashland, OR 97520 206-661-7085 Applicant’s Submittal _________________________________ ROGUE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, LLC . . 2100 391E04CC, 2000 391E04CC, 7100 391E04CC MAGNOLIA TERRACE PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW SET Site Context / Historical Building Comparison Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan Phase 1 Landscape Materials Board Boundary and Topographic Survey Typical Section (Bldg 1-8 Similar) Phase 1 Building Materials Board Tree Protection & Removal Plan Preliminary Erosion Control Plan Development Phasing Diagram Preliminary Subdivision Map RESIDENTIAL / HISTORIC Architectural Site Plan Comment Responses 1.19 ACRE (51,897 SF) Phase 1 Planting PlanPreliminary Utility Plan Building 1 ElevationsBuilding 2 ElevationsBuilding 3 ElevationsBuilding 4 ElevationsBuilding 5 Elevations Landscape Site PlanStormwater Diagram Tree Planting Plan A0.3Street ElevationsA0.4Street Elevations Building 1 PlansBuilding 1 PlansBuilding 2 PlansBuilding 2 PlansBuilding 3 PlansBuilding 3 PlansBuilding 4 PlansBuilding 4 PlansBuilding 5 PlansBuilding 5 Plans Street Views Site History SHEET INDEX BASE ZONE:E-1 OVERLAY ZONES:MAP & TAX LOTS: LOT AREA: C1.0C2.0C3.0 SV-1SV-2A0.0A0.1A0.2A0.5A0.6A1.1A1.2A1.3A2.1A2.2A2.3A3.1A3.2A3.3A4.1A4.2A4.3A5.1A5.2A5.3 H1.0H2.0 L0.1L0.2L1.0L1.1L2.0L2.1L3.0 TERRAIN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 112 N. 5TH ST. SUITE 20033 N. CENTRAL AVE STE. 210 TALENT, OR 97540KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601MEDFORD, OR 97501 GIL LIVNICIVIL ENGINEER:MARC CROSSLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:PIPER VON CHAMIER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, LLC 1314-B Center Dr., PMB#457 TALENT, OR 97540CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES, LLCRHINE CROSS GROUP, LLC ROGUE PLANNING AND ASHLAND, OR 97501MEDFORD, OR 97501 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SNYDER ENGINEERS 415 E. PINE ST. SURVEYOR:SHAWN KAMPMANNLAND USE PLANNER:AMY GUNTER 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / POLARIS LAND SURVEYING, LLC MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES, LLC 95 VAN NESS AVE 441 TALENT AVE441 TALENT AVE PO BOX 459 OWNER/PERMIT APPLICANT: BUILDING DESIGNER: PROJECT ADDRESS: Concept Render: Van Ness Avenue & Helman Street N.T.S. Scale: 1 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE MAGNOLIA TERRACE 0'8'16'32'48' " = 1'-0" 16 1 SCALE: PHASE 1 PHASE 1 1 E S A H P PHASE 2 PHASE 1 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon AND REMOVAL PLAN #DATEDESCRIPTION TREE PROTECTION PvC, CG, EG 2117 PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW L0.2 PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE ----- MAGNOLIA TERRACE 0'10'20'40'60' E18E19E20 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" P EPOR L YTR ENI TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) DRIPLINE OF TREE TO REMAIN TREE PROTECTION PLAN LEGEND TREE TO REMOVE SYMBOLDESCRIPTION TPZ FENCING REMOVE - WITHIN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINT E N I L Y T REMOVE - INAPPROPRIATE TREE FOR PARKROWREMOVE - INAPPROPRIATE TREE FOR PARKROWREMOVE - INAPPROPRIATE TREE FOR PARKROWREMOVE - INAPPROPRIATE TREE FOR PARKROWREMOVE - INAPPROPRIATE TREE FOR PARKROW R E P O R P REMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINTREMOVE - WITHIN BUILDING FOOTPRINT E12E13E14 ACTION E N I L Y TPZ RADIUS T R E P (FT) N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A O R P E01OAK6"E02OAK0'-7"E03OAK0'-9"E04DECIDUOUS0'-4"E07DECIDUOUS0'-10"E08DECIDUOUS0'-8"E09DECIDUOUS0'-8"1'-4"1'-4"DECIDUOUS0'-4"E13OAK2'-0"MAPLE0'-10"DECIDUOUS0'-11"FRUITLESS MULBERRY0'-11"E18FRUITLESS MULBERRY1'-3"E19DECIDUOUS1'-0"1'-4" E05MAPLE0'-8"E06DECIDUOUS0'-3"E16DECIDUOUS0'-7" TRUNK DBH E15E16E17 (IN) E11DECIDUOUS E10DECIDUOUS TREE NAME TREE LEGEND E20PINE ENIL YTREPORP E12E14E15E17 # E01E11 E02E03E04E05E06E07E08E09E10 OFF-SITE TREE PROVIDE TREE PROTECTION DURING PAVING OF ALLEY EXISTING 14. IF TEMPORARY HAUL OR ACCESS ROADS MUST PASS OVER THE ROOT AREA OF TREES TO BE RETAINED, MATCH GRADES WITH SIDEWALKS AND CURBS, AND IN THOSE AREAS, FEATHER THE ADDED TOPSOIL BACK TREE OR GROUP OF TREES. FENCES ARE TO REMAIN UNTIL ALL SITE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. FENCES12. BEFORE GRADING, PAD PREPARATION, OR EXCAVATION FOR THE FOUNDATIONS, FOOTINGS, WALLS, 7. IF INJURY SHOULD OCCUR TO ANY TREE DURING CONSTRUCTION, NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTAND WATER UPTAKE CAPABILITIES OF THE REMAINING ROOT STRUCTURE. DISTRIBUTE MYCOAPPLY EVENLY 6. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF TREE PRUNING IS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE . 4. ALL PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND DRAIN OR IRRIGATION LINES SHALL BE ROUTED OUTSIDE 13. ANY ROOTS DAMAGED DURING GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE EXPOSED TO SOUND TISSUEWITHIN THE ACTIVE ROOT ZONE OF RETAINED TREES. APPLY 30 GALS. OF SOLUTION PER TREE 6" DBH AND SHALL BE 6' TALL TEMPORARY CHAIN LINK PANELS INSTALLED WITH METAL CONNECTIONS TO ALL PANELSAND CUT CLEANLY AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE TO THE ROOT WITH A SAW. PLACE DAMP SOIL AROUND ALL PEDESTRIANS AND/ OR VEHICLES THROUGH IT. FENCES DEFINE A SPECIFIC PROTECTION ZONE FOR EACH TUNNELED OR BORED UNDER THE TREE ROOTS. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF ANY 1. PRIOR TO DELIVERING EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT OR COMMENCING ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIESOR TRENCHING, ANY TREES WITHIN THE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION ZONE SHALL BE ROOT PRUNED 1 FOOT ROOTS WITH A SAW, VIBRATING KNIFE, ROCK SAW, NARROW TRENCHER WITH SHARP BLADES, OR OTHER 5. NO MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, SPOIL, OR WASTE OR WASHOUT WATER MAY BE DEPOSITED, STORED, ORCUT ROOTS TO A DEPTH EQUALING THE EXISTING FINISH GRADE WITHIN 4 HOURS OF CUTS BEING MADE. 20. EXCEPTIONS TO THE TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS MAY ONLY BE GRANTED IN EXTRAORDINARY A ROAD BED OF 6 - 8 INCHES OF WOOD MULCH OR GRAVEL SHALL BE CREATED TO PROTECT THE SOIL. WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE THAT CONSTRUCTION MAY BEGIN AFTER ALLDEPTH OF 24 INCHES. ROOTS SHALL BE CUT BY MANUALLY DIGGING A TRENCH AND CUTTING EXPOSED PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND EXCAVATION SUPERVISOR PRIORFOR OAKS ALREADY IN THE VICINITY OF IRRIGATED CONDITIONS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS OR REGULARPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, ALL RETAINED TREES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL RECEIVE AN APPLICATION 16. NO BURN PILES OR DEBRIS PILES SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE. NO ASHES, B. QUERCUS/OAK: DEEP WATER IN MAY AND SEPTEMBER, DO NOT WATER DURING OTHER MONTHS.17. MAINTAIN FIRE-SAFE AREAS AROUND FENCED AREA. ALSO, NO HEAT SOURCES, FLAMES, IGNITION 8. WATERING SCHEDULE: WATERING PROTECTED TREES SHALL FOLLOW THESE STANDARDS, HOWEVERPERIODS OF EXTREME HEAT, WIND, RAINFALL OR DROUGHT MAY REQUIRE MORE OR LESS WATER THANWATERING SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SPRAY ON OR WITHIN 3 FEET OF THE TRUNK. THE WATER SHALL IMMEDIATELY. ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TO EXISTING TREES SHALL BE COMPENSATED 2. FENCES MUST BE ERECTED TO PROTECT TREES TO BE PRESERVED AS SHOWN IN DIAGRAM. FENCING ABSORPTIVE SURFACE AREA OF THE TREES' ROOT SYSTEMS. THIS PROMOTES AND IMPROVES NUTRIENTGREATER, A MINIMUM OF 4" BELOW SOIL SURFACE IN QUANTITIES OF 1/2 GALLON AT EACH POINT OF 15. SPOIL FROM TRENCHES, BASEMENTS, OR OTHER EXCAVATIONS SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE 18. DO NOT RAISE THE SOIL LEVEL WITHIN THE DRIP LINES TO ACHIEVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE, EXCEPT TOCIRCUMSTANCES WITH WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY WORK THE ROAD BED MATERIAL SHALL BE REPLENISHED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A MIN. 6 INCH DEPTH. C. WATERING METHOD: HAND WATERING SYSTEMS, RECOMMENDED FOR TREES THAT ARE PART OF ADEVELOPMENT PROJECT THAT MUST BE WATERED TO INSURE TREE SURVIVAL DURING THE COURSE OFOUTSIDE THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE BY CUTTING ALL ROOTS CLEANLY AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE TO A 19. REMOVE THE ROOT WAD FOR EACH TREE THAT IS INDICATED ON THE PLAN AS BEING REMOVED. 21. AS A PROTECTIVE MEASURE TO COMPENSATE FOR CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS, TWO TO SIX WEEKS TO COMMENCING ANY WORK ON THE SITE. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE MAY NOT BE RELOCATED OR REMOVED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PROTECTION ZONES AT ALL TIMES. SEE DETAIL #1 "TREE PRESERVATION FENCING" FOR ADDITIONALOF MYCOAPPLY ALL PURPOSE SOLUBLE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. THIS MYCORRHIZAE OF THE DESCRIBED FENCING IS IN PLACE. FENCING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE PROJECT IS3. CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS, TRAFFIC AND STORAGE AREAS MUST REMAIN OUTSIDE FENCED TREE CONTRACTOR 48 HRS. IN ADVANCE FOR ALL SITE VISITS REQUESTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAINSTRUCTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE TO PREVENT AREA INTEGRATED, THESE FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT IT DOES NOT ALLOW PASSAGE OF A. MOST SPECIES: 1 TIME PER MONTH DURING IRRIGATION SEASON (USUALLY MARCH THROUGH THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE. IF LINES MUST TRANSVERSE THE PROTECTION AREA, THEY SHALL BE 9. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS SILT FENCING, DEBRIS BASINS, AND WATER DIVERSION ON THE SITE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR A PRODUCT IS A SPECIALLY FORMULATED NATURAL ROOT BIOSTIMULANT WHICH ENHANCES THE MYCOAPPLY IS AVAILABLE FROM MYCORRHIZAL APPLICATION, INC., PHONE (541) 476-3985. APPLICATION. LOCATE THE ACTIVE ROOT ZONES WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRESENT. DEBRIS, OR GARBAGE MAY BE DUMPED OR BURIED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE. FOR BY THE OFFENDING PARTY, BEFORE THE PROJECT WILL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE. SILTATION AND/ OR EROSION WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE. TREE PROTECTION ZONE, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. SOURCES, OR SMOKING IS ALLOWED NEAR MULCH OR TREES. PARKED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FENCED AREA). CONSTRUCTION UNTIL AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION IS INSTALLED. NOT BE ALLOWED TO POOL OR DRAIN TOWARDS THE TRUNK. PROJECT PLANS CONFLICT WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. TO EXISTING GRADE AT APPROXIMATELY 3:1 SLOPE. TREE PROTECTION AND REMOVAL NOTES APPROVED ROOT-PRUNING EQUIPMENT. RECOMMENDED IN THESE NOTES. COMMENCING. REQUIREMENTS. COMPLETED. SEPTEMBER) 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE MAGNOLIA TERRACE SEE ARCHITECTURAL development (4 covered, 10 uncovered). The remaining 12 spaces 26 TOTAL SPACES parking space for every five required automobile parking spaces, 16 UNCOVERED whichever is greater. Fifty percent of the bicycle parking spacesBIKE SPACES Uses required to provide off street parking, except as specifically10 COVERED DRAWINGS required shall be sheltered from the weather. All spaces shall be PROPOSED noted, shall provide two spaces per primary use, or one bicycle PER CITY OF ASHLAND LAND USE ORDINANCE - SECTION 18.4.3 NOTE: Fourteen (14) spaces will be installed during Phase 1 of located in proximity to the uses they are intended to serve. will be installed during Phase 2 (6 covered, 6 uncovered). SEE ARCHITECTURAL 0'8'16'32'48' MIN. BIKE SPACES PRIMARY USES) (2 SPACES X 10 Bicycle Parking for Non-Residential Uses. DRAWINGS 20 SPACES REQUIRED " = 1'-0" NON-RESIDENTIAL USE CATEGORY 16 1 SCALE: RESIDENTIAL STORMWATER PLANTER, TYP. STREET TREE WITH GRATE, DRIVEWAY APRON, SCD TYP. IN WATER STREET PERMEABLE PAVERSPERMEABLE PAVERS CURB RAMP, SCD ASPHALT PAVING BENCH, TYP. GUARDRAIL POLE LIGHT PARK ROW STORMWATER PLANTER POLE LIGHT PHASE 1 PHASE 1 ACCESSIBLE RAMP WITH HANDRAILS RAIN GARDEN CORNER PLAZA G N GRAVITY RETAINING WALLS, SCD ITRANSFORMER, SEE CIVIL DWGS KALLEY STAIRWAY CONNECTION R A P T E GARBAGE & RECYCLING E R T S - N O AREA LIGHT, TBD PHASE 2 BIOSWALE COVERED BIKE PARKING CONCRETE STEPS PARKING LOT RAIN GARDEN BIKE PARKING LOWER (6 SPACES) G N I K POLE LIGHT (6 SPACES) R A P T E E R T S - N O GARBAGE & RECYCLING ASPHALT PAVING EASEMENT LIMIT OF WORK PHASE 1 G K R O NW F I O T I KMI 1L E S RA H P A P T SAND FINISH CONCRETE E E R T S CURVED PATH WITH - N O RETAINING WALL UPPER PARKING LOT RAIN GARDEN GUARDRAIL ON WHEEL STOPS BIKE PARKING (10 SPACES) COVERED BIKE PARKING STORMWATER PLANTER CONCRETE SEATWALL UPPER PLAZA PAVERS, TYP. PERMEABLE WITH BENCH (2 SPACES) CONCRETE STEPS PHASE 1 TRANSFORMER, SEE CIVIL DWGS PERMEABLE PAVERS CONCRETE STEPS TREE WITH GRATE STORMWATER PLANTER, TYP. BIKE PARKING STREET TREE WITH GRATE, SEE TREE PLANTING PLAN (2 SPACES) STORMWATER PLANTER HANDRAIL COVERED CURB & GUTTER, SCD BENCH PAVERS, TYP. UNIT PAVERS BENCH, TYP. PERMEABLE LIMIT OF WORK DRIVEWAY APRON, SCD PARK STRIP PLANTING PHASE 1 SEE ARCH DWGS AWNING, TYP. ASPHALT PAVING UNIT PAVERS STREET TREE 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE MAGNOLIA TERRACE COR EDDCORNUS X 'EDDIE'S WHITE WONDER'EDDIE'S WHITE WONDER DOGWOOD ZEL VILZELKOVA SERRATA 'VILLAGE GREEN'VILLAGE GREEN SAWLEAF ZELKOVA YULAN MAGNOLIA (SPECIMEN) TIL GSPTILIA CORDATA 'GREENSPIRE'GREENSPIRE LITTLELEAF LINDEN FRAXINUS AMERICANA 'JUNGINGER'AUTUMN PURPLE WHITE ASH GREENSPIRE LITTLELEAF LINDEN MAG LO2MAGNOLIA X LOEBNERILOEBNER MAGNOLIA MAGNOLIA BLOSSOMS PAR PERPARROTIA PERSICAPERSIAN PARROTIA ACE FJRACER RUBRUM 'FRANK JR.'REDPOINTE MAPLE SYMBOLCODEBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAME H PROPOSED TREE SPECIESPROPOSED TREE SPECIESPROPOSED TREE SPECIES S A ACE CIRACER CIRCINATUMVINE MAPLE BET RIVBETULA NIGRARIVER BIRCH E T I H W E L P R U P N M U T U 245 A MAG DENMAGNOLIA DENUDATA PRELIMINARY TREE LIST PROPOSED TREE SPECIESPROPOSED TREE SPECIES REDPOINTE MAPLE FRA JUN A I L O N G A M R E N B E 13 O L IN TREE GRATE,TYPICAL ONWATER STREET ACE CIR TIL GSP 0'8'16'32'48' " = 1'-0" 16 1 SCALE: ZEL VIL BET RIV TYPICAL AT PROMENADE FRA JUN IN PLANTER MAG LO2, ACE FJR IN TREE GRATESACE FJR IN PLANTING STRIP, TYPICAL COR EDDMAG DENACE CIRPAR PER ON HELMAN STREET 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE MAGNOLIA TERRACE HEUCHERA X 'AMETHYST MIST' / AMETHYST MIST CORAL BELLS1 GALLYSIMACHIA NUMMULARIA / CREEPING JENNY1 GALDISTYLIUM X 'BLDY01' TM / JEWEL BOX DISTYLIUM1 GALCEANOTHUS SPP5 GALCISTUS X BLANCHE / WHITE ROCKROSE5 GALDRYOPTERIS ERYTHROSORA 'BRILLIANCE' / BRILLIANCE AUTUMN FERN1 GALLIRIOPE MUSCARI / LILYTURF1 GALFESTUCA GLAUCA 'ELIJAH BLUE' / ELIJAH BLUE FESCUE1 GALHELIANTHEMUM NUMMULARIUM / SUNROSE1 GALIRIS SIBIRICA 'BLUE KING' / BLUE KING SIBERIAN IRIS1 GALIRIS SIBIRICA 'LAVENDER BOUNTY' / LAVENDER BOUNTY SIBERIAN IRIS1 GALPOLYSTICHUM MUNITUM / WESTERN SWORD FERN1 GALFICUS PUMILA / CREEPING FIG1 GAL CAREX FLACCA 'BLUE ZINGER' / BLUE ZINGER SEDGE1 GALMISCANTHUS SACCHARIFLORUS / SILVER BANNER GRASS1 GAL1 GALMISCANTHUS CAPENSIS / SILVERGRASS1 GAL1 GALCISTUS X OBLONGIFOLIUS / ROCK ROSE1 GALSEDUM X 'AUTUMN JOY' / AUTUMN JOY SEDUM1 GALMUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS / PINK MUHLY GRASS1 GALVERBENA BONARIENSIS / TALL VERBENA1 GALJUNCUS PATENS / CALIFORNIA GRAY RUSH1 GALMAHONIA REPENS / CREEPING MAHONIA1 GALARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI / KINNIKINNIK1 GAL PARKING ISLANDS1,056 SF STORMWATER PLANTERS1,001 SFGROUNDCOVER PLANTING1,026 SF FOUNDATION PLANTS - SOUTH824 SFHELMAN PARK ROW899 SF FOUNDATION PLANTS - NORTH649 SF PLAZA FEATURE PLANTER115 SF 62 SF 0'8'16'32'48' NOTE: SEE L2.0 PRELIMINARY TREE PLANTING PLAN FOR PRELIMINARY TREE LIST. PRELIMINARY PHASE 1 PLANT PALETTE TRIANGLE CORRIDOR CENTER PLANTERS " = 1'-0" VINES AT RETAINING WALL 16 1 SCALE: SPIRAEA SPP SALVIA SPP PHASE 2 W FO TIMIL - 1 ESAHP KRO K R PHASE 1 O W F O T I K M I R L O- 1 W E F S O A T IH P M I L - 1 E S A H P HP KROW FO TIMIL - 1 ESA 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 174 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE MAGNOLIA TERRACE 0'8'16'32'48' DOWNSPOUT ART INTO PLANTERS CONCEPT IMAGE " = 1'-0" 16 1 SCALE: 7 TYPICAL IN WATER STREET PERMEABLE PAVERS, STORMWATER PLANTER CURB EXTENSION FOR PARK ROW PERMEABLE PAVER PLAZA CONCEPT IMAGE RAIN GARDEN, WITH BRIDGE 6 OVER LOW POINT PERMEABLE PAVERS FLOW THROUGH PLANTER CONCEPT IMAGE BIOSWALE RAIN GARDEN 5 PERMEABLE PAVERS RAIN GARDEN BRIDGE CONCEPT IMAGE 4 BRIDGE OVER LOW POINT RAIN GARDEN, WITH FLOW THROUGH PLANTER PERMEABLE PAVERS CONCEPT IMAGE STORMWATER PLANTER 3 STORMWATER PLANTER, TYP. STORMWATER PLANTER, TYP.POROUS PARKING AREAS PERMEABLE PAVERS, PERMEABLE PAVERS, CONCEPT IMAGE TYP. TYP. 2 RAIN GARDEN PLANTERS CONCEPT IMAGE 1 Grading & Drainage DATE: JANUARY 2022 Preliminary ASHLAND OREGON CHK'D BY: MDC DRAWN BY: TDC C 1.0 1821 Plan (541) 482-8005 SHEET NAME: REVISIONS: SHEET NO. TALENT, OR 97540 JOB NO. 441 TALENT AVE Magnolia Terrace C1.0PRELIMINARY GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.0PRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.0 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 8 6 1 6 8 8 8 RUNOFF AREA SUMMARY: / / / / 6 3 / / 7 5 6 // // / 7 / // 8 8 / / 4 6 2 / / 8 2 bS bS 8 8 6 / / 8 / / / / // bS 6 6 6 6 8 NEW STORMTECH UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM PROPOSED MINOR CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING STORM PROPOSED STORMTECH ISOLATOR ROW FOR WATER PROPOSED MAIN STORM POINT OF CONNECTION TO PROPOSED INFILTRATION PLANTER INCORPORATED PROPOSED RAIN GARDEN INCORPORATED INTO GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES: PROPOSED FLOW CONTROL MH PROPOSED PERVIOUS PAVERS LINE IN VAN NESS STREET INTO LANDSCAPE DESIGN QUALITY TREATMENT LANDSCAPE DESIGN IF NECESSARY EXISTING MH 12345678 DATE: JANUARY 2022 ASHLAND OREGONASHLAND OREGON Preliminary Utility Plan CHK'D BY: MDC DRAWN BY: TDC C 2.0 1821 (541) 482-8005 SHEET NAME: REVISIONS: SHEET NO. TALENT, OR 97540 JOB NO. 441 TALENT AVE Magnolia Terrace 1 6 6 1 4 8 2 2 3 3 10 / / 7 7 10 / / / / // // / / // 3 / / 9 10 7 2 11 6 / / 10 7 2 10 7 bS bS 3 9 2 6 / / / / / / 11 11 // 10 10 10 7 7 7 / / 2 2 2 3 53 5 8 6 1 1 4 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT TO BUILDING AS SHOWN. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE BACK-FLOW DEVICES FOR EACH RESIDENTIAL SPACE. METER LOCATIONS TO POWER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE TV POINT OF CONNECTION TO BUILDING, SANITARY SEWER POINT OF CONNECTION TO CITY SYSTEM. CONNECT TO POWER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE TV POINT OF CONNECTION TO EXISTING EXISTING POWER POLE TO BE RE-LOCATED FOR CONSTRUCTION. WORK SANITARY MAIN LINE WITH 6" LATERAL IF EXISTING LATERAL IS NOT SIZED NEW TRANSFORMER LOCATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE POWER BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF ASHLAND WATER DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL GROUND FLOOR SPACE AND (16) NEW 1" METERS AND INSTALL (8) NEW 1" METERS AND BACK-FLOW DEVICES FOR EACH EXISTING 18" IRRIGATION LINE TO BE RE-ROUTED THROUGH THE LINES IN VAN NESS STREET AND WATER STREET. ROUTE LINE IN SANITARY SEWER POINT OF CONNECTION TO BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH UTILITY COMPANIES COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH UTILITY COMPANIES DEVELOPMENT SITE APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN. NEW GAS LINE CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN GAS LINE POINT OF CONNECTION TO BUILDING EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN DETERMINED BY UTILITY PROVIDER UTILITY NOTES: CORRECTLY COMPANY 1011 12356789 4 Erosion Control DATE: JANUARY 2022 ASHLAND OREGON Preliminary CHK'D BY: MDC DRAWN BY: TDC C 3.0 1821 Plan (541) 482-8005 SHEET NAME: REVISIONS: SHEET NO. TALENT, OR 97540 JOB NO. 441 TALENT AVE Magnolia Terrace / / / / / / / / // / / // / / / / bS bS / / / / / / // / / GRADING AND EROSION LEGEND NOTE: SEE LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS FOR SITE DESIGN INCLUDING PATHS, HARDSCAPE, LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING, DESIGNATED TRASH AREAS, TURNING SPACE, ETC. 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 74 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE 1 MAGNOLIA TERRACE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING G N IBUILDING SCONCE MATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENT L I APENDANT LIGHT R L CABLE RAILA T E M D E T A R O F 1216 R 357 E P HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL WOOD GRAINED PANELS SMOOTH HARDIE BOARD MATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENT SMOOTH STUCCO VERTICAL SIDING G N I D I S L A T N O Z I R 1115 246 O H PRECAST CONCRETE SILL CONCRETE BASE WALL MATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENT 1014 SHARE THE SAME MATERIALS PALETTE. SEE ARCH DWGS FOR FURTHER MATERIALS INFORMATION NOTE: ELEVATIONS OF BUILDING 1 ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE; REMAINING BUILDINGS WILL RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION BLACK FRAMED WINDOWS AND DOORS ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS MATERIAL PRECEDENTMATERIAL PRECEDENT 13 9 textures draw on the historical context of the commercial/industrial neighborhood. pedestrian scale width-to-height ratio. The array of facade treatments and materialsbreaks up the forms of the buildings. The design of the business entrances providesclear, visible, and functional openings with direct access to the public sidewalk. RoofThe classic materials combined with modern styling and variations in the facadespresence, consistent with historical examples near the site and more significant overhangs and awnings emphasize public entrances to the buildings. Upper storyfloors provide pedestrians shelter from the rain and sun, while the recesses in the The proposed facades include a rhythm of openings adjacent to the sidewalk with aWood, metal, concrete, and stucco comprise the material palette since thesebring multiplicity to the site. The site will include an assortment of building bases. Somewill be prominent similar to downtown developments. Others will have less of a ALUMINUM AND GLASS GARAGE DOORS commercial/industrial buildings in the area. REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION facade provide arcades. MATERIAL PRECEDENT s n o i N.T.S. t a v e l Scale: E 1 g n i d l i 8 1 u B MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 1 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A1.1 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: RESIDENTIAL (2 BR / UNIT) 4 SPACES TOTAL 04'8'12' COMMERCIAL PARKING (1/500 SQ. FT.) 3.42 SPACES FOOTPRINT AREA 2590 SQ. FT.1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 1713 SQ. FT.2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (CONDITIONED) 4566 SQ. FT. 1ST FLOOR GARAGE (RESIDENTIAL) 810 SQ. FT. PERCENTAGE 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 68% MIN. ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 STAIR 987654321 E UP 101112131415161718 C A OFFICE/BEDROOM P L L CL. S A A I BLD 1 (ELEVATION 1858') I E C T S R N U E E E D DM YI C E M ES A X BATH I KEO P RSCM N HALL A L P R O O BATH L f l F e h LAUNDRYPOWDER s M. BATH LIVING n i t KN-04 l i 1 u # b T N I . A NT A1.3 L F 1 U P . L Q E A I S L T P 3 STORAGE N . 8 M E p 2 M. BEDROOMCLOSET , .A f D 2 I X ES d E e d R i s 2 DINING DRYWASH A0.5 1 PANTRY BALCONY 2nd FLOOR KITCHEN SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" BALCONY F ODW A1.1 2 04'8'12' ENTRANCES SRET EM @ RESIDENTIAL SA G SRETEM E 2'-3' AWNING 2-PH1-PHELEVATOR UTILITY 987654321 UP 101112131415161718 LOBBY RES. 1 GARAGE L A S I D E E C @ C RR N G EE A VN IM R 11 O N M T C ON W ' 7ACE A1.3 1 GG L COMMERCIAL A I NN C 30 5 R II 9 61 80 E 5 47 ,1, ,4 M 82 121 M : O L : RES. 2 GARAGE C A / A DD I D E C : E R R E X A : I E: G Y LL A M LL M A BA A. E M RT TT B % R A II A0.5 F O OO8 O A 1. T6 CLTG EQ S G A 0 1 R UU 8 A G 1st FLOOR BB SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" L A S DI E EC @ C RR N G EE A N V M I R O N M T C O N W ' 7ACE A1.1 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 1 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A1.2 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 12' 04'8' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF A1.2 2 KN-13 04'8'12' ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 STAIR 987654321 UP 101112131415161718 CL. OFFICE/BEDROOM BATH HALL BATH f l e h s M. BATH LIVING n i t l i 1 u # b T N I . A NT L F U P . L Q E A I S L T P 3 STORAGE N . 8 M E2 p M. BEDROOMCLOSET , .A f D 2 I X d ES E e d R i s 2 DINING DRYWASH PANTRY 3rd FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KITCHEN BALCONY F A1.2 1 ODW MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 1 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 A1.3 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: KN-15 04'8'12'04'8'12' KN-12KN-13KN-14KN-16 AWNINGAWNING HEAT PUMPS E METERS GAS METERS RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE N G I S LEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION SPRINKLER RISER, ETC.) (TRASH STORAGE, SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" UTILITY SPACE SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A1.3 ±4'-8" OVERHANG 2 7'-0" KN-10KN-07KN-03 COVEREDENTRY A1.3 4 04'8'12' JELD-WEN WINDOW FRAME & SASH (OR SIM) - SIDING TO WIN FRAMEKN-11 VERTICAL LONG BOARD OR SIM HORIZONTAL HARDIE SIDING NO EXTERIOR APPLIED TRIM STUCCO OR HARDIE PANEL COMMERCIAL SPACE SIGN SCONCE FIXTURES (TBD)ALUMINUM STORE FRONT MATCH ROOF THICKNESS 04'8'12' SOFFIT FIXTURES (TBD) CAST CONCRETE BASE HARDIE PANEL SOFFIT PERFORATED RAILINGPERFORATED RAILING LIGHTING IN SOFFIT BUILT-UP FASCIA, PANEL BAND TRIM VERTICAL SIDING STEEL BALCONY STANDING SEAM ABOVE ENTRY METAL ROOF OVERHANG PANELSPANELS KN-09 L AE I C C N R A E R M T M N O E C 190.25 sq ft 224.5 sq ft E E C GN 225.5 sq ft ) A A D RR ' AT Q N G E E R %369 sq ft .. 0 . FF ..2 C( S S L 382 sq ft A34% 577 C 51.25 sq ft 536 G N I Z A L : G A LE E : A G IR A A A C E T R G R N E AN E I M L ZC L M AR A L OE WGP C . )L A DE 'I C C Q 213.75 sq ft N ER A E R %%%%%R % M %23132% %1T 52121131M 5 N 1 OE ( C F 4 E053 04 25 I 1197 88272 L 511 832322 E R N I S E::::::::E 345678 12E GC L NAAAGN AAAAA A AEA EEEEEEETA HRRRRRRRRRR O FRONT ELEVATION AAAAAATAT CAA N G E REAR ELEVATION 88.5 sq ft SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KN-05 A1.3A1.3 13 38'-4" MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 2 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A2.1 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: RESIDENTIAL (2 BR / UNIT) 4 SPACES TOTAL 04'8'12' FOOTPRINT AREA 2354 SQ. FT.1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 1544 SQ. FT.2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 1355 SQ. FT.3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2040 SQ. FT.TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (CONDITIONED) 3395 SQ. FT. 1ST FLOOR GARAGE (RESIDENTIAL) 1110 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL PARKING (1/500 SQ. FT.) 3.1 SPACES PERCENTAGE 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 65% MIN. CL. E C BLD 2 (ELEVATION 1853'/1847') A M. BEDROOM P L L S BEDROOM 1 A A I I E C T S R N U E E E D DM YI C E M ES A X I KEO RES. 2 GARAGE P RSCM N A BATH L P R W/D O O L F KITCHEN KN-04 FO BALCONYBALCONY A2.3 1 LIVING DW # N T AI . L NT PF U . EL Q L A I S P T 5 M N 5 A E3 , X D 1 I E RES. 1 GARAGE S E R DINING CL. RESIDENTIAL LOBBY UPUP 2nd FLOOR 998877665544332211 ELEVATOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" UTILITY 101011111212131314141515161617171818 A2.1 2 04'8'12' SRET EM SA G SRETEM E 2-PH1-PH COMMERCIAL L A I C R 4 E 4 5 M , 1 M O : C L / A ID E C X R I E M M % M 0 O 0 C1 1st FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A2.1 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 2 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A2.2 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF A2.2 2 KN-13 04'8'12' FO BEDROOM 1 BALCONY KITCHEN DINING DW LIN. CL.CL. BATH HALL 2 # N T A I . L LIVING NT BALCONY P F U . E L Q L A I S P T 0 MM. BATH N 4 A E 0 , X D 2 EI S E R ENTRY HALL CL. OFFICE/BEDROOM BALCONY M. BEDROOM DRYER WASH 3rd FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" UPUP STAIR 998877665544332211 CLOSET ELEVATOR 101011111212131314141515161617171818 A2.2 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 2 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 A2.3 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: KN-15 KN-12KN-13KN-14KN-16 04'8'12'04'8'12' S N O I S N E RESIDENTIAL M ACCESS I D D N A S L A I R E T A M FOR SITE SLOPES AND RETAINING R NOTE: SEE LANDSCAPE O F 3 . 1 A E E S : e t RIGHT ELEVATION o N SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" LEFT ELEVATION A2.3 4 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 04'8'12' KN-09KN-10KN-07KN-03KN-11 A2.3 2 ) D ' Q E . R ) 04'8'12' D '% .. 0 . Q FF 2 .. C E( SS L R A34% %%%%%% 577 %12024%7 %C 36 521211315 5 G 1 ( N I F 0 Z E 11713 74 I1A 72427606 1 LL 132322631 : E G A R LE E : A NG IR I A A A C SET R G ER ::::::::N E 12345678AN GE LI M L NAAAAAAAAZC A L M AEEEEEEEETAR A L OE HRRRRRRRRO P CAAAAAAAATCWG 306.75 sq ft E E C G N AA R R AT GN E 371.25 sq ft 347.75 sq ft 221.75 sq ft 65.5 sq ft 221.75 sq ft 273.25 sq ft FRONT ELEVATION E E REAR ELEVATION C GN AA RR AT N G E SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 111.25 sq ft A2.3 KN-05 A2.3 3 1 41'-3" MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 3 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A3.1 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: RESIDENTIAL (2 BR / UNIT) 4 SPACES TOTAL FOOTPRINT AREA 2590 SQ. FT.1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 1701 SQ. FT.2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (CONDITIONED) 4566 SQ. FT. 1ST FLOOR GARAGE (RESIDENTIAL) 810 SQ. FT.COMMERCIAL PARKING (1/500SQ. FT.) 3.4 SPACES PERCENTAGE 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 65% MIN. 04'8'12' ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 E STAIR 181716151413121110 C A P L L S A UP A I BLD 3 (ELEVATION 1860') I CL. E C T 123456789 S R OFFICE/BEDROOM N U E E E D DM YI C E M ES A X I KEO P RSCM N A L BATH P R HALL O O L F BATH f l KN-04 e h s M. BATH LIVING n i t l i 1 u # b T I N . T N A F U L . PL Q A E I S L T 3 PSTORAGE N . 8 E M2 p M. BEDROOMCLOSET , . D A f 2 I X S d E E e R d i s 2 DINING WASHDRY PANTRY 2nd FLOOR BALCONY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KITCHEN BALCONY F DWO A3.1 2 04'8'12' SRETEM SAG HP-2HP-1 181716151413121110 UP 123456789 L A I C 0 21 R 9 70 0 9E 475 , ,2,1 M 12182 M : O L : C A/ A I ED C : E R R E X A : E: I G Y LL MM A B AA MR TT B % A O OO8 O 6 CLTGT 1st FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" S R E T E M E A3.1 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 3 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A3.2 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' A3.3 4 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF A3.2 2 KN-13 04'8'12' ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 STAIR 181716151413121110 UP CL. 123456789 OFFICE/BEDROOM BATH HALL BATH f l e h s M. BATH LIVING n i t l i 1 u # b T N I . A NT L F U P. L Q E A I S L T P 3 STORAGE N . 8 M E2 p M. BEDROOMCLOSET , A. D f 2 I X S d E E e R d i s 2 DINING WASHDRY PANTRY 3rd FLOOR KITCHEN SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" BALCONY F DWO A3.2 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 3 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 A3.3 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: KN-12KN-13KN-14KN-16KN-15 04'8'12' 04'8'12' 96.25 sq ft L A E I C C N R A E R M T M N O E C 212.25 sq ft S N 199.5 sq ft O 361.75 sq ft 52.25 sq ft I 349 sq ft S N 203 sq ft E M I D D N A S L A I R E 151 sq ft T A 47.25 sq ft M R O F 3 . 1 A E RIGHT ELEVATION E LEFT ELEVATION S 41.5 sq ft : e t o N SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ) D ' Q E . R ) D ' % .. 0 . QF F ..2 7'-0"C E( SS L COVEREDENTRY R A %%%%38% %% 10%%%%20517 %11C 121282311535 52 1G ( N A3.3 I A3.3 F 5 Z E 1 2 1 2390 I A 4 572177 60402 2 L L 5291 3232414 : E G A R L E E A: N G IR I A A CA SE T : R G E::::::::0RN : E 34567891 12AN GE L I M NAAAAALC AAAAAZ A ML AEEET EEEEEEEAR A L HRRRRRRRRRROE O AAAAAAAATCWGP CAA04'8'12'04'8'12' KN-10KN-07KN-03KN-09 KN-11 CAST CONC ) D ' Q E BASE R % .. .0 FF ..2 C ( SS L A% 35 593 C 525 G N I Z A L S : GE A K LE EI A: RGB I / A A CA H E T R S RG N E A N AE I MR L ZC T L M / AR AL OL E I CWGP A M 114.5 sq ft 140.5 sq ft 378.5 sq ft 93.75 sq ft L AE I C T N N A E R D I T S N E E R 271 sq ft L A E I C C N R A E R M T M N O E C REAR ELEVATION 362.5 sq ft SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" FRONT ELEVATION 256 sq ft A3.3 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"3 . NON-RESIDENTIAL ) D SOFFIT LIGHTING ' STORE FRONTS Q E AT OVERHANG R IN FRONT OF %% %% %%%5 %626 RECESSED 72 12168 5 1 ( F 5 E 621 0481 I 56744176 A3.3 L 23291131 E R 1 KN-05 N I S E:: ::::: 1234567 G L NAAAAAAA A AEEEEEEET HRR RRRRRO AT CAAAAAA 38'-4" MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 4 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A4.1 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' RESIDENTIAL (2 BR / UNIT) 4 SPACES TOTAL FOOTPRINT AREA 2590 SQ. FT.1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 1701 SQ. FT.2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2283 SQ. FT.TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (CONDITIONED) 4566 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL PARKING (1/500 SQ. FT.) 3.4 SPACES 1ST FLOOR GARAGE (RESIDENTIAL) 810 SQ. FT. PERCENTAGE 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 65% MIN. ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 STAIR 987654321 E UP 101112131415161718 C CL. A P OFFICE/BEDROOM L L S A A I BLD 4 (ELEVATION 1863') I E C T S R N U E E E D DM YI C E M ES A X I BATH KEO P RSCM N HALL A L P R O O BATH L f F l e h s M. BATH LIVING n i KN-04 t l i 1 u # b T N I . AT N LF U . P L Q EA I S L T 3 P STORAGE N . 8 M E p 2 M. BEDROOMCLOSET , . A f D 2 I X S d E e E d R i s 2 DINING DRYWASH PANTRY 2nd FLOOR BALCONY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KITCHEN BALCONY F ODW A4.1 2 04'8'12' GAS METERS ELEVATOR HP-2HP-1UTILITY 987654321 UP 101112131415161718 LOBBY RES. 1 GARAGE A . E T R F A . E Q GS A 0 R1 8 A G A . T E F R . A Q Y S B 5 B 3 O 2 L COMMERCIAL L A I C 0 21 R 709 90E 75 4 ,2,1, M 182 12 M RES. 2 GARAGE : O L : C A / A I ED C : E R R E X A : EI : G YL L MM A B A A MR T BT % A O O OO8 TGT6 CL 1st FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" S R E T E M E A4.1 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 4 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A4.2 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF A4.2 2 KN-13 04'8'12' ELEVATOR BEDROOM 1 STAIR 987654321 UP 101112131415161718 CL. OFFICE/BEDROOM BATH HALL BATH f l e h s M. BATH LIVING n i t l i 1 u # b T N I . A T N L F U P. L Q E A I S L T P 3 STORAGE N . 8 M E p 2 M. BEDROOMCLOSET , .A f D 2 I X S d E e E d R i s 2 DINING DRYWASH PANTRY 3rd FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KITCHEN BALCONY F ODW A4.2 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 4 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 A4.3 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' 04'8'12' KN-12KN-13KN-14KN-16KN-15 KN-11 COVERED KN-09 ) ENTRY D ' Q 7'-0" E . R ) D ' % .. 0 Q. FF ..2 E C( SS L R %%% %%%A38% 22%%% %%8181517 C 11292 51111535 5 1G ( N I F 0 Z E8 7 009547 I A 9 7704221189 L L 93232225141 : E G A R L E E : NA G IIR A A A C SE T R E::::0G :::::R N E 891 1234567 GAN E L I M NAAAAAAAAAALC AZ L AEEEEEEEEEETM AR A HRRRRRL RRRRROOE 49 sq ft AAAT CAAAAAAACWGP E E C G N A A S RR AT N G N E O I 188.5 sq ft S N E M I D D N A S L A I 200.5 sq ft 370.5 sq ft 50.5 sq ft R E 224.25 sq ft T A 349 sq ft M E E C R G N A A O RR AT F GN E 3 . 1 A 216.75 sq ft E E S : e t RIGHT ELEVATION o N LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 96.5 sq ft L AE I C C N R A E R M T M N O E C A4.3 A4.3 2 4 KN-09KN-10KN-07KN-03KN-11 04'8'12' 04'8'12' ) D ' Q E R % .. .0 FF ..2 C ( SS L A35% 3 59 C 525 G N I Z A L : G A LE E A: G IR A AA C ET R RG N E AN E I M L 261 sq ft ZC L M AR A OL E CWGP 376 sq ft 93.75 sq ft 274 sq ft L AE I L C T A E IN N C CA E N RR D I AT E S R N M E 65.75 sq ft T E M NR OE C 97.75 sq ft 378.5 sq ft 84.75 sq ft 84.5 sq ft FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION H S A R T / L I A M / S E K I B SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" . ) D ' Q E NON-RESIDENTIAL R IN FRONT OF STORE FRONTS RECESSEDAT OVERHANG SOFFIT LIGHTING %% %% %%%%2%111 % 456525221 5 1 ( F 5 E 8 4610 I 5584747767 L 6898392321 E A4.3A4.3 R N 13 I S E ::::::::: KN-05 123456789 G L NAAAAAAAAA A AEEEEEEEEET HRRRRRRRRRO CAAAAAAAAAT 38'-4" MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 5 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A5.1 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' RESIDENTIAL (2 BR / UNIT) 4 SPACES TOTAL COMMERCIAL PARKING (1/500 SQ. FT.) 3.75 SPACES FOOTPRINT AREA 2689 SQ. FT.1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 1879 SQ. FT.2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2135 SQ. FT.3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL 2135 SQ. FT.TOTAL RESIDENTIAL (CONDITIONED) 4270 SQ. FT. 1ST FLOOR GARAGE (RESIDENTIAL) 810 SQ. FT. PERCENTAGE 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL 69% MIN. E C LIVING A P L L S A A I BLD 5 (ELEVATION 1850') I E C T S R N U E E E D DM YI C E M ES A X I KEO P RSCM N A L P R O BALCONY O L F KN-04 DINING BEDROOM 2 A5.3 1 BALCONY 1 # N T I . A T N L F U P . L E Q A L I S KITCHEN PT 5 CL.CL. LIN. N M 3 DW E 1 A , D X 2 I E S E R FO M. BEDROOM WASH DRYER CL.CL. BALCONY UP KITCHEN 987654321 2nd FLOOR BEDROOM 1 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 101112131415161718 BEDROOM 1 M. BATH ELEVATOR CL. A5.1 2 04'8'12' 1 - P H 2 - P H GAS E METERS METERS A5.3 1 COMMERCIAL L A I C 9 59 R 878 0 4E 86 6 ,9,1, M 1182 1 M : O L : C A/ A I ED C : E R R E X A : E: I LOBBY G YL L MM A B AA MR TT B % A O O9 OO TGT6 CL UP 1st FLOOR 987654321 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A . T E F R 101112131415161718 . A Q Y S B 0 B ELEVATOR 3 UTILITY O 2 L A5.1 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 BUILDING 5 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 PLANS A5.2 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF A5.2 2 KN-13 04'8'12' LIVING DINING BALCONY OFFICE BEDROOM 2 CL. 1 # BATHM. BATH T I . N T N A F U L . BALCONY L P Q A I S E T LIVINGL 5 N P 3 DW E 1 M , D 2 AI XS EE HALL R FO M. BEDROOM WASH DRYER CL.CL. CL. KITCHEN 3rd FLOOR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" DINING BALCONY BEDROOM 1 M. BATH ELEVATOR CL. A5.2 1 MARKDATEDESCRIPTION MAGNOLIA FINE HOMES LLC 1/7/22 ELEVATIONS BUILDING 5 Talent, OR 97540 (510) 913-5110 441 Talent Ave Ashland, OR 97520 A5.3 Gil Livni 165 WATER ST. - 160 HELMAN ST - 95 VAN NESS MAGNOLIA TERRACE SHEET TITLE DATE: 04'8'12'04'8'12' KN-12KN-13KN-15 L AE I S C T N N A E N R D I T S O N E I E R S N E M I D D N A S L A I R E T A S E RIGHT ELEVATION K I M KN-14KN-16 B / L I R A M / O H S F A R T 3 . 1 LEFT ELEVATION A E SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" E S : e t o N SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" KN-11 A5.3 KN-09KN-10KN-07KN-03 2 04'8'12' A5.3 4 ) D ' Q E R % .. 0 . FF ..2 C( SS L 04'8'12' A60% 448 C 745 G N I Z A L : G A LE E 88.25 sq ft : A G IR A A A C E T R G R N E AN E I M L ZC L M AR A L OE GP CW L A E I C C N R A E 383.5 sq ft R M T M N O E 177.75 sq ft C 98 sq ft 37.5 sq ft 153.25 sq ft 179.75 sq ft 244.25 sq ft310.75 sq ft179.75 sq ft 51.75 sq ft E E C G N A A RR AT GN E L A E I C C N R A E R M T M N O E C 220.25 sq ft FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION E E C G N A A RR AT GN E SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" . ) D '24.5 sq ft Q E R %% %% %0%%%%9%% 2%5% % 2815173 191811 5 1 ( F 8 E 47 4 4000 0 3 I 781 48185215888 L 82 213122513931 KN-05 E R N I S ::: : E:::023 ::::::1 91111 12345678 G L AAA A5.3A5.3 NAAAAAAAAAA A E AEEEEEEEEEEEET HRRRRRRR RRRRRRO 13 AAAAAT CAAAAAAAA 38'-4" 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 74 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE 1 MAGNOLIA TERRACE he 2nd and 3rd floors. ic district design he material al uses on a standards and provide a solid neighborhood anchor for the future redevelopment of the adjacent employment zoned properties. Each proposed building has numerous traditional architectural elements and materials. The scale, form, and massing of some of t elements are more modern in styling. It can be found that the proposed buildings are architecturally compatible with the histor Situated at the intersection of three preservation districts, this mixed used development will provide commerical and residenti historically significant but vacant site. Eight buildings are proposed with 1st floor commerical uses and residental units on t HISTORICAL CONTEXT WOOD MILL 5 HISTORICAL CONTEXT AERIAL OF SITE 2 ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS HISTORICAL CONTEXT 4 ASHLAND IRON WORKS HISTORICAL CONTEXT HISTORICAL CONTEXT RAIL BRIDGE 1 3 33 N Central Ave - MedfordOregon 74 Hidden Lane - Ashland #DATEDESCRIPTION 2117PvC, CG, EG PLANNING TERRAINARCH.COM REVISIONS 541.500.4776 REVIEW PROJECT NO. 12.31.2021 ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 TEAM: 165 WATER ST / 160 HELMAN ST / 95 VAN NESS AVE 1 MAGNOLIA TERRACE MATERIAL: VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL WOOD MATERIAL: VERTICAL WOOD, GABLE ROOF 16 Van Ness Ave USE: COMMERCIAL USE: AGRICULTURE SCALE: MEDIUM SCALE: LARGE r e b m u L d n a l h s 36 A MATERIAL: VERTICAL WOOD SIDING, GABLE ROOF MATERIAL: CONCRETE, STEEL Pyramid Juice USE: INDUSTRIALUSE: INDUSTRIAL SCALE: MEDIUMSCALE: MEDIUM l i a R r e d n U l e n n 25 u T MATERIAL: VERTICAL METAL SIDING, STUCCO, STEEL, GABLE ROOF MATERIAL: VERTICAL METAL SIDING, STUCCO Proposed Mixed Use Development USE: COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USE: COMMERCIAL SCALE: LARGESCALE: LARGE t S n a m l e H 5 14 5 2