HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-25 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please fill out a Speaker Request Form and place it in the Speaker Request Box by staff. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION October 25, 2022 AGENDA https://zoom.us/j/93043351914 I.CALL TO ORDER:7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street ANNOUNCEMENTS II. III. PUBLIC FORUM IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A.Food Truck Ordinance Updates –Continued B.Community Development Permitting Process and Code Review ADJOURNMENT V. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Total Page Number: 1 DISCUSSION ITEM _________________________________ Food Truck Ordinance Updates - Continued Total Page Number: 2 Nfnp Pdupcfs!36-!3133 EBUF; Btimboe!Qmboojoh!Dpnnjttjpo!! UP; !Efsfl!Tfwfstpo-!Tfojps!Qmboofs GSPN; !!Gpmmpx.Vq!Ejtdvttjpo!pg!Gppe!Usvdlt!boe!Gppe!Dbsut! SF; ! Bu!uif!Tfqufncfs!38-!3133!nffujoh-!Qmboojoh!Dpnnjttjpofst!ejtdvttfe!qpufoujbm!dpef!dibohft!xijdi! njhiu!qspwjef!npsf!pqujpot!gps!npcjmf!gppe!wfoepst!up!pqfsbuf!gppe!usvdlt!boe!gppe!dbsut!jo!Btimboe/! Tpnf!lfz!qpjout!pg!uibu!ejtdvttjpo!jodmvefe!sftusppn!sfrvjsfnfout-!gjsf!dpef!sfrvjsfnfout-!boe!xboujoh! up!mppl!joejwjevbmmz!bu!2*!ufnqpsbsz!vtf!bmmpxbodft-!3*!njojtufsjbm!qfsnjuujoh!qpttjcjmjujft-!boe!4*xbzt!up! fodpvsbhf!gppe!usvdl!qpet!tjnjmbs!up!uiptf!gpvoe!jo!Cfoe!boe!Qpsumboe/!! ! ! Sftusppn!Sfrvjsfnfout! 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Btimboe-!Psfhpo!:8631!!UUZ;!!911.846.3:11! ! xxx/btimboe/ps/vt Total Page Number: 9 tibmm!cf!op!npsf!uibo!281!trvbsf!gffu-!fydmvejoh!uif!usbjmfs!upohvf!boe!cvnqfs/!!Vq!up!bo!beejujpobm! 281!trvbsf!gffu!jt!bmmpxfe!gps!pvuepps!frvjqnfou/ Gppe!Usvdl!Dpvsu!ps!Gppe!Usvdl!Qpe/!!Gpvs!ps!npsf!gppe!usvdlt!ps!gppe!dbsut!pqfsbujoh!po!uif! tbnf!qspqfsuz/ ! Gppe!Usvdl!Wfoeps/!!Uif!pqfsbups!xip!tfmmt-!dpplt!boe!tfswft!gppe!ps!cfwfsbhft!gspn!b!gppe! usvdlps!gppe!dbsu/ ! ! Efqbsunfou!pg!Dpnnvojuz!Efwfmpqnfou!!Ufm;!652.599.6416! 62!Xjocvso!Xbz!!!Gby;!652.663.3161! Btimboe-!Psfhpo!:8631!!UUZ;!!911.846.3:11! ! xxx/btimboe/ps/vt Total Page Number: 10 APPLICATION PERMITNUMBER:FVMedfordBusiness License Number: Vendor/Cart/TruckName: ApplicantName: Site Location: MailingAddress: Phone: where the equipmentis to beused: PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW REQUIRMENTS ON THE SECOND PAGE OF THIS FORM. revokeddenial Failure to follow instructions will result in Permit being and of operation. This permit is issued and accepted under the conditions that vendors shall be in full compliance with applicable codes, standards, statutes, and ordinances. LIABILITY: THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELIEVE THE PERMITTEE FROM CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM EVENTS OCCURING UNDER HIS/HER CONTROL. VIOLATIONS OF THE REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A CITATION OR CIVIL PENALTY. I have read and understand the above and agree to the conditions. Permittee or Permittee's Agent: Date: Total Page Number: 11 FUEL CYLINDERS 1.All equipment used in the fuel system shall be approved for LPG use. 2. 3.Cylinders shall be protected from physical damage. 4.Cylinders larger than five (5) gallons shall be secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. 5.Propane valves shall be easily accessible. 6.Tanks shall be used as designed. (Cylinders for vertical use shall not be laid down when being used) 7.Cylinders shall be located far enough from flame or spark-producing devices to not heat the cylinders. 8.Hoses shall be protected from physical damage. Hoses connections shall be of an approved LPG type. 9.Teflon tape shall not be used on connections. 10.Connections are designed to have metal-to-metal contact. 11.Regulator to be on each cylinder. (Can manifold two (2) cylinders together into one (1) regulator). Hose from regulator shall not to be more than two (2) feet long. 12.Supply lines shall not be spliced. 13.No more than enough supply hose to run from appliance to cylinders. 14.Only approved propane clamps are to be used on supply lines. 15.All propane cylinders shall not be stored or used in buildings or enclosed structures. 16.All cylinders shall have collars around the valves and shall be in good condition with current hydrostatic test date stamp on cylinder. 17.Propane cylinders shall not to be tied/placed together with CO2 cylinders. 18.Food booths located in their own separate tent structure may have propane bottles inside the structure provided the side and back walls are raised to prevent passage through the structure. 19.All cylinders shall be equipped with an Over Flow Protection type (OPD) valve. Old type tanks shall not be allowed in the area. APPLIANCES & DEVICES 1.Free standing open stock pot containers on high output heating elements are prohibited. 2A10-BC or higher-rated fire extinguisher 2.Each vendor is required to have one (1) . If cooking K-Class utilizes a deepfat fryer thevendor shall haveone(1) fire extinguisherALL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .are to bear a currentservicingtag. 3.Appliances and devices shall be approved for LPG use. 4.There shall be at least a one-foot (12 5.Any LPG burning appliance or device, whose flame is not visible while operating, shall be equipped with an approved automatic device to shut off the flow of gas to burners and pilots in the event of flame extinguishment or combustion failure. 6.Fuel supply to appliances shall be turned off at the cylinder when the appliance is not in use or during the changing of cylinders. 7.Enclosed vending trucks/carts which produce grease laden vapors shall possess a type 1 hood and fire suppression system. The fire suppression system must have a current service tag and be UL 300 compliant. Cooking within a temporary membrane structure shall comply with Chapter 31 of the Oregon Fire Code Propane/Natural Gas Street Vendors Permit Page 2 Total Page Number: 12 Mobile Food Vendor Inspection Checklist PERMIT NUMBER: FV Vendor Name: Date of Inspection: Location of Inspection: EXTERIOR LP/CNG Tanks: Yes No 1- 40 pound DOT tank LP/CNG Tank Shut offs: Yes No 2 20 pound DOT tanks Labeled CNG / LP Tanks Mounted Properly : Yes No Rear Bumper Mounted Cabinet Mounted Chassis Mounted CNG/LP Regulator protected from weather: Yes No No Smoking Sign Posted: Yes No Is there a Generator: Yes No Is the Generator separated from nearby combustibles Yes No Generator Powered by: Diesel LP Gas Hard-line plumbed from Mai Tank Open Flame Cooking Devices 10 ft from Combustible Construction : Yes No INTERIOR Suppression System: Yes No Type: Fire Extinguishers: 2A10BC Yes Yes No N/R Exhaust Hood: Yes No CO Detector: Yes No Roof Mounted Vents: Yes No Number of Vents: Egress Points Free of Debris: Yes No Electrical Issues: Yes No LP/CNG Lines Intact/Non Leaking: Yes No City of Medford Business License: Yes No Number: Notes: Fire Official: Signature: Medford Fire-Rescue 200 S. γvy St. #180, Medford, OR 97501 541-774-2300 medfordfirerescue.org Total Page Number: 13 GJSF!TBGFUZ!UJQT!GPS!NPCJMF!DPPLJOH!PQFSBUJPOT Hfofsbm €!! €!Jt!dppljoh!frvjqnfou!buufoefe!bu!bmm!ujnft@ €!!Bsf!bmm!sfrvjsfe!wfoujmbujpo!pqfojoht!pqfo!evsjoh!dppljoh!pqfsbujpot@ €!!Jt!uif!dppljoh!ippe0wfoujmbujpo!tztufn!gsff!gspn!hsfbtf@ €!!Jt!uif!wfijdmf!qbslfe!bu!mfbtu!21!gffu!gspn!cvjmejoht-!puifs!wfijdmft-!ps!dpncvtujcmft@ €!! 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These regulations are intended to establish criteria for the placement of mobile food vendor pods in the City of Medford. Temporary mobile food vendors provide the community with a wider variety of eating, drinking, and socializing options. Podsprovide different vending opportunities for temporary mobile food vendors located on private property. Temporary mobile food vendors shall comply with all applicable City, County, and State regulations. (B)Mobile Food Vendor Pod Types. Mobile food vendor pods are categorized as either a Daily Pod or a Semi-Permanent Pod. Daily Pods. This type of pod provides for the placement of one or more temporary mobile food vendor on private property for no more than five consecutive days at a time. The site may be developed or vacant and must be paved. Semi-Permanent Pods. This type of pod provides for the placement of one or more temporary mobile food vendor on private property for periods of time exceeding 24- hours. This type of pod may include the construction of a covered or enclosed seating area, food storage structure, or a structure that serves alcoholic beverages along with designated locations and utilities (water, sewer, power) for temporary mobile food vendors. (C)Allowed Zoning Districts.Mobile food vendor pods are permitted in the following zoning districts: Commercial –Service/Professional (C-S/P), Neighborhood Commercial (C-N), Heavy Commercial (C-H), Community Commercial (C-C), Regional Commercial (C-R), Light-Industrial (I-L), General Industrial (I-G), and Public Parks (P-1). (D)Review Authority. Daily pods shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable standards as a Type I, Ministerial Decision. Semi-permanent pods shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable standards as a Type III, Quasi-Judicial Decision by the Site Plan and Architectural Commission. If the property is within a historic district then the proposal shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable standards as a Type III, Quasi-Judicial Decision by the Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission. (E)Applicable Criteria. The Planning Director or designee shall approve daily pods per the applicable standards noted below. The Site Plan and Architectural Commission and Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission shall approve a semi-permanent pod if the proposal conforms to the criteria in Section 10.200, (10.188 if within a historic district), and the standards outlined below. (F) Site Standards. (1) Site design standards for Daily and Semi-Permanent Pods. (a) Temporary mobile food vendors shall be located on a paved surface. (b) Temporary mobile food vendors shall not occupy or obstruct the following: Total Page Number: 18 (i)Pedestrian walkways (ii) Setbacks, buffer yards or required landscaping (iii)Required bicycle or vehicular parking spaces (iv)Fire lanes, fire hydrants, other fire protection devices or equipment,or other emergency vehicle access areas (v)Vision clearance triangle at intersections (Section 10.735) (vi) Existing or proposed easements (vii) Public right-of-way or ADA clearance (48 inches) on sidewalks (c)Temporary mobile food vendors shall not create tripping hazards pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas with items such as, but notlimited to, cords, hoses, pipes, or cables. (d) Temporary mobile food vendors shall be separated or setbackfrom parked vehicles, combustible materials, and other food vendors by a minimum radius of 10 feet. (e) Trash and recycling bins shall be provided on site for customers. (f)Outdoor equipment is permitted within pods and includes items such asseating, tables, grills, canopy tents, and other items used for preparing food or accommodating guests. (i) In daily pods, outdoor equipment is limited to *** 170 square feet outside of the downtown historic overlay. *** (g) All food must be in a ready-to-eat condition when sold. *** ( G) Design Standards for Temporary Mobile Food Vendors within Pods. (1) All temporary mobile food vendors shall be subject to the design standards listed below: (a)The wheels and tongues shall remain on the temporary mobile food vendor. The tires must remain inflated and the unit/truck operable. No permanent skirting or base shall be constructed around the temporary mobile food vendor. (b)The maximum length of the temporary mobile food vendor shall not exceed 20 feet. The length shall only include the area devoted to the production of food excluding things such as vehicle cabs, bumpers, trailer tongues, slide outs and trailer hitches. See the depiction below for measurement guidance. Total Page Number: 19 (c)Attached awnings are permitted if smaller than the size of the temporary mobile food vendor unit (d) Food vendor truck awnings shall have a minimum of (7) feet of clearance between the ground and awning for safe pedestrian circulation. ( H)Utilities. (1)The following utilities are required for temporary mobile food vendors located in daily pods: (a) Temporarymobile food vendors shall have their daily need of water located on the truck/unit. (b)No dumping of wastewater is permitted in the City’s storm drain system, public streets, or directly onto pavement. Wastewater shall be disposed of at an approved off-site location. (c)Connection to a temporary power source is permitted. Extension cords shall be covered or screened to prevent tripping hazards. *** (I) Parking. (1) The following are minimum parking standards for food pods: (a)One (1) parking space per temporary mobile food vendor. Existing parking spaces on site may be used. *** (J) Signs. (1)A sign permit is not required for the name of the business painted/placed on the temporary mobile food vendor. (2) All other signs located on the site or attached to the temporary mobile food vendor shall be in accordance with the regulations in Article VI and the applicable zoning district. *** (L)Operating Hours. Temporary mobile food vendors located in a daily pod must vacate the premise after the fifth consecutive day of operating before returning to conduct business at the same location.***The name and contact information of the person in charge of the pod shall be provided to the Business License Department in the event issues or questions arise. (M)Permits and Fees. Total Page Number: 20 (1)Proprietors of the temporary mobile food vendors shall obtainand maintain a current City Business License. (2) Proprietors of the temporary mobile food vendors shall maintain all required licenses/permits to operate by Jackson County Environmental Health and any applicable State agency. (3) Temporary mobile food vendors shall obtain an operational permit from the Fire Department. *** (N)Submittal Requirements. A site plan drawn to scale shall be providedthat outlines the standards above for daily pods. The submittal materials for a semi-permanent pod shall be in accordance with Section 10.200(J) and include the applicable provisions above. *** (P)Other Code Provisions. Proposals for mobile food vendor pods are permitted to use other applicable code provisions found in Chapter 10 in order to satisfy the development requirements noted above and address applicable criteria. *** \[Added, Sec. 9, Ord. No. 2019-104, Sep. 19, 2019.\] Total Page Number: 21 Number: 22 Page Total - - - Number: 23 - Page Total - - - - - - - DISCUSSION ITEM _________________________________ Community Development Permitting Process and CodeReview Total Page Number: 24 Page 1of 6 Memo DATE: October 25, 2022 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM: Brandon Goldman, Planning Manager, Interim Community Development Director RE: Community Development Permitting Process and Code Review On October 31, 2022 the Ashland City Council has request planning staff attend a study session to discuss potential initiatives the City could undertake to address concerns raised at a recent Economic Development and Business Roundtable regarding Ashland Planning and Building permit review process. An efficient land development review and approval process reduces both time and cost for developers and also benefits municipalities and government staff. Cost savings for the City can also be realized by reducing redundant review and time-consuming procedures that have little added benefit. Community Development staff reviewers can be partners with applicants rather than umpires. Providing clear direction and feedback to applicants early in the process helps reduce delays, and ensure projects presented to the Planning Commission adequately address the applicable standards. A culture of promoting communication and feedback between staff reviewers and applicants throughout the development process, has the combined effect of reorienting the permitting process toward partnership, accessibility, transparency, and open communication. Public Involvement A key first step in streamlining the development approval process is to identify where inefficiencies, delays, and duplicative or conflicting requirements currently exist, ideally through outreach and consultation with those most familiar with the process—developers, contractors, architects, permitting staff, and other stakeholders. Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire On October 20, 2022, the Community Development Department distributed a Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire to the 1200 citizens, business owners, contractors, and design professionals who have applied for a building permit, zoning permit, or land use action with the City of Ashland between March 2018 and July 2022. This is the fourth time this questionnaire has been administered since 2006. Its purpose is to measure the Department’s progress, identify areas that need attention, and evaluate opportunities to strengthen performance. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 25 Page 2of 6 The online questionnaire includes a series of questions targeted at evaluating development services and processing timelines and contains two additional areas for write in comments/suggestions. Reponses will be collected through the end of November with the final results compiled and distributed in December 2022. Developer/Builder stakeholder interviews and/or ad hoc group roundtable discussion(s) It is vital to hear from developers and builders with different levels of experience with Ashland’s permit review processes, and who are engaged in a range of project types, to better understand concerns experienced by the development community. To facilitate this exchange of information the City will offer opportunities for local builders, developers, and design professionals to have one-on-one discussions, or small group roundtable meetings, with the City Manager and or Planning and Building staff to identify specific issues that have arisen in relation permit reviews that could have resulted in avoidable delays or added costs. Additionally, should the Council wish to establish an Ad-Hoc Development Code Review committee comprised of people familiar and experienced with the City’s land use and building codes, such a group could also help identify where bottlenecks occur, and which area(s) should be the primary focus of streamlining efforts. Improving the Efficiency of the Permitting Process Electronic Plans submission The City of Ashland had long been keen to transition to electronic plan review for building permit applications. Due to the pandemic in 2020 Community Development was able to fully pivot to accept electronic building plan submittals. Through this transition we have effectively linked permitting workflows and plan review processes together to coordinate a more efficient plan review process for everyone involved, such as fire, building, planning, electric, and engineering. Each department’s plan reviewer now has equal access to the same information at the same time without having to shuttle around 24’x36” paper plans. It is also beneficial for the architects and designers that are not located in our area to now submit plans electronically,removing the need for them to ship cumbersome triangle boxes. Electronic Plan submittal also saves local development professionals the costs associated with preparing duplicate sets of construction plans to hand deliver to the City. As a result of this change to a paperless review process the City has been able to reduce review times and building permit processing times. Citizen Self Service (Online Permitting) In the coming year the Community Development Department will develop and deploy features of our permitting software (Energov) which will provide our customers with the ability search for an address or parcel, apply for a permit, request an inspection and more. Importantly our customers will also be able to check status of an open building permit, receive automatic email updates on submittals, and check on the status of inspections in real time. Inspection requests will be able to be made online, and contractors will be able to request multiple inspections from numerous job sites on a single screen. Citizen Self Service (CSS) will foster timely communication between the permit applicant and the City through the collaborative digital sharing of up-to-date information. It is anticipated that CSS will provide efficiencies for both City staff and for our customers. This enhancement to our permitting software is covered under DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 26 Page 3of 6 existing licensing agreements with our permitting software company, Tyler Technology, and as such can be implemented without additional ongoing cost to the City once developed. Expediting minor project applications Permitting offices are responsible for many levels of review and approval—from building permits to approvals for rezoning, variances, and other land use amendments. In addition, a variety of other offices are often involved in the development approval process, both at the local and state levels, focused on planning, public works, utilities, and environmental review, among other functions. Permit applications for relatively minor projects may not require an especially long time to process but may make up a large volume of permitting requests. The time required to get through this backlog can slow down the approvals process for all applicants. To address this challenge the City could consider process changes to streamline requirements specifically for minor project approvals. This approach would be informed by the public involvement process noted above and would likely necessitate legislative changes to application processes outlined in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance. A few examples of minor permits, and potential changes intended accelerate review times and/or simplify the planning process for residents and businesses, are provided below for future consideration: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) - Since 2018 land use barriers to the development of o ADUs in Ashland have largely been eliminated. Recent ordinances changes in 2020 and 2021 now allow with ADUs as an outright permitted use without any requirement for a planning action, and there is no longer any parking requirement for these dwellings. As a result, permitting of ADUs has been significantly expedited in Ashland in recent years. Prior to 2019 the time spent processing an ADU through the planning and building departments could exceed 90 days. Today, with submission of a complete application, ADU permits are fully reviewed and issued in less than 30 days, and in some cases may be issued in just a few days after submission. To further remove obstacles to the installation of ADUs within the City, a program that assists homeowners in developing ADU’s in existing neighborhoods has the potential to allow the private market to expeditiously add several small long term rental housing units to the City’s housing stock. Such a program could include: The City could work with designers, architects, and or prefab housing developers to develop generic plans for small ADUS that could be provided by the City to property owners free of charge. These plans would be reviewed and “pre-approved” by the Building Department, and thus ready to issue provided a suitable site is available on a property. The resident obtaining the pre-approved plans from the City could contact the building’s designer to assist with siting and construction of the ADU on their property, and the City could readily approve the site-specific plan and building permit given the construction drawings had been previously reviewed and approved. Fence Permits - Currently fence permit applications are reviewed by the planning o division and a permit is issued. Upon completion of the fence, the customer calls staff and DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 27 Page 4of 6 requests a site inspection, and staff visits the site and inspects the fence to verify compliance with the standards. The cost of a fence permit to the customer is $31.50. Many communities do not require permits for fencing yet uphold their standards through a code compliance process. In such communities, residents can build a fence without a permit and are responsible to build it in a manner that meets existing local standards (height, location, and ignition resistant material adjacent to structures). In the event a fence is built that does not comply with the local standards the City could initiate a code compliance case to compel correction to come into compliance. Tree Removal Permits – Currently tree removal permits are processed as Planning Actions o by the City which include a public notice to all properties within 200’, and a comment period for public input prior to issuance of a permit. In the case of diseased trees, or hazard trees, that have been evaluated by a certified arborist, and trees that pose a wildfire risk as determined by Ashland Fire & Rescue, this planning process and public review period can take up to a month or more before the public comment period is concluded and the removal can be approved. Were this process changed to allow ministerial approval by staff upon review of the applicant’s submittal and associated arborist report, such removals could be approved without delay. It is important to note that tree removals proposed in association with projects requiring a planning approval (subdivisions, new commercial development, new multi-family development, etc.), or the proposed removal of healthy trees in in environmentally sensitive areas such as floodplains or severely sloped properties could still be subject to the formal planning action tree removal permit process. Food Trucks (ordinance amendments in process) – On September 13th, 2022, the o Planning Commission discussed options which might provide a smoother path for food truck owners interested in operating in Ashland. The Planning Commission is discussing options for food truck owners interested in operating in Ashland including expanding the allowances for short-term events beyond once per calendar year per property, looking at allowing food trucks outright in approved plaza spaces, and looking at appropriate allowances for individual food trucks in existing commercial parking lots, and the establishment of food courts with multiple food trucks. Legislative Amendments The development of major projects including subdivisions, new commercial building, multi-family development projects is a relatively complex undertaking in which identifying property and designing an economically feasible project that is consistent with local development codes is the first step in the process. Governmental constraints on the type and form of developments include: building code requirements; land use standards; environmental regulations; permitting processes; site improvement requirements; transportation and mobility planning; flood regulations; accessibility regulations; and permitting and infrastructure fees. The Community Development Department is currently working on several legislative amendments which will directly impact the form and type of development permissible in Ashland. A number of DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 28 Page 5of 6 these changes are mandated by the State of Oregon, and a number are local amendments that have already been initiated by the City Council with the intent of reducing constraints to development and promoting housing production. Climate Friendly Equitable Communities (CFEC) – (State requirement) Oregon’s Department of Conservation and Development is the state’s land use planning agency and they have prepared new rules that are to be implemented in Oregon’s eight most populated areas, including the Medford-Ashland area. These rules direct cities to designate climate-friendly areas, which in part would allow people to build taller buildings (50’ in height) providing more housing and increase or remove housing density maximums. The rules don’t require taller buildings or greater numbers of residential dwellings, but make sure such buildings are allowed outright through local legislative amendments to the land use code. In climate-friendly areas, a minimum density standard would help ensure transit can serve the neighborhood and the neighborhood has a residential density sufficient to support transit. The rules also require Ashland to amend its Land Use Ordinance to remove parking mandates for desired types of development, such as smaller housing types, small businesses, childcare facilities, multi-family housing, and historic buildings. The rules also completely remove parking mandates within one-half mile of frequent transit, which accounts for approximately 80% of all tax lots in Ashland. As parking requirements often present a substantial design constraint, and installation of surplus parking can add significant costs to a project, the removal of local parking mandates is expected to simplify the planning process for applicants, reduce the cost of developments, and help promote transit supported development throughout the state. Housing Production Strategy (State requirement) o The City of Ashland has initiated the development of a Housing Production Strategy (HPS) to identify and prioritize a variety of strategies and actions for accommodating needed housing. The City of Ashland received a grant from the State Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to undertake this effort, with consultant services provided by ECONorthwest. The draft HPS report is expected to be completed in January- February 20203, at which time the City will have a hearings-ready draft and will schedule hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council to adopt the Housing Production Strategy by May 2023. The final Housing Production Strategy report will identify a set of specific actions the city will undertake over an 8 year period to promote the development needed housing. Such actions may include land use ordinance amendments, zoning changes, financial incentives, and other actions within the City’s purview. Completion of a Housing Production Strategy, following adoption of a Housing Capacity Analysis, is a requirement adopted by the Oregon Legislature through passage of House Bill 2003. Ashland Activity Centers o Anactivity centeris generally an area that attracts people for shopping, work, school, recreation, and socializing. It is an urban planning term that implies a dense area with significant pedestrian traffic and a focus of concentration such as tourism, shopping, and entertainment, education and student life, or housing and employment. Defining Ashland’s Downtown, University District, and DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 29 Page 6of 6 Croman Mill District as distinct activity centers will allow the City to target economic development, infrastructure, and placemaking resources in ways that strengthen these centers, support their growth and development in more equitable ways, improve connectivity within and between them, and ensure that existing residents and businesses benefit from new investment. Croman Mill District o The Croman Mill District offers one of the City’s largest remaining areas to accommodate future development. This presents a unique opportunity to promote the development of an activity center that In September of 2021, the owners of the former 61 acre Croman Mill site, and the development team named Townmakers LLC, began conceptualizing the future development of the property for a mixed-use development incorporating commercial, employment, light industrial and residential uses. The expectation is that the development plan will propose a new flexible mixed-use zone to the Land Development Ordinance to facilitate by-right approval and promote more walkable, transit-oriented projects that seek to provide a better housing-jobs creation balance. Changes to the Croman Mill District’s underlying zoning designations, allowable uses, road and multi-use path layout, site and building design standards, and residential allowances and densities will be required. Downtown District o Ashland’s Downtown is widely known as a destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Local retail stores, restaurants, park amenities, and local entertainment and arts venues such as the Oregon Shakespeare Festival all collaborate to create an active pedestrian-oriented area. Working to enhance the synergies created through these activities and promote the vitality of the downtown will be of benefit to the residents and tourists that frequent the downtown. University District o A defined “University District” centered around Southern Oregon University would be intended to promote investment and development in academic and related uses within the boundaries of the district. Through identifying opportunities for student serving businesses, compatible residential and student housing, and promotion of the identity of the University District, the City can support sustainable development patterns, including development at densities that are both appropriate and beneficial to the campus setting and supportive of a walkable transit supported district. “Within Ashland itself, SOU is removed from the heart of downtown, with its pedestrian-oriented streetscapes and bustling tourism, by just over one mile’s distance. This is a limitation in some senses, but also allows a separate community focal point to exist in the context of the campus environment” SOU 2010-2021 Masterplan DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main StreetFax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Total Page Number: 30