HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 2001ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 13, 2001 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: DONALD FITCH, ALAN DEBOER, LINCOLN ZEVE, LILLIAN INSLEY, KENNETH EHLERS, MARTY JACOBSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN CURTIS, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, BRENT THOMPSON 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 11th minutes accepted with changes; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Fuel Dispensing (Skinner Follow-Up) B. Revisions for Commercial/ Office Lease Discussion Sky, Brown and DeBoer met to discuss new additions to the hangar. It had been discussed that a higher lease rate be negotiated to include the addition of office space. Commission considered this and felt that the fee set for commercial hangars was the set rate and if additions were made, it was considered commercial and not additional. The changes being made are not additional to the lease, but in the jurisdiction of the lease. Sky was willing to renegotiate if the Commission had felt it prudent. The term “office space” may not actually be the right word for what is being built. These will be areas for the manufacturing and lab work on the parts, not an office space. To meet the requirements of the grant Sky received from SOREDI he has to offer a certain amount of growth for business. The space used in the hangar will be for those employees. Sky supports the growth of the aviation based business at the airport. Another concern brought about by the completion of the hangar was the need for additional parking space required by the building department. There is a 20 foot easement between the potential hangar space for Skinner Aviation and the Sky Hangar. Sky proposed to use this area for the parking. It was suggested that this area be charged the 17¢ lease rate. Sky felt this was fair since the area was not included in the footprint for the building. The area would be approximately 20' X 100' and be about $340 per year. Sky will contract and pay for the construction. The area will need to remain large enough to include a 100 X 100 foot hangar between the current Skinner hangar and the Sky Hangar. The decision will be formalized after Sky brings back plans for the paving showing easements, utility lines and parking configurations. Sky will use the area in front of the hangar for parking until the parking is constructed and after that only as overflow parking. Brown reminded Commission that the rates still need to be modified for the Sorenson project. Planning has also required Sky to establish landscaping at the hangar. Brown would like to make maintenance of the landscaping Sky’s responsibility. Brown cautioned the Airport Commission that the cost for maintaining the landscaping for these developers is not a cost the airport can afford. Skinnner mentioned that the delivery trucks traveling to the Sky Hangar have been getting careless on the runway and would appreciate a sign or a lock on the front gate forcing the drivers to check in with the office before driving out on the tarmac.. Sky will work out a traffic plan for employees and delivery drivers. Sky offered to complete a turn out for vehicles along the taxiway behind his hangar where the vision is impaired while doing the parking construction. Action: Sky will do a parking plan and present it to Planning for feasibility and then bring an approved version to the airport commission to create a lease rate for the area. Motion: Zeve motioned for Commission to approve the building of the lab space without affecting the lease rate; establishing a 17.1¢ rate for the square footage of the approved parking area; and establishing that Sky will be responsible for maintaining the landscaping that Planning is requiring. Jacobson seconded, passed unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ashland Sumner-Parker Municipal Airport Brochure (Draft) Rostykus, absent, has put together an informational brochure and would like the Commission to add corrections, input and overall thought on this project. Revisions will be reflected on the brochure at the next meeting. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports May and June included. Skinner reports a busy summer season. The ODF is contracted with two pilots out of the airport and it has been a busy fire season. Skinner asked if the construction remnants around the airport could be cleaned up. Brown will get in touch with the Street/Water Department to make sure none of it is City garbage. There is a problem with weeds growing over the runway lights. Brown will coordinate with Jackson County for weeds to be worked on by Community Service workers. Staff will coordinate. Airport signage needs some attention. Fading and wear are starting to take their toll. B. Airport Association Report – None. C. Other 1. Tara Labs Fitch would like Tara Labs to be approached again. There is no visible airplane and it appears to Fitch that the hangar is being used for warehouse purposes. He has witnessed Hyster type equipment moving boxes in and out of the hangar. Fitch feels this situation is not resolved. Could we send a letter regarding appropriate use? DeBoer will talk to Matthew Bond to be sure he is following the Minimum Standards. 2. Interim Contractor Conditions Sky Research would like hire a sub-contractor to work on engine components. There has been confusion with Staff and Sky over the existence of a form that the City applies to these situations. The form was created to make people comply to the minimum standards. The requirements to work on the airfield as an independent or sub-contractor have to be equal to Skinner’s requirements of insurance, business license and City approval. This ensures Skinner from being undercut by contractor’s not required to carry insurance. Sky’s contractor is unwilling to meet insurance requirements and unless Sky hires him as an employee he can not be covered under their insurance. Sky’s contractor, Bob Steelman does not want to become an employee. Sky supports local business and does not want this requirement to become a problem. DeBoer feels we need to encourage business at the airport and need to decide on what is necessary; meet current rules and regulations, proof of insurance, business license and FAA licensing should be adequate. Skinner explained that without having to provide the same insurance, subcontractors will be able to charge customers less because they don’t have the expense. This hurts City’s qualifications for applying for FAA grants. A subcommittee was formed to examine these requirements and to develop a new form. Insley, Skinner, DeBoer, Skillman will all be on the subcommittee. Any decisions will need to be coordinated through the City Attorney. 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS a. ODA Letter regarding Self-Service Fueling – No response. b. Zeve letter regarding Hangar Lease – Working with Planning. c. DOA Licensing for fuel pumps d. SOREDI Grant – Staff applied for grant to help with the estimated $68,000 for utility trenching for the Sorenson site. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM