HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2000ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 10, 2000 MINUTES     MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LILLIAN INSLEY, ALAN DEBOER, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, MARTY JACOBSON, DONALD FITCH, KENNETH EHLERS STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN CURTIS, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN HASSELL, COUNCILOR CAMERON HANSON CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: No added items. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: A. Pending Projects Minimum Standards Review – DeBoer suggested that Commission review the minimum standards over the next month and comment at next month’s meeting. BUDGET REVIEW - AIP IN REVIEW The AIP has been sent off with the changes approved by the Commission last month. 2. Hangar Development Insley brought in legal advertisement for the invitation to bid for construction of corporate and T-hangars at the Jackson County Airport. Insley asked if the rates for this were competitive to our rates. Commission said that our rates are a bit higher, but people will pay to avoid the busyness of the JC airport. Insley asked if we were planning on advertising the business land now that the water/sewer connections were in place. Jacobson asked if we could put a press release or an article on the website. Action: Insley will draft press releases and submit them for approval from the Commission. New T-Hangar Proposal: Brown said to use AIP money to do the site excavation could put the project off for a year to a year and a half. DeBoer suggested putting out the request for proposals for individuals to bid on the project. Skinner asked if it would be inappropriate for the FBO to bid for this project. Brown will have to review the lease, but Commission did not see a problem. Action: RFP Draft will be in June packet. 3. Budget Issues A subcommittee was formed to review the budget with Brown and Turner. Insley, Rostykus and DeBoer will meet with staff on April 19th. C. MAINTENANCE ISSUES Fuel Nozzles – Valley Oil and Bergeson/Boese have been conferring on the situation of the fuel tanks. Valley Oil has worked with B&B to resolve the filter issue. The leaks will be addressed by B&B also. Awaiting Response from Electric Department on Windsock Lighting Options. No response from the Electric Department as of yet. Specifications were brought by Commission to show the Electric Department the FAA approved configuration. Skillman would like to pursue the idea of a miniature wind-T which depicts a superimposed airplane on the sock defining the direction of landing. Skinner was not certain if the wind-T was FAA approved. Action: Staff will bring back estimates at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Sandler Restaurant Proposal Alan Sandler approached the Commission with a informal request to build a restaurant/lounge with a novelty gift-shop at the airport. The Commission discussed location and asked Sandler to approach Skinner if the restaurant would prohibit expansion of the FBO facilities. The area that has been investigated by Sky Research appealed to Sandler, but he did not want a conflict of interest and decided not pursue that area. Sandler would like a 100 X 100 hangar on a ground lease. A compensation clause would need to be discussed if the FBO expansion conflicted with the space. Sandler will be submitting a formal proposal to the Commission. David Wolske Hangar Proposal Wolske approached Commission to ask about the possibility of enclosing one of the rows of open T-hangars. The Commissioners commented this had not been done because the raise in the rates would be unfair to people who are renting them as open hangars now. Commission would be open to converting one hangar at a time. DeBoer asked Wolske to submit a formal proposal for the Commission to look over. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports FAA inspection showed that the short lines are too close to the runway and not within the legal limits. The taxi lanes are also too close and tie downs will have to be sacrificed to get us within the limits. Painting will be accomplished as soon as the weather turns nice enough. Some attention to the Ashland Airport sign is needed. Hamilton suggested the Airport Association look into it. They could do labor if City supplies paint.         Airport Association Report – Sunday, May 21, 2000 is Airport Appreciation Day. All the ads and press releases have been distributed. Staff will call Fire Department to secure the firetruck for the day. Brown will look into single event insurance coverage of the event. Hamilton will call for a dumpster for the day. Hamilton said the next project for the Airport Association will be to designate transient spots to the tie-down areas. Commission felt this was a good idea. Other – Valley Oil, fuel supplier, will be repainting the fuel trucks. 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – NOT Discussed Regional Runway Safety Workshop, Seattle WA, April 18th, 2000 The Airport’s Approach Land Use & Zoning for Oregon Airports Letter from ODOT Oregon Taxpayer Protection Incentives Fax from Ann Crook OTHER – ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM