HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-22 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please fill out a Speaker Request Form and place it in the Speaker Request Box by staff. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIALMEETING November 22, 2022 AGENDA https://zoom.us/j/95237998667 I.CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II.ANNOUNCEMENTS III.PUBLIC FORUM IV.LEGISLATIVE HEARING: A.PLANNING ACTION: #PA-L-202-00014 APPLICANT: City of Ashland ORDINANCE REFERENCES:AMC 18.5.1 General Review Procedures AMC 18.5.3 Land Divisions and Property Line Adjustments AMC 18.5.9 Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Land Use Ordinance Amendments REQUEST: The proposal would amend the Ashland Land Use Ordinance to implement the requirements of Oregon Senate Bill 458 by adding section “Middle Housing Land Divisions” and section “Middle Housing Land Divisions.” V. OPEN DISCUSSION VI.ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING _________________________________ PA-L-2022-0004 MiddleHousingLot Division & ASHLANDPLANNINGDIVISION STAFFREPORT November22, 2022 PLANNINGACTION: PA-L-2022-00014 APPLICANT: City of Ashland ORDINANCEREFERENCES: AMC 18.5.1 GeneralReviewProcedures AMC 18.5.3 Land Divisions and PropertyLineAdjustments AMC 18.5.9 Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and LandUse Ordinance Amendments REQUEST: The proposal would amend the AshlandLandUse Ordinance toimplement the requirements of Oregon SenateBill 458 by adding section “Middle Housing Land Divisions” andsection “Middle Housing Land Divisions.” I.OrdinanceAmendments A.ProjectBackground Oregon SenateBill 458 provides a processfor lot divisions toallow home ownership opportunities formiddle housing units built under the middle housing allowances of House Bill 2001.Forcitieswith populations between 10,000 and 25,000 suchas Ashland, the middle housing requiredto be allowed under House Bill 2001 waslimitedto duplexes, and SenateBill 458intentionally does not apply toaccessoryresidential units.Assuch, the draft code language proposed is limitedto duplexes. House Bill 2001 took effect on August 8, 2019 andrequiredcitiesto allow duplexes on residentially-zoned lots that allow development of detached single-family dwellings, and to have approval processes and standards for duplexes that are no more restrictive than those applied to detached single-family dwellings. With the code changes adopted in response to House Bill 2001, duplexes are defined as two units on one lot in attached or detached structures. Two off-street parking spaces are required, and the required parking cannot be addressed through on-street parking credits. Duplexes satisfying these requirements are approved with a building permit and do not require a separate land use action. SenateBill 458 provides forthese Middle Housing Land Divisions to be processed through the Expedited Land Divisions (ELD) procedure establishedin the Oregon RevisedStatutes. Expedited Land Divisions are not considered to be land use actions andas suchcannot be appealedto the Planning Commission.Instead,aninitialadministrative decision by the Staff PlanningAction PA-L-2022-00014‘MiddleHousingLandDivisions’AshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: CityofAshlandPage1 of 3 Advisorcouldbeappealedtoareferee/hearingsofficer,andwouldnotbesubjecttoappealto theOregonLandUseBoardofAppeals(LUBA). ThePlanningCommissionhaspreviouslydiscussedcodeamendmentstorespondtoSenate Bill458attwopublicmeetingsonMay10,2022andJune14,2022.SenateBill458became effectiveonJune30,2022,andcitiesarerequiredundertheSenateBilltoimplementdirectly fromthebilluntillocalcodemodificationsareimplemented. B.SummaryofProposedAmendments TheproposalincludestheadditionoftwonewsectionstotheAshlandLandUseOrdinance (ALUO)toimplementtherequirementsofSenateBill458,whichinclude: HouseBill458applies to any lot that allows Middle Housing under House Bill 2001 (i.e. ORS 197.758). A Middle Housing Land Division (MHLD) must result in exactly one dwelling per lot, except that common areas may be located on a separate lot or a shared tract. Separate utilities are required for each dwelling unit. Easements are required to be provided for: Pedestrian access Common areas Driveways and parking areas ,if shared Utilities An MHLDproposal must demonstrate that it meetsthe requirements of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code. For example, if an attached duplex is being divided, there must be firewall construction between the two units. In a typical land division, the land divisionis approved, infrastructure installed and plat signed prior to building permits being reviewed and issued for construction. A Middle Housing Land Division may occur prior to submission of an application for building permits, after a middle housing development is approved for development, or after it is constructed. Senate Bill 458 gives cities the option of allowing concurrent review of building permits and the land division, but in any case, Middle Housing Land Division applications must include a middle housing development (either proposed or already built) that complies with the building code and the City’s middle housing development code. Under Senate Bill 458, cities may requirethe submittal of tentative & final plats for approval, review for Oregon Residential Specialty Code compliance, and right-of-way dedications and city-standard street frontage improvements. Cities may not apply anyapproval criteria other than the approval criteria specified in Senate Bill 458to applications for an MHLD—i.e. the allowable criteria include the City’s standards for middle housing development, separate utilities, easements, one dwelling on each lot, and building code compliance. Cities are required to process Middle Housing Land Divisions under the Expedited Land Division (ELD) process from ORS 197.360 to 197.380 in order to streamline review. The ELD process is outlined below: • Submittal requirements are to be consistent with typical land divisions. •21 days Completeness review must occur by the City within of application submittal. PlanningActionPA-L-2022-00014‘MiddleHousingLandDivisions’AshlandPlanningDivision–StaffReport Applicant:CityofAshlandPage2of3 •within 100 feet of the site Notice is given to properties , to utility providers and to applicable neighborhood association(s). • There is a 14-day comment period. •63 days A decision must be made by the city within after a complete application is submitted, unless extended by the Council under limited circumstances. This is in contrast to the 120 days typically allowed for land use actions. • An ELD is not considered to be a land use decision, and would never be heard by the Planning Commission. • The Staff Advisor makes the initial administrative decision, and any appeals go to a referee who cannot be a city employee or city official, but could be a hearings officer. • Only the applicant and any person or organization who files written comments in the time period specified in the bill may appeal. An appeal must be filed within 14 days of mailing the Notice of Decision. A $300 deposit to cover costs must be paid with the appeal submittal, and the referee may levy additional fees to cover hearing costs up to $500. • The city-appointed “referee” decides any appeal decision—often this is a city’s 42 days of the appeal being Hearings Officer - who must issue a decision within filed . The decision of the referee is the final local decision on the MHLD application. Any appeals of the referee’s decision go to the Oregon Court of Appeals rather than to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). II.Procedural ApplicationsforTypeIII(i.e.Legislative)PlanAmendmentsandZoneChangesaredescribedin theAshlandLandUseOrdinancesection18.5.9.020asfollows: B.TypeIII. Itmaybenecessaryfromtimetotimetomakelegislativeamendmentsinorderto conformwiththeComprehensivePlanortomeetotherchangesincircumstancesor conditions.TheTypeIIIprocedureappliestothe creation,revision,orlarge-scale implementationofpublicpolicyrequiringCityCouncilapprovalandenactmentofan ordinance;thisincludesadoptionofregulations,zonechangesforlargeareas,zonechanges requiringcomprehensiveplanamendment, comprehensiveplanmaportextamendment, annexations(seechapter18.5.8forannexationinformation),andurbangrowthboundary amendments.ThefollowingplanningactionsshallbesubjecttotheTypeIIIprocedure. 1.ZonechangesoramendmentstotheZoningMaporotherofficialmaps,exceptwhere minoramendmentsorcorrectionsmaybe processed throughtheTypeIIprocedure pursuanttosubsection18.5.9.020.A,above. 2.ComprehensivePlanchanges,includingtextandmapchangesorchangestootherofficial maps. 3.LandUseOrdinanceamendments. 4.UrbanGrowthBoundaryamendments. III.ConclusionsandRecommendations If the Planning Commissionrecommends approval of the attached ordinances, staffwillforward the Commission’srecommendationto the City Council toproceedwith a public hearingbefore the Council. Attachments SenateBill 458 Draft Ordinance PlanningAction PA-L-2022-00014‘MiddleHousingLandDivisions’AshlandPlanningDivision – StaffReport Applicant: CityofAshlandPage3 of 3 92tu!PSFHPO!MFHJTMBUJWF!BTTFNCMZ..3132!Sfhvmbs!Tfttjpo Fospmmfe Tfobuf!Cjmm!569 Tqpotpsfe!cz!Tfobupst!GSFEFSJDL-!LOPQQ<!Tfobupst!HPMEFO-!IBOTFMM-!LFOOFNFS- QBUUFSTPO-!Sfqsftfoubujwft!EFYUFS-!GBIFZ-!IVETPO-!LSPQG-!MFJG-!NFFL- NPPSF.HSFFO-!OPCMF-!TNJUI!EC-!XSJHIU-!\[JLB!)bu!uif!sfrvftu!pg!Ibcjubu!gps!Ivnbojuz* )Qsftfttjpogjmfe/* DIBQUFS///////////////////////////////////////////////// BOBDU Sfmbujoh!up!mboe!ejwjtjpo!gps!sftjefoujbm!efwfmpqnfou<!dsfbujoh!ofx!qspwjtjpot<!boe!bnfoejoh!PST :4/388-!:5/886-!:5/887-!2:8/476-!2:8/481-!2:8/486!boe!2:8/491/ Cf!Ju!Fobdufe!cz!uif!Qfpqmf!pg!uif!Tubuf!pg!Psfhpo; TFDUJPO!2/Tfdujpo!3!pg!uijt!3132!Bdu!jt!beefe!up!boe!nbef!b!qbsu!pg!PST!:3/121!up :3/2:3/ TFDUJPO!3/)2*!Bt!vtfe!jo!uijt!tfdujpo-!«njeemf!ipvtjoh!mboe!ejwjtjpo»!nfbot!b!qbsujujpo ps!tvcejwjtjpo!pg!b!mpu!ps!qbsdfm!po!xijdi!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!njeemf!ipvtjoh!jt!bmmpxfe!voefs PST!2:8/869!)3*!ps!)4*/ )3*!B!djuz!ps!dpvouz!tibmm!bqqspwf!b!ufoubujwf!qmbo!gps!b!njeemf!ipvtjoh!mboe!ejwjtjpo!jg uif!bqqmjdbujpo!jodmveft; 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Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: 7 Powers of the CityThe City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common 8 law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as 9 fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers 10 not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter 11 specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. 12 13 WHEREAS, the above referenced grant of power has been interpreted as affording all 14 legislative powers home rule constitutional provisions reserved to Oregon Cities. City of 15 Beaverton v. International Ass’n of Firefighters, Local 1660, Beaverton Shop20 Or. App. 293; 16 531 P 2d 730, 734 (1975); and 17 18 WHEREAS, Senate Bill (SB) 458“relating to land division for residential development; 19 creating new provisions; and amending ORS 93.277, 94.775, 94.776, 197.365, 197.370, 197.375 20 st and 197.380” was passed at the 81Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2021Regular Session, and 21 became effective on June 30, 2022. SB 458requires cities toapprove a tentative plan for a 22 middle housing land division if the application includes a proposal for the development of 23 middle housing in compliance with the Oregon residential specialty code and with the land use 24 regulations applicable to the original lot or parcel allowed under ORS 197.758(5); separate 25 utilities for each dwelling unit; proposed easements necessary for each dwelling in the plan for 26 utilities, pedestrian access, common use areas or shared building elements, driveways or parking, 27 and dedicated common areas; exactly one dwelling unit per lot except for lots, parcels or tracts 28 used as common areas; and evidence demonstrating how buildings will comply with applicable 29 building code provisions relating to new property lines, and notwithstanding the creation of new 30 lots or parcels, how buildings on new lots will comply with the Oregon residential specialty code. 110 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of WHEREAS 1, the City of Ashland Planning Commission considered the above-referenced 2recommended amendments to the Ashland Land Use Ordinance at a duly advertised public 3hearings on November 22, 2022, and following deliberations, recommended approval of the (#-#) 4amendments by a vote of ;and 5 6WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland conducted a duly advertised public hearing 7on the above-referenced amendments on January 3, 2023; and 8 9WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland, following the close of the public hearing 10and record, deliberated and conducted first and second readings approving adoption of the 11Ordinance in accordance with Article 10 of the Ashland City Charter; and 12 13WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Ashland has determined that in order to meet the 14 requirements of state law and protect and benefit the health, safety and welfare of existing and 15future residents of the City, it is necessary to amend the Ashland Land Use Ordinance in the 16manner proposed, that an adequate factual base exists for the amendments, the amendments are 17 consistent with the Ashland Comprehensive Plan and that such amendments are fully supported 18 by the record of this proceeding. 19 THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 20 21SECTION 1.Ashland Municipal Code Title 18 Land Use is hereby amended as follows. 22 SECTION 2. 23Section \[Middle Housing Land Divisions\] is hereby added to the 24Ashland Land Use Ordinance to read as follows: 25 Section Middle Housing Land Divisions (MHLD) 26 Middle Housing Land Division decisions are made by the Staff Advisor using the Expedited 27 Land Division procedure detailed below. Middle Housing Land Divisions may be appealed to a referee/hearings officer. Middle Housing Land Divisions are not a land use or limited land use 28 decision. 29 Procedural Handling. A.Unless the applicant requests to use the land partition procedures in 30 ALUO, Middle Housing Land Divisions shall be processed under the Expedited Land Divisions procedure from ORS 197.360to 197.380 as detailed below: 210 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of Pre-Application Conference. 1 1.A pre-application conference is voluntary for a Middle Housing Land Division. 2 Application Requirements 2.. Applications for development permits shall be submitted upon forms established by the Staff Advisor. Applications will not be accepted in partial 3 submittals, and all of the following items must be submitted to initiate completeness 4 review: 5 a.Application Form and Fee.Applications for Middle Housing Land Divisions shall be made on forms provided by the Staff Advisor. One or more property owners of the 6 property for which the planning action is requested, and their authorized agent, as 7 applicable, must sign the application. The application shall not be considered complete unless the appropriate application fee accompanies it. 8 b.Submittal Information.The application shall include all of the following information. 9 i.The information requested on the application form. 10 ii.Drawings and supplementary materials for Preliminary Plat as required in ALUO 11 iii.A narrative explanation of how the application satisfies each and all of the relevant criteria and standards in ALUO 12 iv.Additional materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with theOregon 13 residential specialty code. v.Information demonstrating compliance with all prior approvals and conditions of 14 approval for the parent lot or parcel, as applicable. 15 Completeness review. 3.The Staff Advisor shall review the application submittal and 16 advise the applicant in writing whether the application is complete or incomplete within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the city receives the application submittal. 17 18 a.Incompleteness shall be based solely on failure to pay required fees, failure of the applicant’s narrative to address the relevant criteria or development standards, or 19 failure to supply the required submittal information and shall not be based on differences of opinion as to the quality or accuracy of the information provided. 20 Determination that an application is complete indicates only that the application 21 contains the information necessary for a qualitative review of compliance with the applicable criteria and standards. 22 b.If the application was complete when first submitted or the applicant submits the additional informationwithin 180 days of the date the application was first submitted, 23 approval or denial of the application shall be based upon the applicable criteria and 24 standards that were in effect at the time the application was first submitted. c.If an application is incomplete, the completeness notice shall list what information is 25 missing and allow the applicant to submit the missing information. The 26 completeness notice shall include a form, designed to be returned to the Staff Advisor by the applicant, indicating whether or not the applicant intends to amend or 27 supplement the application. For purposes of computation of time under this section, the application shall be deemed complete on the date the applicant submits the 28 requested information or refuses in writing tosubmit it. 29 Notification. 4. 30 310 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 a.Mailing of Notice of Complete Application.The Staff Advisor shall provide written notice of the receipt of the completed application for a Middle Housing Land division 2 to: 3 i.The applicant and/or authorized representative. 4 ii.The owner(s) of record of the subject property. iii.Neighborhood group(s) or community organization(s) officially recognized by the 5 City whose boundaries include or are within one hundred (100) feet of the subject property. 6 iv.Owners of record for properties located within one hundred (100) feet of the 7 perimeter of the subject property. v.Affected city departments, governmental agencies or special districts responsible 8 for providing public facilities or services which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement with the City which includes provision for such 9 notice or is otherwise entitled to such notice. 10 b.Content of Notice of Complete Application. The notice of the receipt of the 11 completed application shall include all of the following: 12 i.The street address or other easily understood geographical reference to the 13 subject property. ii.A summary of the proposal. 14 iii.The time and place where copies of all evidence submitted by the applicant will 15 be available for review. iv.The applicable criteria for the decision, listed by commonly used citation. 16 v.The name and telephone number of a local government contact person. vi.A brief summary of the local decision-making process for the Middle Housing 17 Land Division. 18 vii.A statement that issues that may provide the basis for an appeal to the hearings officer must be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period; 19 viii.A statement that issues must be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the local government to respond to the issue. 20 ix.The place, date and time that comments are due. 21 c.Certification of Notices.The City shall prepare an affidavit or other certification 22 stating the date(s) the notices were mailed and posted, which shall be made a part of the file. 23 d.Comment Period.After notification according to the procedure set out above, the 24 Staff Advisor shall provide a 14-day period for submission of written comments prior to the decision. 25 26 Decision: 5.The Staff Advisor shall make a decision to approve or deny the application within 63 days of receiving a completed application, based on whether the application 27 satisfies the substantive requirements of ALUO 28 a.Approval may include conditions to ensure that the application complies with the 29 applicable criteria and standards for Middle Housing Land Divisions. b.For Middle Housing Land Divisions, the Staff Advisor: 30 i.Shall not hold a hearing on the application; and 410 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 ii.Shall issue a written determination of compliance or noncompliance with applicable criteria and standards for Middle Housing Land Divisions that 2 includes a summary statement explaining the determination. 3 c.The decision shall include a statement of the facts the Staff Advisor relied upon to 4 determine whether the application satisfied or failed to satisfy each applicable approval criteria. 5 d.Notice of the decision shall be provided to the applicant and to those who received notice under subsection (4) of this section within sixty-three (63) days of the date of a 6 completed application. The notice of decision shall include: 7 i.The summary statement described in (5)(b) of this subsection; and 8 ii.An explanation of appeal rights under ORS 197.375 (‘Appeal of decision on application for expedited land division’). 9 10 Appeals: 6.An appeal of the Staff Advisor’s decision made under this section shall be made as follows: 11 a.An appeal must be filed within fourteen (14) days of mailing of the notice of the 12 decision and be accompanied by a $300 deposit toward the cost of an appeal 13 hearing. This deposit shall be refunded if the appellant materially improves his or her position from the Staff Advisor’s decision. The referee shall assess the cost of the 14 appeal in excess of the deposit for costs, up to a maximum of $500, against an 15 appellant who does not materially improve his or her position from the decision of the Staff Advisor. 16 b.A decision may be appealed by: 17 i.The applicant. 18 ii.Any person or organization who filed written comments within the 14-day comment period. 19 c.An appeal shall be based solely on allegations: 20 21 i.Of violation of the substantive provisions of the applicable criteria and standards; ii.Of the unconstitutionality of the decision; 22 iii.That the application is not eligible for review as a Middle Housing Land Division under ALUO or as an Expedited Land Division under ORS 197.360 to 23 197.380and should instead be reviewed as a land use decision or limited land 24 use decision; or iv.That the parties’ substantive rights have been substantially prejudiced by an error 25 in procedure. 26 d.The City of Ashland’s hearings officer is designated as the referee for appeals of a 27 decision made under this section and ORS 197.360 and 197.365. e.Within seven days of receiving the appeal, the City, on behalf of the hearings officer, 28 shall notify the applicant, the appellant if other than the applicant, any person or 29 organization entitled to notice under ALUO that provided written comments to the local government and all providers of public facilities and services 30 entitled to notice under ALUO and advise them of the manner in which they may participate in the appeal. A person or organization that provided written comments to the local government but did not file an appeal under subsection 510 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1(6) of this section may participate only with respect to the issues raised in the written comments submitted by that person or organization. The hearings officer may use 2 any procedure for decision-making consistent with the interests of the parties to ensure a fair opportunity to present information and argument. The hearings officer 3 shall provide the local government an opportunity to explain its decision but is not 4 limited to reviewing the local government decision and may consider information not presented to the local government. 5 f.The hearings officer shall apply the substantive requirements of ALUO and ORS 197.360. If the hearings officer determines that the application does not 6 qualify as an Expedited Land Division under ORS 197.360 or a Middle Housing Land 7 Division under ALUO, the hearings officer shall remand the application for consideration as a land use decision or limited land use decision. In all other cases, 8 the hearings officer shall seek to identify means by which the application can satisfy the applicable requirements. 9 g.The hearings officer shall not reduce the density of theland division application. 10 h.The hearings officer shall make a written decision approving or denying the application or approving it with conditions designed to ensure that the application 11 satisfies the applicable criteria and standards, within 42 days of the filing of an appeal. The hearings officer shall not remand the application to the local government 12 for any reason other than as set forth in this subsection. 13 i.Unless the City Council finds exigent circumstances, a hearings officer who fails to issue a written decision within 42 days of the filing of an appeal shall receive no 14 compensation for service as hearings officer in the appeal. 15 j.Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the hearings officer shall order the local government to refund the deposit for costs to an appellant who materially improves 16 his or her position from the decision of the local government. The hearings officer shall assess the cost of the appeal, up to a maximum of $500, against an appellant 17 who does not materially improve his or her position from the decision of the local 18 government. The local government shall pay the portion of the costs of the appeal not assessed against the appellant. The costs of the appeal include the 19 compensation paid the hearings officer and costs incurred by the local government, but not the costs of other parties. 20 k.The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) does not have jurisdiction to consider any 21 decisions, aspects of decisions or actions made for Middle Housing Land Divisions under ALUO or Expedited Land Divisions under ORS 197.360 to 22 197.380. l.Any party to a proceeding before a hearings officer under this section may seek 23 judicial review of the hearings officer’s decision in the manner provided for review of 24 final orders of the Land UseBoard of Appeals (LUBA) under ORS 197.850 and 197.855. The Court of Appeals shall review decisions of the hearings officer in the 25 same manner as provided for review of final orders of the Land Use Board of 26 Appeals (LUBA) in those statutes. However, notwithstanding ORS 197.850(9) or any other provision of law, the court shall reverse or remand the decision only if the court 27 finds: 28 i.That the decision does not concern Middle Housing Land Divisions under ALUO 29 or Expedited Land Divisions under ORS 197.360 and the appellant raised this issue in proceedings before the hearings officer; 30 ii.That there is a basis to vacate the decision as described in ORS 36.705(1)(a) to (d), or a basis for modification or correction of an award as described in ORS 36.710;or 610 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 iii.That the decision is unconstitutional. 2 SECTION 3. Section \[Middle Housing Land Divisions\] is hereby added to the 3 Ashland Land Use Ordinance to read as follows: 4 5 Section Middle Housing Land Divisions (MHLD) Purpose. A.The Middle Housing Land Divisions (MHLD) process seeks to provide home 6 ownership opportunities by allowing lots with middle housing to be divided so that each 7 middle housing dwelling unit is on its own lot. As used in this section, a “Middle Housing Land Division” is the division of a lot or parcel on which the development of middle housing 8 has been is allowed under ORS 197.758(3). For cities with populations of between 10,000 and 25,000 such as Ashland, the middle housing types allowed under ORS 197.758(3) is 9 limited to duplexes. A Middle Housing Land Division includes both a preliminary plat 10 approval and a final plat and is not considered a land use decision or a limited land use decision under ORS 197.015. 11 B.Applicability and General Requirements. 12 1.Lots in residential zones including R-1, R-1-3.5, RR, WR, R-2, R-3, NN, and NM zones 13 containing duplexes permitted on or after July 1, 2022 may be divided using the Middle Housing Land Divisions process outlined in this section. 14 2.The Middle Housing Land Divisions process in ALUO shall be used unless 15 the applicant requests to use the standard partition procedures in ALUO 3.The Middle Housing Land Divisions process in ALUO may not be used to 16 create separate lots for Accessory Residential Units. 17 C.Middle Housing Land Divisions Preliminary Plat Approval Process 18 Approval Criteria. 1.The Staff Advisor shall approve a Middle Housing Land Division 19 preliminary plat upon finding: 20 a.The parent parcel is developed with middle housing allowed under ORS 197.758(3) 21 or the application for a Middle Housing Land Division is being made concurrently with a building permit application for construction of middle housing under ORS 22 197.758(3) on the parcel. b.Each resulting middle housing lot or parcel shall contain no more than one middle 23 housing dwelling unit except for lots, parcels, or tracts proposed as common area. 24 c.Accessory Residential Units (ARU) are not permitted on middle housing lots or parcels created under this section. 25 d.Each lot is served with its own separate utilities. 26 e.All easements necessary for each middle housing dwelling unit shall be identified on the plat. Easements shall be provided to ensure: 27 i.Provision of and access for maintenance and replacement of all utilities; 28 ii.Pedestrian access from each dwelling unit to a public or private street; 29 iii.All dedicated driveways, parking, common use areas or shared building elements and dedicated common areas can be accessed and used. 30 f.Evidence submitted by the applicant demonstrates how buildings or structures on the resulting lots or parcels will comply with applicable building codes provisions relating 710 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 to new property lines and, notwithstanding the creation of new lots or parcels, how structures or buildings located on the newly created lots or parcels will comply with 2 the Oregon Residential Specialty Code. 3 2.The Staff Advisor shall apply additional conditions to the approval of a tentative plat for a 4 Middle Housing Land Division to: 5 a.Prohibit the further division of the resulting middle housing lots or parcels. b.Require that a notation appear on the final plat indicating that approval was given 6 under ALUO Middle Housing Land Divisions. 7 3.The type of middle housing developed on the original parent parcel is not altered by a 8 Middle Housing Land Division. Thenewly created middle housing lots are created within a legal parent lot solely for the purpose of providing ownership opportunities, and these 9 new middle housing lots are not granted additional development rights and must be 10 maintained to meet the criteria applicable to the “parent lot” (height, lot coverage, open space, etc.). A duplex divided into two middle housing lots is still considered part of the 11 original duplex and subject to all conditions of the original duplex approval. 4.Where the parent lot or parcel abuts a public street and dedication or frontage 12 improvements consistent with ALUO were not provided when the lot or 13 parcel was created, necessary right-of-way and street frontage improvements shall be provided to meet the Street Design Standards. 14 5.The access and minimum street frontage standards in ALUO shall not apply 15 to Middle Housing Land Divisions. 6.There shall be no minimum area or dimensional requirements for lots resulting from a 16 MHLD. 7.The Staff Advisor shall not require a final plat before building permits are issued. 17 18 D.Middle Housing Land Divisions Final Plat 19 20 1.The final plat shall comply with the Middle Housing Land Division preliminary plat conditions of approval. 21 2.The following data requirements, if applicable, shall also be shown on the final plat. 22 a.All tracts of land intended to be deeded or dedicated for public use; 23 b.Street names as approved by the Public Works Director in accordance with the ‘Criteria for Naming or Renaming a Street’ in AMC 13.24.010. 24 c.Any non-access strips. d.A notation indicating that approval was given under ALUO Middle 25 Housing Land Divisions. 26 Approval Criteria. 3.The Staff Advisor shall approve or deny the final plat for the Middle 27 housing land division based upon the following criteria: 28 a.All conditions of the Middle Housing Land Division preliminary plat approval have 29 been satisfied and the final plat substantially conforms to the approved Middle Housing Land Division preliminary plat approval. 30 b.Approved construction drawings for required public improvements have been provided, including grading and drainage plans as applicable, and the applicant has 810 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 provided verification by the City that electric, water and sanitary sewer services are available to every lot depicted on the plat. 2 c.An approved security instrument is provided to guarantee completion of any required public improvements that have not been completed and accepted by the City. 3 d.The plat contains a dedication to the public of all required public improvements, 4 including but not limited topublic streets and any public utility easements, and all requiredstreets, accessways, easements, and other dedications or reservations are 5 shown on the plat. e.The applicant has furnished acceptable copies of any applicable Covenants, 6 Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s), easements, maintenance agreements (e.g., 7 landscaping, utilities, tree preservation, common areas, access, parking, etc.), and other documents pertaining to common improvements recorded and referenced on 8 the plat. f.The format of the plat shall conform to ORS 92, and shall incorporate the preliminary 9 plat information in ALUO 10 g.The plat contains an affidavit by the surveyor who surveyed the land, represented on the plat to the effect the land was correctly surveyed and marked with proper 11 monuments as provided by ORS 92, indicating the initial point of the survey, and giving the dimensions and kind of such monument and its reference to some corner 12 approved by the Jackson County Surveyor for purposes of identifying its location. 13 h.A copy of any deed restrictions applicable to the partition or subdivision or the title report. 14 15 E.Filing and Records 16 Recordation. 1.Following review and the Staff Advisor’s approval of a Middle Housing Land Division Final Plat, the applicant shall take the following actions: 17 18 a.Obtain the approval signature on the Middle Housing Land Division final plat by the Jackson County Surveyor certifying that the final plat complies with all applicable 19 survey laws. Before certifying, the County Surveyor may make any necessary field investigations to verify that the plat survey is sufficiently accurate. If the County 20 Surveyor determines that the plat does not comply, the applicant shall make 21 corrections. When the County Surveyor determines that the plat conforms, the County Surveyor shall sign and date the final plat. 22 b.A Notice of Middle Housing Land Division for each middle housing lot shall be recorded with the County Recorder that states: 23 24 i.The middle housing lot may not be further divided. ii.No more than one unit of middle housing may be developed on each 25 middle housing lot. 26 iii.The dwelling developed on the middle housing lot is a unit of middle housing and is not a single attached or detached dwelling, or any other 27 housing type. 28 c.File a statement of water right and, if a water right is appurtenant, a copy of the 29 acknowledgment from the Water Resources Department. d.Deliver the approved final plat and accompanying documents to the County 30 Recorder for recording. e.Return a copy of the recorded final plat and Notices of Middle Housing Land Division to the City for filing. 910 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of 1 Expiration and Extensions. F.The final plat for a Middle Housing Land Division shall be 2 approved within three years of the approval of the preliminary plat, except when extension of the preliminary plat approval is granted pursuant to ALUO 3 4 5 The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 6 2(C) of the City Charter on the _____day of ____________, 2022, and duly PASSED and 7 ADOPTED this____ day of _____________, 2022 . 8 9 ATTEST: 10 11 12 13 _______________________________ 14 Melissa Huhtala, City Recorder 15 SIGNED and APPROVED this day of ____________,2022. 16 17 18 ________________________ 19 Julie Akins, Mayor 20 Reviewed as to form: 21 22 23 ______________________________ 24 Douglas M. McGeary, Acting City Attorney 25 26 27 28 29 30 1010 ORDINANCE NO.____Page of