HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2001ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 8th, 2001 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, KENNETH EHLERS, DONALD FITCH, LINCOLN ZEVE, LILLIAN INSLEY, BRENT THOMPSON, MARTY JACOBSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN STAFF: DAWN CURTIS MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN DEBOER, PAULA BROWN, BOB SKINNER, FBO 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 10th minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Sorenson Lease Preparation Soreson is actively pursuing Planning requirements and will soon need a lease. Planning requires the lease in place prior to issuing a building permit. The development of a building for manufacturing without airport access will be a new category of lease. The area could house four or five new airport related businesses. Zeve commented that he supported bringing this kind of business to the airport to increase the profitability. Commission considered keeping lease costs just below prices of other industrial areas. Insley asked if we are in competition with the Jackson County airport for businesses, no one felt this was a consideration. Skillman would like to protect areas of potential hangar construction from businesses that will not need taxiway access. This will need to be reflected in the Master Plan revision. The lease needs to include a general clause regarding subletting stating lease rates and percentage of aviation related business reflected in the companies gross revenues. The lease should be in place by spring to ensure Sorenson does not get hung up for building. Action: Staff will include rates from Jackson County leases and also call other general aviation airports; Lance Air in Redmond, Aurora Airport, and Roseburg. B. Finalized Brochure Staff distributed the brochure. Commission had a few additions to the map and some grammatical changes. Add crosshatching to the railroad tracks. Would like costs for printing 5,000 to 10,000 brochures. Action: Staff will call for costs on legal size tri-fold, non-glossy brochures and bring back costs to the Commission. C. Update on Itinerant Operator Requirements Commission looked over the form and suggested changes. The Airport License reference should be deleted as there is no such license. The standard business license is fine. Staff will need to install signage that states “Anyone doing temporary business needs to check into the FBO office before starting work”. The Commission agreed to leave the receipt acknowledgement signature as Skinner. Action: Staff to follow up on the enforcement for the airport. Staff will need to put a procedure in place for Skinner and City to follow to document improprieties at the airport. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Sandler / Mace Proposal for Commercial Hangar and FBO Application Commission looked over the proposal and all agreed with comments from Brown and DeBoer that the site between the Sky Research hangar and the FBO maintenance hangar is reserved for the PFBO expansion, they have right of first refusal. They agree that the proposal will need to be made for another space, preferably on the other side of the taxiway on the next space adjacent to the Sky hangar. Sandler’s letter addressed some specific items: 1. Sandler asks to be a FBO under categories G, I and K of the minimum standards. Rostykus wants to address the topics of restrooms; will Sandler have one or will he expect to use Skinners and how would compensation be addressed for this use. Handicap access will need to addressed with the building department but it may require specific parking and access requirements to the hangar. If additional access is needed there will be the cost of a roadway to be discussed. Negotiations for cost sharing the construction costs of the road may be agreeable. If Sandler builds an access road then future users will need to reimburse their share of the costs at that time. 2. & 3. Negotiations of the ground lease cost will be for the $ .171 sq/ foot. It will be the standard 25 year lease. The term can be negotiated further. 4. Negotiation of the lease term and subsequent option period. Sandler would like to discuss options for the lease length and termination clauses if applicable. Commission felt this is covered under the right of first refusal in the lease. 5. Building lease after primary lease option is over and process of liquidating the building during the term of the lease. This is covered under the minimum standards section 17.3 Reletting. This is also covered in the master lease. Action: Commission will review minimum standards and lease and be prepared for negotiations during next month’s presentation. B. Signage at Airport Skillman asked if the transient parking sign can be moved north towards the end of 1-2. He also commented that there was protruding rebar in the vicinity of the sign. Skillman will be happy to point out the problem to staff. The Jet A pump has a diesel sign on it, can this be changed? Staff will need to check with Skinner on that. Valley Oil may have a sign. Skillman will also check the runway signs for the correct MSL. It should be 2900, but Rostykus thinks they say 3000 MSL. Action: Staff will follow up on the signage and report back. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner was not present, but report is in the packet. B. Airport Association Report – None. C. Informational 1. Hangar Usage Letter – Skillman drafter letter and it was reviewed and accepted by Staff. It will be reprinted on City letterhead and given to Skinner for distribution to hangar occupants. 2. Medical Examiners – Rostykus announced that there are now five medical examiners in the Rogue Valley, three are here in Ashland. 3. CAP Hangar – Skillman asked if the commission had granted permission to Bill Crayer to store his personal airplane. Commission didn’t recall giving permission. Staff will look back in notes but no one recalled giving this permission. November Meeting will be held on November 19th as November 12th is a Holiday! ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM