HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes Feb 2000ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 14, 2000 MINUTES     MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LILLIAN INSLEY, ALAN DEBOER, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, COUNCILOR CAMERON HANSON, ALAN HASSELL STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN CURTIS, PAUL NOLTE, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: DONALD FITCH, KENNETH EHLERS, MARTY JACOBSON Commission discussed the draft lease until enough members were in attendance to form a quorum. Councilor Hanson and Alan Hassell both arrived late to the meeting. CALL TO ORDER: 11:45 PM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: - No added items. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: A. Pending Projects Draft Lease Review – Paul Nolte and Commission discussed the latest version of the draft lease. Specific changes were made to the cover page, including a security deposit record and an insurance certificate receipt indication. Clarification was made to state that CPI amounts will be rounded up to the next whole dollar in favor of the City; to the commercial activity section; and the insurance requirements. One change was made to the Hangar Construction Requirements which called for adequate parking to be supplied for the hangar. Permit needs for commercial activity will be discussed and reflected in the minimum standards document. Minimum standards will be looked at during next month’s meeting. Skinner currently issues a inter-operator permit. An addition was made to the Right of First refusal clause to include a transfer by will/death caused sale. Also the value of the hangar needs to be listed on the cover page, especially for lease type C. If City decides to buy the hangar for the 1/25th option we need to know what it is worth. We need to include wording about terminating lease type B as it is stated in the current lease. DeBoer will distribute the new leases for signature and if they decline the new lease, we will annotate the lease as "under old lease". Senate Decision for AIR 21, Draft Letter to be reviewed and signed. - This legislation was passed and the letter was not needed. BUDGET REVIEW - Storm Drain Fees – Airport does not pay. DEQ NPDES discharge permit for Neil Creek – Street Department has paid this fee. Brown would like to charge to the airport from now on. Power Service – mix between Pacific Power and City Electric services. PP&L is paid up front $2400. C. MAINTENANCE ISSUES Fuel Nozzles – Installation of Monitoring Well by Bergeson/Boese to track an underground contamination. DEQ asked for this extra well to be installed. Awaiting Response from Electric Department on Windsock Lighting Options. No response from the Electric Department as of yet. ACTION: Staff will continue to address these issues and will talk to DEQ about leaks and their concerns. NEW BUSINESS: A. Pavement Maintenance Program – We have not been informed of when this will happen or how much will be accomplished. This is only for repair, not for replacement. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner wanted to recognize the Commissioner who asked for us to increase the freight handling charge. Due to the construction at the JC International Airport, we have made over $500 this month! Jim Kooiman from Bergeson/Boese has been in contact with Skinner to try and correct some of the continuing problems. Brown said she would contact Kooiman if Skinner was still having difficulties. Fuel prices are on the rise, costs have increased 20¢ in the past seven days. Airport Association Report – Sunday, May 21, 2000 is Airport Appreciation Day. The Association has asked to buy a permanent bench for in front of the FBO Office. The color and design was shown and accepted by the commission. Hamilton asked for assistance from Parks Department in removing the river rock presently in the location. We were saddened to hear that Clark Hamilton will not be with us for this Airport Appreciation Day. Commissioners will pitch in to help cover the slack for Clark while he is away. Alan DeBoer will distribute a press release for the event. Curtis will draft the release and forward to DeBoer. Other – FAA AIP Grant – Olson was present to discuss the next year’s AIP grant funds. The new year will start in October and construction would probably be a year off from now. There is no guarantee that funds will be available. If we do the work now, there is no guarantee we will be reimbursed either. DeBoer informed commission that Sky Research has already contacted with Adroit to move the fill from his area. If Sky does his area can we use money that is offset to do the new tie-down area? Discussion ensued whether commission would rather put funds toward more tie-down area or put $50,000 toward fencing. Commission preferred using money toward tie-downs because they generate revenue. Olson said there is also money allocated to pay for the Saunder’s Easement. This will free up the City to deal with the trees that encroach into the approach and the land will be condemned for future protection. Brown asked Olson to decrease the $50,000 allocated for excavation split it between paving and tie-down area development. New lighting that is being installed will require replacement of the conduit. The medium intensity lights will upgrade the existent runway lights. ACTION: Staff will move ahead with AIP and give a summary update next month along with 8½ X 11 maps. 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – NOT Discussed Oregon Department of Aeronautic Public Use Airports Survey of Rates & Fees for 1999 Tara Labs Usage Letter – Skinner has been contacted by Givens to discuss this policy. We will need to specify the time limit for being planeless. We could declare a default on the lease. Commission decided to add clause to the minimum standards next month to clarify subletting and the time limit. OTHER – Three commissioners term’s are up in April. Jacobson said he may reup, but hasn’t decided. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:15