HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2001ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 10th, 2001 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, DONALD FITCH, LILLIAN INSLEY, BRENT THOMPSON, MARTY JACOBSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, LINCOLN ZEVE STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: KENNETH EHLERS 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: Sky Research Presentation 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 4th minutes accepted as written; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Sub-Committee Report on Lease Options Sub-committee discussed a lease cost that would be separate from the building footprint to include the adjacent parcel land. The cost of this secondary lease would include landscaping and parking areas. The cost could be comparable to the $.17 rate, for the Sorenson area this would approximately be $3,500/year. Commission would like to review the land appraisal done by Evan Archerd. Staff will bring to the next meeting. Commission reviewed the costs associated with building including the SDC rates, utilities and street improvements. These costs could escalate and the building is being reverted to the City upon completion, what are the benefits to Sorenson. Brown suggested a split in the development costs be made between Sorenson and the future builders. There are two other sites available for building and costs could be split into thirds. Subcommittee figured that at 25 years the cost of $3.50/sq ft equals a $.12 lease rate annually, and a $5.00 /sq ft equals a $.17 lease rate. Action: DeBoer asked for the numbers be passed along to Sorenson, Sky and Sandler for their input. B. Sandler Proposal Sandler has asked for clarification on the CPI used in the master leases. Sandler would like to have the CPI calculation reconsidered. The CPI is based on an increase of ½ of a CPI point difference from January to the new CPI rate the following January. Sandler asked for the CPI to have a cap to prevent a unusually large increase in a one year span. Another option would be to base the CPI on the current CPI when the lease was signed an use that as the base CPI for each calculation. Rostykus explained that all the leases were now based on a uniform calculation for the CPI. Brown felt that the lease could be made more clear in the rate explanation. Sandler will need three parking spaces. This will be better determined by the Building and Planning reviews. The business will be based on contract work. Sandler does not anticipate the need for larger parking arrangements. Commission’s concern was more with where the parking would be located and how it would be accessed. Sandler felt this was something that could also be discussed during the Planning process. DeBoer agreed that some of these will be handled by the Planning process. Sandler understands the need for a new access that keeps vehicles off of the taxiways, but does not feel he should be the initiator of the road. When the road is being built, he is willing to assume a percentage of the cost. Sandler resents the idea that he is being asked to do more than other proposers before him. Options at the end of the lease term can be in five year options and this will be explained in the lease. If the option to sell the building to the City arises it will be bought at Fair Market Value. Commission asked if Sanlder felt that landscaping and parking areas leased at $.17/sq ft would be acceptable. Sandler asked who would be responsible for maintaining the landscaping. Planning will probably have types of acceptable landscaping. Whatever is chosen must be airport friendly. This can be further discussed when the planning approvals are done and the percentage and type are called out. One unisex heated/ air conditioned restroom with ADA access as required will be provided. There will be three areas in the building, two offices a conference room along with the storage and hangar space. Sandler asked for clarification of the Improvement Fee. The Commission has set this cost at $2,000 and it is non-refundable. Sandler questioned if it was acceptable for pets to visit as long as leashed by owner while it is on the airport and not running free. Clarification was made concerning assignment of the lease. The lease states that if Sandler reassigns the lease he must get prior approval from the City and Sandler would like clarification on why it would not be approved. Rostykus asked Sandler if a business plan could be presented to the Commission. Sandler said that the business would be mainly airplane repair based on yearly contracts. Some restoration work will be done on airplanes. He may move his office into this hangar and sell his other hangar. Action: Commission asked Sandler to meet with Engineering and go over an access plan and return with a plot plan showing set backs of the building. Sandler did not agree with producing this intensive of a plan at this stage and does not want to spend money on a plot until the lease can be worked out. D. Grant Updates AIP monies for the T-hangar preparation and taxiway expansion, paving for additional tiedown and other site preparation. A $10,000 FAM grant will be used as a soft match to the AIP Grant. The airport is eligible for a full AIP grant of $500,000 without the entitlement grant. The airport master plan and the overlay plan and the medium intensity lighting will need to be done. Olson will bring more options for the commission to consider. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Sky Research Plans to show parking area and the landscaping area will add another $3,100 per year. Brown will send letter to Sky confirm this. The maintenance of the landscape should be done by property owner because they will want to present an image as a business, if the City is maintaining the landscaping it may not be something that the business owner will like. Sky recently signed a contract with NASA-Ames for aerial work. NASA will be here to look at the facilities. Action: Brown to draft letter to Sky defining the parking and landscape area footage and assigning a cost to the land. Sky will then respond to the letter with an acceptance or denial. B. Carson Helicopter Move Carson has moved from Jacksonville into Merlin. FYI. B. Bergeson/Boese Update An agreement was reached and Bergeson/Boese will be paying for one half of the amount we asked for and this will close the project. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Valley Oil has switched to Air BP due to the merger of Texaco and Chevron. The change will be unnoticeable for the most part. Texaco credit cards will be good for 90 days. Skinner asked Zeve to speak with the concrete contractor working on his hangar. There has been some pavement damage done. B. Airport Association Report – None. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM