HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2001ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 9, 2001 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, DONALD FITCH, , COUNCILOR ALAN DEBOER, LINCOLN ZEVE, MARTY JACOBSON, BRENT THOMPSON STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN CURTIS, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: LILLIAN INSLEY, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, KENNETH EHLERS 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:35 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: None. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 12th minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Tara Labs Hangar Usage Jacobson talked with Matthew Bond and they will be subletting to another owner in the very near future. Action: No action required. B. Sandler Lease for Restaurant Sandler is open to compromise on the points brought up by the Commission, but will not reconsider lease options. To make it profitable, the lease terms will have to be extended to 75 years. Sandler would like five year options for the 75 years. The commission and the City are hesitant in participating in a lease for this length of time due to the liability. A penalty or buyout clause could be added to the lease language. Sandler assured the commission that there would be no hard feelings if this deal can not be executed. Rostykus and Brown asked if other issues were negotiable and Sandler was open to working out the other points, but unless the lease length was worked out there would be no use in continuing. Sandler, Scoles, Nolte and Brown would need to discuss the lease options before a decision could be made. Sandler intends to have the restaurant open for three to four days and rent the space to groups for meeting space on the off days. Sandler would be responsible for the scheduling of the space. A list would be created for alternative uses of the space if the restaurant fails. Jacobson motioned to consider accepting the longer lease options of 75 years in the five year options. Zeve needed a sense of good and bad on the project. He thought bringing the business to the airport would be good. Fitch feels it would be a positive move but disagrees with the 75 year lease. There is no precedent for this venture. Sandler would like to work out a way that the City would feel safe-guarded. DeBoer does not support the 75 year lease and would charge a larger rate for this area if the lease was agreed to at this length. Thompson (joined the meeting at 11:45 AM) felt the same as DeBoer, the lease options were unwise for that length of time. Action: Motion: Support the 75 year lease with fifteen – five year options. Zeve, Rostykus, DeBoer, against; Jacobson and Fitch, support. Thompson abstained. C. Lincoln Zeve Hangar Space Memo from Olson to Brown included in the packet regarding removal of the septic tank. Bill Clayer, CAP, was present in the audience and agreed to the removal/filling of the septic tank. Clayer said that the hangar has never had bathroom facilities so it has never been used. City will install a 6-8 inch sewer line that will be used with other future hangars. Action: City will remove / fill the tank. Zeve will receive a letter from Brown with his next steps for building the hangar. D. Fuel Dispensing Skinner has done research on the system to ensure that the oil company will be able to achieve the desired fuel flow. At this point it looks as if the cost will be within the limit. Brown will need final costs from Skinner to reimburse him for the improvement. Time frame for work is the end of this week. E. Budget Review Budget breakdown was distributed to commission. There are still some points that need to be worked out with staff. The extended budgets were designed to pay back the loans for the fuel tanks and other incidentals. Revenues are not as high as they need to be. All the funds in Material and services will be spent. Olson has been able to apply for grants from the FAA and ODA that will help us move ahead with the taxiway and excavation for the T-hangars this year. We will need to consider the rate increases for this year to help balance the increases in materials and services. The costs in Central Services will be used as the soft match to the grants and that money is for staff time and materials. The operating contingency will also need to be worked out. The presentation is on May 3rd is anyone is interested. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Mike Sorenson, Sorenson International approached the airport commission on the possibility of building a 6,000 sq/ft hangar in the area reserved for aviation related businesses. He is interested in a manufacturing plant and office space. They’re current lease with Burl Brim will expire at the end of the year and Sorenson is curious at the feasibility of being at the airport. They currently do 30% aviation related business for robotic devices for camera mounts on the airplanes and have recently done business with Sky Research. They have been in business for twelve years and have redirected their business to cater more to an aviation base for digital x-ray devices and the general maintenance of the equipment. They would be interested in a ground lease with the City. Sorenson will pay a visit to the Engineering department for a copy of the lease, minimum standards, maps with water and sewer. A meeting with Brown will be set up after he has reviewed this material. B. CAP, Wing Commander Bill Crayer Introduction Craver introduced himself as the new Wing Commander for the Civil Air Patrol. He has been with the CAP for 21 years. He is hoping to see the Ashland CAP flourish and is hoping to rekindle interest with past members. Next Meeting is April 30th 6:30 PM. C. Superunicom Skinner presented a video and handout describing the Superunicom. It is an automated radio system that gives weather info, traffic info and airport information 24 hrs a day. Skinner has been aggressively searching for funding through the FAA, Soredi and ODA. He has had some interest. Brown suggested to wrap this into the FAA Grant. This may be eligible and we have to submit an amended application anyway. The match can be met with a FAM grant. Commission felt this was a great safety item and was worth pursuing. D. EMS Obstruction There is a potential safety issue on the taxiway behind the Sky hangar. There is only room for one plane at a time. Suggestions for a sign telling pilots to use the unicom to make sure that traffic was clear, a stop light or building out the taxiway so there was room for a plane if it needed to turn around. E. City Council Presentation - April 17th 7 PM Brown would like to have two or three commissioners there if possible. She will give a short presentation about the goings on. F. $10,000 FAM Grant from ODA Brown will use these monies to match the FAA grant to have the excavation and the taxiway done. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Weeds need attention. Door needs help, Brown will contact Peters for update. The parking lot is declining rapidly. Brown will work up an estimate from the Street Department. B. Airport Association Report – May 20th Airport Appreciation Day ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM