HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2000ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION July 3, 2000 MINUTES     MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LILLIAN INSLEY, ALAN DEBOER, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, MARTY JACOBSON, DONALD FITCH, KENNETH EHLERS, ALAN HASSELL, COUNCILOR CAMERON HANSON STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN CURTIS, MEMBERS ABSENT: BOB SKINNER, FBO CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: A. Pending Projects Draft Articles – Commission discussed the wording of the AOPA letter. Decided to make some changes to the references toward the land purchases. Action: Staff is to make changes and send letter to AOPA for publication. Official Website Approval Project A and City Administration gave their approval of the website. Action: Fitch will call Channel 10 to have the address listed on their e-mail links. Allan Sandler Restaurant Proposal Commission and Sandler discussed options and feasibility of the restaurant proposal. Sandler needs to first contact an architect to find out if the building loads will accommodate the second story and the placement of stairs and an elevator. If the building is not strong enough to hold the second story, Sandler will have it improved for structural needs. Customers would use the existent bathrooms and Sandler would pay for the cleaning. Sandler wanted to know if the SDC fees for the utilities could be waived for this project or if there was another way to negotiate for their payment. He asked if it could be considered to take the cost out of the 5% he was paying to the City until they were paid off. DeBoer felt that all costs would have to be paid up front. Costs, may about $10,000 to $12,000 in SDC charges. Sandler felt this was a minor expense. Sandler feels that the restaurant will be a fun venture and not a big money maker. He plans to only have it open for 3 or 4 days in the beginning. The lease arrangements need to be worked out with the City Administration. If the business fails, Sandler would like a five year option with a buy out clause. DeBoer suggested a clause that stated a specific time of non-operation before the buy out could happen. DeBoer suggested using the $.17 rate to be consistent with other lessees. Discussion ensued regarding payment options; one option could be a payment to the City on a set amount like $50 for every $1,000 of profit, or on a percentage basis like $3,000 per year with a 5% minimum basis. Sandler was fine with the rate that the other renters are paying. If restaurant fails, Sandler would like the option to lease out to another aviation related business. Lois Schafer asked if the handicap accessibility was really worth the effort. She felt most handicapped persons would not want to use the elevator. She also asked if the FBO would need to stay open later to accommodate the restaurant. This would need to be discussed further down the line. Action: Commission suggested Sandler start negotiations with the City on this proposal. Sandler will talk with Brown regarding the lease options and the Planning Department for building approval. BUDGET ISSUES - None. C. MAINTENANCE ISSUES Installation of Electrical Meter for Steve Green’s Hangar– Green presented a letter to the Commission stating if he is going to be billed according to the meter, then he will not pay for all the others who have tapped into his electricity. DeBoer, Jacobsen and Sandler all discussed how they meter their hangars for comparison. Brown commented that we do not know who is using power and would see how much is being used. Skillman felt it unfair to make Green the electricity police for people using his power after it was suggested that he charge the people who he knows are using his power. Brown commented that anyone using electricity should have their own meter. The meters are $1,000 ballpark and would clear up who was using electricity. It would be prudent to know who is using utilities. Green knows that Al Alsing has tapped into his line. DeBoer said it was Green’s right to cut him off. Brown will call Alsing and ask about the hookup. Rostykus felt that Alsing either needed to present a permit showing the hookup was legal or get a meter. Brown also wanted to talk to the commission about Steve Green’s door’s. The cost to repair the doors is $1550 for rollers and guides. Add another $675 for a locking mechanism. This money will come from the Maintenance fund if it is approved by the Commission. DeBoer wanted to refer to Green’s lease to see if the doors are his responsibility. If the Commission is going to approve these payments than we will need to increase the rents to create a fund to cover them. Brown will look at Steve Green’s lease to see where the responsibility lies. Short Line Painting There needs to be some adjustment to the painting in south end of the tie-downs. There is not enough room for a plane to maneuver around. Numbering of Hangars - DeBoer has found some 7½ inch black lettering for the hangars. He will just use numbers with no letter reference. His hangars leave off at 11 he will continue the numbering from there heading up the hill. NEW BUSINESS: Minimum Safe Altitude Letter to Jerry Trujillo, FAA This letter was in response to a call from Councilor Carole Wheeldon. Staff is awaiting a response from the FAA. The City/Public Works only received two calls regarding the fly-overs on the 4th of July. DeBoer had been discussing the low passes at the airport with Skinner. We will discuss them further when Skinner is present. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner was absent. Commission wanted update on the Bergeson/Boese situation. Brown talked to the Valley Oil representative and he suggested that the problems might be the pumps and not the nozzles as we’ve been assuming. He will be down in a couple of weeks to look at them. Brown would like to have someone else look at the pumps for a second opinion. Bergeson/Boese at this time is not accepting any liability. Insley asked if the state has approval over the set up and if they could help us in this situation. Commission asked staff to draft a letter via the City Attorney forcing the issue with Bergeson/Boese. DeBoer suggested starting legal procedures. Action: Brown will write letter with Nolte and send. Airport Association Report – No report. Other – Hangar Rates – DeBoer said that there were discrepancies found in the FBO lease that have been addressed by staff. 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – Cascade Siskiyou National Monument Letter – Commission discussed that the altitudes were requests and not yet mandates. ODOT Airport Concerns for Proposed Rest Area – Staff will include map of area at next meeting. Hassell Expansion Concern Letter to Jackson County Senate Approval via E-Mail from Marilyn Lorance The Airports Approach Newsletter OTHER – Sky Research Update – Stowers reported that they are still waiting for total costs estimate for the excavation and site preparation. The site has three water lines and one electrical line that will need to be moved before construction. DeBoer has been approached by Burl Brim who is willing to do the excavation at the airport in turn for a 100 X 100 hangar on the left side of the taxiway. Brown asked if this were necessary before the RFQ being done. DeBoer commented that this would be a good backup plan if there were no bidders on the RFQ. If we apply the cost of the excavation towards the cost of the lease we would be getting the work accomplished. Stowers commented that people will use the airport because of the tax breaks they received from Oregon. Rostykus agreed that this was an incentive for other people to help pay for the fill. Stowers will continue to work on the excavation and site preparation costs and bring them to the commission to help brainstorm on ways to fund some of the expense. DeBoer feels that keeping 100 planes based at the airport is the magic number for being solvent. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM